I am not ashamed……..

1.  That this semester while Billy is so busy with school until 9 most nights I am spending more time at my parents house than my own.  I am 25 years old.  That is completely normal.

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2.  That I am a woman and crave steak often.  I know most people call steak man food but in my world it is Janae food.  I may have texted the parentals earlier on in the day pleading for them to make it for dinner tonight.  I am also not ashamed that I request my steak to be in between rare and medium rare……love me the pink.

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3.  I eat homemade smores like they are going out of style. No marshmellows= no problems, all I need is chocolate, graham cracker and a microwave and I am happy.

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4.  That I still get really competitive even when playing games against my little neices and nephews and I am a really poor sport when they win.

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5.  That when I drive by happy runners I get a little (okay, a lot) jealous of their endorphin high and beads of sweat on their forehead.  Don’t worry mom, I was at a stoplight when I took a picture of these beautiful runners in my rear-view mirror, the car next to me probably thought I was only a little bit creepy.

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6.  One of my favorite activities in life is watching 48 episodes of Cupcake Wars with my mom and sister on a Monday night.  Pure bliss and thank you DVR for allowing us to skip through the commercials.  I only made my mom take 30 pictures of this one….I finally had to cover the multiple chins with my hand.

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What are you not ashamed of?

Steak fan?  How do you like yours to be cooked?

What are your favorite Food Network shows?

-Chopped and Cupcake Wars.

Do you ever play video games?  What is your favorite?

-Not really but when I do play I get really into it.  I LOVE guitar hero and the wii…oh, and duck hunting from the old school nintendo.

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1. Not sure what I am ashamed of haha
2. I dont mind a steak every once in a while. I like my well done. That is how I grew up with my meat so I guess Im gonna stay in those ways
3. I like The Challenges.
4. I dont really play video games. I used to when I was little. I would play the old school Nintendo. I really want a Wii but Im sure I would only use it to play dance games!!


Haha! You're the best! I get jealous when I see runners even if I just got back from a run. We are a crazy bunch aren't we??


Love this post! I spend way too much time with my mom..and I'm 24..haha!
I LOVE steak..I am more of a medium well kind of girl…the pink freaks me out!
I like Dinner Impossible and Iron Chef!
I get super competitive with Wii tennis and bowling!


i'm not ashamed of the fact that i enjoy going to be around 7:30pm while my hubs is away on business trips. my grandma tendencies kick in full force.

i can't watch food network. i have little to no self control.

i love old school nintendo!!!!


Love steak. I like it medium, served over a bed of baby spinach or spring mix and dried cranberries. Then put goat cheese or blue cheese crumbles on top of the steak. Yum. I think I just planned my dinner.


I am not ashamed of much, but thankfully I've learned that I shouldn't admit openly to everything I'm not ashamed of. ;)

I love steak but really only love filet mignon cooked medium rare. I <3 the pink too.

There's something really entertaining about Giada and I also really love Iron Chef although I've been going without it since we don't have cable currently.

The only video game I really love is Tetris. I can play it for hours on end…until when I close my eyes, I still see those little clumps of squares.


1. I'm not ashamed of much.
2. I don't eat red meat…just don't like it.
3. I love Barefoot Contessa and Chopped.


I love that your sister's always all over the blog too. I miss my sis (she's in Chicago) and it's cute to see the sista love!


Mmmmmm….love steak. The rarer, the better. I'm not ashamed of my love for reality TV. The last two nights at my house were dominated by Survivor and Celebrity Apprentice :)

Love Food Network! I'll watch anything on there, but I especially love the Saturday morning cooking shows.


I love all of Giada's shows. Some people find her annoying but she always makes food that looks so good and it's easy to make!

When I used to eat meat, it definitely had to be rare! I used to wait tables and I always thought it was so weird when people would order their steak well done, ewww.

I LOVE old school Super Mario! I wish I still had an old Nintendo, I was so good at that game. Maybe that is what I am ashamed of, how good I used to be at Mario!


Rare to medium rare on steak, most definitely!

I love Unwrapped on Food Network (but it's hardly EVER on!), and Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives…


I am not ashamed that I totally rock out my helmet, knee pads and wrist pads when I go rollerblading.

I love Best thing I ever ate, Kid in a Candy Store, the next food network star, Unwrapped, any of the cooking shows.. uhm pretty much every show on the food network!

ha yes i love video games! n64 was the best!!


