How I get through the boring elliptical workout

The elliptical may be one of the most boring things in the entire world but at this point in recovery it is something I am doing every other day until I can run more days a week.

Here are my tips to making the experience fly by while still getting a killer workout in.

1.  Pretend you are still a teenager and watch MTV shows like, “16 and Pregnant.”


2. Set yourself up so that you can people watch the entire time.  Fave part about this Gold’s gym here is that there are ellipticals on the second floor overlooking the front entrance.

3.  Read a magazine.  Mine was on the ipad and if you can read while you go… makes the time FLY.

4. Do intervals.  I have no scientific method for this but I like to put on my tunes and SPRINT during the chorus.

5.  Rotate.  I think you all know I have a.d.d. except when it comes to running for who know’s how long or watching hours and hours of the Bachelorette or ABC Family television shows but when it comes to the gym I have to switch things up or else I start going a lil’ crazy!!

30 minutes ellip

10 minutes stairclimber

20 minutes ellip

10 minutes stairclimber

10 minutes ellip

10 minutes ellip

Did people stare?  Yes.

Did they think I was creepy for going back and forth on machines?   You better believe it!

DId I get a crazy awesome sweaty delicious workout without tearing my hair out from boredom?  Oh baby, did I!

6.  Think about the route that you get to run the next day and secretly pretend you are running free through the fields while you are strapped to a big clunky machine.

7.  Imagine yourself going to Yogurtland later in the day……come on Billy it has almost been a full 24 hours.


What was your workout?!?!?!

How do you fight boredom on the elliptical?!?!

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props to you!! the elliptical is SO boring and I never have fun with it! my last workout was this morning short run and workout dvd!


You are too funny. I read while on the elliptical, it definitely makes it go by faster and I can still manage to break a sweat. :)


Love switching around between machines! I lifted weights today…and I’m feelin the burn :)


My PT allowed me to do a big FIVE minutes on the elliptical today. For some reason I never got bored! lol

(But when I am allowed more than 5 minutes, I have to look at something. Usually TV or I put a movie in. I can’t really read while on any machine. Basically I get too distracted and fall off the machine!:))


OMG- I struggle with boredom on the elliptical and the stationary bike, but I am forced into the bike right now since I am sidelined from running because of an IT/ knee injury! I am getting through it by doing intervals (not HIT) and watching netflix on my iphone! I’ve cranked out some serious movies and almost an entire season of Make it or Break It! Watching those gymnasts is seriously inspiring!


It’s soo great that you’re sticking to your recovery plan so that you can get healthy again :) and I totally agree, the elliptical BORES ME TO DEATH! But every other day isn’t that bad, and if it ends with me being able to run more often some day, then I’m all for it!

I do the same thing with rotating! I’m positive that everyone at my gym thinks of me as “that crazy woman who is always switching machines”, but it keeps me busy and distracted enough to not hate the elliptical :)


The elliptical is not my favorite, but I do something similar to your workout:
10 pushups
20 minutes elliptical
10 pushups, 10 tricep dips
15 minutes bke
10 pushups, 10 tricep dips
10 minutes elliptical
10 pushups, 10 tricep dips
5 minutes bike
10 pushups
Still not as good as a run, but it is a great workout!


Kim, I’m trying this workout tomorrow!
Thanks for posting it (and giving me motivation to do something besides whine about my stress fracture)!


yes! i do unscientific sprints on the treadmill too! :)


I can’t stand the elliptical. I usually ellipticize forward for 5 minutes and then switch to backwards for 5 minutes over and over again. I really think it’s the most boring piece of equipment in the gym. My mom could ellipticize forever though, she’s crazy.


About to head to the gym…speed intervals on the treadmill. It’s the only way I don’t die of boredom on that thing. Well, that and Netflix. I frequently pray to the internet gods that I will have a good signal in the gym.


i always rotate the direction i go in. usually in 15 minute intervals. it gives me such mental relief!


People watch and TV are my boredom fighting methods as well!!!


I agree, the elliptical can be very boring! Listening to music and watching tv always helps me!


Where did you find Running Times for the iPad? I’ve looked all over and I can’t find it. Thanks!


I spring on the chorus’s, too! Oh Janae, we were meant to be sweaty bloggy soulmates.

Other things that make my workouts go faster include reading a book, pretend like I’m dancing on the elliptical like I’m in a club, imagine my butt melting off with each stride, watch whatever TV show my elliptical neighbor has chosen, chew gum feverishly, pray, jam out to the worst teeny bopper club songs I can find like Fergie, Katie Perry and Rihanna.


