Mornin’ routine!


Taught Spin

25 minutes stair climber

20 minutes elliptical


I love looking into the lives of other people so I thought I would share with you what goes on during my morning.

Now this routine is only for days that I have school.  My Sunday morning includes sleeping in until 11 a.m. followed by 3 episodes of Glee, BL or Pushing Daisies. Then we make a few small pancakes to go along with my 2 cup of chocolate chips and syrup.  Then we go to church and spend the night with my family.  Perfect Day.

-Alarm clock goes off at 5 a.m. I put it in the next room so that I can’t keep hitting snooze and I have to get up.  Once I am out of bed the dopamine starts kicking in and I start giggling and thinking about sunshine and butterflies.  Okay, that isn’t true everyday but really I LOVE mornings.  Poor Billy.  Weekends he wakes up to me jumping on the bed asking, “what are we going to do today?” 500 times in a row.

Photo on 2011-01-27 at 11.07.jpg

I totally stole the idea to put Boston Sub 3 on my alarm clock, from Page @twentysixandthensome…thanks Page for the awesome idea, so motivating!

Yes, I cracked my screen for the fourth time… least I can blame it on the loratab and laughing gas.  I don’t deserve expensive things.

-I then run to the bathroom as fast as I can to pee because my bladder hurts it is so full and then brush my teeth because I have awful morning breath!

-Push publish (I make the post the night before) on the good ol’ blog and consider proof-reading my post before I publish it but then realize I wouldn’t even be able to catch any spelling or grammar errors, college degrees don’t mean that much

Drive the speed limit:) to the gym (I get there any time from 5:10-5:40….depends on the workout).


-I throw my bag in the lockers and hit my idea of heaven: The cardio area!  Usually I run, sometimes I spin, sometimes I cycle or stair climb and once in a blue moon I venture to the corner with those stinkin’ weights.


-The clock strikes 7:23 and I rush to the locker room. Shower, change and out the gym doors at 7:34.  Not even exaggerating.  I would much rather run another mile than look cute for my students. Thank goodness my school is close to the gym:)

-Have to be to school at 7:45 (school starts at 8:30) and sometime I will go to the bathroom once I get there to put on a little make-up and brush my hair….but that is only special occasions.

-Make me some breakfast of oatmeal, check my emails and drink hot chocolate as I prepare to deal with 100 emotional/dramatic/awesomesauce students.


Check out my Carmel Apple Recipe over at my FAVORITE Baking Blog….seriously, she has THE BEST RECIPES!!


How often do you drink Hot Chocolate?

-It is dang cold in my school and hot chocolate warms my soul and it is a great excuse to eat chocolate at 8 a.m.

Are you a morning person or a night person?

-I am creepy happy in the mornings but by 9 p.m. don’t come within 10 feet of me, I am scary or asleep.

What is your morning routine?

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I love hot chocolate!!! I like to put a little cream in it to cool it down though so I don't burn my mouth.

I am an afternoon person. Lol I like to sleep in and go to bed early. :) I am getting better about mornings though!

My morning routine is usually pretty simple because I exercise in the evening. Up at 7:00, shower, make lunches, make breakfast and out the door at 8:05, to work at 8:30.


I LOVE hot chocolate. Seriously, it's amazing. I'm both, I go through stages. Lol. Sometimes I'm a super awesome happy morning person, other times I'll lay in bed until 2 pm. Lol.


I am ready for bed by 10pm, but I usually read until midnight. My alarm goes off at 8:30am, but I'm not really away until 10am (and I've been at work for an hour at that point).

If I try to run in the morning I risk throwing up. My stomach hates me.


On gym days I'm up by 5:15 and get to the gym by 5:30. 6:30 rush back home and shower, get ready, get breakfast ready, wake up Isabel and Nat, get them dressed, wake up James, get him dressed, feed them, make sure their teeth are brushed, check all backpacks and make sure no signatures went unnoticed. Pack my breakfast, try to clean up as much of the hurricane that just ripped through the house, remember to brush my own teeth, turn off the lights, feed the cats, drop the kids off at daycare, turn on music and get pumped for another 4 hours in a boring office. :)


Yum I love hot chocolate but prefer coffee with skim milk in the morning (too much sugar in the hot chocolate makes me feel sick that early). I get up at 4:30, hit the gym by 5, workout for an hour, shower and have to be at school by 6:30 (I teach math part time at a high school). A couple of mornings a week I will run outside in the morning instead of going to the gym. I put my headlamp on, grab my mace and hit the road for 5-6 miles (I am sure that number will be going down the bigger my pregnant belly gets ). Teach until 9:30, drive home, make oatmeal for breakfast loaded with bananas, pecans and non-fat milk for me and my 2 little guys. Then the best part of my day starts, time with my boys! There is no routine for that:)as much as I try and make one it always gets somehow altered.

