Get your hands off of me.

In case you were wondering my lesson at church went pretty awesome minus the fact that I was shaking uncontrollably and sweating more than I did in my last marathon.

The key to getting people to participate in a class is to pass fresh cookies around the room and tell them if they take one that means they have to participate.  It worked like a charm and what once was 60 cookies is now 3 and will probably be 0 cookies by the morning.
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We headed on up to my Aunt’s house for her BDAY DINNER.  

Once again, dinner was eaten outside.  I am making a goal to eat outside at least once a day and all ice cream must be eaten while in the sun.  I make such ambitious goals for myself don’t i?!?!

For dinner we had cheeseburgers (mine is upside down and I didn’t notice until looking at the picture), corn on the cob, a pickle and fruit salads sent from the heavens.

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I am officially obsessed with the picture below.  I really can’t even express how happy that little face makes me.  PS she said her first sentence, “Get your hands off of me.”

We are all very proud of her and since we all laugh so hard at her when she says it she keeps saying it in a voice that is two octaves lower than her normal mumbles.  She may look sweet………


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You know what the best part of the night is…..birthday cake. I guess the beautiful bday girl wasn’t too happy with me for interrupting their picture and going straight for the flowers.  That is a Costco cake:)

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I am left speechless with the below plate of food.  Is it just a girl thing or just a Janae thing that I would be completely content just eating frosting and ice cream for the rest of my life.  That is 2.4 inches of frosting on that bad boy and will make the best fuel for a run in the morning with my sister.

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There are more pictures on didn’t cut it.……I am going a little crazy with the camera lately!


Are you good at public speaking?  Do you get nervous? When was the last time that you had to speak in public?

-I don’t know what my deal is but talking in front of 15 year olds comes so easy to me (probably because they think that my made up words are real words that only smart people know) but I get SO nervous/sweaty when I talk in front of my peers about anything other than food and fitness.

What are some of your GOALS for the week?

-Besides eating ice cream outside…..I want to clean my house top to bottom because we leave next week to Cali for the rest of the SUMMER!!!

I also want to see how much I can play with my family and friends before I leave and my final goal for this week….three hard core lifting sessions!!!

How many days a week do you run?

-I am allowed to run every other day so I will be running Monday, Wednesday and Saturday…anyone want to join me!?!?

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That outfit (pink dress/white shirt) is super cute on you! Also, I get a little envious when I see all those mountains in the background of your pics!

Oh…I like the new look of the site. I must not have left a comment in awhile? Or maybe you just changed it up. Not sure. But anyway, looks great!


THANK YOU GORGEOUS GIRL for your sweet words…LOVE YOU!!! I did change the site up a lil bit:)


I like your dress very cute :) Your little niece is seriously such a doll!! haha

I like to speak to children and such–teaching them, but I HATE speaking in front of my peers/adults. I get so nervous and want to throw up! I guess its a good thing I went into Early Childhood!
A goal this week is to go to the library, get new reading material, lay out, find a job.
I usually try to run 6 days a week. So far I have ran 2 for 2. Saturday and Sunday. I will try some running later today!


Have a great time in Cali! I did a lot public speaking in school but haven’t done much since so it scares me again, before I was used to it!

I run Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and every other Friday right now.


Ugh…frosting…gag… LOL

I hate public speaking unless I have researched the topic to the EXTREME. Otherwise, I’m a nervous wreck!

My goal is to get new RUNNING SHOES ($$$) and find a job. These are two mutually connected goals…

I’ve only been running 3 days a week, but once I get new shoes, you know I’ll be testing those babies out at least 4 times!!

Your cousin is too cute and you should put a video up of her saying “get your hands off of me” :)


Send me your frosting:) Good luck on the job and what type of running shoes are you looking into! Good call on the video….I am totally going to!


You will be happy to know that I sort of ran this morning. I decided to start interval training, so for me that meant 30 seconds of fast running, 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes. I don’t like running, but it actually didn’t suck :) I thought you might like to know lol. My goal for the week is to do that again on Wednesday and Friday.


AHHHH THIS MAKES MY DAY!! Girl, you are amazing. LOVE interval training…so so good for you! Wish we could run together!


