HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKINNY RUNNER!!! Make sure to head on over to Sarah’s blog and wish her happy birthday!!!

The Christmas faculty party was going to be the classic secret santa blah blah boring blah.

A few of us more awesome faculty members came up with the idea of DODGEBALL and snacks of course.

It is really fun to hit your co-workers with balls and an ‘accidental’ head shot every now and then.

No pictures, I was too busy getting people out and catching balls to worry about that.


Dinneer was a BBQ, mozzarella tuna melt with roasted broccoli.  45 grams of protein in this meal.  Boom.


I am almost embarassed that I haven’t done this yet.

I would like to introduce you to the two coolest people I know.

Mom and Dad.  They have 5 kids, 12 grandkids, married for 39 years and they are still so in love.  My dad still calls my mom a ‘fox.’

We met them tonight to exchange Christmas gifts because we leave Saturday morning for Cali.

Of course we had to get ice cream.


Can you guess which one is mine and which one is my dad’s?

Oh and the benefits of being a food blogger…..thanks Farrs for the free yogurt, delicious!


Check out my guest post over at Lauren’s blog.  She is absolutely amazing, I think I might steel her hair.

Are you going anywhere for Christmas Break?

-San Clemente….be jealous, very jealous.  I wonder if we will come back….anyone looking for an apartment in P-town to rent from us.  Oh, and you would have to buy my parents house too so that they could move there with us.

Did you have a work/school party this year?  Do you get a bonus or anything?

-We got restaurant gift cards to one of my faves, “Magelby’s.”  No lie at a wedding they catered for that my sis and I were at, we accidentally ate 3 pieces each of lemon cake.  It is that good, no worries we danced the night away and burned it right off.  Keep in mind we get our empty calories from dessert rather than alcohol.

What are you hoping you get for Christmas?

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– I am staying here, in cold, snowy, freezing Ohio, ya, can you sense the jealousy in my voice

– Office party on Monday, no bonus, white elephant, yipee, in a less then excited voice

– EVERYTHING on my list, seriously, not joking, I been good this year


Have fun in Cali!


That custard made my mouth water. But then again, I love anything sugar cookie-esque.



I love lemon cake! Have fun in California.


Have fun in Cali – that's awesome!

We're staying here for Christmas – but all my family will be coming to our house! So excited.


Your posts crack me up because they are all over the place. I get all excited to reply to something in the first few sentences then BAM you hit me with like 30 other things to respond to…it's like watching my 5 yo play superhero's in the living room!

First of all, LOVE your dad and his foxy lady! How sweet is that!?!?!

Second, when I worked at the Y we went through a faze where they were trying this team building stuff for the full-time staff. We played dodgeball and my best friend seriously lowered her shoulder and clocked me in the lip! Don't worry, I looked hot! Seriously, like Angelina Jolee for the rest of the day! It was cool!

I went to my hubby's work Christmas party. It was lame. Usually we get to go to a Christmas Ball and it is like Prom all over, only your married to your date (he he! you know what THAT means)! But for some reason they didn't have one this year.

Ok. Enough already.

HAve fun in CALI!!


BBQ sauce and tuna? Interesting combination!

How did you work in the blogger card for the free yogurt? I'm definitely going to have to give that a shot.


We're staying here for Christmas. We used to go to Michigan every year, but it's tough to coordinate schedules now that we don't all live at home and there are in-laws involved.

My company doesn't do a Christmas party (we do get bonuses though!), but my husband's party is tonight. I've been told I have to look good so his middle aged female coworkers stop hitting on him…

I'm hoping for a garmin for Christmas!


Going to husband's family for 2 days, my family for 2 days…not really exciting.

My boss sent me a wine tasting box with 6 bottles of expensive wine. A.) I don't really drink wine. B.)I'm breastfeeding and probably SHOULDN'T drink wine. C.) Last year she gave me an envelope with cash in it. I think i'd rather have that! But I guess its the thought that counts ;)

What I REALLY want for Christmas is a fry daddy. Yes, I know I'm a dietitian but occasionally I want to try something fried at home but don't want my house to smell like oil.


i am so impressed that your parents have been together that long! i'm not even kidding. i've only been married 9 years, so to think of all the stuff they've been through-the ups and downs, joys and sorrow, is just crazy! they are still together!
that is rare. and awesome. and something to truly honor.
i don't have a company christmas party. i'm a nanny :)
i already got what i wanted for christmas-a "new" car!!! well, it's used, but it's new to me :)


I love that your parents are still in love! Very cute! It's couples like that that give the rest of the world hope.
And you get warmth for Christmas? That would be about the best present ever!
I like your dodge ball idea better than a lame secret santa party!
And your dinner looks delicious! I need to try that squaw bread. All of your food always looks so tasty.