I forgot to comment on your wedding post, we got married August 2nd 2003. I wanted a summer wedding because I am a teacher so I knew I would have time to plan and take a honeymoon without worrying about work too. It was one of the best days of my life (followed by the birth of my 2 sons). You guys are the cutest couple! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Seriously, I don't always comment but I am constantly stalking your blog on my I-phone to see if you have updated:). Lets me friends!


i used to be a night owl, now i'm old and go to bed at 7pm. i'm so lame. last summer i was getting up at 5am every day to run or ride before the 238493º heat came down but in the winter i sleep a little bit later, like 6. i always go to the gym in the morning!! i don't have enough hot chocolate in my life which is sad but i do drink about 20 cups of tea per day. ummm ok this is probably enough random facts for you, k bye!


Pushing Daisies!!! I don't think I've ever been more sad when a series got cancelled…


ha! I'm commenting before this is already tainted with 80 other comments. Booo ya! How's that for on the blog ball today?

Um, I don't like hot chocolate really…seems like a waste of chocolate. I'd rather eat it and drink coffee.

My morning routine…I go to bed around 11 or 12 and then I sleep until my husband kisses me goodbye at 6:30 and then I try to sleep more until I hear my little guy (around 7) say Mama?!! Then we get up, play, make breakfast, dress, change diapers, do hair, break up fights, try to teach them something, get my 5 year old to finish homework…Love my life. really. so lucky.

Not a morning person!! Don't think I could run decent at 5 or 6 in the morning. uggh. I get my runs in about 7 at night.



I am up at 5:00, workout 5:30-7:30, drive home, eat, shower, and at work or class by 9:00. Love it ;)


I wish I could get up that early to do a morning workout before work!! I like to blame it on the fact I was FORCED to do it for 4 years year round against my will before a day full of class, half the time in frigid temps and half the time in scorching temps when I could have been snuggling in my bed with Michael and Maverick. Its okay…I wouldn't take back being on the team for anything….but….it has scarred me from early morning workouts.

Give me some morning butterflies and sunshine!


I'm normally a night person but I started running before work because I dont like running at night. And I love it, totally makes my mornings. That being said I also love sleeping in.

And when I say I get up early to run before work I mean like 7:30am haha i don't think i could handle being awake at 5am that's so hardcore!


I am the same way – love, love mornings but am asleep by 9:30 p.m. on most nights. ANd any excuse to drink hot chocolate is a good one:)


Wait I drink a redonk amount of hot chocolate, any form of chocolate is muy bueno:) Slash it is freezing in my school too! I always have a thermos with tea.

Double slash mornings are the greatest, but by nighttime it's time for me to hibernate. Waking up at 5 though is my favorite! :)


5 am. My oh my. You're brave to face the world then! I'm the opposite. Totally a night person. :D


White hot chocolate everyday after a cold run outside!

I am so a morning person. I go to bed at like 9:30 but I LOVE being up in the morning. I wish it was light outside before I had to go to work so that I could get my run on.

My morning routine depends on if I have to shower. If I do, shower, dry hair, do make up, and curl hair in 30 minutes. Then I make breakfast…pancakes have been popular this week, followed by coffee. Then I put my IPOD on in my car and smile all the way through rush hour traffic. :) Now only if I could fit my run in there somewhere.


MMMM, Mornings. Love them. 5 am roles around and I am happy as a clam to be heading the the gym. In fact, Friday mornings I am there at 4 am because I start work early on Friday's. Hot chocolate is acceptable at any hour of the day :) Loved reading your routine. It's nice to know that I'm not the only crazy one.


