I think I will stay in bed for the rest of the day.

I DID IT!!! First double digit run in F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!

I did the run today by myself…..I KNOW…..billy, his brother and dad were out doing stuff this morning so I was forced to push myself rather than my pride pushing me because I refuse to be beat by my husband.

I REALLY wanted to do a progressive run and finish STRONG and I did it.

First mile was 8:40 and I sped up about 5-10 seconds each mile ending with a 7:40 mile.  10 miles baby and I finished with one mile cool-down in 9:15.

Photo 1

My mom called me as soon as I was done questioning how my bones were feeling and guess how I got to reply….GREAT!!!! No pain at all.  My shins splints are bugging me but once I get my running muscle back I am sure they will be fine.  PS I didn’t force the Charlie on my run with me but the MIL and I took him on a nice three mile walk while we talked about everything under the sun.  I am a talker.  I can’t stop and when I am by myself I have to type what I am thinking.  That is why I post 374 times a day in case you were wondering.

Billy lost one of my socks when he did the laundry.  Do I get mad that it is gone or do I reward him for doing the laundry?


I guess running double digits means I get to lay around all day, eat three times as much ice cream and force billy to massage my m

One of the top 10 reasons I run…….the feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT.  I am on cloud nine because I am CELEBRATING what I did today rather than comparing myself to what I used to do.


Tell me about the last thing that you did (doesn’t have to be running/fitness related) that gave you the feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT!?!?!

Have you ever had shin splints……what did you do about them?

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wow WAY TO GO! what am amazing run!!!! that is so so so so awesome!
i totally know the feeling of accomplishment…its like a boost of self confidence!
i feel like after i am done working out like I CAN DO ANYTHING!
6 mi today!:) + weights!!!

and i have had shin splits before…i just eased my speed down a bit and within a week they went away..just gotta get those legs back into it ya know!


Woohooo!! Congrats. Is that picture of you after your run?! OMG… I wish I looked that good after a long run. You look gorgeous. I love the shorts, too.

I get shin splints when I increase my mileage too quickly. Then I have to ice like crazy!! and rub.

The last time I felt super accomplished was when I finished my most recent marathon. Also, I felt pretty good this week when I got my first comment on my blog from someone other than my mom! lol


Congrats to you! That is so great to be able to finish a longer run strong after battling an injury!!! And to finish with each mile stronger, that is awesome!

Lots of things have given me a sense of accomplishment, finishing grad school, becoming a mom, running a marathon. But now, if I can survive and stay running strong in the humidity of South Louisiana, I feel really great about that!

Anyway, I have battled shin splints. Lots of icing. Buy some of those paper dixie cups, fill them with water, freeze, and use them to ice! Take care and congrats again to you on your injury free run!


Congratulations! You are a talented runner!!! I love those 10 milers (best feeling ever)


AWESOME job on your run, girl!!! You are a speedy little devil – even when recovering! I am doing the INSANITY program, and today I finished the first week of the second month. I taught Zumba this morning, then came home and did the max interval plyometrics dvd – it is, in my opinion, the most challenging workout of the entire series. I honestly had a feeling of accomplishment after each interval circuit! When I got finished, I was smiling ear to ear because of what I had just accomplished. It is truly an amazing feeling!


that is awesome!!!! Way to go girl, I am so happy for you!! :)

I felt accomplished (and tired and very very sore) after child birth and most recently after running a half marathon even though I didn’t finish as strong as I’d like!


Yay congrats!!! That is awesome :). I seriously wish I could be a runner sometimes…probably not gonna happen haha. I get a feeling of accomplishment every time I complete a hard workout- it makes me feel so good about what my body can do. I also felt very accomplished after starting a blog and having my family tell me they love it- it’s good to show a different side of myself to the people that I love and be rewarded for it!


OH MY GOD I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! You spedy demon. I feel you though. Ice those shins!


Woohoo 10 miles, get it girl! You are coming back!
I used to get shin splints when I first started running, but I haven’t got them since. Make sure you stretch like crazy!


Congrats on the run! Now go get some ice cream :)


You are amazing! I Can’t believe how fast you’ve upped your speed and distance! You seriously rock! I was pretty proud of my 3.5 miles in 30 minutes today, but then I’m seriously lazy most days, am a zillion pounds overweight, and haven’t been on the treadmill more than once a week in a couple months. Send me some motivation please! :) You’re inspiring!!