Magazines! Times flies on the elliptical when you’re reading a magazine. I have a stack here, maybe I should go to the gym…


People, US Weekly, InTouch all save me on those machines. I get so annoyed when all there is at the gym are things like The Economist, US/World Weekly Report and lame alumni magazines.

I like the switchback method of boredom-evasion. Who cares what people think?


Getting ready for bikini season I downloaded a million pictures of Victoria’s Secret models in their bikinis and had the slideshow play on my phone while I was on the eliptical… so I could stare at their rock hard abs and tell myself “keeeeep goinnnnggggg!!!!” … I sure did get some weird looks by ppl walking by, but then I had to ask why the heck are they staring at what I’m looking at so intensely? get out of my space! haha


Last workout was Jillian’s 6 week to 6 pack and Biggest Loser’s Cardio Max. It was my first time trying both, and I loved them. I love talking on the phone while I’m on the elliptical, or watching TV. Thanks for the tips. I need an ipad!


I like to put the elliptical on the cross country setting, so then I’m doing intervals of really high resistance mixed with medium. I’m telling you the time flies during the lower resistance periods, since I’m semi-dreading those high peaks.


It’s looking like I have some elliptical rehab in the near future. Can you hear me gagging?!?! I’m gonna try your trick. People stare just when I do speed intervals, speeding up and slowing down…they should get a kick out watching me go back and forth on machines… ;)


haha nice job. I hate the elliptical. I just can’t get in to it. ever. impressive that you can stick to it for even 10 minutes. all hail janae and her motivation


I say why pretend you’re a teenage just to watch 16 & pregnant, we ALL do it! :)


I read (trashy) gossip maagzines! And do intervals!


I actually LOVE the elliptical!! But I find most machines boring if I don’t have entertainment, so reading mags or people watching is the way to GO! :D And I do the sprint-chorus thing too! Wooo!!

My workout today? I got to RUN!!! YAAAAAAY!!! And it was TOTALLY pain-free!! SO SO happy! :D


I was on the elliptical today….definitely got bored fast! I listen to really loud, fun music to pass the time! :D


Reality TV is what gets me through the winter dreadmill runs!


Bahahaha I am the queen of making elliptical workouts fun! Mostly I pretend like the little effort display bar thingies at an etch-a-sketch… I adjust my effort level to make pictures! So I’ll draw mountain ranges, houses, lil space invader-esque shapes….uhm….mountain ranges…uhh. hahaha Or else just patterns! I become totally OCD about making my pattern EXACTLY right. One time I accidentally turned 20 minutes on the elliptical into TWO HOURS because I was so hell-bent on completing my artwork! hahahaha my life is so sad :\


i lifted this morning! woohoo for watching junk tv while working out…love it!


I have officially decided to try the switching machines thing at my next workout — tomorrow morning. My usual guilty-pleasesure TV just isn’t cutting it this summer.

Today’s workout was cardio on the elliptical — but yesterday was my fav workout of the week: trying to keep up with 24 middle schoolers at volleyball open gym!


ugh, the dreaded elliptical! why must it be so boring?!?


so are you in california just for funsies? lucky ducks.

i loathe the elliptical janae! funny thing really. i can run on the treadmill for miles and miles but i get on that elliptical and 10 minutes later i want to quit. i spend so much time adjusting speed and resistance, it’s ridiculous. i’d rather just push a button and “go.”

glad you’re having fun with your family.


I swear, you were totally reading my mind with this blog post title. I’ve gotta do something to get my rear in gear, ’cause the bike and the elliptical are so, so boring to me.


I love people watching at the gym. There are some interesting folk who pass through the doors!

My workout today was an hour long bike ride with both my kids in the trailer. Fun family activity!


I am so bad on any cardio at the gym–I get a.d.d. like no other! I’d like to try your alternating method but my gym gets so crowded that I don’t think I’d ever get a treadmill or elliptical back if I stepped off it!


I get sooo bored during cardio workouts – unless they’re intervals!!


I’m a dork – I like the elliptical because I can watch TV while I do it. As long as I’m watching something I like, the time flies by! Since other than this I either do exercise DVDs, classes or outdoor running, the novelty of exercising while catching up on shows keeps it fun. I also loved doing intervals when we stayed with Eric’s parents over Christmas and I got to use their fancy shmancy elliptical every day! WOO!
This morning was kickboxing in the living room… so much more interesting with a cat under foot…


If I put a towel over the screen so I can’t see how much longer I have it helps me from staring at it waiting for my time to be up. Also putting something good on tv helps. If I start the elliptical right when a good show starts I tend to stay on it for the entire show and not think about it too much.