I feel your pain with public speaking, I get visibly (to me at least) shaky. Your outfit, and shoes!, are adorable!!
Right now I’m taking some time off from running, I just do a couple easy miles when my body feels like it. Otherwise I’m trying to focus on lifting more too! It’s been a lot of fun to switch it up.


YAY for lifting!! Oh, I understand the SHAKING when public speaking!


I love that picture of your niece. Too cute! I love her first sentence too. Perfect!!!

My goals for the week are just to continue my marathon training. It started yesterday and I’m pumped!!!!


AHHH I AM SO SO HAPPY That you are training for your marathon! You are AMAZING!! LOVE YOU!


I ALWAYS get nervous public speaking. I have to give a presentation to all of the directors at work today and I’m freaking out a little. I’m preparing by reading blogs. I think it’ll help.

My goals for the week are to successfully start marathon training. Should be fine, though, since the first two weeks are basically my normal running schedule!

I run six days a week and rest on Sundays!


Public speaking really gets me anxious. The last time I had to do it was when I defended my thesis and it almost killed me. It was 50 minutes of hell. I practiced so insanely much, which is the only reason I got through it. And I haven’t done it since! A very, very small part of me is glad that it was a requirement though because I feel like I’m a better person for it.

I usually run 3 days a week, and cross-train/lift 3 days a week. It keeps me interested to be constantly switching things up.

And I really love your bangles!


Defending a thesis would have killed me. Girl, you are absolutely amazing!


I aim to run 3 or 4 days a week. I cross train most other days so either way I try to stay active all week long.

Your niece is adorable by the way!!


Thank you so much for this atrilce, it saved me time!


People think I’m really confident speaking in public but I am freaking out big time inside! It’s scary! Great job teaching the lesson on developing talents, I’m sure they would have listened even without the cookies!
Haha, love the picture of Billy being picked up, so cute!


I used to be HORRIBLE at public speaking until I entered graduate school. in my Ph.D. program, I am obligated to give oral presentations in front of 10s and 100s of faculty and students, and it has made me not only a better speaker but also less nervous each time I do it. The more you speak in public, the better it gets, so keep it up, girl! :-)


Fun post! That bundle of little girl joy is ADORABLE. I’m jealous that you get to be around her and take cute pictures of her all the time. AND that you got to eat a huge slice of cake yesterday….waaaaaaa.


Saturday running date please????


I used to be a wreck when it came to public speaking, awkward nervous giggle, super fast speech, beet red face.. attractive no? But my program has a huge emphasis on public speaking so I have made myself get better with lots of pracice!
I usually run 3 days a week but I have ben slacking lately… I need to get back in the game!
where in Cali are you going/why?!?


Great photos! Love her facial expression.

I looove birthday cake, well, I love any cake in general, who am I kidding!

The frosting is always my favorite part, hands down.

I was kind of bummed that I didn’t have a birthday cake last night (my parents are out of town at the beach so they couldn’t make the trip down here) but we’re just going to have a belated celebration in late june :) Can’t wait!


That is a great idea! I am the first councilor in my primary. I am in a small branch so we have about 8-10 kids. We switch off sharing time each week and I am always in charge of the beginning part. So I am always trying to find ways to get the kids to participate. I am deftly going to try that trick :) Thanks!

So I guess you could say I public speak a lot but it is in front of little kids. Teenagers would be way harder and I still dont like giving talks.

My goal is to get all my work done before I head to MN for my race. I will be running those days as well :)

I usually run 4 days a week.

Happy Running!


SO not good with public speaking….at all! hahaha
Glad you had an awesome weekend!


I get very nervous when I public speak, but I have gotten a lot better over the course of my college career! Even though I sweat a ton because I’m so nervous, I am very thankful that I do not get red in the face when I speak… that way I can at least fool the crowd ;)


Right now I am running Tues/Thurs/Sat because I am not training for anything. I would like to get it back to 4 times a week like I was earlier in the Spring. My goal was more cross-training for the summer and I am definitely getting that with spin class and BodyPump :)


Public speaking makes me so nervous! I have to type out my speech word for word and read it or I’m a mess.. Oh and being a red head you are blessed with over heating which means one bright red face when nervous or embarrassed! I spoke to the yw a month ago on body image… Nervous wreck!

