Triple Tangent Tuesday!!!

Today’s workout (please remember that I have nothing to do all day since I am a teacher and off for summer and I don’t have friends and my husband is smart and busy with school and that is why I am able to live at the gym):

1 hour pump class

30 Minutes elliptical

30 Minutes SWIMMING (you know what that means….I had to wash my hair but that doesn’t mean that I had to blow dry it).

Today’s Training Post is on Shoes…..check it out if you are bored.


Hold on to your hats people it is time to get crazy with three completely random things about me.  I share these things with you to help you feel better about yourself and to understand why I am the way I am.

Tangent #1:

This hurts to admit.  One day in college I ate an entire watermellon in just two meals.  I refuse to tell you how big it was but I do remember that it was the best tasting melon I have ever eaten in my life.   Nothing like saving your grocery money to buy n’sync concert tickets by stealing a watermelon from your mom’s house.

Did you know that once upon a time Janae was blonde?

N203001523 30046598 8328

Tangent #2:

I will forever love facebook because of this…….

Screen shot 2011 06 14 at 2 18 12 PM

Pretty straight-forward huh?!?!   I think I peed my pants when I saw this when I was sitting in class.  We had already met in real life but no phone number exchanges until facebook brought us together.

Tangent #3:

This is to prove that I have always loved to ruin pictures by making weird faces and making other people feel awkward.  Photo from 2009 Zions canyoneering trip.

PS boys necks don’t taste very good on the third day of camping.

IMG 1063



What was your workout today?!?!

How often do you get on Facebook?

-I used to get on about 5 times a day but now I check it every other day…. too obsessed with blogging now:)

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I am also a teacher and have gotten into the habit of checking my favorite blogs like four times a day since summer break started. I think I have a problem… Surprisingly I never was Facebook-obsessed. However, like you and Billy, my husband and I got our relationship rolling through Facebook :)


Gotta love summers….that is the reason we teach right!?! LOVE that your relationship got rolling because of Facebook!


LOOOVE that Billy asked for your ph# on facebook!! Ha!! Which means that he has definitely got to love your unique facial expressions because he totally fb stocked you before sending that!!


Going home to hit the gym for 40 mins on the ellipitcal, then some weights!

I am on Facebook daily but Twitter rules my life these days!




I hardly ever get on facebook. I really just want to delete it but I like having it to occasionally stock people from high school who recently got married or had a baby. Here’s a tangent…I danced in the 2002 winter olympics in Salt Lake and I got to shake President Bush’s hand and meet (ok, more like just stare very closely at) Kristi Yamaguchi. I’ve secretly always wanted to be a figure skater so I was in ah just being close to her! haha


I am headed to an Xtend Barre class instead of the gym tonight….just as sweaty! I have really moved away from Facebook lately….not going so far as to close my account……but almost!


Tangent #1: I almost e-mailed you today to validate I was normal. I am on my second day of summer vacation, and I treat every meal like a lesson plan. I have been totally food obsessed…..but breakfast and lunch have been a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

Tangent #2: Because of the above, I have been looking forward to dinner before even finishing lunch……again hoping you would validate this is normal.

Tangent #3: Was tempted to take pictures of my plates of food even though I don’t have a blog……thought that was a little much.


I love working out in the Summer <—-more time! ANd that last pic is hilarious!

My now-husband asked me out (sort of) via Facebook as well… get my number! hah.


Random tangent – I was part of the world’s longest kickline down broadway in NYC (at least, it was breaking a record at the time- I don’t know if it’s been beaten) :) Btw I LOVE your blog…just recently discovered it when I entered this blogging world


I love Zion Canyons!! They’re sososo beautiful. I can’t wait to go back there and also Bryce.

Awww I love that Billy asked you your number on FB. It shows what generation we live in… I only go on FB when I get an email notification because, as you said, blogging is my life.

Tangent about me: I was blonde too, for one day after a die-ing accident. Never die your hair at home! Asians and blonde hair do NOT mix lol


I love the Facebook post- very to the point!! Today I did 15 min each of the elliptical, treadmill, bike and weights. I forgot my headphones, so no TV meant I was very ADD!! I’ve never counted how many times I get on FB… uh oh, that must mean it’s a LOT.