Yay! I’m so happy that you were able to run without any pain. I’m aiming for double digits on Monday. Holla. (:


Nice work! you’re progressing so well- you will be back on the podium in no time.


I got shin splints when I first started running. My youngest was having a rough time sleeping and between rocking her for an hour + some nights and running my shins were bothering me. Fortunately they never kept me from running, but I took steps to make sure that they went away. I got a pair of calf sleeves from Zensah and wore them while running to help support everything and I also did shin strengthening exercises to make them stronger. I’ve also read that running on the treadmill at a .5 to 2 % incline helps keep them at bay if you run on the treadmill a lot, and I always do that but don’t know if it’s actually true.


Sign splints- mine went away after swimming. I think it was the cool water and the kicking? That’s not science maybe but it worked for me!


Congrats, Janae! I have always had a problem with shin splints. Icing them until they’re good and numb after each run usually does the trick (I have been using two bags of frozen peas lately, but I’m sure a real ice pack would work :). I’m also careful about not running on pavement or non-forgiving surfaces too much. Annd, I should probably force myself to do a real warm-up and cool-down and stretch more – especially my calves. Good luck with yours!


I had shin splints when I first started running. Turns out the shoes I was running in were too heavy! The running shoe store told me I was an over pronator and sold me the most ridiculous expensive pair of motion control shoes. Yeah, they didn’t do anything for me. I switched to a pair of neutral trainers and also a pair of Saucony Kinvaras – bye bye shin splints!

My biggest accomplishment lately is running intervals @ a 7:30 pace! My best 5k pace is 8:14 so THIS IS HUGE!

Congrats on your run – you’re a speed demon!


A BIG CONGRATS to you!!!! You are SO right.. you should be CELEBRATING!!! Way to go!!!


YAY YOU!!!!!! I’m so happy that you’re doing well and that you accomplished a goal! That’s GREAT! My last AMAZING accomplishment was landing my dream job to work for Disney/Disneyland. I start in August. It’s a dream come true and when I was offered the job I cried. Thankfully it was over the phone so she couldn’t tell, but when I hung up, I was SO EXCITED and I just had tears streaming with joy! I’m a generally happy person, but until that moment I had never experienced that level of Euphoria. It was WONDERFUL and nothing can beat that feeling!


CONGRATULATION!!! What an amazing accomplishment.

I hate shin splints. I ice, rub, and do toe taps either sitting down or standing up. The toe taps might start hurting but they really do help the shins.


I just did walking/running for 30 minutes…I am working my way thru C25K so I am very proud of myself that I have gone on the treadmill for the past 3 days.

Oh yea, I was tempted to eat a piece of yummy chocolate cake last night, but decided not to. Big accomplishment:)


Yay Janae! You are on your way BACK!!!!!


Amazing job! You are so pretty and strong! :)


Congrats on your run!! Sounds amazingly refreshing!

My last accomplishment was taking 6th overall at a race! Yay!

I have awful shin splints, always active. Compressions sleaves help me, I wear them like all the time under my scrubs. Ice is a winner too, but I have grown to accept them as my lot in life.


yay! Congrats!!! What a great feeling that must have been for you! I think the sense of accomplishment is part of the reason I like running so much too.

My blog has probably been most biggest accomplishment recently. I’ve wanted to start one for quite a while but never had the courage to do it. It feels great to finally have it out there and even have a couple of readers :-)


Great job on the run! Whenever I get shin splints, it always means it’s time for new shoes!


Used to get shin splints all the time! Ice, ice massage and massage. You can also try wearing compression sleeves when you run!

I did a lot of fitness”y” stuff today – but biggest accomplishment was staying calm while waiting for 911 to come for an unconscious goalkeeper and using my CPR/First Aid/Basic Life Support certification for once. Insane how calm you can be in the moment and freak out after.

Ok – so the 42 mile bike and 8 mile run before the soccer game were nice too :)


Congratulations! That’s awesome :)

Climbing always leaves me with a sense of accomplishment when I finish a climb I thought I was going to have trouble with. And when I finish a run where I actually ran the WHOLE time I have a huge sense of accomplishment!


Yaaaay that’s awesome!! SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU EEE!!! :D

Please be careful with those shins though girl! Just coming back from my shin splints! I had them since February and despite a few half-hearted efforts to stop them, I basically just ran through them and ended up nearly getting a stress fracture! So I had to take over a month off and am slowly coming back now woooo!! Anyway, you are so much smarter than me and I know you won’t do all the stupid mistakes I made before! :P


Feeling of accomplishment? Not running even though I want to so bad! My physio forbade me :/ Need to get those silly knees and ankle fixed up good!