California here you come! What a fun adventure! What part? I will be there for a week in July!

My goal is to try to be real friends with you! Let’s get fro yo!


At college I took a course in public speaking that was run the same way as a Toastmasters Group… we eased into public speaking very gently and by the end were doing seminars with materials we had designed and produced ourselves. It was wonderful and it made it so easy for me to speak when I went into the scary world of business.

Good for you.


Wishing I lived close to you…would so love to run with you!! I am desperate for some running buddies!!

And I love speaking in public- sometimes I get nervous and I get cold chills, but at the same time I sweat buckets- it’s a weird feeling!! Haha!!

And those chocolate chip cookies you made the other day- look delicious as does that Costco cake!! I DESPISE this no carb thing I am on for a few weeks- it’s killing me!

Have a great week girl!


I have a confession… I eat cupcakes and cake JUST for the frosting. I could take or leave the actual doughy part, but the frosting? I’ll fight ya to the death for the frosting… especially if it’s buttercream. Swooooon.


I hate public speaking too! It is funny, I am a classroom teacher and yet I can’t get up in front a big crowd to public speak. Your running schedule sounds a little like mine, I run Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I like this schedule, it allows me more time to fit in fun activities cross training wise :) Goals for the week would be to get my 2 insanity workouts done, a 6 mile long run on Saturday, and some well needed pool time and hopes of no more rain :(


I am the same way when it comes to speaking to people. I have no problem speaking in front of classrooms full of teenagers, but bring in a couple of their parents or some of my peers and I’m nervous! I love that pink dress!


That picture of your niece is adorable. And Costco cake…..yes, I could eat a whole one!! I try to run 5 days a week.


I am pretty cool with public speaking unless I overthink it and freak myself out.

my goal this week is to finish chemotherapy! today is my last chemo treatment and I am beyond excited about it! It’s a milestone :) my goal is also to celebrate lots and lots, probably with ice cream since champagne is off limits still, hehe.

I run about 4 days a week when I can (not now because of cancer) but once I am healed, you better believe my butt with be out there soon running!


haha I’m like you. I love to speak in front of people when I’m talking about stuff I care about like running, health and fitness, Girls on the Run, Make a Wish and obvi, food. After that, I am no so confident and get real nervous. I run as much as I can right now with my little foot problem. On that note, I’m callin the doctor to make an appointment about this little foot!


For some reason the picture of your cousin greeting Billy is the funniest thing ever! I laughed when I saw it then had to look around to see if anyone noticed my outburst!
Right now I’m running zero days a week since I’m pregnant with twins. So my goal for the week is to take less than 10 minutes to heave my huge body off the couch. Go me!
Pre-preggo I ran 5 days a week. I often did 2 a days…am a fan.
We had the same lesson yesterday but without cookies. I feel cheated.


I have a hard time with speaking in front of my peers- as a teacher I’ve got the kid thing nailed.

Costco cake is soooo good!


Janae I love your dress you look absolutely gorgeous as usual. You are always so stinking cute in all of the pictures.

I seriously could live on frosting alone and have been known to eat it straight out of the carton. oops!

I can’t believe you are leaving next week. I am going to miss you oh so very much. We must do a Yogurtland date before you leave! Thanks again for all of your support during the marathon Saturday. I love you girl! xoxo


I actually have to speak in (semi) public fairly often- I often have to present financials, etc to our board. Sometimes I’m nervous and others it’s a breeze. It usually depends on the topic and how comfortable I am with the information. (yeah, i’m a nerd, i know)

btw, frosting and ice cream, be still my heart- fantabulous!!

i typically run about 3 days a week right now- it’s just too stinkin’ hot for much more than that. i am enjoying biking and swimming though so it’s back to triathlons for me until much later in the fall.

ok, i’ll publish it here and you can hold me accountable, my goal for the week is to actually make it to 2 swim workouts. sad, but true, i’ve been a total pool slack lately. just keepin’ it real :)


First – I am all about the frosting too. I totally don’t understand the people who eat part of a piece of cake, and leave the top frosting. I understand not eating the entire piece of cake (okay, maybe I don’t, but I’ll fake it), but leaving the top? That’s the best part! Crazy people.