Hot chocolate reminds me of Christmas! I love it but really only when it's cold outside. I love cold chocolate almond milk! I'm a morning person. I LOVE waking up in the morning. Billy is a total night owl. I have to tempt him with back tickles to go to sleep. And he does not like to get up in the morning! So, I wake up before him and write/finish/edit a blog post. Then if it's a running day – I usually run in the morning. Other workouts are in the afternoon/evening. I love making breakfast and hot tea. My most productive hours of the day are from 8-11. And now I'm craving breakfast for dinner. :)


i'm with you! as soon as i'm physically out of bed mornings are great! mr. dawn? not so much. he doesn't really warm up to his day until well into the 10 o'clock hour.

so, do you work at a private school? you seem to teach so many various classes, that it sounds like there's not that many other teachers available or something. i've taught at both public and privates schools and now i'm at a "math and science" center for the uber nerds. we have a good time :)


MORNING person!! Although I would die getting up 5am, especially since I'm writing this at midnight! :P

Morning routine: up at 7am, get changed, spend 1/2 hour at least making and eating brekkie, then I'm off! Screw hair and make-up! Au natural is the way to go, or at least that's what I tell myself anyway…

And Janae YOU are so adorable. Fact.


I am DEFINITELY a morning person. I go to the gym between 3:30 and 4 every weekday morning. I get in a good hour and a half to 2 hours before I have to shower and drive the hour communte to work. I teach too and I had to laugh when you said your students asked if you had run the other morning. My 5th graders think I am crabby when I don't workout in the mornings, too!

Love your blog. Your posts always make me smile. Thanks for sharing your sunshine!


Morning for sure..but do not ask me a zillion ?? before I had at least 2 sips of coffee. No hot chocolate for me, just cafe au lait (you know latte!! just like to add some French there!). Week days are crazy. Get up at 7:10 put running clothes on, put hair in ponytail no make up. Get the kids at 7:25. Fix their breakfast and mine,brush teeth for all 3,m out the door at 8:10 for shcool number 1. At 8:30 drive to school number 2 in the next town. At 9:10: PEACE for moi until 11:30!


Seriously, why are schools so cold? My school is always freezing. I warm up with coffee when I get desperate but I love white hot chocolate when I get a chance:)


Can you do a post about teaching drivers ed sometime??? I am fascinated that you teach that! You inspire me so much! I am the exact opposite of a morning person… (i am sadly unemployed right now and i will seriously just sleep until i wake up at noon…) I strive to be a morning person and an incredible runner! Thanks for writing hilarious blog posts all the time, you keep me smiling!


Morning person!
I get up first, usually and get the coffee pot ready and just relax for a while before school. Weekends, I get up and bake! =D


I truly believe that the best teachers are morning people. All the good ones I know are in bed by 9 but up at 5.

I don't work like that. My brain is mush before 9 (ok 12)In college I did all my best work from 1:30am-4am! No joke!

You rock!!! Seriously.

I set my alarm for 6:15, and abuse it until 6:50 (my poor bf) and then run around like a freak to get ready in the 15 mins I left myself! At least the twins I nanny for don't seem to care what I look like!

I do like the alarm in the other room idea…hmm


I run in the morning too. And go to bed ridiculously early. I can function so much better in the AM than PM. I have no idea how people run late at night!


Sadly I don't really have a morning routine… well, I guess I do, but it's pathetic. That's what happens when you don't go to school and are basically jobless. Generally, I wake up about 8-9:30, drink a cup of coffee or three, check out blogs and facebook and such, go out for a run around 10-12.

I am so NOT a morning person. Anything before 8 is early to me, and 8 is even pushing it, which really sucks in the summer when I have to start running by 7 so I don't die of heat stroke… and this summer it'll probably be even worse with having to get out of bed earlier, since I'll hopefully be running further. Or, you know, I may just end up as one big injury and have to give up on running for the rest of my life.


I love this post! I'm a teacher as well and feel that morning routines either make or break my day!

I love love love the mornings, the day is new and nothing has tainted it. They gym is usually empty, and there is no one on the roads :)

I'm a coffee drinker, horrible I know but that's the point of working out right?

