Still in my gym clothes at 4:30 p.m.

Good Morning.  Oh wait, it is almost dinner time and I have yet to shower or even attempt to be productive.

I did do the elliptical for 45 minutes followed by teaching a spin class this morning and it felt so good to spin those legs out after my 23-miler yesterday.

One of the supplements I take is Beta Alenine (you can find it at any health food store or online).  It helps prevent hydrogen build-up in your muscles during a long run.  I forgot to take it before my run yesterday and the whole time I was wondering why my legs were feeling so tired.  I remembered at the very end that I didn’t take my supplement and now I KNOW that this stuff works for ME!!! I am also more sore the day after my long run than I normally am. Just saying, if you are into supplements etc. talk to your doctor about it and maybe give it a try if your doc says it’s okay for YOU.

After the gym I came home and made a ginormous omelet with some roasted broccoli and toast covered in APPLE BUTTER that the sweetest Bess sent me. Check out herblog. She is in incredible shape, has the best fashion sense and is the biggest sweetheart ever.


We only spent $20 on groceries/food this last week and we probably won’t have to buy anything until at least Tuesday.  I am extremely proud of us.  When we were dating we ate out 2 times a day.  Ridiculous.  We have come a LONG way and we steal a lot of food from my mom’s pantry, does that count?

After teaching spin I kept on running into friends at the gym and I am such a talker that I ended up hanging out there until an hour after class.  I was planning on doing weights after spin but kept getting distracted.  I remembered I had a husband at home waiting for me so I skipped the weights.

When I got home I started stalking blogs (like normal) and decided that in between each blog I read I would do one-two sets of weights.  The more blogs I wanted to read=the more weights I did.  I don’t know about you guys but I NEED a reward system in order to do weights and this one worked wonderfully!

If your eyes are sensitive to bright, white, florescent light do not look at my skin in the next picture, this is me pre-self-tanner.  This is my hard core, hurting face.


Yes, that is a cake pan on the floor and I do not know why it is there.

So, now it is getting closer to 5 p.m. and we still haven’t left the house and I am still in my gym clothes.  We watched 5 episodes of ‘Pushing Daisies.’ We are lazy.

We came up with a list of ideas of what to do to get us out of the house……….



Which one’s do you think we picked to do tonight?

Do you eat out more or less than you used to?

Where you productive today or lazy like me?

Favorite toast topping?

-I think this apple butter is my new favorite!

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We eat out less – trying to keep it to three times a week, including lunches. I used to eat lunch out every day.

I vote for making cookes and for picture while making weird faces – sounds a lot like my evening plans! My day was productive but my night not so much.

My favorite toast topping is peanut butter.


I vote for going to Cold Stone!!! They closed the Cold Stone in my town and now i'm sad sad sad!!! My son's bday was in December and all he wanted was a cold stone cake. Luckily, we found one for him.

We rarely eat out. It's just too expensive. I can make pasta for the whole family for about $4…no need to shell out $50 for a family of 4 at Macaroni Grill!

And LOVE Almond Butter on everything especially toast!!! Hope you have a fabulous Saturday night!!!


I vote for dollar theater with candy.

Favorite toast topping: peanut butter and jelly. Or cinnamon and sugar.

Question: HOW in the world can you do elliptical and teach a spin class and NOT shower afterward? What is your anti-stink method, or are you one of those people who just don't stink?


Movie for 1$ I want one of those here!!!
I need to move!!

after kids we eat out a lot LESS….public humiliation is not high on my list of things I enjoy doing you see..

productive: 5 miles run, coached a basketball game, lunch for Jonathan's bday with some of Bill's crazy family, homework with Will
and it is just 4 pm
pretty good right?

on toast: MAPLE butter from QUEBEC the best I promise


I say you should make funny faces and take pictures tonight :p

I don't eat out much with my friends. We're all pretty money conscious and try to be cheap. We're big on potlucks!

I was semi productive and semi lazy tonight. I got lots of school stuff done, but haven't made it to the gym yet. Hopefully later tonight I'll get in a solid run before coming home and studying more. Yeah, I'm exciting.

My fave toast topping is always apple butter! Actually, pretty much any kind of fruit butter. Pumpkin butter makes my heart melt a little.


I would go to the bookstore to read but I am a nerd like that! ;) Whatever you guys do have a great night!! By the way, I was dreading doing my 10 mile long run on the treadmill tomorrow but you have inspired me…if you can run a freakin' MARATHON on the treadmill I can definitely do 10 :)


Sounds like an AWESOME DAY!!

