Honey Nut Honey More Cheerios

Everyone adds more honey to their bowl of honey nut cheerio’s right? And who doesn’t like reading the Sunday funnies?

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Lunch was a salad the size of Billy’s head.  We got some mahi on top with roasted red potato’s, apples, spinach and leftover dressing from Cafe Rio last night.  Yes, I took home the last 1/8th cup of salad dressing because I am that obsessed with it.

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Sorry, this post is quick because I gotta go hang out with this boy…..nephew Jace from Arizona.

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and eat some of this dessert that I got from the amazing Jessica’s blog…..brownie, oreo, choc chips and pb/chocolate topping.  Don’t mind if I do.

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I hope you are having an amazing Easter Sunday.  Eat some candy for me and wish me luck in winning the Easter egg hunt, this year I will not push any children over….I just can’t help my competitiveness!!!


What were your Easter traditions growing up?

-Orange rolls for bfast, easter egg hunt and a big ham dinner.

Favorite cereal topping?

-Fruit, honey and the occasional cup of sugar.

How many nieces/nephews do you have?

13, and no Mormons aren’t polygamists:)

Do you read the newspaper?

-Online yes, unless I am at my parent’s house than I do.

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Favorite easter traditions were DEF the Easter Egg hunts where my Grandma would hide a "goose" egg full of money. I only found it one time in my childhood.

I am so happy to hear that someone else puts honey on honey flavored things. This is the best combination in my opinion!

Only one nephew :)

I used to like the paper, but now online is too easy!

Have a great day :)


Happy Easter pretty lady!


Sunday comics…the one reason I miss getting a newspaper!

My family has never been one to do much on Easter weekend and today was no different. I slept in, ate brunch, napped and then headed out for a bike ride…a pretty good Sunday, Easter or not.


That dessert looks amazing! And wow I'm jealous, I don't have any nieces or nephews.


Wow, that dessert looks amazing!

Our only Easter tradition at this point is my mom comes and she takes us out to brunch after church. It's a relatively new tradition since we only moved far away from home 4 years ago.


Easter egg hunt and big ham dinner, as well! Also, dying easter eggs on Easter eve :)

Favorite cereal topping??? Hmmm… usually I just pick out whatever is in the box. (ie. lucky charm marshmallows, blueberries, clusters, everything good)

No nieces/nephews yet :(

Does doing the sudoku and reading the comics count as reading the paper???


Happy easter! Those brownies look SO good!
Favorite Easter traditions: egg hunts (now I hide them for my little cousins), church, easter lunch with my family, and overloading on chocolate & jellybeans.


We would always get a new spring dress and white shoes for Easter. The shoes were ALWAYS slippery on the sidewalk with no tread. Many a pantyhose was ruined on the way to church :)


"HAPPY EASTER!!" Good luck on the Easter egg hunt!!

1 niece (7mos.old), fav. cereal topping – banana, strawberries!! :)


Yum! Honey on cereal sounds delicious.

Easter traditions growing up were always a huge Easter egg hunt at my grandmas house and ham dinner of course.

I have 4 neices and nephews and I am jealous you have 13. They are so much fun! Happy Easter!!!


Love reading the REAL Sunday paper. Somehow it's nicer than online every once in a while. Plus the crossword is a million times better with pen and paper!
Cereal…does oatmeal count? If not, I love frosted shredded wheat!


Hola chica! Just wanted to say that your hair looks super pretty in these pics! Have a great Easter!


Going to church with the family then having a huge easter lunch and taking pictures in our nice clothes :)

Favorite cereal topping would be bananas or strawberries.

No nieces or nephews I'm the oldest and I'm only 20…
Happy Easter!


Funny that you should mention that mormons aren't polygamists…the latest Netflix DVD we got was the first couple episodes of Big Love. Jason and I were talking about it and wondering if mormons are bothered by shows (like Big Love) that are about polygamy. What's your take?