My run days are Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Sunday is my long run, although I’ll admit yesterday’s long run turned into Zumba/shorter run. Good thing it did – I made it to the last class that this instructor was going to teach! Would have been sad to miss it.

So – my much anticipated/feared 8 miles is tomorrow. And it’s going to be (semi)-perfect weather – 50s and grey! Yeah! Now to stop overthinking it…


I hate public speaking! I’m trying to get better at it and be more comfortable but I still get totally nervous.

I love frosting, the more the better — I am 24 and still ask for the roses off the cake :)

I run 3-4 days/week. I spin the other days and try to also strength train — getting better at that! That’s my goal for the week too!

Hope you have a wonderful week!! :)


I bet you did a great job at church!

And yes, ice cream is the BEST when eaten in the sun :)


A cookie for participation? What a bargain!

This week my goal is to make it to my kickboxing class 4 of the next 5 days. I didn’t go once last week and it’s time to change that.

My other goal is CRAZYYYY!!

I decided to take on the Man v. Food challenge Adam did while in San Jose, CA. It’s 12 hot wings, 10 minutes, no water or napkins. When you finish you have to sit there for 5 minutes to feel the burn. The 12 wings are the equivalent of 6 habanero peppers!!!! I’ll be doing a recap of it on Wednesday, if I survive!!!


costco cake makes me cry tears of joy.


ditto on that! i was gonna post my own comment and lead in with costco cakes are the boomdiggitty, but this caught my eye and i had to agree! the best part is that they are NOT stingy with the frosting and slather it on nice and thick!

running plans for me are every day this week and hopefully start feeling some more snap in these legs on my harder workout days. :)

Enjoy your blissful runs with your sis! :)


Seriously… doesn’t get better than costco cakes. I considered getting a part time job there this summer to bake (eat) cakes in the bakery!


My job used to be all public speaking……and here is a tip…..everybody gets nervous talking in front of large groups. The trick is to FAKE IT. You just have to pretend that you are not nervous and no one will be any the wiser. wink wink.


Your niece is so ADORABLE! I love that your family is so big that there’s ALWAYS a birthday to celebrate. So much fun! Congrats on doing your lesson at church. I’m totally impressed. And good call with the homemade cookies. :)


Public speaking!! I would imagine you EXCEL in that area and is good practice for the Urban blogging conference. Love the idea of cookies as participation bribes!!!

Laughing literally out loud at your cousin “greeting” Billster! You have such a fun family. Can’t believe you will be in Cali in a week! Holy envious!!! You’ll have so many more blog meetups to do!!!


I am awful at talking to groups. I always have to hold parent meetings for Title 1 stuff throughout the year and I get so sweaty and a mess! Even when doing assemblies with just the kids I get so nervous!

Goal for this week is to have a blast doing Girls on the Run at my school!! First day today was a blast!


Ironically I get very shy public speaking… which you wouldn’t expect from a news anchor and reporter. I used to be a rodeo queen and had no problem talking to crowds of 20k +… but that’s because I played a character. When I’m on TV… there are maybe three people in the room. It’s just me and the ole teleprompter. Get me in public and I’m Miss Bashful. :)

Happy to hear you are doing well and up and running again. As always, thanks for the workout inspiration. I substituted running (nagging sprained ankle) with spinning… and I’m addicted.

Cheers! xo


I am TERRIBLE at public speaking! It’s a fear of mine! I actually visit your church often (well, in a different state) and it always impresses me how you all gives talks! Such an amazing thing to start at a young age!

I usually run 5 or 6 days a week! It’s my sanity…but I also get really bored with it. I don’t run as fast or far as you though!


You are leaving so soon! I am so excited for you to soak up the sun in Cali all summer! Woo Hoo!!! We need to all get together one more time before you leave! PS, I miss your spin classes already. Can we just skype and I will put you in the spin room on my lap top in front of me?


