
45 minutes taught spin

45 minutes elliptical (level 0, speed 0.1, reading a magazine and being a lazy bum)  Gotta love recovery days.

30 minutes weights…..wahoo, who am I?  I stuck with all upperbody because these quads are sore from the downhills yesterday.


I am a student again.  I am dedicating myself to learning every detail I can about running/racing/training/sports nutrition etc.

We spent the afternoon reading (Billy read about the science background of running and explained it to me at 5th grade level so I could understand it) at Borders and it was AWESOME. If I can’t run 24/7 then I think I will just have to settle on learning about it all day.  Once again, you will notice how cheap I am…..bring my own hot chocolate ($4 for a drink, no thank you) and studying at the book store so that I don’t have to buy the books and magazines.  PS JENN I LOVE THE SCARF….THANKS GIRL!!!


I gots me a little running notebook/journal and started taking extensive notes.

Fun Fact…I am a lefty but I play sports with my right hand!


What do you enjoy STUDYING or LEARNING ABOUT?

-Obviously running but also nutrition, the human MIND, anatomy and physiology.  Basically I find the body and what it can do absolutely FASCINATING.

Any other LEFTIES???

Time to get back to studying…..this time I will be studying a ginormous salad with my parents.  See you in the morning best friends!!!!

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first to comment—i was worried about you!!!! You are like the brightest spot of my day!! Hugs-e


That's awesome! I so agree – the human body is so interesting. I loved my anatomy class even though it was hard. My favorite class this semester is advanced nutrition. Make sure you let us know about any fun running info you learned!


I read lots on running too!! Then all these stats and studies come out of my mouth when I met new runners and they look at me like I am crazy! But the best form of study is other runners experience.

Very cute scarf! It is a HOT day today here. I have a Nike Tempo short tanline


I LOVE reading books about film and film criticism. It is my second love.


After college I saved my pennies and took off (100% funded by me working and saving all my money) to Costa Rica for 3 months. The only book I brought with me was a giant philosophy book by my favorite philosopher (Philosophical Investigations by Wittgenstein). I read it twice while I was there (it's um, REALLY long) and took extensive notes with new thoughts each time. It was awesome.

My brain has gone mushy as I get older, so mostly I study the crazy on The Bachelor, and the rolls on The Biggest Loser.


You are adorable! I've been having to study for a human bio exam next week but I'm actually kind of enjoying the content (cancer, evolution, and even some nutrition!) I totally agree with you on the human body and nutrition and I also love learning through documentaries my favorite kind are political and environmental and I think religion is fascinating!


I absolutely LOVE studying anything and everything having to do with nutrition, the body and eating and staying healthy in general. I'm like you in that I also love learning about the human body and anatomy, and of course running and workout stuff too!


I'm a leftie too!!! AND I play sports with my right hand as well. Too funny! But I don't run as fast as you.


I love that you do that too! We always have a cheap date at Barnes and Nobles filling out minds with the newest information!

Really, I just LOVE learning. Anything that intrigues me, I like to read about and educate myself with. I love anything to do with our bodies, nutrition, and food.

Sorry, girl. No lefty here. I tried so hard when I was little cause I wanted to be cool, but I just couldn't do it.


I love learning about people and studying the way they act and live. Also, I am a lefty too! I do everything with my right hand except eat and write so I have learned to adapt to a right-handed world, lol!


You A++ student you! And, you have a super smart tutor! :) You guys have totally inspired me to think outside the box for outings!!

So, basically, you are ambidextrous!! Spencer coached a pitcher (now with the Yankee's minor league system) that could pitch both right and left-handed. He had a special glove made. I think Billy might be interested in that fun fact!


I do the same thing at the book store! They have such a better collection of running books then at my library. sad yes.


Wait learning about nutrition/sports/social sciences is my favorite thing!! Let's go to Borders and read every book and magazine and drink hot chocolate, mmk?:)

Slash giiiirl I am NOT a lefty, but I am ambidextrous and can write with both hands! I guess that makes me double-handed?


I love brain stuff. I volunteered for an fMRI study at the university where hubs is going to grad school because they promised me pictures of my brain. If I decide to go back to school, I would go back for a post-grad certificate in school neuropsychology. Don't think I can bring myself to commit to a PhD or PsyD…

Not a lefty here, my dad is though.


I really just love to learn! Yes, there are subjects that are boring but I love to learn something about everything. The body and weightlifting are two of my favorites!


Read Fast Track by Suzy Favor Hamilton!!!!!!!!!!!! Great book.


I love learning about different cultures and languages! I also love learning about nutrition aswell and the specifics and benfits of certain fruits and veggies. loser? i know lol… and obviously anything to do with running.

I am a lefty aswell!! I write with my left but do a lot of things with my right hand..i'm glad i'm not alone on this.

Have you ever read "Born to Run"??


I am a righty but I tumble with my left…
So, best friend, since you are now an expert in running and all its wonderfulness, if you're ever looking for a coaching job I know someone in desperate need for one. Hint: me.