I think you guys will take random pics of yourself making random faces. LOL Please post them after you're finished! :)

I am very impressed with the $20 grocery limit for the week! That's awesome! And apple butter looks delicious! Lucky you!!!!


YAYYY! I'm SO glad you got it and that you like it! I go through a jar of that so fast haha….thats an awesome idea about the weights while reading blogs, by the way! I do that when I watch tv because I can just mindlessly do reps while just watching the television!

I def wanna get some of that beta alenine that you say you use…anything that will help my legs from getting too tired on a run is okay in my book! I wanna try it out fo sho.

Thanks SO MUCH for the kind words you said about me…everyday you are just the nicest sweetie pie suga plum there ever was! Love ya for it! Enjoy your evening and have a wonderful Sunday :)


Well, whatever you pick is going to be more fun than what Hubby has in store for us – going thru receipts and updating the budget. BLAH!


Oh mai gawd girl I was so lazy today, I am still in my pj's. Slash I spent the afternoon eating pancakes, watching hulu, taking a nap, and then watching more hull and eating chocolate mousse!:)


These past 2 years when I've had a regular paying job I have eaten out a lot more. When I go back to school next year I think things will get back to normal. :D

Your day sounds wonderful. :D I had a fairly productive day (all kinds of stuff for school) well…extremely productive compared to yours but I still would rather have your day. :D


I hope at least part of it included pictures of weird faces!

I was productive and lazy at the same time! I didn't leave the house or move (other than a 7 miler) from the couch, but I did field a bagillion emails for the bake sale today ALL day!


You're cute even when you make weird faces :)

Why not make a cake tonight…the pan's already out ;-)

We eat out waaaayyyyyy less now, partly because it means tacking on an extra $20 an hour for someone to sit our kids! That means even whipping through the drive-thru at cheapo In N Out and snarfing the food in the car on the way home while having scintillating 'coupletalk' w/o kidterruptions would run about $30 start to finish.

I folded and put away laundry today…but I am lazy most days ;-)



Hey girl!

I've been blogstalking you forever now…and just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are to me! Love your blog and candy obsession!!

Toast topping – nothing beats pb and nanners. seriously. NOTHING. I guess maybe if you added choco chips…


that picture of you is priceless…I want to print it and put it on my refrigerator. Too funny! I like to do tricep dips and wall sits while watching tv. I think you should hit up a bookstore and browse…that is always fun in my book…(get it?) That $20 a week for food is amazing. I am dreading for my boys to grow up as they are gonna eat us out of house and home for sure. I tend to procrastinate with the shower after the gym sometimes…you dry up and then forget to shower….well for me until I start smelling myself. Have a great night with Billy….


I am staying home tonight and doing NOTHING. I made dinner and baked today and ran and shopped and now I am pooped! Overall it was a productive day! You should go to the bookstore! If I had enough energy to drive my car I would drive there and read some good magazines and books!


WOw, you are a grocery budget goddess! I spend at least $250/week if you count my food coop. Granted we are family of 5, but still! I love bad for me butter and cinnimon sugar on my toast, but lately have been having PB and bananas in an effort to be healthy. I was productive today- got a PR at my 5k this morning in the POURING rain, then did a Sam's run, showered, made lunch and dinner for family, now we are all 5 lazing about in front of the tube. Trying to motivate to put youngest 2 to bed.


haha! Lovin the "don't mess with me face"! It's not normal to live in sweats??

Okay, I think a combination of activities will happen: I foresee pictures of you making weird faces while eating ColdStone after reading at the bookstore on your way to mom and dad's. However, this is all delayed if Billy asks you for a run date–we know you can't say no!

Toast topping: recently, dark chocolate almond butter-delish!


Make cookies?

We definitely eat out less. In fact, in January we had a no-eating-out-challenge and succeeded! We actually budget each year our monthly expenses. This year we lowered our monthly eating out budget. We'll see how that goes.

I love apple butter in fact I made a TON of homemade apple butter from apples I picked during my maternity leave this fall. But if I had to pick a toast topping, I'd go for good old fashioned butter and cinnamon-sugar.


Today wasnt productive for me either… its 8:15 and im STARVING.. dinner anymore??

I might have to give this supplement a shot! :)

btw, you still need to play me in words with friends….


I love your reward system. I got through my 2 hour bike trainer session today by reading blogs. No way I would have made it that long without solid entertainment :)


I would go for ice cream – I think that would be the one thing to get me out of the house.

We had a fun day out of the house. After my run, we had lunch with my in-laws and spontaneously decided to go to the movies. It was great.