I like your idea of switching it up like you do!


I LOVE the elliptical!!! But they are also right in front of the meatheads at our gym and makes for some good people watching! Also, we are getting a 32 degrees AND a Yogurt Mountain in my town.. and I could not be more excited!!!


People watching – YES!

It’s funny how you begin to notice the same people over and over.

I even start to notice their clothes, if they changed their hair, etc. Hmm, maybe I take it a step TOO far! ;)


Ugh totally agree! It sucks. Thanks for the tips…I dance!


I did the elliptical too! But not my usual elliptical workout, because it was more of a cooldown after an hour of boot camp.

Usually I watch TV and do intervals

Ellip auto changes from incline 10 to incline 4 every 2 minutes at resistance level 7

5 min warm up
5 min of 30 sec sprint, 30 sec recovery
5 min of backwards
5 min of 30 sec sprint, 30 sec recovery
5 min of backwards
5 min of 30 sec sprint, 30 sec recovery
5 min backwards
5 min hard back and forward
5 min cooldown


I haven’t been on an elliptical for a long time. But I do LOVE Gold’s Gym and watching people when I’m on the treadmill!


Hahaha 16 and pregnant totally works for me, when I’m working out. Or when I’m sitting on the couch… hehe

I love reading magazines too! I just have to make sure I don’t lose too much focus on my workout, otherwise I stop sweating!


I can never read while exercising! I see those ladies on the elliptical or what not and all the bouncing I do, I can barely focus. They don’t go as fast as I do, anyways. I try to watch the TVs but they don’t have sound so it sucks (I go to a Y.) I usually just listen to my music and block off the timer so I can’t see it. lol. If I am biking and I’m not going hardcore, I can read then.


I like to make up any sort of interval pattern I can. Like using the chorus (like you’ve already said), hauling butt every other song, 2 mins normal- 1 min fast, anything I can possible make up in my mind I do it :)


Hahaha, love this :-) I actually love the elliptical but I don’t go on it as long as you do – probably half the time! That Gold’s gym looks proper sweet…cool that you can see the front desk from your prime spot! I used to listen to music when I work out but then my ipod touch died a terrible death :-( (do not let your ipad fall off the machine face down. It doesn’t end well :-P) so now I just think happy thoughts, read a magazine, or do lots of intervals to distract myself and prevent ze boredom from kicking in. It’s fun and “kicks my trash” as you would say! ;-) xyx


Boredom on the elliptical is fought with fresh playlists as often as possible! Sometimes even that isn’t enough. Magazines definitely help too though!


I need good music, some interesting tv and lots of changing the pace/resistance otherwise I go mentallll. My gym has ellipticals that look down on outside and I do exactly the same thing haha!


The best way to beat the boredom is to take your hands off the bars and pretend like you are running. Although for the purposes of looking like a normal human, I should probably keep my hands on the bars, because my friends tell me that I look like “a fairy spreading her fairy dust all over everyone” when I run. I don’t know what this means, but I hope it brings good luck.


I do not know how you do it – after about three minutes on the elliptical I just get really angry at the world haha. I find the stair machine really fun though! It’s so freakin hard that there is not way to get bored, I am just sweating all over the place. Of course I can usually only last 15 minutes before I feel like I might pass out.

my favorite way to cross train now that I can’t really run is riding my road bike. It’s SORT of like running. Can be outside. Can do it for a long time if desired. Know where I’m going and can pick of landmarks as time passes. If I push myself, can get to be a sweaty mess. Sometimes pass people out (usually just old people, or people on crappy bikes that look like the wheels are about to fall off. But STILL). Bugs in mouth and/or eyes. Yup, sort of like running…


hahaha how funny! I just wrote a post similar to this. Well it was actually how I work out when I’m too tired. The answer to that problem is a “lazy” elliptical workout while watching my favorite shows and reading food network magazine. These are usually my workouts Thursday and Friday at the end of the week when I am too tired to work out the way I am supposed to. I people watch too…but for eye candy. Hey, I’m a single New Yorker – gotta have the eagle eye ;-)


Am I weird that I enjoy the elliptical? I usually listen to music and watch TV while I’m on it. My gym has a bunch of TV’s in front of the ellipticals and treadmills, makes time fly by!

My workout today was 35 minutes on the treadmill, short ab workout, and 15 minutes on the elliptical.


is that the gold’s in RSM??

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