For shin splints I just ice and compress. They seem to be mostly gone now, but we’ll see what happens when I get back to running.


Wow good job on your run! I’m glad your bones were feeling strong.

My feeling of accomplishment was my morning run. I ran 5K and pushed myself as hard as I could. When I thought I was going to die, I talked myself out of it and kept going! :)


I was able to go on a 4 mile run this weekend which was the longest I have run since I recovered from my injury! You are super fast, I am impressed.

Ice ice ice ice ice ice for the shin splints! You should really do an ice massage, where you freeze water in a solo cup, and unwrap the cup at the top to massage your shins!!


LOVE THIS. just brought the BIGGEST smile to my face! so happy for you!!


best feeling ever!! awesome job lady!


you are awesome!!


12 mile trail run this morning in 80* weather…and I didn’t die. That’s accomplishment ;)

Nice job today, pretty lady!


!! Woot Woot!

Biggest accomplishment was half marathon, but not because of the distance, but because I was so proud of the way I treated myself pre, during, and post race. I was my own BFF…….so positive, encouraging, helpful, and funny…..to myself…….(slightly a foreign concept to me)


Congrats girl!!! I am so happy for you. Can we please run together as soon as you get back. Yay this made me incredibly happy.


that’s awesome, double digits! Way to go Janae! No pain in femurs yay!

be careful now with those shin splints….. you do not want a tibial sfx to deal with next!!!


omg woman, i felt probably similar to you this morning! I did my first “long run” (6.5 miles) since the marathon and dang, did it feel good! i htink i’m finally out of my post marathon rut and back in the game!!!


I feel accomplished when I hit (or run faster than!) my pace goals on speed work outs or tempo runs! I felt accomplished on Wednesday when I finished wrapping up all the loose ends at work (school) and was able to close out all of my cases and know that I have the next 10 weeks off for summer!!


Awesome! The feeling of accomplishment is definitely in my top ten running reasons too! Good job on the progressive pace too! I need to do more of those. The last run I did that gave me the feeling of accomplishment was Thursday’s track intervals. 400’s in the heat was hard, but the harder the workout, the happier I feel when I’m done.


My last good feeling of accomplishment was in April of 2010 when I finished my first half-marathon. Important word here being “finished” because I did not run the whole thing. Most of it was walking because of shin splints and a stress fracture. I had to take 2 weeks off training before the actual race so I have yet to run a long run completely. The longest I’ve done is 6 miles. So when I can run more than 6 miles (I’m training for another half now), I will feel a huge sense of accomplishment!


My first half left me with a high all day and the best feeling of accomplishment!!!! I cannot WAIT for my next one in October! Come to Denver and run with me? haha
But recently I have been pushing myself at the gym more and doing 2-3 hours of exercise a few days a week and whenever I go that extra distance I feel like I did something good for my body… and I have too much time on my hands!!! Also you are really close to my little brother right now so you guys should probably become bff!


Awesome run!
When I was on the track team in high school I got shin splints. The coach tightly wrapped my shins with tape. They were wrapped so tight I could barely walk but he expected me to run like that. And I did. Fixed the problem, though.


Congratulations on your run! That’s fantastic and I’m glad you felt so good afterwards. My last accomplishmet actually was fitness related :) I ran a 10K under an hour for the first time. I had shin splints as a teen and it took a lot of stretching and ice to fix them.


Wowza! I can’t believe you are running double digits already! That’s amAzing! :-D Congratulations, Janae! Umm…do you think you could write a post on shin splints? I’m not really sure what they are? How did you get them? I hope they heal soon, and that you have a wonderful realxing rest-of the-day! Oh, and did I say Congratulations?! I’ll say it again ;-) YAY YOU! xyx


Congrats on your double-digit run!! Progressive runs are the best…they feel so good! Lately I’ve been trying to do the same thing during my runs- end with the last mile faster than the rest of the miles I ran!


Congrats on your run!!!

I’m doing the Tough Mudder today and assuming I actually finish, I think it’ll be a HUGE sense of accomplishment for me–I’m super nervous!


Yes, I used to get them all the time, but then I got new shoes and haven’t gotten them since! I NEVER beat myself up on the days that I run.. but the other days when I don’t? You bet I am really hard on myself.