I like grape jelly on my toast – yep, I'm boring.


Do what I did….make cookies! Always a great idea!
Toast: it depends on my mood. Sometimes peanut butter, sometimes just plain butter.

I left the house to run today and that was it. I'm fine with that. :)
I eat out less than I used to for sure!


Favorite toast topping: wheat or multigrain toast with smashed avocado, a slice of tomato, and a little fresh pepper. YUM.

or, thin spread of light or fat free cream cheese with honey drizzled on top.


with 3 kids we NEVER eat out….
if I have toast I am all over the PB and jam.. strawberry jam yum…
6 weeks till I can eat bread! yay!
I ran 7 miles today, that was about it…oh and built a snowman with 3 kids.That must burn calories?


I totally need a reward system to do weights…that doesn't even work most of the time!

I eat somewhat often, but it's often a sandwich or salad, but it gets expensive! Cooking for one is also such a pain.

I'm heading out for froyo for my Saturday night activity…you should come!!


I don't really have a choice to be lazy since I have three kids with a hubby out of town but I did get some down time. Yay! I was able to catch up on some blogs I love…and now they are all snuggled up on the couch eating popcorn with the neighbors and a movie. I'm still in my running clothes from my run today. I must try some of this Beta Alenine or whatever it is called. Oh, and I think I'll go do some resistance training/weights right now!


"Yes, that is a cake pan on the floor and I do not know why it is there." haha OWN that cake pan, girl! you don't need a reason. :)

glad your run was awesome and you STILL worked out today too! you're a champ!


I will guess you stayed home and did nothing since you went out last night :)

If you went out, I vote Coldstone!!

I love butter, sugar and cinnamon on toast.

Hope your night was good whatever you did, and I love the hurting, getting tough face. :)


I can't wait to see a jillion weird-face pictures tomorrow!!!!


Oooh, we had a date disaster today – it was too cold, I wore uncomfortable shoes, the wine bar we went to for a tasting was crowded and bathroomless, we couldn't make any decisions, anything we wanted to do required a mile-long walk in bitter cold and heeled boots (um, hubby forgot to tell me when we left that date night required walking ten miles!), and we gave up before the art gallery openings started (our free entertainment for the night). We're home ordering sushi take out now!


I hope you went for a run to Coldstone (if it's close). I was kinda productive today – I went for a run outside for the first time in forever. I planned it perfectly because an hour later, it started snowing, and now, it's thundering & lightening while snowing!


Looks like some fun activity ideas! We definitely eat out less than we used to – we were like you guys when we were dating, eating out almost every single meal. And we dated for 5 years before getting married, so that was a lot of meals eaten out! We're much better now, I try to cook most nights.

I wasn't very productive today. I did make it out for my long run and made it to the grocery store, but that was about it.


Your weekend plans sound PERFECT to me!! Go for a run, eat, lay on the couch and watch TV. OMG that's my own personal heaven!


I think you went out for ice cream and visited your mom and dad. We go out so much less than we ever did when we were dating. We would go out for dinner Friday and Saturday night when we were dating. THe Husband would spend about $150 a weekend going out!! Crazy!


The bookstore idea is really cute. I could hang out in Barnes and Noble forever.


Sensitive bright white florescent light-bwaaahh!

Awesome job on the treadmill 23!!! You really just amaze me. You look fierce with those weights!!

I'm guessing you went for a run and then to the dollar theater. Do I win something if I guess right????

I rarely eat out anymore except when we travel. I am boring and I eat the same thing every day lately….Productive in terms of exercise today-NO. Productive in terms of parenting-YES as I watched 5 hockey games! Favorite topping is almond butter on my toast, actually on everything and then I put salt on it. I'm not even going to defend this….

Hope you are having a great time at the theater, bookstore, baking cookies or hangin' out with your parents!


I love your idea list :)

i would totally vote for baking cookies, but that's kind of always what I want to do ;)

Your hardcore face is amazing, I'm jealous.


Janae, I just love you. Your posts crack me up. I'm gonna guess Dollar theater and candy for the date. I was lazy today. Well, I did dishes and mopped the kitchen floor, but other than that….we took a nap and read books and watched a movie and had some sherbert. :) I love me some grape jam on my toast or butter with cinnamon & sugar.


that was our day! Swim practice, run, errands in town, coffee date with the hubs, makin' omelets (we are cheap), and crash on the couch with a movie. Awesome! Now all I need is some of that apple butter to go with my snickerdoodle cupcakes! hehe.


that was our day! Swim practice, run, errands in town, coffee date with the hubs, makin' omelets (we are cheap), and crash on the couch with a movie. Awesome! Now all I need is some of that apple butter to go with my snickerdoodle cupcakes! hehe.


