Brownie Bites and Fanny Packs.

Who knows how I shared that 3 lb package of brownie bites, but I did.

The bite’s covered in powdered sugar were the best….note to self, next time I am on my womanly hormonal time, make one batch of brownie bites with powdered sugar and eat by myself under the covers while watching any ABC Family Channel television series.    Billy really loves it when I get brownie or cookie crumbs in our bed.

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We went to a goodbye party for a friend moving to the East coast and we talked a whole bunch and ate brownies and cookies.

My MIL said not to embarass her in front of her friends by taking pictures of snickerdoodles and brownie bites….okay, she didn’t tell me that but I know she was thinking it:)

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Then my BIL rode on over (he just got here after finishing up his semester at BYU Idaho) and showed up with his fanny pack.  All of the sudden I don’t think my MIL was worried about my food picture taking because his fanny pack definitely stole the show.  We asked him why it looked so heavy and he told us it is because he collects cool rocks that he finds.

I really fit into this family well.  (PS don’t worry, he doesn’t use a wicker bike basket…that is my MIL’s basket:) PPS He hasn’t worn shoes for the past three days.  Now I look good with my whole Yogurtland no shoe thing.

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Charlie came too but he was afraid of the people that were wearing hats so he decided to sit on my feet all night.

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Billy whipped out his volleyball skills. I don’t know how boys are just naturally good at everything.  Last time I played volleyball I ended up with sand in places you don’t want to know and a team mad at me for ducking every time the ball came near me.

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Once again we managed to eat dessert before dinner. I kind of like it that way.  Who’s to say that I shouldn’t eat my sweets before my savory?

We made pizza with TJ’s pizza dough (we tried the garlic herb for the first time and it was AMAZING and my new favorite).  One pizza with lots of veggies and one pizza with chicken.

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Any long runs this weekend?  Races?  Who is training for New York, St. George, Chicago…..let me know what you are trainging for!

Did you ever have a fanny pack?

-Oh yeah….all of elementary school, it is what I used to carry my favorite Polly Pocket around.

If you had to choose a brownie or a snickerdoodle, which would you choose?

-Me=brownie, Billy=snickerdoodle.

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Oh my goodness there is just so much to comment on today :D I totally had a Polly Pocket growing up. Also, my sister and I would frequently threaten our little brother that we’d make him look like Polly Pocket if he didn’t stop annoying us. I LOVE brownies!!! My hubby totally gets mad at me if I eat in bed or get in bed with the sheets not straightened. Isn’t he weird???


Brownies HANDS-down! and heck yes I had a phanny pack. Mine was for my Baby Bottle pops and Barbie hair brush :)


Oh yeah, I rocked a purple and pink fanny pack. And I had my shirt tied to the side, paired with leggings and leg warmers. I was the hippest 7 year old around. ;)

And why are you making me choose between brownies and snickerdoodles? That’s just not nice. ;)


I’d choose brownies for sure!

Aw Charlie is so cute! You should take him back to Utah with you.

About to go get my gym on! Everytime my eyeballs sweat, I think of you!


I totally had a red and white checked fanny pack in 2nd grade. I used to walk around the playground at recess and pick up trash and put it in there.

I also attempted to make bread one time (it ended up as sort of a dough-rock) and carried that around in there as I biked around the neighborhood. I just realized how gross that was– I was a special child…

Brownies all the way!


I am running about 20km tomorrow as part of my marathon training.

My running belt looks like a fanny pack…or at least that’s what my BF thinks :)


GOOD LUCK ON YOUR 20KM tomorrow…you are going to ROCK IT!!!


Long run tomorrow AM, 16km! Longest I have ran in 2 months! Eeek!

Heck yes, fanny packs were all the rage when I was in Elementary School, I had a awesome neon pink one :)

Brownie for sure! I love the extra gooey ones!


AHHHH Good luck on your 16 km tomorrow!!! That is so so exciting and you are so right about extra gooey ones being the BEST!!


Snickerdoodles……I hate brownies. (Sorry!)

Looks like it was fun, and I WANT some of that pizza, girl!!


