Billy Kicked My Trash Running.

I am really starting to turn into a sleeper inner and I used to HATE sleeping in.

I didn’t wake up in time to go running (aka try to keep Billy within 1/2 a mile of me) with Billy before pump.

I got to the gym and did one mile on the treadmill to get warmed up and then headed on in to pump.

I know I say this every time I go to a new teacher and I know that I exaggerate just a tid bit every now and then (I get it from my Dad) but this woman was out to kill every one of the 850 muscles in the human body.

I got home and pretended like we hadn’t already talked about running together because a.  Billy is a speeding bullet  b.  it was 75 degrees outside and c.  I don’t remember, but I will edit this post once I do.

We started off and for the first 1/2 mile the whole time I kept saying, “AHHHH MY THREE FAVORITE THINGS…Bface, running and being outside!!!”  Mile .51 I started saying a few other things but my mother reads the blog so I cannot write them.

Even though it was hot, fast and I was already tired, I have a weird obsession with pushing myself.

We banged out 4 miles at a 7:56 average pace.  I hope the self-timer doesn’t capture how I actually run.

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“Billy, how the freak are you so speedy when the sun is five feet from our faces?!?!”

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Maybe I was trying to go potty or something.

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Finished up with 1 mile barefoot running on the grass in 8:34.  Between my doc’s and coach, barefoot grass running is the way to go for me.  It will STRENGTHEN mis zappatos (feet), help prevent injury (femurs to continue to heal) and increase my optimism even more (you try running around in the grass like a little kid and not smile).

Photo 5

Although it may look like I am wearing socks, I am not.  Maybe I should put my self-tanner on my feet.  Nah…that would just take time.


Do you have a route that you usually run or do you try new routes?

-Billy took me on his favorite 4 mile run that ended perfectly at a big field of grass.  I usually stick to running up the canyon but I am excited to run in Cali and explore new runs!

What are your 3 FAVORITE THINGS TODAY?!?!

-Refer to my bface, running and being outside comment!

What was your workout?

What did you have for lunch today?!?!

-I am CRAVING a salad as big as our tv and a smoothie!!!

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My workout was my first half marathon.

and lunch……a salad that was Janae sized with every veggie you can think of, potato, chicken, and cheese……and a bowl of ice cream topped with blueberries.

Do you think runners bodies crave the same foods? We must.


I NEED more details on your half marathon!! Congratulations girl (on the run and the salad:) I really think the runners crave the same thing….fro-yo and veggies!


Wow! We must!!! I ran a half marathon, LOVE veggies , and eat more ice cream/frozen yogurt than anybody I’ve ever met. Now…to be twins you must be obsessed with peanut butter too. All I need to live is pb,veggies, and ice cream.


I finally got my first run in today after being injured for 3 months!!! Your injury stories have really inspired me. Also you are freakin AMAZEBALLS hysterical.


AHHHH CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST RUN TODAY SINCE THE INJURY!!! I am going to your blog right now to read more about it!!


aww thanks Janae! and trust me, I am not speedy. I was just super hyper and excited


Weeee you got to run more!!! SHUT UP you are so speedy. I want your speedyness. Slash hahahah I need to self tannnn I hate being so darn pale!!! I better have a salad because I am craving the greeeeeens!

My 3 fave things: the fact that my grill is now set up, sunshine, and sweat. YEEUHH


so you ran six miles? OMG I am so jealous at how fast you are coming back from your sfx!! I have been running on grass but with shoes on. I may start taking them off for a few minutes at the end soon. I definitely need stronger feet!
You look so cute together running!
I just baked dozens of mini tarts with bacon caramelized onions and gruyere! It’s so fun to make little tarts. Yes, I’m lame. I just stared at them for a couple of minutes saying “they’re so pretty” my hubby was like.. uh yeah can we eat them now?
my workout was 6 min run/ 2 min walk x3


Yeah girl!! Look at that speed coming back! It is SO hard to run in the heat! I am getting a little too comfortable being on my treadmill this summer…


My husband kicked my trash in our run (well, it was a race) today. He’s only run four times this year (including today) and busted out a sub 19 minute 5k. A good 3 minutes faster than I came in!

