One hour spin class!?!?!

I think I lost my brain this morning.  I guess I forgot how to pack for getting ready at the gym.  Actually, I didn’t forget but somehow I managed to lose my work shirt at the gym. I looked everywhere for it and it was nowhere. Maybe someone decided to steal my 2.99 shirt that I wore yesterday.  Yes, I commonly wear the same shirt two days in a row, it just makes life easier.


30 minutes elliptical

1 hour spin class!!! I thought it was a 45 minute spin class and so I was pleasantly surprised by an extra 15 minutes of pukeworthy cycling.

Spin felt awesome because it was the first time in what seems like forever I could DO EVERYTHING like I used to!!   Sweat in my eyeballs did occur.

After my shower (didn’t realize my shirt was gone until after my shower)  I had to put back on my workout top so I could hurry and drive home to get a shirt for work.  Yeah, I don’t recommend putting sweaty clothes back on, not a fun feeling.

Another not fun feeling, drinking a glass of milk before your 4 mile run yesterday.  I don’t recommend it, it hurt.

Photo on 2011 05 19 at 08 22  6

Janae’s piece of advice for the day:  Do not lose your shirt, it makes things awkward.


Have you ever eaten something stupid before you worked out/ran?

-You can read all about my worst experience here.

Are your spin classes 45 minutes or an hour?

-Most of them here are only 45 minutes!!!!

What was/is your Friday workout?!?!

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Milk is seriously the worst, you’re right!!

My workout today was a 7 miler at 545 this morning. It was sad, to say the least, but at least I finished and didn’t fall asleep on the treadmill!

I’ve actually never taken a spin class. When I belonged to a gym I was too intimidated and now I don’t belong anymore.


“Milk was a baaaaad choice.”


I am the queen of eating ice cream before ANY type of workout. It doesn’t feel good and every time I say I wont do it again…but I do…


Ice cream calls to me too. You are not alone. I will never not eat it when I want it!


In high school my girl friends and I snuck out to 711 before cross county practice to get some rainbow sherbet that we were craving. Wenate quite a bit, and then were surprised with a popup 1000’s workout where the rainbow sherbet reappeared, and didn’t taste as good the second time around. Lesson learned.

I had a nice easy 9 miler today with sweat in my eyeballs as well. It wasn’t pleasant as it was mixed with sunblock and burned.


BAHAHA You learned your lesson…..
Great job on your run and I agree, sunblock/sweat BURNS!!


“milk was a BAD CHOICE.”


My gym does 30, 45 and 60 min classes – except I can never ever remember which one I signed up for! I think 45 minutes is my fave – 30 minutes is too short whereas 60 min is far too much like death on a plate for me. Today’s workout was 30 min on the elliptical with some random intervals/torture thrown in, plus 45 minutes of upper body weights…my arms now want to cry, followed by some stretching (i.e. collapsing). Am also going out tonight to celebrate no more exams so that means a sweaty dance fest counts as a second workout!


My stretching usually involves me collapsing too!! AHHHH Congrats on no more exams…that is the best thing ever. Have so much fun DANCING!


My spin classes are typically about 45 minutes long! I looove it! :D


When I was a more serious dancer in college and I happened to be in one particularly intense dance piece, I legit could only eat bananas before rehearsal! Everything else made me want to hurl. That’s why bananas are my perfect loooooong endurance bike ride food of choice now too!!


Bananas really are the BEST fuel for working out. I want to be a dancer like YOU!


I ate a handful of peanuts a few weeks ago not thinking I was running that day…but soon after decided to head out for a trail run. Note to self: high fat food + running = bad news. I had to run so slow to minimize the pain!

The spin classes I teach and also attend are both 1-hour! I’ve actually never been to a 45-minute class! I love sweat in my eyeballs from spinning! Almost as much as I love the little pond of sweat that I create under my bike!


You nailed it….high fat right before a run makes me die!!! That is so cool that your classes are an hour….I wish I could come SO SO BAD!


I ate a egg sandwich on a 98Degree day. Then went and coached xc high schoolers. I joined in on the speed workout and then puked up the egg sandwich! Also frozen pizza on a hot day pre run wasn’t a good experience either.


OH GIRL!!! OUCH!!! I can’t even imagine. Have you been able to eat an egg sandwich since that dreadful day?!?!


Milk before a run was also my worst decision!! My stomach hurt the whole time! :(

My gym has 60 minute spin classes, but I think I’d like a more power-packed 45. They usually spend 10 mins or so getting set up, and the other 5 at the end for stretching anyway!


Good to know I am not alone on the milk mistake. That is a GREAT idea that your gym has because I hate when my 45 minute classes get shortened by setting up and stretching!


Our spin classes are usually 50 minutes long (random, much?)