You are quite adorable! No I stay home for holidays. We are military and traveling with 5 kids and a great dane… need I say more? I do not get a bonus either BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!


Have fun on your trip! We stay local for Christmas.


beautiful woman–your smile makes me smile.

I love parents.


We stay home. All of our family lives in the same city. But we still have a ton of fun!

My work throws us a Christmas party at a very nice place with a fancy dinner and open bar…it's tonight! Woo hoo! And, they give us a generous Christmas bonus!

Have a fun trip! (I posted my workouts for you yesterday!)


Aw, hi Mom and Dad! Janae, you look absolutely drop dead gorgeous in that photo! Aaaaand, I would like to devour either one of those bowls of ice cream. :)


Of course you can come workout with me! And you are a sweetie too!


P.S. WOAH! Thanks for the shout out in your guest post!!! You are too sweet. :)


Not going anywhere for Christmas, although I wish I was! I have tons of vacation time, just no money to go on vacation!

We got a Christmas bonus today ($$$) and we usually get a box of Godiva chocolates. My company is really good to us!

For Christmas, I just would like some more running stuff, which I know I'm getting so I'm excited!


That's so sweet about your parents! I hope my husband and I are like that in 37 years. :)


Cali sounds ALOT warmer than my trip! I'm heading back to the east coast to visit my family for a week and a bit! I'm BEYOND excited. AND running a race. Eeks!

We usually get a gift card (with different amounts depending on senority) to a fancy mall here… I"m hoping we get them soon so I can buy some new runners!


We have only ever gone somewhere one time for Christmas! This year we are following tradition and staying home :)


Hello hungry running parents!
I played intramural dodgeball my first year of grad school – and I loved getting to throw things at the people who asked me too many questions during my presentations! ;)
I'm going home to Manitoba for the holidays – exotic I know! Going home is exactly what I wanted for Christmas, but I might appreciate some compression socks or the Matt Long book too.


Lol your Christmas Party sounds a lot tamer than the one the MS I sub in, had last night. I didn't go to it but my friend who works at the MS picked me up this morning wayyy hungover, he was out till 2:30 last night. They had it at a local bar and everyones been talking about it all day lol, a few people even called in sick today!

Christmas list~ BIKE!


We are not doing ANYTHING for Christmas this year!

San Clemente is totally in my neck of the woods! I love love love going to the beach on Christmas morning :D


Your parents are adorable! My mama calls my daddy "handsome" all the time!

And um, I have insane froyo envy now!


You look so much like your parents!

Jake and I are going to New Jersey to visit my parents… Not quite as cool as CA but it'll do! I'm hoping to get a stand mixer. I've wanted one for YEARS but have never gotten one – maybe this is the year?!


I'm headed up north on Christmas Eve to spend the holidays with my Plus One… I hate flying but it will be worth it! That said, it'll be a little late in the season to have any parties to attend…

I am hoping for buckets of Lululemon goodies and a new bag or wallet. Preferably one I couldn't afford to buy myself, ha!


I'm so happy to meet your parents! :) They're too cute. The Husband calls me a fox – let's hope in 39 years, he still does the same!


We have an after work get-together at a colleague's house, but I'm not going. We don't receive a bonus or gifts from our administration – I'm a public school teacher!

We are staying in Spokane for the holidays, because both of our families live here. Christmas Eve with my fun family and Christmas Day with my hubby's big crew, love it!

For Christmas I hope my hubby is super surprised and enjoys the gifts I have for him! Selfishly I hope to get some gift cards so I can go shopping – I need new clothes.

Happy Holidays!


have fun in cali!!! too bad that is no where close to where i am :(


Now thats a good looking family! I love that you are so close to your parents. Such a blessing! I am I sure that they love having you as a daughter, your quite the entertainer! hehe.
I am jealous you are going to CALI, maybe I can fit in your suitcase?? I'll bribe you with candy! :)


Now thats a good looking family! I love that you are so close to your parents. Such a blessing! I am I sure that they love having you as a daughter, your quite the entertainer! hehe.
I am jealous you are going to CALI, maybe I can fit in your suitcase?? I'll bribe you with candy! :)


Now thats a good looking family! I love that you are so close to your parents. Such a blessing! I am I sure that they love having you as a daughter, your quite the entertainer! hehe.
I am jealous you are going to CALI, maybe I can fit in your suitcase?? I'll bribe you with candy! :)


i mom and dad! they look like all kinds of fun!!!

i get to go to my parents in kansas and then my brother's in denver. so, two 10 hour drives. and then back. more than 40 hours in the car over two weeks. fun!

no party…no bonus. but they changed my job and i'm going to be working like 3x's as much next semester. awesome.