My morning routine is very similar to yours, wake up, work out, get ready, teach, go to classes, then I go to work (I'm a Michigan State Senior Intern) and by 10:30 pm I'm in bed :)


I love working out in the mornings too just so much easier. Oh and I finish my workouts at like 8:30 am and I am always at my desk by 9. Shower and then ten minute walk. I usually let my hair air dry then straighten it in my office at some point. Or I don't. Depends on how much I care! haha


Not sure if you read all the comments but… I hope so! :) I'm 23, just got married, and live in Tennessee. I've never been a runner (it's seriously. so. hard.) but just started last week after finding SkinnyRunner and you online!

I've read your story about how you got started, but what can you recommend for me? The life of a runner looks awesome, but I'm having quite a bit of trouble getting myself motivated even though I always feel better after a workout. Can you gimme the hookup on what I can do to WANT to be a runner?


You are SO gorgeous!!!

Okay try this. In ur hot chocolate, put in a splash of caramel flqvor stuff, a little milk and a twist of sea salt. Omg.


My office has free hot cocoa so I keep having it in the afternoon to warm me up – my office is freezing. I really am trying to quit though – I did manage to skip it today.

I'm a morning person, but not early morning. More like 7 a.m. I wish I could workout then instead of commute to work.


Hot chocolate prob 2-3 times a week. And my new favorite is Panera's peppermint hot chocolate. SO good!

I like being awake in the morning, but have a hard time actually waking up. I tend to also feel too awake when I'm getting ready for bed. Guess I'm a little bit of both. :)


FIVE A.M.?!?!? I am SO not a morning person… I am a night owl, through and through. Although, I'm trying to become better friends with the morning… We're trying to work things out… I've pushed my alarm as far back as 9:00, and am planning on going further, but for now, it's perfect. (I don't want to rush into anything, you see!) :)

And can I just say, that picture of you with the wheel is freaking adorable?!


Hot chocolate right now!! Yum yum! My morning routine varies by day – depends if I get up to workout. DO you get up every morning and go to the gym and workout?? I am a morning person – in fact its getting close to my bedtime!


I'm definitely a morning person! And my favorite way to have hot chocolate is cut with coffee–I don't have your turbo sweet tooth. Hope we can still be friends : )While it's not a morning routine–when I was training for my first tri I always went to work smelling like chlorine and looking like a drowned rat. Priorities : )


I don't like hot chocolate. Or any hot drink at all. I'm wierd, I know.
I'm more of a morning person. By 9:30 I'm ready for lights out. I'm jealous that you can get ready in 11 minutes, make it to school and still look cute!


I used to have your routine exactly, until 6 months ago. For some reason I started working out at 4 (after school) and it felt really good. I told myself I'd go back to the morning workout when this weird blip ran it's course. I'm still liking it. It's 3 of my favorite things in a row after work….workout, make dinner, eat.

Because of this morning is boring: 5:40 up and ready, 6:25 out the door, once a week I stop for a latte, and I eat breakfast when I get to work while I prep and read e-mails.


HEE !! that sounds like me – I am up SO early, and sometimes I go back in and jump on the bed… bring the pup in there… anything to get Jason up to start the day! :D


I am not too much of a hot chocolate drinker. I used to love the instant stuff though with those little marshmallows. I am a morning person. My kids get up at the crack of dawn and so I am up from that point until I crash and burn, normally by 9 or 9:30pm..but I have been known to fall asleep before 8pm..probably have at least 4 times this past month. I love to sleep as much as I love to run and exercise. Sleeping ROCKS!


Love the morning routine! I am definitely a morning person. I am so cranky and tired at night!

In the morning, I workout, shower, get ready, eat breakfast (in my pajamas), wake up the Husband, get dressed, get out the door! :)


Thanks for reading my blog! I feel so special that you would want to read about my boring life :)

It takes me about an hour to warm up in the morning, but then I'm ready to be productive. I usually try to get my workout in during the baby's morning nap, so I don't actually get showered and dressed till almost noon.


I definitely love waking up early and getting workouts done, but I also do a lot of afternoon/evening workouts. My morning is breakfast + coffee + class usually. I was wondering if you could do a post about spinning. I'm a newbie but love it so far, and was wondering if you could offer advice or tips how spinning helps your running or benefits of it.


I am having some hot chocolate right now!! need it everyday in the winter, sometimes mixed with my coffee! I can't believe you can get ready in 10 minutes- I need to learn to do that!! and weird question but do you use a self-tanner on your face everyday or throw on foundation that fast? I am albino right now & it's creepy-help!