I can’t do coffee before I run. It makes me have the worst side stitches known to man.


50 minutes is very random!!!


You’re lucky, my spin classes are only 30 minutes!


You’re hilarious. Thank goodness you had time to run home and grab a new shirt. And you are totally right, milk before a run is bad news! Have a fabulous weekend lady!


I eat stupid things before I work out whenever I don’t want to work out. Isn’t that smart? That way I don’t have to work out because my stomach hurts. What a smart girl I am!! Foods I use as an excuse include pretzels (a whole bag), certain veggies (eat a bunch of broccoli and it’s impossible to work out) and sweets (can’t workout after eating a giant cupcake – just wouldn’t be natural).

Most spin classes I go to are an hour but that is more than enough for me because for some reason, spinning makes me feel like I’m going to pass out.

Friday workout? ugh, I am so tired. I need motivation- i guess I’ll consult that flow chart or something…


YOU ARE BRILLIANT!! I need to do this on my rest days when I really am wanting to get out and run, I learn so much from you everyday!


We have 75 cycle classes at my Y and I LUVVV them ;)


75 minute cycle classes…WOW!!!


Milk is definitely a bad choice! Also, probably shouldn’t have a smoothie haha. Our spin classes are anywhere from 45 min- 1 hour :) I lifted today, and wrote about how I overcame my fear of it! :)


The other day I ate an oreo (okay, maybe 3) before my speed work-out and it was a very bad situation at the gym. haha.


OREO’S….I can only imagine. PS how do you stop at 3… is a sleeve for me:)


You look so gangsta in your milk picture ;) Love it!


Love spin, I go at my gym, most of the classes are all 55 minutes, although there is a two hour spin class, which I’ve been interested to try!

Cute little milk containers!! Love milk AFTER a run :)


Yes, milk is much better AFTER running:) 55 minutes, that is awesome….2 hours, I think my you know what would die!


Losing a work shirt totally sounds like something that would happen to me! My workout today consisted of an hour on the elliptical, I can only do lower body do to a recent shoulder injury, so I also added some lower body weight training!


Almost any dairy before my runs aren’t a good idea!

The spin class I go to, it 45 minutes spin and 15 minutes abs after :) Usualyl after 45 minutes of spin I am more than ready to get off the bike.

If this rain hold off, a 8km run outside, if not the gym where I will run 40 minutes and maybe some weights after, since I can finally walk from the burpees I did Monday….


That is awesome that they do abs right after class!!


I did 45 minutes of easy spinning today. A fast 5k race (hopefully) tomorrow followed by the remaining 10 miles of my long run!


Good luck on your SPEEDY 5k!!! That is awesome that you are running 10 after that…you are my hero!


Well, you know how it is, marathon training is not for those with weak constitutions!


One summer when I was in college I got off of work after a long shift and was starving so I scarfed some mac and cheese. 30 minutes later I was on the track for a 3 mile tempo run, and let’s just say the mac came back. :0

I’ve actually never done a spin class. You have to pay extra for classes at my gym and I’ve never ponied up for them.

Today I did some cross training via elliptical and rower. And then I did some lifting and finished off with that killer butt move that you showed us. Holy smokes Janae, I thought my hamstrings were going to spasm right off as I was going down the stairs post-workout! Fantastic move!


I am so so happy you loved the new move!! MAC AND CHEESE….OUCH!!! You have to pay extra for spin, that is lame. Come to Utah and we can spin together for free:)


I forgot something when I went to the gym the other day. A TOWEL! My gym doesn’t offer towels either so I had to dry off with my sweaty workout tank. EW! :/

Also, the worst food I ate was a big black bean burrito complete with chicken and cheese. Three hours later my run turned into a walk because the burrito was still sitting in my stomach like a rock.


I have totally forgotten my towel too!! OOOH BURRITO…OUCH!


My spin classes are an hour long. Love it!! My workout of the day was a Cardio Muscle class. Have a great weekend!


Sorry about your shirt. That sucks but at least it wasn’t a fifty dollar shirt! I miss spin class!


yea!! bring on the sweat girl. love it. and when I was in college I ate king ranch casserole before a hot run. BIG MISTAKE!! what was I thinking?


Chips and salsa before running is a very bad idea! My gym has 45 min and hour long classes. Occasionally they have a 90 min class for fun.


One day during a spin class that was supposed to be 45 minutes, about half way through the teacher (who was a sub) said, “Who wants to go for an hour? I am going for an hour you can stay or go.” Naturally, I was stoked. Little did I know this man did not have the same definition of sprint that I do because for the following 3o minutes he kept saying” sprint,” “keep it up ,fast pace,” “now double time your sprint,” “this is not recovery” “no, NOW really sprint”; literally for the entire 30 minutes! Yikes.


