Thank you, Emilee and Jo, for meeting me early on Saturday morning for a run.

Thank you, legs, for running our 3-mile segment faster than the previous week.

Thank you to the majority of my fake eyelashes for staying on during the windy run.

Thank you, Panda, for being open at 9:30 am… Brooke was craving it.

Thank you, OB exam, for being over quickly because I dread this exam all year long (but good news… some lumps that recently made me nervous are just cysts)!

Thank you to the best snack for reentering my life.

Thank you, Andrew, for making jokes while we registered Brooke for JUNIOR HIGH so that I didn’t cry.

Thank you, classifieds, for having a cheap squat rack for me to buy so I can continue to stay consistent with lifting heavier during the summer with all of the kids home (We had a squat rack, but sold it because we never used it, and now got this one because I am going to use it;)

Thank you, Beretta, for being the most patient pup ever.

Thank you to the extra couch time lately to help me pass my online scuba test.

Thank you, nieces and nephews, for putting together quite the Cinco de Mayo feast for us.

Thank you, Modern Family, for entertaining us for hours.

Thank you to everyone who loves Brooke so much for sending her food.

I would love to read any of your thank you notes today or from this weekend!

Sleep and sweats won over going for a run. Yesterday was more painful for Brooke so we took it extra low-key. I’ll be back on Monday with a normal post. Thank you for being the best. Tell me three things you have going on today!

(shorts, long sleeve, bra, shoes) Back to gloves but at least I can say the shorts are here to say. These bushes that we run by smell like actual grape candy. Day #1 of Tee-ball for Beck occurred. Bless the coaches of the 3-4t team. They are truly angels. Brooke even decided to come to … Continue Reading

(ribbed tank ((with a built-in bra, and a great deal)), shorts, shoes) Well, day #1 was better than we expected! I also think Brooke is very used to her throat hurting (when they looked at her throat before the surgery, they asked how she could even eat with the state of her tonsils!), so she … Continue Reading

I woke up at 3:15 am with my heart pounding and so much fear about Brooke getting her tonsils out. I think Andrew’s job (he works in organ donation… the sad side of it and the stories are so hard) has made me even more anxious about my kids, and there was no chance I … Continue Reading

I bought Brooke shorts to match with me. 11 miles @ 8:25 average. Don’t be surprised if I get a restraining order placed on me due to the number of pictures I have taken of Clayton Young and Connor Mantz (just Clayton yesterday). I’m so excited each time I see them. Don’t let anyone ever … Continue Reading

(Long sleeve, tank, shorts) Happy Monday! We finished off last week with a 15-mile long run @ 7:23 pace. We decided to throw in a 20-minute tempo on a slight down/flat section and I made the choice to see how poorly I could pace it;). I went out so fast, and I started seeing more … Continue Reading