I love running in the grass barefoot! It does make you feel like a little kid! Which always reminds me of that episode of Friends where Pheobie and Rachel run through the park like maniacs. I’ve tried it, it’s fun.


Yay for runs with the billster! Looks like a great time!


I didn’t workout…it was my rest day :) My three fav things today are the ruby necklace I’m wearing that my bf got me, the warm weather, and the fact that I get to go to dinner for FREE tonight (my roommate’s parents are taking us all out) yay!


I have a few different routes I stick to for different distances. When I am running by myself I like people to know my exact route.

My favorite things today – Starbucks and waffle date with my hubby!

Lunch was leftover wheatberry salad, minestrone soup and strawberries.

I wish it was sunny out here today but its pouring out! Enjoy the sunshine :)


I would give anything for 75 degree weather right now. It’s been 106 degrees here in Ft Worth for the past week.


Wow! You are brave! The only thing that goes through my mind when I think of barefoot running is stepping on dog poop! Eeew! Be careful!
I ran 4 miles and did Yoga! It was awesome!


My workout should have been 7 but ended up being 5 due to everything, who knows oh well. lunch kind of fell by the wayside but i am about to make that up with some homemade pizza yum


I love running barefoot on the grass! Its the best ever but I haven’t gone in forever bc there aren’t many fields close to me :(


Sounds like an awesome day! :D
No workout for me….I take weekends off! We had blackened tilapia, baked potatoes and pasta for dinner!


today i did a 3 mile run, an hour spin class, and 20 minutes on the stairs – great way to start the weekend! after the gym i made peanut butter and jelly oatmeal for lunch…might sound weird but it was AWESOME. =)


Aww! I love that you guys go running together :)

I had a delicious fruit salad and a wrap for lunch and I am having a turkey burger and an equally delicious spinach salad with goat cheese for dinner. Yum!!


Man, don’t I wish for some 75 degree weather in the middle of the day! I went running Friday at 5:30am and it was already 81 degrees (although the humidity made it feel more like 85 or so. It’s rough!
(Glad I don’t have to deal with the insane cold you do though.)


My goodness, you are sooo fast!! I did a Barre3 workout DVD, and went for a long walk with my boyfriend.


I run the same routes for the most part b/c I dont want to drive somewhere to run.

My three favorite things today are my run club workout, key lime pie gelato that I just snacked on, and the birthday party I going to tonight!

I used to have to do barefoot striders on the football field after track workouts- they felt really good, I should start doing them again.


Ahhhhhh sounds like an awesome day girlie!!

Got 5 miles in this morning followed by breakfast at Panera. So good! I need to strengthen my feet. Once I am pain free in my right foot I am going to include short distance minimalist/barefoot in my weekly miles.

You are going to love exploring new places to run on your Cali vacay! So many great places!

Have a great weekend!


You are so cute and so speedy… in my opinion… even while rehabbing :P

Today I will do a stretching routine and then go ride my bike. And I had a crummy lunch… salami and cheese and pineapple… they don’t go well together, trust me.


My three fave things… my dogs, my fam, and THE SUN! (I will count Jason in the family thing since we live together… or maybe under “dogs”!)

And I kind of skipped my workout but took the dogs for a hike… it was only 50 degrees though so no over heating here!

Great post… I can’t help laughing when I read your blog!


I don’t necessarily stick to the same exact route, but I do stick to familiar streets and paths. I have to mix up the direction every now and then, or I get bored.

My three favorite things today: riding a new to me bike, being happy that we are active, buying new jewelry for my sister’s wedding next weekend.

My workout was a 28 mile bike ride with my husband.