I bet you did weird face pictures!! heheh

I got finished with my run at 5 and didnt shower until 930. Oh and it was raining outside- at least I changed!


dollar theater and making cookies! that sounds good to me!!!

and i've never been a fan of eating out much, just not my thing. i'd rather eat my own foods!


Haha, I thought you meant you were going to do all that tonight! I love the dollar theater- always a good time :)


I was super lazy yesterday. I got out of bed to eat and use the bathroom. It was blissful. Today I have more "chores" to do, though. Lol.


hope you went to coldstone!
i had a lazy day today and it felt great!.. i never do this btw..iwent out last night.. slept till my head no longer hurt at 12pm then ate a carby lunch and napped for 2 hrs :)


Haha…I was in my p.j.'s the minute I got home from school and then quickly got dressed before Kev got home so he would still love me! :)
Def. eat out less than we use to, and I love Pb and honey on my toast…or cinn. and sugar!
I wonder if you take that beta stuff if you are seriously slow and can only run 6 miles before you almost kill over and die…hmmm


We out a lot less than we used to because the baby goes to sleep between 6:30 and 7pm (which completely ruins dinner plans) We eat a whole lot more frozen pizza than we used to though!


the first sentence of your blog made me crack up, i am still in gym clothes at 430pm almost every day!!!!

i hoped you picked the candy option!

we never eat out, i am obviously a domestic goddess and whip up 8 course meals every night. :)


I eat out loads less thsn I used to- when we first started dating we would eat out once a week, but now we live together we dont need to go out to eat alone if that makes sense. SO now it is only on holiday or for social occasions like friends birthdays.


Janae – I can totally see you doing this one day. On the treadmill! :)


Love your facial expressions! I am glad there is someone else out there who does that…

Saturday was productive- 8 miles, cleaned house, played with girls, got haircut, spent Christmas gift card, went out with the husband (free babysitters in our family!)

Oh- and as for the showering- I HAVE to shower right after working out (but then I usually put on sweats).


I was not nearly as productive as I needed to be yesterday. TKD testing ate up the entire day!

PB is my fave toast topping…of course! But today I had apple butter too.


Haha I LIVE in my schweaty gym clothes! This is like the story of my life! :P Although today I had a productive(ish) day, including the hill sprints that YOU inspired me to do! After reading about it here I looked it up and they're sposed to help your speed SO much- not to mention they are SUPER FUN!! So THANKS AMAZING GIRL!! :D

Best toast topping ever: peanut butter with chocolate chips on top. If you haven't tried it, you HAVE too!!

Oh, and I'm guessing pics of your face and maybe visiting your parents…?


Saturday was productive. I ran 11 miles, then took the fam roller skating and to games night at the kids school. Today we are having some seriously mild temps and we've done some spring cleaning. I'll be sad when the cold comes back (unless, of course, that cold brings snow).

Favorite toast topping … huge quantities of butter melting into all the warm toasted goodness. I like to make whole wheat/flax seed bread. I could toast the whole loaf.


Hmmm… I think you picked the bookstore!! That's what I'd pick at least!!

We definitely go out less than we used to. It's nice to make stuff at home sometimes.

Yesterday was super productive for me and I felt great!

My favorite toast topping is cinnamon. Yum.


Guess where I'm going this week?! Cold stone! Get excited for me! :)


That omelette looks amazing!!! MMM so many tasty vegies.

Saturday was my be a 5 year old day. We at waffles and ice cream for breakfast, played sports, and then saw Jurassic Park at Midnight. Yup I'm out living my fantasy of staying a child forever haha.


I love your list of ideas! A few weekends ago my boyfriend and I did the same thing, I came up with an "itinerary" of what we could do for the weekend. We didn't follow any of the list but it was fun to come up with ideas anyway. :)


Love the list!


Love Pushing Daisies and your list!


I love the last idea on the list!!! Bahahaha. You guys are too cute.

I am so happy I found out about beta alanine through you! I swear that stuff is AMAZING. Did I mention that my legs aren't even sore today after 26.2? Well, my butt is but that's about it. I swear, that stuff is the reason I BQed. Ang keeps saying that I shouldn't give so much credit to the supplement since I did all the work, but I think it was the missing link. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!


Gee whiz, and I tuhoght this would be hard to find out.


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