Silentish Saturday!

Another bucket-list item for the big kids ✔️.

They both got up on it multiple times.

Skye and Beck worked on their boogie board.

And I loved documenting.

Didn’t have any chocolate croissants with us, so we compromised with this😉

Went to the Roman theatre…

Over 2000 years old.

We couldn’t find gelato, but we could find chimney cakes.

A walk home in the rain.

Our trek back home starts tonight with a train.

Tell me three things you have going on today!

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What a fantastic trip and wonderful experience for all of you! 🙏 Safe travels home.
A quick workout/run then my book club lunch, outside in this beautiful spring weather. Then lots of yard work after all the rain we’ve had.
“See” you when you’re back home


14 mile run- last long one before the taper! Now out to breakfast with my boyfriend (who also did 10 of the 14 with me, he is amazing). Going furniture shopping and then relaxing tonight. Safe travels back!!

Have you ever had a chimney cake before? I never have but recently heard about them and dying to try.


It looks like you had a wonderful trip, Janae. Thanks for sharing it with us. I don’t have anything as exciting as that on my schedule today, but I did love getting my nails done, treating myself to an iced coffee, and tonight I’m going to dinner with my sisters, which I know will be a good time! Happy Saturday!


I just wanted to say what an absolutely amazing trip you created for your family. My parents took me and my sister on some amazing adventures when we were younger and those trips created memories for a lifetime. I’m sure it was a tremendous amount of work and stress for you but your kids will remember it forever. Great job, mama!


so cool the kids got to surf. For sure if that was something they wanted to do for anwhile. surfing seems hard so they anre super brave for sure! and I wanna go there if only for the food. it looks so delicious.


Great photos! It looks like you had a great time and your children are eager to get some fresh air. Which is unfortunately quite rare among children these days.

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