Training for the 9 mile trail race up Bradbury Mountain in Maine! Eeek.


Brownies for sure!! Chocolate always wins!!

I never had a fanny pack!! I would have totally sported one though…all the cool kids did!

I am training for a 5k next month and then a half marathon and October! Excited but nervous!


WAHOOOOOO a 5k and a half…you are AMAZING!!!! Chocolate always wins in my book too!


Where did you get your sandals?! So cute.

TJ’s pizza dough must be hiding on me..I can never find it??

I do my long run on Fridays’s…this week I had to do it on the TM due to the intensely high heat. oof.
I am sure I had a fanny back as a kid…
Brownies..duh. Chocolate always wins.


THANKS MEGHAN…I got them at H&M for 7 bucks…I was stoked!!! How did your tm long run go?!?!

The pizza dough is usually along the walls by the ready-made pizzas and sandwhiches!


I love them AND I saw someone walking down the street with them today! It’s a sign- I must go find them :)

I totally don’t mind running on the treadmill but once I get over 12 miles I get soooo bored! I don’t know how you used to run so.far. on them! I had to cut it a little short haha. Thanks for asking though!

I always look there but I also get so sidetracked by the sushi and walls of hummus so I wouldn’t be surprised if I am just overlooking it :)

Hope you had a good weekend…sure looks like you did! xo


I got my long run in yesterday morning but it was soooooo hot my 7:30am I cut the 14miles short to 12miles..i also ran out of water. I always wore my fanny pack around six flags as a kid! I am absolutely a brownie girl though growing up my 4h group name was snickerdoodles so I should like them too!


They were just talking about Fanny Packs on The Today Show — I guess they’re back — so funny! :-)


Where did you get your sandals? I love them!

I’ve never actually tried a Snickerdoodle so I can’t tell you what I like better! I do love brownies though. Anything made of chocolatey goodness usually steals the show.

I had a collection of fanny packs. I don’t even know what I used them for! I used to collects weird keychains. Maybe I used to store them in there!


I got them at H&M for seven bucks!!! Can I send you some snicker doodles… will LOVE them:)


Okay, so I worked at TJs for 5 years, and over those 5 yrs I ate some great pizzas. Here is my top secret, super awesome sauce ingredient: instead of normal red sauce, use TJ’s spinach artichoke dip–in a little green box in the frozen section. Microwave for half the time it says to then spread on the garlic herb pizza crust. It makes THE BEST chicken pizza! Yes, it is totally indulgent, but you’re eating pizza for goodness sakes! You might as well go all the way out ;) The garlic herb crust is also really good for making bread sticks.


OH MY GOODNESS…thank you so so much for your top secret ingredient. I am DROOLING and I MUST try it asap!!! THANK YOU!!! I can’t wait to try to make them as breadsticks too!


umm, I think I’ve been reading too much HRG (although it’s not possible) because I just had a dream that I came to visit you guys in Cali and for dinner we had chicken wraps with salad (looked pretty good, actually) hahaha now I just feel like a total creeper!

Brownies over snickerdoodles any day.


THAT MAKES MY DAY!!!! That is hilarious! Please come visit us and I will make you wraps and take you for ice cream:)


mmm you are making my hungry!
I am training for Hood to Coast and the Wine Country half marathon. I ran 7 miles last weekend and this weekend i was going to do 8 but the bottom of my heel is majorly bugging me! I can’t even put pressure on it when I walk. I am super nervous it is plantar faseitis or however you spell that. It has been hurting since Thursday. So I don’t think I can run this weekend for fear of making it worse. BUMMER. there goes my training plan!


HOOD TO COAST….so so fun!!! I am SO sorry that your heel is bugging you so much, that breaks my heart. TAKE SOME TIME OFF and keep me updated. No worries about missing some time off of running because I have been reading that it takes 3-4 weeks to lose your running fitness. PRAYING FOR YOU!


Mmm now I really want some brownie bites!

I had to laugh when I read about you and Billy and volleyball. Billy sounds just like my husband and you sound like me…I’ll admit it, I’m scared of the ball!