SO CUTE haha!! I still have messages from me asking my current boyfriend if i could come visit him and my cousins for a week last summer..and now I live here with him. OOPS? I ran 3 miles today in 25 minutes which is speedy for me. :) & did lots of abs!


My workout today was walking 2.5 miles to Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase a juicer!! I’m so stoked :) I’m on facebook once a day, it’s sad but true.


Your hair looks very natural blonde. Are you a natural blonde? I love the brown, but maybe I’m bias. lol.


I got a great strength workout today!!!!!!!!

If I get to the breadstore at the right time and the bread is hot, I always ask for an extra one that I eat on the way home! :D


I taught swimming lessons to 5 year olds as my work out today.

I know that I’ve been reading this blog too long when I recognize your family on other blogs (that I found through this one)! I was reading Nikki Martin’s blog and immediately recognized your sis!


AHHH That is too funny!!! I love Nikki…she is an amazing photographer!! Swim lessons…that sounds like such a fun job!


I love the thing about FB!! The Husband and I broke up for a while in college, and believe it or not, FB brought us back togheter!


Haha, I see absolutely nothing wrong with eating an entire watermelon! Especially if it was for the cause of being able to see NSYNC in concert. I went when I was younger…I was obsessed!


agreed. I could probably eat a whole watermelon/pinapple in ONe sitting..
hey watermelons are mostly made of water right?


haha. you and your funny faces/tongue!

I love that you took a screen shot of the facebook post…so awesome. My boyfriend and I were MySpace friends in HIGH SCHOOL back when we were just friends, before we grew up and sparks flew. I wish I still had the account so I could see what we said to each other! ha!

My workout was a track workout at lunchtime with the coach at my work. Warm-up one mile easy and dynamic stretching, 4×400’s at threshhold pace, 2×800 run straights and jog curves, repeat. Wash hair, return to work.

I wish I was on summer break so I could live at the gym just like you!


My workout today was a 3.5 mile run with a bunch of 3rd/4th graders in Girls on the Run! I had to nap afterward bc they kicked my butt!!


My workout was short, but I’m glad I squeezed it in! I go on facebook way too much. I wish I just went on every other day. That’s a great idea :)


That Billy Facebook thing is like the sweetest thing ever. And I once ate an entire watermelon over the course of one afternoon as well. Not something I’ll ever be repeating, though. Without going into TMI, the Porcelain God was definitely my best friend for the next day and a half…


My workout was pretty good! I met a friend and we had a good 1 hour treadmill sesh. I even got in 2 miles of running, which is great for me because I’m new at running (ps: your blog is seriously inspiring when it comes to running) I feel like we are re-training together :)


LOVE RUNNING WITH FRIENDS!! Wish I could come join you!


You are so stinking cute!


I can thank FB for my rltshp too. We knew each other years ago in high school but lost touch. ven though we had one or two mutual friends it was FB that got us reconnected and the rest is history!


SO SO FUN!!! Thank goodness for FACEBOOK!!


Ain’t no shame in eating a whole watermelon!!! Is it weird that this tangent is making me crave watermelon and I almost want to see if I can it a whole one :p

Aw, love how FB has allowed so many relationships to blossom!! My bf and I totally stalked each other out!


My workout hurt :( New shoes = tough adjustment. Yet somehow I still feel like a million bucks after that run.

I LOVE that you have that post from Billy. Too cute! I wish I still had my guy’s first text!

Can we see more BLONDE Janae photos please?


My husband and I actually met because of facebook. He saw me in a photo of a mutual friend and asked about me, and the rest is history…. :)


LOVE IT!!! You are one hot chica…..he probably almost died and went to heaven when he saw your gorgeous picture!


2-3K jog to the gym and back…I am trying to take it easy on that ankle. At the gym I did 35 minutes of elliptical intervals. And almost fell off. Awkward..

I go on Facebook a couple times a day, but I’m only on for a couple minutes each time so it’s not that bad, right?!


I love your tangents, they are so fun to read!! Craig and I met on, once we met in person we actually continued to message each other on Facebook and through text messages to arrange a date. Both of us were to shy to pick up the phone, where would we all be without social media!
Workout today, Insanity Pure Cardio video, Insanity Cardio Abs video, 10 minute cycle and a 45 minute walk with the puppy. I am also on summer vaca, lots of time to work my body out!!