I AM A LEFTY!!! i do everything with my left hand except i shoot a rifle right-handed…do you draw or are you artistic? i am. i always poll lefty's and ask them that, because a lot of us are. :)

i hope you will post some of your journal entries about running!

i love that your husband studies your sport.. :)


i love studying the holocaust. it's weird i know but i find world war II so fascinating. it's so sad but hopeful too…restitution and preservation of the concentration camps… on that happy note, good night!


I recently found your blog and I'm obsessed. You're funny, and real, and inspiring!

I just finished Born To Run and it changed the way I thought about running forever. Get it from the library now! :)

Also, I'm a lefty, but play sports with right hand/foot too.


You are so stinkin' cute it kills me!! Your blog is my favorite!

I love learning about nutrition, weight loss, and exercise.


That scarf looks gorgeous on you! :) Even though I can't see your face…You're gorgeous so I'm sure the scarf still makes you look gorgeous! I LOVE LOVE to learn! This post speaks to my heart of hearts. I miss the days of going to a book store and just reading, taking notes and soaking in all the good stuff. Now I order to books and read here. I ahve so many running books and magazines scattered around my house. Please share things you learn. Please!!! Oh, btw, I know, stupid of me but I just now figured out how amazing your treadmill is… I mean I knew it was awesome and such a great gift but I didn't read closely enough to know all it can do until my friend tiffani who reads your blog told me all about it! Good grief…what a gem! :) I got some Udo's oil tonight…expensive but it is supposed to help with endurance and recovery…you should check it out. xo


I'm a rightie but play sports with my left hand! We are opposites!


AWWW Of course you look gorgeous in the scarf!! I almost bought me one too… should have!
Your the supermodel, not me!!
I LOVE that Billy reads and then interprets, Kev does the same thing. He loves researching!
What a fun day at the book store!!!
You and your hubbs are so cute!!
:) xoxo…
P.s. Can I come next time you and Megan go to lunch! I love you guys! :)


I'm a lefty and do everything else with my right too. I've always wondered why. Only thing I can think is when I was a kid I just saw everyone else batting right-handed and kicking with their right foot, etc, and so I copied and did the same! Or I'm just weird :-) The more likely scenario…


Let's call you "economical" instead of "cheap" ;-) And nothing wrong with economizing… or being cheap, for that matter.

You do know what you are going to learn in sports nutrition, right? About the candy, right? And all the other sugary treats, right? Are you sure you want to learn that?

I love learning other languages. There were two years there where I was taking French, Italian, Spanish and German all at the same time. It was a blast!


I love reading about the body, nutrition, fitness. (Biology degree~ whoohoo!!!) You are too funny and remind me of myself…If only I had another one like your Billster that would enjoy it as much as me! One day, one day;)

I may eventually start a blog. Sometimes I think about telling you bloggers that I stalk the random concoctions I put together based on your creative abilities and my taste at the moment b/c I know you would be the ONLY one who gets it! HA HA HA!

Anyway, the more I read, the more I feel like you are my friend all the way in Utah. I love it that you share your personality, honesty, struggles, laughs, and breakdowns all the same. YOU are a true inspiration. I can't wait to see the picture of you crossing the finish line in Boston sub 3! GIRL~ you got it in the bag…:) rest assured!

Can't wait for you to impart all the amazing wisdom you gathered during your studying sessions! EXciting!!! I need so desperately to get better and faster.

P.S. I want to BE YOU!!!!!!


Lefty and I play basketball with right
Both my kids are lefty also

I Am studying US history. Got to know it before my kids have to learn it !


I totally go to the bookstore to read/study their books so I don't have to buy them…. My boyfriend and I like to consider it a date (YAY cheap dates!). I'll study or read anything on cooking, baking, nutrition, running, or Jesus.


Totally with you! I love physiology and the brain and psychology… and Just, I don' tknow, figuring people out! And nutrition.

Basically I lvoe people. ;) extrovert much? haha.
Learning is fun though. As ridiculously cheesy as that sounds… oops ;)



I could learn about sharks and killer whales all day every day. I love them. :) I'm also terrified of sharks, haha.

I also could learn about baking all day every day. I love baking as well. :)


i love learning about nutrition, sports medicine, psychology and exerciseeee!!!!!! I AM A RIGHTIEEE woowooo
also i definitely dont think 45 min spin, 45 min elliptical and 30 min of weights constitutes as a recovery day…….


I love reading about running and also nutrition, I like Michael Pollans books. :) Love the bring your own hot choc!


lefty! I learned how to use scissors right-handed (among other things) once I started school because the only left-handed scissors in my kindergarten class were all janky and rusty. and I obviously couldn't be bothered with that ;)


Love that you take a stand against the $4 drinks! I am currently immersed in all things minimalist running…there's a ton of info on it, so I'm a bit on overload!


Did you hear that borders declared bankruptcy?! I live in walking distance to one and I am so sad they are closing but they are having major sales this weekend!