Loved this post!!!!
I'm not ashamed of eating peanut butter straight out of the jar! :D
I looove steak!!!! We can actually walk to a place where they'll bring out some steak still sizzling on a skillet, and if you get some right then, its rare, but if you wait a little, it'll be well done! YUM!


I don't crave it all the time, but when I do, there's nothing holding me back from a good steak! Especially when it's warm and can be cooked on the grill. :)

Oh god, are you kidding me girl? Cupcake Wars is my favorite! I could watch it all day to get fun ideas!


I always get jealous of runners when I'm driving, especially runners out on a sunny day running with dogs!
I'm not ashamed that I get excited to babysit to play kids games and watch Disney movies. I don't play too many video games, but the little boy I babysit beat me terribly at a dancing video game.


I am not ashamed that I can eat a ton of bananas in one sitting, that I play my wii like its my job, or that I name my electronics.
No steak for me. Havent had red meat since I was 8.
I'll pretty much watch anything on food network but especially Chopped, Paula Deen, Giada, and The Best Thing I Ever Ate.
I love video games. Total chick gamer here. My favorite is Zelda and the Ocarina of Time. I also love mario kart and any donkey kong games!


I am also a big steak fan and prefer my on the medium-rare side (closer to rare). I'm not ashamed that even though I might be enjoying a really expensive or perfectly cooked steak, I'll still smother it with worstshire sauce (I'm also not ashamed that I don't know how to spell and/or say that word). I just love the taste of that stuff!


I like my steak rare, same way my hubby eats it. Guess we're both manly. LOL

I suck horribly at video games, but I still like to play some. I actually got hooked on the MMA game for the Xbox 360 for a while. LOL


I'm not ashamed to admit that even though I am a vegetarian, I MISS steak! Med rare definitely, served with mashed potatoes. YUM. I haven't had meat in 2.5 years and couldn't care less about chicken, never missed it once but steak is another story. Now I'm sad.

I don't watch Food Network that often or ever play video games. I know, I'm lame :)


I eat steak so rarely but when my parents BBQ it I have one…and it has to be really pink, yum!

I love guitar hero and I'm kind of super awesome. Just saying.

I have a giveaway going on for a signed book by the guys who created the 100 Push-Ups challenge…come check it out so you can get your 28 inch biceps ASAP!!!



Your photo reminded me of how much I love peas and mashed potatoes….great combo!

And I just got home from being at my parents' house for a few days and it was just heeaaaven!

Nothing like being home for a good recharge :)


i LOVE the picture of you and your nephew. oh my gosh it couldn't be better.

i just started following your blog a couple of weeks ago and i've decided i kinda love it :) your love for food makes me believe we are kindred spirits.

i don't think i've ever watched cupcake wars, but if you can watch 48 episodes, it must be pretty good!


I just saw cupcake wars for the first time this weekend while on the treadmill at the gym, that's good stuff…except I had to go home and make cupcakes after.


I'm not ashamed of anything!!! I know I'm boring, always talk about the same stuff (food and running) goto sleep early and care more about cupcakes than most people. It's cool!
I don't like steak (sorry)
I'll eat it maybe once a year… if I do eat it I''m medium all the way.


I puffy pink heart steak! I actually used to get it rare, but was convinced to start going with medium rare in case is get pregnant. I don't know why everyone thinks steak is man food. That's irksome.


Love steak!! Give me medium rare! My dad buys a couple steers from the 4H kids at the auction every year and gives us lots of yummy beef. We have a designated freezer only for red meat. Yum!


I love steak! I like mine medium to medium rare:). The husband eats his rare…that's too pink for me! I like pink, but not blood! (eww).

I had heard a lot about chopped but had never seen it until yesterday! I loved it! (I try not to watch the food network because it just makes me hungry…no matter how much or how recently I have just eaten. It also makes whatever I am cooking for dinner look not as appetizing…even if I am cooking a nice dinner:().

I didn't have video games growing up, so am not big into them (although I do have an old school nintendo and do have mario bros, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt!, and some other:). I do like Wii games, too:)


1. not ashamed to eat pasta in the morning

2. medium well (i used to like it pretty rare but then i started hearing mooing, just kidding)

3. i love food network, probably what not to wear ties with cake boss and then good eats stands alone!