Ahhhh, the morning routine. I as such a morning person, the same as you. Wake up early, early to bed. My idea of heaven :) Only difference is I wake up earlier and get to school earlier :) I also love to drink hot chocolate, but I'm kinda lazy at school and I don't want to walk ALL the way to the staff lounge to make it (man I sound like a bum)


Your routine sounds amazing. I love the idea of the alarm in a different room!!! I might try that tomorrow!!!! Your so cute!!!! :)


I am 100% a morning person! My best runs always happen before breakfast! If I have to workout post 5pm it's not going to be pretty! Loved hearing about your am routine!


Coffee for me in the morning. I rarely drink hot chocolate. Best stuff I ever had though was a given to me as a gift and was a tin of real chocolate shavings from Williams Sonoma! YUM!

I am a morning person if I get enough sleep. Otherwise I'm more of a mid-morning person.

Girl, I don't know how you get up that early to workout! I have trouble running too early in the day. YOU are MY hero when it comes to this!


Kewl you should come up with that. Exctllene!


Oh girl! I'm so jealous of your a.m routine! I am normally awakened at least once in the night by a child, so when a.m. rolls around I'm mega exhausted. I LOVE to run in the a.m. I'm no good in the p.m. I am at my BEST when I'm up early–5ish, workout and showered by 7ish. I hate the showering/getting ready part—I can do it pretty quick too! I LOVE hot choco+decaf coffee! yummo–fancy name-mocha.


I am more of a tea person…haven;t had hot chocolate in forver but I do love it!! And I am totally a morning person…I am up at 4:40 every morning! :)


Ha, I do the SAME thing to my husband when we wake up in the morning. I roll over and say "There's so many things I want to do today!!!" and he's barely coherent…it's grand : )


Ummmmmmmm I am a 5-9 girl, myself! My boyfriend knows better than to talk to me "late" at night–mornings are my time to start the day on the right note, getting in the groove and having a fabulous sweaty workout!


I get up at 6:30, head to gym leave around 8:15 and make it to work by 8:20. Grab a starbucks chai tea and eat my breakfast at my desk. I love being a work when no one else is there yet!


i'm all coffee…all the time…
I thought I had a busy morning but you have me beat for sure!!
gym 5:30-7
home, kids up, breakfast, drop 6 yr old off at school at 8:45 and back home. easy!


suuuch a morning person..i remember at sleepovers in middle school i would wake up at like 7 am and just sit there..until i decided to "accidently" kick who was ever sleeping next to me


I am a morning person too! I think it's because I go to bed by 11 at the latest ahah so by morning I'm ready to gooooo! I'm a huge hot coco fan but when I'm dragging I must say I will go with the coffee then (ooo sometimes I put the hotcoco packet IN the coffee mmmhmm delish).


Night person always!!

Any reason you don't schedule your blogs to publish??


if you need a good laugh go see the picture of shirtless-magnum PI look-a-like stuck in the 70s running behind me at my half marathon
and ruining my big moment picture!!


I am definitely a routine person and I love it, morning and afternoon! I just posted a blog post about being creatures and habit, etc. you should check it out. I wake up at 6:15 and run and swim every M-TH and elliptical and lift on Friday mornings before class. Don't mess with my morning routine or I'll be very unhappy ;) I as well am very much a morning person – that is after I get to workout!


Oh.My.God. Story of my life. I plan to actually teach middle or high school aged kids and I'm most certainly going to be living your life ha. I have the most random times as well when I leave. I leave for class 14 minutes before, because it takes 11 to walk to class and 2 for me to use the restroom. FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ABOUT MY BLADDER ISSUES. Anyways-I wake up at least 3X as well. It made bunking my bed freshman year not a good idea.


I cannot believe how much you pack into a morning — and how quick you get ready!! I'm so impressed. I used to be a morning person but I'm not really sure what happened…somewhere during grad school it flipped (stupid late nights studying). Now I have a hard time falling asleep before 11….which then makes it hard for me to be a morning runner. I always vow to make the switch, but so far have been unsuccessful.

LOVE that you put Boston sub-3 hours on your morning alarm!