Did you do that sandwich on the foreman (however you spell his name) grill? I am really thinking I need one now! Yum!

The dodgeball game sounds so fun!

I hope to be as cool as your mom and dad when I am their ages. Have a safe trip to Cali. We are staying home. :)


CUTE!!! Awww, parents, good food and FREE yogurt?! Doesn't get much better.

Mama's a cougar, love it:)

We had a nice work outing and people have been bringing in cookies – so love the holidays!


your parents are adorable – no surprise there! We'll be in Dallas for Christmas and I'm looking forward to hanging out with my sisters and nieces. And Billy, too. ;)

Have fun in California! I bet y'all will have some great weather.


Heck yes, Cali is where its AT. Or where Im at. Same thing.
That custard is making me irritable. There is no custard shop here. And no matter how hard I try I cannot get through this darn computer screen to snag that carton.
Im traveling to Yosemite to the inlaws after christmas and then to San Fran. But the day will be here with my parents and grandpa and rugrats and huzzz.
I want a garmen andddddd some sees carmels for xmas. Really Ill settle for a twinkie. I need a sugar fix.


I'll be real honest. I love that you are mormon and don't drink. I love love food blogs but as a recovering alcoholic it often gets to be a little bit much seeing all the beer and wine:) I get my empty calories from dessert too:)


Are you from Orange County? San Clemente is close to me :)


DON'T LEAVE ME!!! jk. I hope you have so much fun! I LOVE your parents. They are absolutely darling. Also…your frozen yogurt consumption makes me feel ok about mine. Thanks for that ;)


I am confused? Is this blog all about food or running? Maybe one on School Faculty Dodgeball would be good? Fun!

San Celemente is nice, but I prefer Laguna Beach, La Jolla and Capitola.


thanks for the birthday wishes, im blushing.


Awww, your parents are so cute!

Oh man, I spent many summers at San Clemente growing up in CA. Have fun :)



39 years! Wow, that's so awesome! I love it.

I'm staying in town this year and hoping for lots of running stuff – Runner's World subscription, long sleeved running shirts, running gloves… :)

Just found your blog and I love it!


I either get food cravings, running ones – or now dodgeball ones :) reading your blog. ALL our good! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy SoCal!


I love your blog. Both my sister and I started reading you after we found you on Skinny Runner, you are funny! I am impressed you got a gift card for Christmas from your school, I teach high school math and we got nothing. I guess they did have a little celebration in the cafeteria after school one day. Do you teach at a big school?


Haha I loved your interview thing on Lauren's blog! Funny and cute! :D
I'm getting a Garmin Forerunner for Christmas, which I am SO excited about! I know, because I found the recipt! People shouldn't leave them lying around…! :P


OK you do not have to send me a card. Did I sound like I was fishing for a card, I just thought it was nice that you have students who care cause I work with a bunch of anti-social immature men who smell. Ok they don't smell but they do not know how to act around women. Anyway if you really want to send me a card, email me YOUR address at morningrunner12 (At) gmail (dot) com and then I can send you ANOTHER card! heeh see how I did that!!

Hope you have a great time in Cali, even though that was really hard for me to say since Ill still be at my house with all this stupid snow :(

Next Friday (since some of us have to work all next week…) we are going to the fiance's family's house. Should be a fun/hormonal time because one sister has a kid and the other is pregnant! eekkk! Can;t wait for that – I will be the only sane woman in the house!


I;m not going anywhere for christmas staying in good ol' southern california!

I am hoping for a new garmin, new manduka yoga mat, frozen yogurt gift cards, swedish fish, and anything in a blue box labeled tiffanys ;)


OMG I would love to throw dodge balls at some people I work with. HARD.

Your parents are adorable. I'm going to the frozen tundra of Buffalo, NY for the holidays. You are jealous, I know.


Driving to oregon! YIPEE!! I'm in Mexico and I can't wait for the cold and snow and rain!!! We'll drive past San Clemente on Sunday – I'll think of you!

No work bonuses or presents. We had a party for our daycare and their families on Wednesday. Mom is putting together a big shindig for our friends tonight.


Your parents are SO adorable!!


1. Traveling from Central NJ to even colder Western NY.

2. Work party at a great restaurant Wednesday night. Won my super chocolate gift basket that I posted about the other night. No bonuses working for a public school district :)

3. For Christmas? I'd like a toaster oven. seriously. I can't tell you how many times I heat up the oven/broiler to reheat a piece of pizza or a sandwich. I'm hoping for some Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks gift cards to feed my coffee addiction. Also, the game: Settlers of Catan. A blender that blends ice for smoothies effortlessly. A foam roller.


Your parents are too cute and I'm dying to know how awesome that sugar cookie yogurt is!

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