4. super smash brothers. oh oh and mario kart. although i realize that i actually am terrible at both of these games.


I too love the beef.


For some reason I love Barefoot Contessa. It's my lunch time de-stress break from schoolwork! And although the rest of my family loves steak, I am not a meat-eater. Oh and at one point in my life I went through a huge smores making phase. I would just microwave the whole thing for about 30 seconds.


I love my steak medium rare all day everyday. Nomtastic.

I personally enjoy Wednesdays at 9-America's Next Top Model!


I like my steak medium and a little pink too. It's just more tender that way.
I love all your pictures! Especially the one of your nephew with his tongue hanging out! I'm glad you get to hang out with your family while Billy's at school. I love Chopped. Although I always feel bad for the losers.


1- I am not ashamed of reading young reader books (think Harry Potter, Lightening Thief, Fablehaven, etc)

2-I LOVE steak. Give me a nicely marbled ribeye cooked Medium Rare (Drives me nuts when I see someone get a really nice cut of meat, think a filet, and have it cooked well done..oh my heck, you just ruined it..ugh)

3-Since we don't have food network anymore (one of the things I miss the most about having cable or satellite) I don't even know what it on anymore. I really loved watching Emeril Live back in the day though.

4-I don't really play video games very often…I would rather just watch my kids play


I want to leave work and go to the grocery right now to get homemade smore ingredients. You are a genius.


Steak is delicious, but I have to be really craving it to want it :) Filet mignon all the way!

Good Eats and Challenge are my favorites :)

Aaand I don't play video games very much… I'm not very good.


I am so jealous of your ability to blog so often AND teach! This is something I have yet to master, but I guess it doesn't really matter since teaching ends in a few weeks!


Great Post!
"I'm sorry I'm not sorry!" :)
1. I'm not ashamed that when I eat cupcakes I actually only eat the frosting.
2. I love a good steak, medium rare, but only get it at restaurants/special occasions.
3. Fave Food Network show = Giada!


That microwaved s'more would be even better with a spread of peanut butter!


Love it! I am not ashamed that I get depressed when someone from my family goes a day without calling me. ha ha. Also not ashamed that I eat like a growing teenage boy. :)

Your sister looks beautiful in that last picture. Can you maybe dedicate a blog post to how she gets her hair to look like that?

Love ya and I missed pf last night. :( Next week, next week! :)


I LOVE duck hunt from the old nintendo. so fun! brings back memories.

I am not ashamed to spend most Sundays laying in bed all day watching food & OWN network & reading & blogging, only leaving that comfortable space for a 4:30 Pilates class and to make food in the kitchen. I.love.my.bed on the weekends and Sunday is my lazy day!


I do like steak, I don't eat it often though. I like it a little pink in the middle, which I never used to, but now I prefer it that way!


mmmm…love steak, love Iron Chef, but am an epic failure at video games…


I love cupcake wars. Every time I watch it I somehow convince myself that I can make cupcakes like them. Such denial I have.


Ok, I read always, but don't comment alot, however, today I could not help myself. I seriously could have written your post. We eat(med. rare) steak nearly twice a week, our staple snack is microwave smores and I am the most competitive person most people know. NOt to mention that I am injured now too and drive around at night to see other people running. (soo scary I know) Anyway,just had to let you know you are not alone.


I am not ashamed that I like chocolate more than I like real food. I am also not ashamed that I would rather be at the gym than at work every single day of my life.

I don't eat meat so I'm definitely NOT a steak fan but when I used to eat it, it needed to be cooked until it was BLACK and tough like leather.

I like most, if not all, Food Network shows…

I don't really play video games…just whatever games the BF downloads onto his ipad! Veggie Samurai was an addiction for a while haha


i am NOT ashamed of how much I ate this weekend. Free food was every where and when it was not there…the parents were paying so I LOVED that. I figured it would be back to my skimpy boring meals this week anyway so I better take advantage of eating as much as possible while I could :)

I like steak but do not eat it very often. I definitely like mine red as well!

I MISS YOU!!! Cant wait to start getting my work outs back into gear tomorrow.