Lunch was a turkey sandwich from our favorite local sandwich shop. Early dinner at a yummy Mexican restaurant.


Nice farmers tan feet. Try using Tan Towels- they are my new favorite and cancer risk free!


I’m glad you’re back to running! Those pics on the self timer are pretty funny!


I am boring and usually run the same ol’ route… but I love it because it’s along the water :)

3 favourite things today = The bf, the bf’s mini me, and being on the BEACH in the SUN all day long!

Workout was a 10.5k run followed by a 5k walk to the beach, playing catch with the bf’s mini me, and a 2.5k walk to get milk and yogurt for tomorrow’s breakfast and because I cannot stay inside in this gorgeousness. Oh and 60 pushups!

Lunch was a giant spinach and arugula salad with smoked salmon and gorgonzola from the Boardwalk Pub on the beach. SO freaking good. I must go back!

Hope you had an amazing day Janae!


Three Fav. Things Today
1. It was a race day!
2. I had a good time!
3. I drove 2hours home to have a great evening with my neice and nephew!




Hi there, I’m in Oz and it’s quite cold here, so I am envious of the sun on your face! I’m only learning to run at this stage so my program is participating in the C25K program. I’m getting there. About to start week 6. I’ve participated in 2 fun runs this year and have another 2 lined up. Loving it. thanks for your inspiration.


HEY MANDY!?!?! COLD….move here and run with me!! I am so so happy that you are doing the C25K program…you are a rockstar!! Keep me updated and wahoo for two more races lined up!


HEY MANDY!!! COLD!?!?! Come move to Utah and run with me!! So excited about your C25K program…you are INCREDIBLE!!! Keep me updated!


I switch between a few routes around where I live, but try to run next to the ocean when I can :)
Three things- I baked delicious peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies (oh and ate half the batter), went for a fast and sweaty run, cuddled with my cat!

Your posts are always so hilarious, I am so glad you are getting back to running!


Um, your cookies are making me drool!! YAY FOR A FAST RUN AND CUDDLING WITH THE CAT, you are adorable!! Thanks for your sweet words!


Your day looks perfect, so glad to see you running again (and fast wow!)
I love to switch up my route as much as possible. I usually take similar streets but switch up the order so I have new things to look at! For lunch my co worker surprised me with a gorgeous salad with so many veggies, avocado, salami, provolone, olives… and I had some yogurt and berries :)
no workout today just waitressing for 8 hours… which is more of a workout than anything else I would have done!


favourite things: english toffee latte, 5 mile run, coming home from a bad day at work (or rather, i was just grouchy).

lunch = giant salad! mm mmm mmm.

OH YEAH my work out = 5 mile run, abs/stretching and some arms (or rather, ten bicep curls with the extension band…heh).


Workout = 6 mile long run with marathon training group. You would hate running here in the summer. It was 80 at 5:30 am. Awesome run though.
Then I mowed the lawn to declare my husband’s Father’s Day weekend officially open and thoroughly soaked my clothes with sweat.

Favorite things today: swimming with my fam
watching movies with the fam
getting email from Muncher Cruncher


80 degrees at 5:30 a.m.!?!?! NO WAY!!! Oh I LOVE meg at Muncher Cruncher, she is the SWEETEST!! SWIMMING…LOVE THAT!! So glad that you had such a great day….and dang woman, you are an amazing wife!!


I WISH I could run around barefoot in the grass! I can’t even sit in grass for more than 2 minutes without breaking out in hives and rashes. Oh yes…lucky me is quite allergic to the green stuff!


I’ve got a few “regular” runs that I do 1-2 times a week, but since I get bored easily, I’m often making up new routes all the time!


3 fav’s: running with my awesome running group, relaxing on the couch with my dog, rewarding myself with some beer!

workout: 9 miles with hills!

lunch: huge salad with last night’s leftover carnitas, guac, tomatoes, onion, & cheese. tasty!