I used to have a fanny pack. I don’t remember what I put in it, probably rocks!


I am training for Savannah! I would choose brownie, hands down. Our 32 degrees just opened up… it’s no yogurt mountain, but I will take it! Of course I had a fanny pack.. I made my MIL throw hers away a couple of years ago.. she was almost in tears saying “but it’s Coach!!” I responded with, “Well, Coach shouldn’t make such atrocities.” :)


I have never heard of 32 degrees!!BUT IT’S COACH….that made my day, you are absolutely hilarious!


Oh I totally had a fanny pack when I was little…and my mom used to carry them at amusement parks. Oh thank god those days are over! I would choose a brownie over a snickerdoodle any day :)


hahahaha. Oh fannypacks! They’re everywhere again!! What is this madness ;)

I never had one, but my one Aunt has always worn one, and still does. Black leather, beat up, fanny pack. It’s her “thing” lol. She needs a new thing….


Are you kidding, fanny packs were SO cool when we were younger! Oh to be a child in the 90’s again. :) I laugh when I put on my spibelt for long runs, it’s like a step back in time!


We call my FuelBelt my Batman belt because of it’s ability to hold everything – including shark repellant, naturally.
I’m training for the Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon to hopefully run a sub 3:15 this year, then Boston again in April if I can manage to break the registration demons down again!!!


AHHHH SO SO COOL…you are going to sub 3:15!!! What plan are you using!?!?!


I am working with a private coach this year (until May 2012), so I’m on his plan according to my feedback and all my crazy HR, pace, time stats. In general I run 5 days a week (averaging about 30mi a week), swim once (about 1.5mi), and bike once (about 25mi), plus strength training and yoga throughout the week. CRAZY! haha.


Wow!!! You are my hero! That is so so cool that you have a private coach!!!!


You look so cute! Love the outfit. Yes, long run tomorrow…waking up early because its going to be a hot one!


Brownies!! :)

I have a 16 mile run tomorrow, which I will probably split because of our horrendous east coast heat wave…outside/treadie. I’m training for AFC Half in San Diego next month. WooHoo!


I’d totally be a brownie. And, the whole boys being good at everything sports related kills me too. I’m a horrific volleyball player. That sport is hard!


I’d totally be a brownie. And, the whole boys being good at everything sports related kills me too! I’m a horrific volleyball player, that sport is hard!


Brownie bites = crack to me. So addicting!

Running 8 today!


How did the 8 miles go today!?!?! I think my comments on your blog go to SPAM:( SAVE ME FROM SPAM!!!


ST GEORGE marathon! :) yahooo


I am training for NY but am in panic mode right now because I tweaked something in my hip and it’s really uncomfortable to run. So I skipped my long run today on coach’s advice. But I can’t help being a little panicked because running NY is my dream.

Also I would pick a brownie. I think I will channel my hip anxiety into baking today!


AHHHH NO WORRIES ABOUT MISSING YOUR LONG RUN TODAY….I missed a long run or two for every marathon and ended up okay. We are going to have a blast together in NY! Praying for your hip and let me know how it is doing!


Janae you are so sweet! I read your comment as I was pouting in bed yesterday and it made me feel so much better! I saw a massage therapist today and he thinks what he did should set me straight! (Fingers crossed!)

I hope I get to meet you in NYC! :) Have you had pinkberry? It’s the best fro yo ever.


i love those jean leggings!!!!!!!!!!!! so so cutee where did you get themm???
browniesssssssss all the way for me!
and i totally did the fanny pack thing in disney world when i was in grade school! :)


I RAN A 1/4 Marathon TODAY :) It was a blast!!!
I saw a fanny pack at lululemon, At first I thought it was a dumb idea, but over the days the idea has grown on me, and i hate to admit it but I kinda want to buy it for stashing things on my runs :P Also it was a pretty purple colour :)


CONGRATS!!!!! That is awesome, how did it go? Lulu has fannies….okay, I think we should both get them in purple!