CONGRATS on your first double digit run in a long time. That’s AMAZING!


Awesome! I remember always feeling so amazing after every long run, no matter my time or pace. But most recently, since I’m still recovering from having a baby and not working out, what made me feel awesome was learning to mow the lawn. I know it’s silly, but I’ve wanted to learn how to do it so I wouldn’t have to nag my husband everytime the lawn got long. I finally just went out and did it one day. It was a few days before fathers day, so I told my husband that was his fathers day present :)


Nice Work HRG! Love to see you back at running, and enjoying it. Mwah!


I have such bad shin splints right now.
I haven’t been able to run at all in over a month and a half because of them.
You need to get them checked out before they get bad.
I let them get bad because I didn’t want to back out of my races for track, but afterwards, I had to back out of the next meet I qualified for because I could barely make it around the track.
Ask a physiotherapist or someone if you have flat feet.
I just found out (after 6 months of physio) that I do, and that is what was causing my shin splints and earlier my rotated pelvis and IT Band Syndrome,
so now I need to get orthodics.


AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH EM for your advice. I am definitely going to ease back and get some new shoes. I think I just started running hills too quickly!! Keep me updated with how things are going……


Great run! I love those 10-milers, too. However, mine aren’t nearly as fast as yours. :)
Glad pain didn’t become an issue for you. Love your blog, and I don’t mind the 374 posts per day.


Ahhhhhhhh! Yaaaaaay! Congrats!!! YOU DID IT!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!

I bet you are on cloud 9! Super excited for you :)


AHHH! That’s amazing! Way to go, and keep it up!

I got shin splints when I first started and I iced them after every run while keeping them elevated with an ACE bandage. Also massaging. I haven’t gotten them since, but now I have a stress fracture/overused syndrom in my ankle. :[ BOO! I just need to switch out my shoes now so I can keep training for the RnR Vegas!


watch out for those shin splints! I suffer from a chronic shin splint in my left leg, and you can get stress fractures from them if you keep running on them. I have to be really careful and back off from running when mine start to flare up.


soooo amazing! it makes me so happy to read that you’re back out there doing what you love! you look great!! makes me want to get up from my work chair and bust out a long run! i’ll have to wait until this afternoon, but i’ll be thinking about you when i do get out there!


I got shin splints once when I was training for marathon. It really sucked because it was like 5 weeks out and I was getting to peak training! But I couldn’t ignore the pain any more so i took 1 full week off, no running at all. Then after 1 week i ran a 5 mile race and PR’d. Then the following week I ran my 21 miles long run and I was fine! had no shin pain at all during the marathon.
dodged a bullet there.
Now I wish my other injuries would have responded so well. A week off! ha! Stress fractures laugh in the face of a week off :(


Great job on the run!!


Congrats Janae! How in the world have you increased your mileage and pace so quickly? Pleeeeeease do a post on this!


Woooohoooooo!!!!!! Now THIS is why I read hungryrunnergirl! Yay Janae!
I ran my first 14 miler (longest run EVER) last week and I felt awesome- I, too, couldn’t stop smiling all day because I was so proud of myself and how GREAT it felt to run that far. You are going to be back to your old shenanigans in NO TIME. What is your first marathon as the newer and improved hungryrunnergirl going to be?


My favorite treatment for shin splints is to put my marble rolling pin in the freezer for about an hour, then use it to roll up and down my shins. It really helps. :)


Eeek! Just be careful — I thought I just had shin splints and tried to work through the pain and apparently gave myself a stress fracture about 6 months ago…. now I’m more careful about building up slowly and try to choose the eliptical if I’m hurting.

BTW Awesome job on your run!!! You’re in recovery and you’d still kick my butt at running haha


WOOHOO JANAE!!! I haven’t commented on a post of yours in so long! I’m glad i stopped by to read this….!!!!!! I’m so proud of and happy for you! You’ve come so far and I can just read your excitement and joy. I bet you’re running with a huge smile on your face the whole time! You’re still such an inspiration to me. :)

I’ve had HORRIBLE shin splints before. Like, excruciating pain… but only in 1 of my shins lol. time, a LOT of icing it, and a compression sleeve have helped tremendously! Now, my shin splints are gone but I wear the compression sleeve more for preventative reasons… don’t want that shin splint to come back! Plus, I get a very attractive tanline on ONE of my legs with it. :)

KEEP KICKING BUTT! You’re amazing!


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