Also…I was skimming all the posts I missed out on this weekend and saw the one where you posted the training plan from a previous race. I was blown away…3 days per week + cross training and rest. It sounds so balanced and made me realize that I do not HAVE to run every single day as far as I can to be able to run a marathon…plus my body liked me so much more when i was more balanced with everything. Seeing that plan actually felt like a sigh of relief and a confidence booster. A sigh of relief because I realized it was okay to do less and still feel like I can finish. I think my body will appreciate me so much more. I may adapt the last 3 weeks of that plan for myself…I cant believe it is only like 24 days away. eeek.



omg that dinner looks amazing!! and smores without mellows…kind of revolutionary! haha. I'll have to try :)
Love diners, drive-ins, and dives.

I liked sonic the hedgehog when I was a kid! Games these days are too complicated for an old lady like me !


I'm not ashamed that I love your blog!


I love this no shame post! I am definitely not ashamed that I love popcorn with cheese melted on top and a side of salsa to dip it in! And I cant forget the salt and pepper sprinkled on top!
I like my steak medium well… Pink scares me!
Favorite food network shows… Love almost all, but if I had to pick… Barefoot Contessa, Chopped, and Diners Drive-inns and Dives!
I love the Wii, but so competitive that I have to limit my playtime! Also a big fan of Running Pad from the original nintendo!
Have a great day!


I am not ashamed of eating whatever I can till my stomach hurts even if I'm with my boyfriend.
I love steak and I like it well done.
I still play video games especially when I'm with my younger siblings. It's still fun even if I'm 24.Food networks still get me interested.

Visit my site: Temporary Custody


I also love steak, but eat it more in the summer bc I love it off the grill! I like mine cooked medium. You shouldn't be ashamed about eating lots of steak bc there's tons of iron in it and you need that to be a strong runner! :)

I wish my sister lived close to me so we could have Cupcake Wars marathons!


I love steak! My favorite is a sirloin cooked medium rare. Yum. :-P

My favorite Food Network show is Chopped.

I used to play my old school Nintendo (mario brothers I, II, III and Bart vs. the World.


I wouldnt worry about hagning out with the parentals too much.. i'm 27 and MOVING IN with mine in less than three months! lol

I'm a huge red meat fan too, it's my weekend big meal, STEAK! Medium rare to rare for me!


i LOVE steak and I usually eat it medium rare :)


I get a lot of flack for this, but my go meal 2 days before races is 2 orders of pizza hut breadsticks… always :)

I'm also not ashamed that I LOVE some of the shows on teen nick- basically degrassi and that 70s shows. I'm a Twilight and Harry Potter Fan as well- dork at heart :)


Love me some steak.. gotta me close to moo'in too! I don't like video games though :( (akamamrunsbarefoot)


I love steak too!! I like it cooked medium-rare. And I hardly ever play video games, but I love Just Dance on the Wii, even though I don't have one.


Favorite FN shows are "Good Eats" and "Kid in a Candy Store!" <- Definitely makes you hungry!

Replace the marshmallows with peanut nutter on your s'mores. Now THAT is amazing.


The rearview mirror pic is the best. Seriously, craced me up. I love steak but rarely eat it because I am not the best cook. I try not ot watch the food network because it makes me hungry and I play video games (yes I am a girl) I grew up with a lot of boys and my boyfriend is huge on video games. The best part is when I beat them, they never see it coming!


I am really not ashamed of anything. I love steak!!! Mhmmmmm… With some A1 sauce, yummy!!!!


I don't like red meat, but I do get that way about turkey burgers. George Foreman (the grill, not the guy) and I grill them indoors all year round. I'll just be at work and it will hit me: "need. burger. now."

Love Chopped and when they used to show the original Iron Chef. I like to think about what I would be making with the ingredients.

I love video games at arcades. Want a fun day? Go to the arcade and let loose!


Got the choc. chips, but I need to buy some graham crackers!


haha I'm not ashamed that I eat chocolate in the middle of the day!!!


My boyfriend would love it if I wanted to eat steak! Not a steak fan, and I'm not ashamed of it.

I'm also not ashamed to eat a whole loaf of delicious fresh baked bread in one sitting, or finish a whole bag of pretzels/animal crackers/Ikea biscuits in one sitting. Delish!!


You get the BEST pics with your nieces and nephews! Love the video "game face"! I'm so thankful that your family is near when Billy is in full student mode–it will be SOOOO worth it one day, then he can travel with you and be your race support! ;)

Thank you for your kind words and support throughout my training Janae! I totally value you them! THANK YOU!