I went good :) I did in in 1:06:38 definetly not as speedy as alot of people but it was my first race and it inspired me to keep training harder. The energy of all the runners was awesome!!
WE SHOULD :) Everyone would be jealous of our stylish fanny packs :) They would be perfect for stashing all your swedish fish


Brownies for sure!

I had a fanny pack back in the day…..

I am training for Lehigh valley marathon, marine corps and NYC ……can’t wait!


I’m with you on the brownies all to myself!! Im so selfish and will eat a whole pan. Who cares if anyone else gets any. I told you in an email I’m doing a half in October.. Today was our group long run. I did 7.52 mi in 1:33. My time is getting better! Keep in mind I jus started this over a month ago haha. Oh and fannypack? I’ll be buying a SPIbelt today possibly when I get new running shoes :))


i did 11 miles + 60 min spin class – so im pretty hangry for some *brownies* right now!


DANG….11 miles and a 60 minute spin class….you go eat a pan of brownies! YOU ARE AMAZING!!


I LOVE brownie bites! I didn’t know they came is powered sugar though! Perfect! I am training for newport, ri marathon – it will be my very first marathon!! I am excited and scared and impatient all at the same time! Long run of 16 miles (another first!) On the schedule for tomorrow!


AHHH SO SO EXCITING!!! When is it? You are going to do amazing. Good luck on your 16 miles tomorrow…you are going to rock it!


October 16th – thanks for the motivation and inspiration! Hoping to be running Boston one day too, but ill leave the sub 3’s to you ;) you will be back out there in no time just don’t rush it!

Conquered those 16 miles and feel pretty proud!


Ahhhhh so so so exciting!!!! Girl- let’s both get ourselves to Boston okay?!?


I would pick snickerdoodle all the way! I had a fanny pack when I was younger that was for family outings, vacations, or trips to amusement parks. Even as a kid I HATED it, but I had to wear it to store stuff.
I tried a long run today in the crazy heat and it was tough! Stopped after 9 miles but I’m proud of even trying to head outside!


ha ha love the fanny pack! And Billy’s brother is cute! Is he still with that girl, or did he want to marry me? (I’m obviously determined to join the family some way or another.)

I’d definetely choose a brownie and I ran 17.5 miles this morning. Yay for long runs and St. George training! I wish you were running it, but you are going to leave your mark in NYC for sure. :)


Ten mile training run for Chicago Half this morn. Lots of puddles!! :)


Brownies are my weakness, for sure! SO good! Today is one of my “long” runs since I’m officially training for a Disneyland Half Marathon in 2012. Today’s is a 4 mile run. WOO!
BTW the BIL from BYU-I is CUTE. Just sayin


brownies!!!! always :-) we don’t have snickerdoodles in England though! and yes…..i had a fanny pack AND Polly Pockets……the memories!!


Ummmmm….totally laughed out loud at this one.
Girl, you are freaking hilarious.
Brownie – all the way.
And my family totally used bright 1990s neon colored fanny packs at Disneyland because we are classy like that. Yesterday. OK, just kidding, when I was 10.


BRIGHT NEON COLORED FANNY PACKS….wow, your family is the best!!! Glad you agree with the brownies!


your entire fam is really, really ridiculously good looking!

My girlfriends and I all wore fanny packs during our college’s senior week to the “last chance dance” – the boys loved them, obviously.

I’m running the Queens half next weekend woooo racing in a heat wave so awesomeeee!


Thank you Diana, you are way too nice. I LOVE that you all wore your fanny packs to that dance…I bet you have SWEET pictures. AHHHH GOOD LUCK with your half next weekend, you are going to do amazing!


For Christmas we got an all-edges brownie pan. On the seventh day God created the All-Edges Brownie Pan.

(I’m running the Deseret News Marathon on Monday and heard it’s going to be 96 degrees. Ouch.)


BAHAHAH This made my day….I agree about the seventh day!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MARATHON ON MONDAY…you are going to do absolutely amazing!