I KNOW!! I MISS SPIN SO SO MUCH!!! When can I see you this week!?!?


HIvrTZ zlrjciexpwqd


Heck yeah! the more frosting on that bad boy the better! I’m there with yuh! ice cream and cake all the way! and I like your ambitions! I’m gonna try to eat outside too! I feel like it’s much more enjoyable to eat outside! :)


Your pink dress is adorable!! I live in Salt Lake and I’ve heard that running with someone better than you is a good way to push yourself to get better. I’m slow… so I don’t know if you’d be interested in running with me, but congrats on getting back into it and not experiencing any pain!!


I had cake yesterday tooooo! There’s a bunch of bdays like RIGHT NOW on my hubby’s side, so we had a little get together. We had vanilla cake with a strawberry custard filling (not too crazy about the custard – give me the butter cream), but the fresh strawberries were delish. After my run today…I’m wishing I woulda brought some cake home. Boo..


I’m pretty good at public speaking and I get somewhat nervous, I guess, but it’s mostly just energy… like a “rush.” I actually taught public speaking at Utah State University for 2 years, I was a Teaching Assistant. I taught a lecture with 120 students once and then covered 2 labs with 13 students each. It’s definitely a God given talent that I’m grateful for.

My goal for this week…. stay consistent with my weightloss and exercise routine! Try to cut down on late night snacks!

I run at least 4 days a week, but I aim for 5! Last week, I did 6. But I also like to add in other forms of cardio and strength training!


I LOVE Costco cake! I ran in a 5k over the weekend that had cake at the finish. At first I didn’t think my tummy could handle all that sugar right after a race, then as I got closer I decided to go for the piece with the most frosting. awesome.


What a SUPER CUTE pink dress lady!! How adorable!! I get the same exact way with public speaking. If I am speaking to people younger than me…or much older I’m fine…but when it’s people my age I get all nervous and sweaty. It’s not like they know more than me but I still feel that way. HA! I literally thought I was going to pass out when I had to present my master’s thesis. (thankfully I didn’t…that would have been super embarrassing)
Hope you are doing well!! Glad you’re running a little more :)


your dress is so cute in that first picture…love the color :)


You made my day, thank you gorgeous girl!


You are so lucky to be heading to CA for the rest of the summer! I must have missed why you were going there. Internship? I really don’t like speaking in front of groups either, but I bet you’re an awesome Relief Society teacher! That’s what you taught right? I know a ton of people already said this, but your dress really is dang cute. I want one. Where did you get it?


Your posts always make me laugh. Thanks for that! Your little niece is too cute for words.


I’m not a big frosting person. Most of it is way too sugary or way too waxy. But cake and ice cream? It’s probably my favorite invention. I may eat it almost once a week.


Oh wow, I could eat frosting and ice cream forever! Cream cheese frosting and buttercream are my favorite…I would rather have the icing than the cake :)


Those sandals are SO CUTE!


I love frosting soo much. When there is one of those big bakery cakes, I tend to scrape off extra flowers for myself to eat….

Right now I am running 4 days a week and supposed to do cross training or strength two days a week (I’m training for a half marathon), but find it hard to get motivated to get up early to do a workout video for strength training so I am thinking of just running a short distance on those days with strength afterwards.


I’ve been waiting for you to tell us about your cute little neices first sentence. Holly told me all about it and I LOVE it. She is so blasted cute!! I will sure miss seeing you around the gym, have a fun time in CA. I LOVE that picture with the bday girl and you attacking her cake, awesome!


Ummm, so a playdate this week is a MUST! I’ll call you tomorrow.

And Costco cake should be its own food group!!!


You’re making me crave cake, girl!

I’m a 3 times a week runner… I’m scared to run two days in a row because I did it once when I was a brand new runner and hated it. Maybe it’s time to move past that… hmmm…


OH my gosh that picture is just TOO cute!!!! I’m dying. The one of your little niece I mean. Though you’re always adorable! :) And cookies are definitely a winning recipe (ha!) for success ;)


there is no question i could live on frosting, cookies, brownies, and ice cream. honestly i would never get sick of the sweets. ever :)


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