I’m building up my Tae-Bo abilities again, so I may or may not be able to walk tomorrow :-)
I got to know my love through FB (although initially met through a good friend)! I still probably check it far too often, oh well. And I haven’t had watermelon in AGES! Now I want some! Great pic!


FB helped my bf and I get together too. We met at a party and didn’t exchange numbers, but agreed to add each other on fb. We started talking more through there, so funny how that works! I like to think I did three workouts today. I’m a nanny for twin babies, so I took them for a mile walk earlier, then ran 6.65 miles after work, then walked to get fro yo with the bf and it was 5k roundtrip (I know this because I wore my garmin lol).


Thank goodness for facebook!! GREAT RUNS AND WALKING GIRL!!! Walking to get fro yo is the best thing in the world!


Haha you’re too cute with your Tangents. Watermelon is awesome so no need to explain the fact that you ate a whole one in one day!
FB is a black hole and sucks up all the hours in the day. God forbid I find someone with loads of pictures. I don’t go on as much as I did before (I am also addicted to bloggin now) but I can kill many minutes on that thing. Have you watched The Social Network?
My workouts today were random… Only a quick run because I had an asthma attack and forgot my inhaler…then in the afternoon I worked out with my Xbox Kinect. Pretty fun!


You are great motivation to work out! My workout tonight was: 30 minutes treadmill (walk 3 min, run 2…I’m building up to run a 5K), 20 minutes bike and an hour cardio and abs class. I’m already feeling the sore muscles and I love it!


SO awesome! Go Billy with your straightforward question. He knew what he wanted. :) Love that you have that memory. I just ate cereal for dinner and dessert. That’s what happens when I’m on my feet for 12 hours and can’t think of anything to cook. Love you!


I’m the same as you with facebook. I think my previous obsession with facebook also corresponded with me being single and FB stalking cute boy back in my single days… don’t tell me you never did it ;)


I did a two-mile tempo run and some abs and pushups- I just posted about it! and

By the way, I love your blog, it’s so entertaining!


Now I’m like, well duh! Truly thnaufkl for your help.


LOVE that you have the screen shot of the Billy message saved!

You were super cute as a blonde, but you are also super super cute as a brunette!


Loretta Lynn, one of the most kick ass women ever (that could be my tangent) said that when she and her husband were driving around the country visiting radio stations, they would sneak under fences and steal watermelons. But she said it didn’t fill you up. Just made you have to pee a lot.


That facebook thing is the cutest thing ever. I should go back and see what the first my husband wrote on my wall was. I did a 20min 30 day shred vid and some other workout stuff while baking…NBD! lol


DO IT and tell me what he said!! LOVE 30 day shred…kicks my trash!


Bahahahhaha, I don’t think he’s ever posted on my wall…wow, I feel so rejected right now lol


I don’t really have any comments on what you said, but I have to say now that I am following your blog {that you are awesome at updating} I get annoyed with other favorite blogs of mine that don’t get updated three times a day! LOL I guess I need a life.

PS Congrats on that melon


You look very pretty as a blonde! :)

I think I may have done the same thing with watermelon!! Love watermelon, strawberries and peaches during the summer!! Can’t get enough!! :)

“Have a good evening!!” xo :)



“Boys necks don’t taste very good on the third day of camping.”

Ha ha! Do they taste good on the first day of camping? Don’t answer that- that just happens to be where my mind took me.

Because I feel like it, here are some random facts about me:
1- Rachelle Wardle’s blog reminded me that as a child I used to drink pickle juice. For fun. Because I liked how it tasted.
2- Once at college, I ate an entire cake by myself for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
3- I only started chasing after my hubby because I just wanted to see if I could “get him” to like me. Well, little did I know what he would end up being. So much for me “wasting time” while my missionary was off serving the Lord!

And I’m done.


When I was younger, I would devour an entire watermelon in a day. Back before things like summer classes and work, I would just cut it open and slowly eat it all day. I might have to try doing that again.


Hahahah thank goodness for facebook.