Well, a 20 mi. run was only a 15 miler, that was all I had in my tank today!! :)

Maui marathon – Sept., NYC – Nov., Vegas – Dec.!! So excited! :) I’d love 2 run St. George one day. Utah seems like a very beautiful state!

You’re so adorable! I could totally picture you with your fanny pack and Polly Pocket! I loved “my little ponies!”

The kids love those brownie bites!! I’m not that into chocolate but, I love a snicker’s bar once in a while.

“Have a happy Saturday!!” xo :)


CONGRATS ON THE 15 MILER speedy woman!!! You have so many fun races planned out and I think me and you should do St. George together next year!!!


I like how his fanny pack matches his shorts. Good form!


Fanny pack?? No! I just did a 3 hour ride. Tomorrow is a 2 hour run! I’d take the brownies.. :)


3 hour ride and a 2 hour run tomorrow….you seriously are my hero!


Sadly, I still have a fanny pack but I would like to justify it!

I use it for long runs and hikes because–

-I carry my phone in case I have to call the police or my husband because someone is trying to take me
-I carry my inhaler (obvious reasons)
-I put my dog’s leash through the strap so I don’t have to hold the lease. LOVE IT!
-If I drive somewhere, I put my keys in there too

Plus it’s a black one I bought at REI and I where the pack in the back (for more junk in the trunk).

That’s okay right???


Girl….your fanny pack sounds awesome and if Billy would let me buy one I would be sporting an REI done too!


My mom wears a fanny pack whenever we go somewhere outdoorsy. Since I am in Orlando, this includes very crowded theme parks. Luckily we love her very much and only stand 2 feet away (kidding!)


MY MOM DOES TOO, especially to theme parks:)


Brownies, all brownies!
Right now I’m not training for anything so I am in a holding pattern. What I’ve been doing is just keeping up with my runs and doing 10 miles or so once or twice a week. That way I think I can jump start my marathon training when I find one I want to run!


You look so cute in your yellow shirt and skinny jeans..I love skinny jeans. Ha, yes I will admit I had a fanny pack, in fact I think I had several. I would go for the brownie, although over a snickerdoodle might not be all that bad with some milk.


You are TOO nice!! THANK YOU!!! I think we should just both decide to eat both the brownie and snicker doodle with a big glass of milk:)


I have a boyfriend who is good at everything and to someone as exceedingly goofy and clumsy as me it can be upsetting…I choose snicker doodles! I am training for the Disney Marathon…not as quite as cool as a big city marathon but convenient for me! I didn’t have a fanny pack growing up but I have an ibelt and it’s pretty much a glorified fanny pack.


Okay, I am so jealous you are doing the Disney Marathon…that is definitely on my wish list!! You are right about the ibelts…they look so much better!


78 until the Chitown marathon! Whoo hoo it is the best day all year and should be declared a holiday! Can’t wait.


Ahhhhh 78 days wahooooo!!!! I will celebrate it as a holiday!


omggggg I love you I used to be the fanny pack QUEEN, I had the classic 90’s color blocked one and also a polly pocket pink one!

Girl you know me. BROWNIES ALL THE WAY!!


How am I just now reading your blog?! You are so blasted funny! I secretly wish we could be friends, but you are too stinkin fast for me!
I am training for TOU. I have heard its a good one! So I had a long run today of 20 miles.


HI STEPHANIE…your comment made my day!! Come to Cali and we can be best friends in real life:) AHHH 20 miles…HOLY COW you are a rockstar!


Too bad I just got back from there! I am from there. Maybe when you get back to Provo we can hit up yogurtland and try some creative goodness! :)


I was forced to wear a fanny pack on my 8th grade trip to Washington DC. We all had to wear them because our teacher was convinced if we had purses or cute bags we would set them down and leave them. I would’ve rather lost my bag than worn that stupid fanny pack.

I would definitely go for the brownie!!!


brownies win all the way…you’ve got good tastes girl. ;)


Janae I know this sounds really dumb but we don’t have them in Australia (or by a different name maybe) what are snickerdoodles?


Ahhhh I need to send you some! They are kind of like a cinnamon sugar cookie!!!!