My FAVORITE food show is The Best Thing I ever Ate, followed by the new Kid in a Candy Store.
P.S. You should totally do a blog on all of your beauty secrets! You and your sister always look gorgeous, even when working out! I need to know the secret :)


I like my steak rare.



i'm not ashamed that if they lived closer i'd prolly spend preeeetty much every day at my parents' house with my younger sibs. i'm also not ashamed that i'm ALWAYS plenty jealous of any runners i see out there if i;'m currently injured at the time.

i'm not a fan of steak though…and i haven't played video games in awhile, i suck at them but i love to talk a ton of trash. :)


What are you not ashamed of?
That I would rather read your blog than do my actual work. And that I'm on my second regular sized bag of popcorn in 2 hours

Steak fan? How do you like yours to be cooked?
Not really a steak fan…but medium rare if i eat it.

What are your favorite Food Network shows?

-Best Thing I ever Ate and Cupcake Wars

Do you ever play video games? What is your favorite?

-Not really but the wii is fun!


Not ashamed of being a Christian! Oh and admitting that I listen to Ice Ice Baby on my runs…
Steak: has to be a filet mignon cooked well.
Food Network-dont have cable anymore
Fav video game: Probably archery on Wii Sports or bowling-I ROCK at wii bowling… =)

I love your perspective while taking a running hiatus Janae, thanks for helping us ALL to remember that there really IS much more to life than running =)


I am not ashamed to say that I am in bed by 9pm on most nights…rock out to Christian Music during my workouts….can eat oatmeal up to four times a day…love cottage cheese and egg whites together.
Not a huge steak fan would rather love chicken, I know I am pretty boring. My fav video game is Sonic the Hedge Hog.


Medium Rare please! :D
I'm ashamed of how much I love onions a bit ha. Also I am a huge dork sometimes, but I definitely just told about that on my blog today! Ha



Hi… i work with my mom! 40 hours a week plus training runs… love my Momma!!! And we all know i have no shame about anything! Lol. I love steak and potatoes. Yum!!! Steak ordered medium is perfect! And my fav video games are the wii sports. Love bowling and tennis!


Hi Janae! This is "Mrs. Smith," your long lost Diet Dr. Pepper loving Drama "teacher-friend."

I've been reading your blog for a while now, but haven't ever commented. Reading your funny posts makes me miss you!

Anyway, since my hubby is also gone until about 10 PM every night, I've also been hanging out with my parents more than I have since I was about 10 years old. Not ashamed. I've also turned into a dog lady. Not ashamed.

Anyway, I am going to try blogging again this summer so maybe we can be blog buddies soon.


i'm not ashamed that i've been in my jammies for an hour already :)
hubby teaches pilates til late so that makes it okay!!


I am not ashamed that I take my laptop to the bathroom with me when I'm blogging, reading blogs, wasting time on the internet. Wouldn't want to waste 5 minutes of computer time! I am not ashamed that we bought a huge watermelon yesterday, and I ate half of it by myself after lunch today. Oops. I am not ashamed that I can eat (almost) an entire half gallon of ice-cream in one sitting. Ok, maybe I'm a little ashamed about that.


I am not ashamed that when people bring doughnuts into work I always take one to-go. They give me a belly ache in the morning, but taste oh so delicious after dinner for dessert.

Love steak! I actually crave it on a regular basis. Well done for me, but I think it is due to childhood and so I think that is what steak should taste like.


It has been years since I've played video games but my favorites were "Toe Jam and Earl" and "Mario Kart". So much fun


Not ashamed that I take over 600 pictures of my kids every month. They're adorable and I can't help myself. I'm not ashamed that I pick the longest line at the grocery store so I can read my gossip magazines without having to buy them. haha! I'm also not ashamed that I can down a whole box of samoas in one sitting. Now you know the real reason I run, can't give up my girl scout cookies!


Mario Cart and Super Smash Brothers on Nintendo 64 used to be my favorite games to play(: Now sadly I don't have much time for video games any more, but they helped me reveal true colors once.. I used to play with my dad almost everyday when I was a little kid so I became really good at video games. When I was around 15years old I got sick one day and my new boyfriend at the time came over. We were bored and decided to play video games. My mom had warned him of my game playing skills, still he took on the challenge. Finally, when I beat him, his hubris couldn't take it and he ran out of my house. I am thankful that the game showed me that side of him early on. I am not ashamed that I can sometimes beat guys at video games[:

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