To find out which abdominal exercise will be most suitable for your weight loss all you need is to find some facts. Find out is which machine will give you enough motivation to push to the highest level of exertion. If your devotion is towards walking and jogging then the treadmill is your best option.


I need to drink hot chocolate more often!

My morning aren't quite as productive as yours! I usually get up, make my bed, make breakfast, and then putz around on the internet until it's time for me to get ready for class.


My morning consists of sleeping for as long as I possibly can and then… getting ready as fast as I can.

I think I met your personality clone at the gym tonight. I had gotten out of the shower but left my stuff in there while I got dressed. While getting dressed, I hear a girl walk past the shower and say "awww." I'm dressed and I leave the stall and she's super bubbly and goes "oh thank goodness! I was so sad that someone could have left her stuff here! it's GOOD stuff, too!" and then we had a whole conversation about how if you spring for an extra bottle of Neutrogena pink grapefruit face wash to live in your gym bag, it would be totally tragic to lose it. The whole interaction just made me think "this must be what Janae is like in person."


I cracked my iPod screen a week after I got it, and still haven't fixed it yet!

I love hot chocolate. I probably drink it 2-3 times a week at work, and it's usually not even cold enough to warrant it. Hot chocolate just makes me happy!

I wish I had your energy in the morning, but I am definitely a night person. I workout at night too, which might be why I have trouble sleeping, but I just can't get myself up in the mornings. My mornings usually consist of shower, dry & straightening hair, getting dressed, making food for the day if I didn't do it the night before, and heading out. I eat breakfast once I get to work.


Ok, LOVE those wedding pics!! You are the one who should be a model. You and your hubby are the most beautiful couple Ive ever seen!! I think you would love Turbo Jam!! Its probably too easy for you but its fun!
Um… I eat a little square of chocolate with my espresso in the morning. haha…Its the best way to start the day. Hot Choc. is a close second! :)
I am sooooo not a morning person, but strive to be everyday! I might have to steal one or two of these great ideas…about how my morning routine is. You put me to shame girl!
Yay for Jack, I know I would want to steal him too.
Wish I could come to your ice cream party!!!


I loved hearing about your morning routine!! Thanks for sharing!!


I am TOTALLY a night person! Every morning I think to myself, "This SUUUUUCKS!!! I feel like death! Maybe I can snooze one more time… No, I have to get up. This sucks. I'm definitely going to bed early tonight. I'm going to bed as soon as I get home from work."

But then the evening rolls around and I'm not tired and I don't go to bed. I have to make myself go to bed. It's like I'm both 10 with a bedtime and my parents enforcing said bedtime at the same time.


I like hot apple cider. That's a special treat every once in a great while. Other than that I'm not much of a hot drink person.

By nature I am more of a night person, but teaching has turned me into a morning person. I always feel so much better about my day when I've accomplished a lot in the wee hours of dawn.

I get up at 6ish. Get myself and two kiddos ready for the day. Kiss Husband. Get us all out the door by 7:15ish. One kid gets dropped at daycare and one goes to school with me. We run run run at school til 4ish. I love to get my workout done at this time, but it's not always possible. Dinner is usually late at 7. Dinner, baths, homework, snuggle and bed. And do it all again the next day.


I love hot chocolate and can no longer drink it :(
Back when I was your age and the dinosaurs roamed the earth, I did mornings…because that's when you row. Now I am up late and trying every morning to finagle at least 5 more minutes of sleep.
The day starts here whenever a kid ot two decides it does…usually by 6 at the latest. I play opossum as long as possible then make my husband get up with them so he can fix breakfast while I get a few extra minutes of 'me' time ;-) Between 7:05 and 7:15 I leisurely arise and put on the previous day's clothing, wad my unbrushed hair into a ponytail and go put in my contacts and wash my face, hoping that I wake up in the process. Then I slam out 3 lunches, change a diaper, help find clothes from the mountain of unfolded yet clean laundry, lovingly make sure teeth and hair are brushed, faces washed, shoes on, backpacks packed, and we are out the door by 8:14 meaning we will only need a tard slip for the oldest. Everyone is dropped off by 8:35 wwhereupon I spend the rest of the morning hanging out with my toddler. Good times.