Brownies – fo sho.
Fanny pack – not in a million years. There’s a guy at my church who wears his every Sunday. He’s super nice though so he gets a pass.
I did 9 miles this morning. My foot is killing me despite the fact that I gave it an ice bath this morning (just my feet – I can’t stomach the thought of immersing my lady parts in ice water). It’s swollen so I’m using this as an excuse not to clean my kitchen.


HE WEARS the fanny pack to church…that is awesome! Great job on the 9 miler….I am worried sick about your foot. Praying for you! I promise the lady parts just go numb after about 20 seconds:) Keep icing and keep me updated!


After blog stalking you for a few weeks, I finally went to Yogurtland. It’s like you peer pressured me into it! And it was pretty good. It was hard to find the yogurt under my heeps of oreo, m&m’s, and reese’s pieces…

Totes had a fanny pack in elementary school. It had ninja turtles on it.

If I had to chose between those two, snickerdoodles…otherwise I’d go with peanut butter m&m cookies! so good!


Okay, this made my day. Finally you had yogurland:) I LOVE putting reese’s on mine too! Now I am craving a pb cookie!


I will be starting to train for running the Las Vegas Rock n Roll in December in two weeks! :) In the mean time I’m weight lifting, doing light running, and LOTS of yoga to get my muscles loosened up! :)

No fanny packs… and snickerdoodles! :)


WE ARE GOING TO MEET UP IN VEGAS!!!! I am so so excited. YAY for lifting and yoga!


Mid Atlantic triathlon club championships tomorrow in Richmond! Go DC Tri! I am also training for a 1/2 ironman in September and the Marine Corps marathon in October! Love summer, love training, and love tri life!

Fanny packs for family vacas at amusement parks when I was younger was a must!

I would choose snikerdoodles. Question for have you tried a graston certified physical therapist for your shin splints? I an not certified in this technique and I’ve heard mixed reviews overall but great results for shin splints. Maybe worth a try?


GOOD LUCK are going to do amazing!!! AHHH a 1/2 ironman, you are my HERO!!! I am going to look into graston certified pt…thank you SO SO MUCH !!! I really appreciate it Holli!


You guys are putting me to shame. I ran 7m, which is a big number for me. Hope I have many more of those. I never had a fanny pack, but I bet they come in super handy, especially since I am constantly losing little things like lip balms. And I choose brownies hands down! I adore all things chocolate.


UM….GIRL you ran 7m….that is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME and 7m more than me:) Keep up the amazing running!!!!


I think I might have had a barbie fanny pack back when I was eight.


Your homework is to go and try a snicker doodle tonight:) Barbie fanny pack…you must have been the cool kid at school:)


Okay, i’m pretty sure I saw your BIL tonight in St. George at Nielsen’s frozen custard wearing the exact same black tee shirt, blue shorts and fanny pack with no shoes:) Lol. The funny thing is that I just read your blog right before we left for dinner, trying to play catch up:) Are you in St. George??


LAUREN!!! AHHHH IT TOTALLY WAS HIM!!! He went with friends to Lake Powell and they stopped there for custard. That makes my day…we are all laughing so hard and I am sorry you had to witness the no shoes thing:) Do you live in St. George? I grew up there!!


Im training for St George! It will be my first time running it!

I did a 20 miler this morning, it wasn’t my best run by far, but glad to have it done!


You HAVE to try this brownie recipe. Oh my goodness, THE BEST.
I’m training for St. George and I am following your program you put up from your first marathon! It is the first time I have done tempo runs and speed workouts. Hopefully it works. I want to break 3:30 but we will see!!


OH MY GOODNESS!! I am DROOLING over those brownies….I must have them asap!! I am STOKED that you are using that training plan. YOU WILL LOVE IT!!! I might have to come down to st. george to cheer you on and see you BREAK 3:30!!!


FANNY PACKS! So beautiful. I recently brought one on a trip to the San Diego Zoo and it worked beautifully. Plus, I was the most stylin’ person in the place. I think Billy’s brother (not the 16 year old one) may be my soulmate.


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