Your salad is making me DROOL!! Great hill workout!! I LOVE running groups….. does it get any better than RUNNING with FRIENDS!?!


First: I missed your gorgeous face!!!!!!!! Like a lot! Just so you know, even though I wasn’t blogging I was reading yours daily :)

Second: you’re gorgeous

Third: I’m glad you’re back in my life ;)

Fourth: still gorgeous!

Fifth: 3 of my fav things today were, the delicious burger I ate, gorgeous weather, and hot date night

For lunch i had: yogurt and fruit and toast :)

Workout: 9 miles at an 8:00 pace and hot yoga ;)


I ADORE YOU and you ALWAYS make my day!! KILLER RUN and yoga?!?! You are a ROCKSTAR!!! Um, your lunch sounds amazing!


check out that awesome form series caught on camera! ;) haha.

my workout today was also a run, tho i thankfully didn’t catch myself on camera because it wouldn’t have been pretty. let’s see, lunch today were chicken tacos…yummy!

but in seriousness, SOO pumped to see that ur running is coming along, in no time u’ll be kicking some marathon booty! three hours, what?? ;)


I am still pretty new to your blog, but I love it. I wish my husband would run with me…but he really hates it. Sad.

I usually run the same trail and routes, I switch it up from time to time.
3 favorite things: Ice, my new bed and sleep
work out: 6 mile run with my puppeh
lunch was a giant salad in a 4 quart mixing bowl, I ate the whole thing.


HEY JULIA!!! A NEW BED!?!?! That is the BEST!! Great workout girl and I feel like we should be salad bff’s:)


Ah! I’m catching up on your b-to-the-log after a road trip! Did I just read that you ran 4 sub 8 min miles?!!! what the…?? AWESOMESAUCE to the nth power!

Yeah for weather that allows barefoot grass running!!

Your self timer pics always make me smile!!


This morning on my ride I saw a guy running and totally thought it was Billy. Luckily I didn’t yell out to him and embarass myself because when I got a little closer, I realized he looked nothing like Billy. Maybe I should have thought that way last week when I freaked some girl out at the marathon by yelling at her when I thought she was you.


BAHAHA That made my day!!! HOW ARE YOU!?!?! One of these days you will ride by and it WILL BE US:)


Yay!! Soo happy that you were able to run today!! :) :)…virtual hugs xoxoxo!!

3 favorite things today…spent quality time with my family today, played baseball w/ my lil’ one, ate a slice of Costco pizza that I’ve been craving!!

Workout – 11 mi. w/hills – 8:20 pace

lunch – chkn salad n Costco pizza!! yummmm!!

luv ya and can’t wait to meet you IRL soon!! :)


AHHH I GET TO MEET YOU SO SO SOON!! GREAT WORKOUT!! LOVE COSTCO LUNCHES!!! I am SO glad that you had so much fun with your FAMILY!!


Can you convince my boyfriend to run with me?! That just sounds like so much fun that you run with Billy.
I usually have a few routes that I vary by running different roads, but I have my favorite 4 mile loop that always puts me in a great mood. My favorite is the bikepath near the waterfront!


I had the same 3 favourite things, except my bface is dface! I also had a run outside in beautiful weather and had a massive salad for lunch! Yum! We also went on a super long walk and had ICE CREAM! Had to switch it up since I had fro-yo 3 times in one week (thanks again…).


Why switch up something so amazing…oh yeah because ice cream is the too:) YAY for a run in the beautiful weather and a massive salad..our days sound very similar!!


My fave route is the loop in Central Park, but I haven’t done it in a while. Lately I’ve been sticking with the East River because I live a little closer to it AND it’s in the sun, not shade so I maximize my sun time.

Three Fave Things: Sun, Frozen Yogurt and Trader Joe’s (first trip)

Workout: 9 miles – my foot is hurting big-time. Icing while reading blogs

Lunch: Fro yo (hehehe)


I want to come with you on a run through Central Park. Um best favorite things!! Fro-yo for lunch…yes!!! I am SO SO sorry about your foot. Keep me updated, praying for you!