Tangent for today:
I think sometimes when I come home late at night, my roommate think I’m drunk, but I’m actually just really clumsy when I’m getting a late night snack.


Ohhh I am so jealous of your gym time. I would live at the gym if I could too :-). I only had time for 2 miles, 30 minutes of elliptical and 5 minutes of no-effort weight lifting. I watched the Voice while I worked out. looove that show!

I try to not go on Facebook too much. You see, the way I see it, it’s the blogging or Facebook – there is no time for it all. So until my blog has a facebook page, I will minimize the FB time. However, Twitter is a different story!


Ran 4 miles and took a bodypump class today! Stopped checking FB bc I read too many blogs!!


115 minutes of jillian michaels “making the cut” circuit and i could have died. tough stuff.

tangent or truth? truth: i hate wearing a bra and rarely do.

**”what is your phone number” = adorable.
i check FB probably twice a day. or so.


I love that you still have Billy asking for your phone number saved. Too cute :)


Oh I love your tangents! They are so wonderful!! You are so cute and so funny!

My workout today was a walk with my dog and daughter this morning.. and then chasing my daughter around at the splash park for 2 whole hours! Haha my daughter is non-stop! Love her!

I check facebook once a day! It is too addicting otherwise, and I have way too many other things to do!!

Oh man my sister and I eat an whole melon each and watch a movie… We call it melon and a movie monday! We love it!! Try it!

Another Tangent… I have to take a bath every single night around 11:30! It calms my body down so I can climb in bed and fall fast asleep!!


You and Billy always win my vote for cutest couple ;)

Also one time this past year I seriously probably ate most of a watermelon myself… fortunately it was all cut up and in a bowl (actually I htink there were multiple) so I don’t actually know how much of it I ate because that would just be embarrassing.

Also approve of the n’sync tickets… I was such a fan ;)



I did a 6.5 mile night trail run and an hour of yoga! Ugh facebook is an addiction I almost always have it on in the background of whatever I am doing! That’s awesome I met my ex on facebook too! I think people are just bolder via text or internet don’t you? Also not a whole watermelon, but I could probably eat a whole pineapple in one sitting if given the option!


It’s much easier to unedsrtand when you put it that way!


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I’ve also found that my fb usage has gone down with my increased obsession with blogging/ reading blogs etc !!

your fb msg from billy though = very cute. I love those initial moments of relationships eh?

ps: apparently ive been living under a rock …. your site looks great!!! You moved to a self hosted I think/ changed the background!


no shame in eating a whole watermelon. I have eaten an entire watermelon in mere hours on multiple occasions!!!!!


hahaha, you are too cute. Love Billy’s message.

My workout today is going to be a group run after work, followed by eating waffles for dinner. I’m psyched to get out of work today (too bad it’s not even 8:30 yet).


I love watermelon. My hubby brought me home one the other day that was about twice the size of my head. I even took a picture of it, I was so in awe of it’s hugeness. Then I ate 1/4 of it which probably translates to one normal sized melon. I wans’t even remotely full! It seems large amounts of fruit don’t even register with my body as having been consumed!!
Oh I’d love to be a teacher for the summers off. Not the pay though.. I don’t know much about it but i have heard teachers are very underpaid. That sucks.


Awww! That is so cute about your Facebook story..and I love that you saved that comment :) You two are truly meant to be..and you are such a cute couple!!


I love that he asked for you number that way!! How adorable!!! I’ve always wondered if I could eat a whole watermelon by myself in a day. Did you get sick?


I could eat an entire huge watermelon in one sitting. I love them that much! Perfect summer snack!


Cute with the Facebook way to score digits. Actually, Myspace was a HUGE part of mine and Marshall’s flirting. We worked together for two years before going on a date.. and we always flirted on Myspace. Ha! Love technology :)



I’m not on FB nearly as much as I used to be (also b/c of blogging/twitter), but I still like it for catching up with old friends and it’s a great birthday reminder!!

Tuesdays are double days for me- swim in the morning before work and then track workout in the evening after work. Super jealous of your summers off- I totally need a vacation, even better, a staycation where I can just workout, sleep and eat. Heavenly!


Now I’m like, well duh! Truly thaknufl for your help.

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