I'm a lefty too, but for sports I'm righty too. Twinners!


I love reading anything exercise phys. or nutrition! It is so intersting, which is why a majored in it! Hope you learn lots of great info. Your already a rockstar,i guess it is superduper rockstar from here!


I'M A LEFTY TOO!!!! I swear there is an abnormal percentage of bloggers who are lefties – I wonder why?


I am in law school and find the law fascinating!! There is so much I didn't know and so many ways society tries to screw you if you don't pay attention and read the fine print! haha. Did you say Billster is going to law school now or applying in the future? Y'all are so cute!!


I'm a leftie!!!! :)


I'm obsessed with learning everything there is about running. I have like 5 running books waiting the be read. I think it's fascinating.


Oh.My.Gosh! I am L O V I N G that scarf!!!!!!!! =-D <3 why oh why cant i find ones like that here in NJ?!


I hate spending tons of money on drinks at the book stores. So what a great idea of bringing your own, for some reason I thought that it wasn't allowed and I'm all about following the rules. :)


Working in a bookstore is like attending classes every day. So, since I've got 20 years of working at bookstores, I think by now I should have a few PhD's and a couple of Masters. What a great education!


I can barely pick my nose with my left hand! It's useless for anything but typing and displaying my gorgeous wedding rings.

I'm going to be looking to you for inspiration and cheap date ideas for a while. If you missed my post on it, we got slammed with a ginormous tax bill this year. Needless to say, we'll be pinching pennies for a while! Our date next weekend may be walking the Walmart parking lot looking for loose change. haha


I'm a lefty too.


I'm right handed, but left footed – all sports for me are better with my left foot doing the leading. My daughter is a lefty. I like learning about all sorts of things – so homeschooling is really fun for me because I can relearn/learn about all sorts of cool things!


I love spending days in the bookstore reading/studying. :) Hopefully you will have some tips to share. I need to get back into running.


I am a righty but play sports left handed. I also sweep and mop left handed. Basically, everything but writing! Have a great day!!!


Can we get a condensed version of your notes????


LEFTY HERE!! I think we must be twinnies!! And the comment you left me was so SWEET girlie! Love you muchly:)

My favourite thing to study is YOU. HA say hello to Creep Emma!! Nah kidding, but I LOVE studying running and food! I strap my running books onto the elliptical with a headband and study away! If only I could read and run at the same time! :P

By the way, I'm thinking of ordering the 'Run Faster' book, and I think I remember seeing you reading it on here…? Do you recommend it, or any other books on speed? Thanks gorgeous girlie:)


Studying at the bookstore is always fun! =D
I love reading about wellness, cooking, and random trivia! =D


yippee skippee! now you can tell me all about what I need to take after my workouts. :) I'm going to get me some glutamine ASAP!


My daughter is going to be a leftie, I'm pretty sure. :)
I love learning about FOOD!!!


I am also a leftie who plays sports with my right. I also use scissors with my right but eat with both. If one hand gets tired I can move the fork to my other hand, haha!

I loved hearing the comments from other people who are the same. It's fun to hear I am not the only person like this!


I am completely fascinated by the human body as well. I could learn about it all day and never get bored. You and Billy are seriously the cutest couple ever. I know I say it like every other day, but it's TRUE! I love that he reads about running and explains it to you. So sweet.


Running books are my OTL… I think ill go read now to get some mojo for my long run! :)


My PhD is actually in physiology, but I wish I had done exercise physiology instead of cardiovascular. I love knowing how the body works and understanding all the strange things it can do.


I am a lefty too but I play basketball right handed and volleyball left. My little brain is confused. I totally went to Barnes and Noble yesterday and read half of the Kardashian Sister's book "Kardashian Konfidential".


Haha… I have a little "running notebook" too with all my little observation that I read. Never thought about studying at the store though – good idea!


I am studying to get my ACSM Personal Training Certification!


I'm a little behind with reading! :)
I'm a lefty too! And play all kinds of sports (and hold the scissors) with the right hand too! :)
Love to learn everything about nutrition (I'm about to become a cert. nutritionist), dance, train, body, mind, how one can read another person (hello Lie to Me!! ;) ) and lots of other things too! :)


i, too, am a lefty who plays sports right handed- except softball, i throw and catch like a lefty.

now, if only i could run as fast as you i'd be all set :)


I hope you share all of your new running knowledge with me! You should check out the training book by Jack Daniels, I think he is pretty great.


I love camping out at a bookstore! I did it this weekend on my trip. They had a 3 level B&N that I got lost in! Amazing! I love learning about a lot of things including running stuff, WWII, traveling poetry. I love bookstores!


I think this title is for me, I am away from the computer for 3 days and I have a library of Janae posts to read

– I think you are a genious for studying at the bookstore, seriously I do, I am gonna try this

if you and Billy are bored, you can study "Your Best Triathlon" by Joe Friel, I want to read this book, but havent made it to the book store yet, I will pay you to study for me. OK I am now a genious, I just gave you the greatest potentional business idea ever

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