You and Billy are seriously adorable! :) Um, I’m jealous that you run so freaking fast after not running for awhile… You’re a rockstar :)



You are SO SO NICE!! Thank you GORGEOUS GIRL!!


Rest day today!

Didnt eat the healthiest lunch (I don’t wanna talk about it =P)

What self tanner do you use? I get too impatient with the gradual tanners and the ones that aren’t gradual streak, and yes I am blaming this on the tanner and not my own rubbing tanner all over the place capabilities.


I use Clinique’s self-tanner and I LOVE IT!! Hey, now worries about a bad lunch, tomorrow is a new day and it is NORMAL to not eat every meal perfectly!! I am lucky if I get one healthy meal in a day!!


There is nothing wrong with sleeping in every once and a while….that was one of my three favorite things from my day!


Wowzers, there’s no way I could run that fast for 4 miles, and I haven’t even had broken femurs. You are, basically, awesome!


Today I ate 2 lava cakes and a doughnut bc I am feeling so depressed. How dis you make it through not running??? Oh and I really want to know about thus grass running!! Can you call me when you have a sec? Xx


HONEY!?!?! I am SO sorry about the no running and I ate my weight in junk food!! YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS and you will be a stronger runner before you know it!! Can I call you tomorrow!?!


Mmmm a salad sounds so good right now. My family is in London from the States and is definitely digging the fish ‘n chips. Yesterday’s lunch was…cheese and crackers, grapes, and wine! Oh yeahhhh.


ahhaah LOVE the snap shots!! i usually do not the exact same route but in the same area because i hate getting lost and i like being able to run without thnking so if im in the same area i know where im goin!


Aaah, my three favourite things today (so far!) are: my wonderful boyfriend Tom; being at home with him, my Mum, Dad and Sister; and lazy Sunday mornings! :-D
It’s my rest day today so my only exercise will be walking and eating and laughing :-P but yesterday Idid a wonderful 1 hour yoga class…felt so good <3
Seriously, Janae, I am SO impressed with how far you are running already, so happy for you…yay you! Love the photos :-)


Hmmm…I use the word wonderful too much, sorry…but it’s such a nice word, lol! ;-) xyx


Oh wait, I haven’t finished! :-) I usually run the same route when I do run, which is this beautiful, hilly, three mile hilly route by my parents house. When I was younger and lived at home I used to run it every morning monday-friday…it was wonderful! :-) When its summertime you would run past all these lovely flowers along the road, and the smell would waft into your nose, a different one at each house and flowerbed. So lovely <3 I liked running the same route as it was familiar and always challenging – but to mix it up I would also run in backwards. Not literally, lol! ;-) Just in the oppsite direction. hehehe,that'd be funny though! And definitely challenging :-P xyx


Today (yesterday) I ran a 5k with my dad! I came in 10th in my age group so I was really proud!
I can’t believe how fast you already are so shortly after your injury!!! I want to be you! :)


You’re so lucky to have a husband to run with! I run with my brothers every day and am dreading going off to the “real world” where I’ll have to haul myself out of bed and hit the road alone every morning!

I have a couple of routes in a rotation that I normally stick to…but I run them backwards and add on to them sometimes to keep things interesting. Once a week I also don’t measure out my run before I leave and just run easy for time, wherever I feel like going.


My workout was drinking a bunch of wine & eating Greek food at a festival :) Rest Day!!


I am so jealous that you can run so speedy even after not running for so long! So glad it has been working out for you and you are coming back strong!!!


my workout today was a timed mile at the track. It’s a rest day, but I wanted to see how speedy I am with just one mile :)

Nice job on your super fast run with Billy! I love running with Mike, it’s the best!


I only put tanner on my legs (and they are STILL white).. My feet look hilarious with odd running/sandal tan lines.

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