I am a night person for sure, it's just too hard for me to get up in the morning. I really envy you! I'm trying to retrain myself and get up in the morning and workout but who knows if it'll work. My morning routine relies heavily on coffee.
I love that last photo of you! I don't drink hot chocolate too much but the boyfriend made me some last week that was sooo good! He said he used two packets, so maybe that's the trick.
I'm loving black and yellow and I made the mistake of getting the uncensored version- I was shocked the first time I listened to it!


So I actually drank hot chocolate for the first time in about 3 months yesterday, after we came in from playing in the snow!! I usually drink coffee though. Not so much as to wake me up (even though that is sometimes the case) but usually to help keep everything moving.
I totally used to be a night person, and was all through college, but since having kids I am now a morning person, usually asleep on the couch by 10, unless it's a biggest loser night!
Morning routine means before everyone is up, if it's just 1 of us than we just hang out and than once everyone is up it's breakfast time and than on to the gym if the hubby is at work and if he's home we just spend time together!


I'm neither a morning person nor a night person. I'm a sleep person. I have managed to get into a routine where I can wake up at six everyday to alternate walking the dog with Mike or running. It's a nice trade off.

Now that you mention hot chocolate, I'm totally making some!


Total morning person… but cranky afternoon person.


I rarely drink hot chocolate. :( I used to be addicted to this white hot chocolate, though, at this coffee shop that used to be on the bottom floor of the building I worked in…dangerous.

I am definitely a morning person! My hubby is a night person so we have to compromise a lot. :) I do struggle getting out of my warm bed, but once I'm up I love it!! Plus sleeping in just makes the day seem so short to me.

My morning routine totally depends on the day since my schedule is different – I work 3 days/week, 1 of them is from home. I typically like routine as much as possible, but every day is different with my little guy! :) About 3 days/week I go to the gym at about 5:30ish; the other days I either work out during my son's nap or go in the evening after my husband's home. I work 3 days/week – 1 day from home. So every day is different! :)


I usually just drink coffee in the morning, but I love hot chocolate on snow days or the weekends. For some reason it always seems more like a special treat than an everyday treat. I'm not sure why that is. :) PS I love your blog, because you seriously seem like everyone's best friend and that you are seriously interested in hearing from your readers. I look forward to reading your posts every day :) Just thought you should know!! Happy Friday!!!


Hot chocolate, all the way. Stir it with a candy cane, even better.

I am absolutely NOT a morning person, but I workout in the mornings. So my alarm going off at 5:15am. I am out the door for either a morning run or boot camp class. If it's boot camp, I go straight to work. Thank goodness my work has a gym and I can shower there. My officemate probably wouldn't appreciate my after workout 'glow'.

Running outside in the morning can be scary (it's dark and cold) but nobody wants to get up that early with me. Plus, since i'm not a morning person, I probably wouldn't be too much fun to be around. :-)

Have a great weekend!!


I honestly can't remember the last time I drank hot chocolate. Maybe I got one at Starbucks last winter? Don't get me wrong–I love the stuff! I just drink coffee when I need something hot because of the calories. Some of us don't run "accidental" marathons like SOMEONE I know to burn off the hot chocolate calories!!!

My morning routine is something like this:

Alarm clock goes off. Hit snooze. Cell phone alarm goes off. Slap the alarm clock. Realize it's not the alarm clock this time. Hit snooze on cell phone. Alarm clock goes off. Try to answer cell phone. Realize cell phone is not ringing. Hit snooze. (This goes on for like half an hour. I'll spare you the rest.)

In the shower by 5:20. Out of the shower and dressed by 5:40. Let dogs out to pee and play for a few minutes while I brush my teeth, put my makeup on, and dry/flat iron my hair. Feed cat. Let dogs in and feed them. Leave for work at 6:15 to be there at 6:30.

Boring? Yes! But such is the life of Pam! :)


My routine? Train, Fuel, Laundry, TFL!!!!! Freaking jersey Shores stole it from me with GTL, its ok I am way cooler then anyone from that show


I drink Swiss miss diet hot chocolate everynight. Its so cozy and makes me sleepy
Wow, I can post now! Yippee!!!


I wish I was a morning person. I like how the world appears before everyone wakes up, but I hate actually getting up.


definitely a morning person. i've got a similar morning routing, but with a lot less cardio, and a lot more coffee. i really do love the taste…but the caffeine is nice, too : )

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