I am pretty sure I would have cried in that spin class!!!


i LOVED that class! especially after the buns buster class yesterday. working those babies! you are done with drivers ed now right! yeah! time for vacation!


You are so right about the milk. that’s the only thing I CAN”T eat before a run. Candy…Chipotle…it’s all good except milk :). Don’t even drink it the day of a race even!
Nature’s cruel joke on me bc it’s SO DELICIOUS (esp chocolate haha).


At least you remembered your bra this time! I remember the sweaty Sport Bra incident. Brrr.


I LOVE that you remember that…you just made my day!


Haha, “don’t forget your shirt” is pretty much great advice no matter the situation! Friday workout was 6 miles of trail running. It rained right at the end and it was so refreshing!


What a great surprise! 15 extra minutes of sweatiness is definitely worth it. Most of the spin classes here are 45 minutes, but sometimes, there’s endurance rides for 60-90 min.


I had a banana with a bit of nutella and a handful of cracklin oat bran ceral for complex carbs this morning before my 1hr spin class and it was amazing. The bran was heavy enough to last me, and the rest was great for energy. I think I sweated enough to form a modest lake. :) My instructer said milk is a good replensiher AFTER spin, but I’d never be ballsy enough to have some before a workout!


Worst food + workout experience: 3/4 of a bag of doritos, chocolate cake, coconut cookies, caramel shortbread and 8634876837 mini pizzas at a birthday afternoon tea at my office. Half an hour later I was at the gym, in the middle of a TWO HOUR spin master class. I tasted all of the above with every pedal-stoke :\ and the stomach cramps were INTENSE.

Sigh. I never learn my lesson… I’m STILL the queen of poor pre-workout food choices haha.

[for the record, my worst night-before-race meal choice was definitely at my last half marathon… haha STUPID STUPID STUPID. i wrote about it here: ]

Friday workout was 1:20 on the elliptical + pumpin my guns a lil bit! Woooo yeah!


Eeep! Bad luck – I’ve forgotten clothes post-gym before and yes, it is gross to re-wear the sweaty stuff, lol! :-P Most spin classes here are 45 minutes – I think I would pas out from a 60 minute one, they are so intense as they are! I did an amazing class once that was 30 minutes spinning (lots of jumps and hardcore stuff, intervals etc) and the 30 minutes of glorious yoga :-) The combination was pretty sweet! Have a good ‘un, missy! xyx
PS: You have so much stamina with your workouts! I was on the elliptical and feeling a little bit tired, adn I seriously thought WWJD (what would janae do!) Ummm…finish! ;-) Hehehe.


Our spin classes are 45minutes…i always leave wanting more. Every once in awhile you get an instructor who will throw in an extra few songs!


By the way- Just came across your blog and i love it!!


HI ADRIENNE!!!! I am so glad that you found me!!! Do you have a blog!! Love it when the instructor throws in some extra songs!


Probably Yogurt. I remember once I was hungry when I came home from snowboarding so I ate a couple of yogurts, then 20 mins later went out to run 6 miles. Ick. Felt like vomiting. (yes I am weird person who would go snowboarding then “rest” for an hour, then go running. Oh the good old days)

So dairy + running = bad. In fact the only food I’ve ever been able to eat really close to a run without feeling horrible is a banana. Just something bout bananas for me, they go down easy.

An hour of spin seems so long. But an hour (or more) on my road bike is nothin’. It’s weird. though the other night I rode an hour outside and went as fast as I could and that felt like somethin’ alright. I probably usually just don’t try hard enough on the bike. Always have saved my “trying hard” for running.


Friday was a rest day…

But today was a 1mi warmup, followed by a 5K race. I finished in 22:20…10 seconds faster than my last 5k in November, but still 15 seconds off my PR. I am thrilled though, especially since I thought marathon training all spring made me slower. Guess not! Woot!!

Followed that with 9 easy miles at the beach…couldn’t miss my long run!


our spins are either 45 min or 60 min, depending on the day. took an hour class this morning that rocked my socks…loved it! its probably my favorite way to become a hot sweaty mess.


The spin classes at my gym back home in the States are generally about 45 minutes long…some include a longer cool-down and go through to an hour. Not sure about the classes here though.


At my gym we have 45, 55 and 75 minutes and a few times a year they arrange spinning theme days with 4-5 different spinning classes ending with a spinning marathon (which i think lasts 3 hours, never actually attended this class, but as soon as i’m back in shape after my disease, which has left me zero energy for 6 months i will try it! But i’m on my way back to my 15 mile runs, yesterday i did 5 minutes on treadmill without feeling dizzy so it’s a start! Though it’s killing me not being able to workout like i used to..) Felt weird to write “miles” since we don’t use it in my european country :)

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