I don't have any nieces or nephews, but I do have 7 cousins on my dad's side and 16 on my mom's…Catholic.


Oh man. We made those brownies a few weekend ago and ate the entire pan. They were totally worth it- even if I can't zip up my jeans. Thanks for the self tanner tip!! I'm so excited to turn my transparent skin into opaque orange skin.



I don't remember having any Easter traditions growing up…

My favorite cereal topping is blueberries on the rare occasion that I eat cereal.

I have ZERO neices or nephews. My only sister is younger than me and not married yet, so no children. My husband has 3, so technically I guess they became mine too when I married him. Two neices, 18 and 11; one nephew 22.


I don't have ANY nieces or nephews. I'm actually the only married member of the cousins in my family (same in Mike's!).

I usually just top my cereal with milk…does that make me boring?

Hope you have an awesome Easter egg hunt!


I have one nephew and he is the best thing ever!! And don't worry, I knew that Mormons aren't polygamists!!

Happy Easter!


love the funnies! :)

I top cereal with Almond Butter + soy milk!


One – that salad looks delicious!

Two – one of the memories I have from Easter as a kid was going to my grandparents house. They would have a bowl of plastic eggs on the table and there was one for each cousin… with a $1 inside. It was only 1$..but I felt pretty bad@ss as a 5 or 6 year old with my own dollar back then!

Then there were egg hunts at home where my parents would have to continuously take eggs out of my brother's basket and rehide them since he was5 yrs older and found them so much quicker!


Great call on adding the HONEY to the cereal!

I love doing that, it makes the milk all sweet and it tastes so good.


Fav cereal topping – golden raisons. Happy


I'm in love with Jace & want to squeeze and kiss those adorable cheeks!

Favorite Easter tradition is the egg hunt, & my kids loved it today.


We always had Easter baskets with lots of candy of course! Traditions were usually sunrise church service (unless it was cold and rainy) and then my mom would cook leg of lamb. We just got home now from eating lamb at her house – so good! Oh, and Easter egg hunts. :)

I don't put much on my cereal other than more cereal – I love to mix 3-4 types of cereal together in one bowl. I do love to put some fruit in my cereal every now and then.

I only read what interests me in the paper, so it's usually the front page, comics, and sports. If there is an article about healthy living or food I'll read that too. All online.

I have 14 nieces and nephews! My husband is the youngest of 7. We don't have kids, and one of his brothers doesn't have kids – everyone else has 2-3 kids. It's so much fun!

Happy Easter!


I have 27 nieces and nephews, with #28 on the way later this year. I have been an Auntie since the age of 9. Phew. It is fun! My plan to have all my siblings have "my" children for me has turned out better than I expected :)


I read the news online- it's sad that newspapers are dying out, but I guess it's a sign of the times! No Kindle for books, though :)

Only two nephews, on my husband's side. My three siblings are all younger and think it's my job to reproduce first!


My Easter Tradition was always dying eggs! It was bittersweet. Fun times but then we'd have eggs to snack on for weeks! lol

I'm a fruit on my cereal kind of girl! You're hilarious with the candy and sugar and more sugar! I would be jumping off the walls!

I only have 1 adorable Nephew! I have a small family!

I only read the funnies when I read the paper. Always have growing up too. My mom would always set it aside for me. Now, I'm going for the coupons too!


– Egg hunts, and food!

– GRAPES! Grapes on Special K is the best thing EVER.

– None yet, wah!


happy easter to you!!!! hope you had a fabulous weekend.

i actually don't like cereal. never have. not even hot cereal. not sure why. i remember when i was little i actually refused to finish my oatmeal for breakfast and my dad made me eat it as soon as i got home from school. i put a pickle on it and swallowed without chewing.


i have totally made those same brownies from her blog and omg are they amazing!


Have fun playing with Jace!! What a doll!

Good luck on your Easter egg hunt! I'm catching up on your posts right now–so I bet I will find out how well you did!!

You can make the best salads frm a wide array of ingredients!

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