Paris and Budapest so far…

Good morning! It feels like forever (3 days haha) since I posted a daily recap. So, I’m blogging from my phone on the train back from Budapest about what we have done so far.

Our flight from SLC to Paris was about 10 hours and neither of us slept more than an hour. Sleep just wasn’t happening. We had a 6 hour layover in Paris and decided to do the opposite of everything we read online and leave the airport. We were so glad we did. We basically ran through the airport and the trains worked out perfectly so that we were able to get to the Eiffel Tower and back fast enough to make our next flight.

This was both of our first time here and the Eiffel Tower shocked us because of its size… we turned a corner and boom, there it was. The city was gorgeous and we now know we need at least a week here someday… and Andrew said we must include biking into our next trip here.

Our second ‘must do’ for the short time we had there was to eat pastries, cheese, a baguette and chocolate. Each bite was perfection.

We jumped back on the train (where I fell asleep) and got to our gate (and I fell asleep there again too). Our flight to Budapest was about two hours (yep, fell asleep again ha) and made it to our hotel at dinner time. We went and found the cutest Hungarian restaurant to eat Goulash Soup with bread. I loved every bite along with the live music. We were both in disbelief that we were actually in HUNGARY.

We grabbed some chimney cakes (even better than I imagined) and passed out at the hotel. We slept 10 hours and were ready to go out for the entire day. We wanted to make the most of every second.

Our first stop was the Matthias Church. It was stunning.

We took the 197 steps to the top and had the tower to ourselves for a few minutes.

We then walked over to one of the oldest cake shops in Europe. It is almost 200 years old. I had the cream cake and vanilla croissant. I wish every morning started with Ruszurm cake.

Our next stop was to the Szechenyi Thermal Baths.

So warm and so relaxing. Listening to everyone speaking different languages around us was so interesting.

Coming here was a need for my post-marathon body.

Our next stop was something I had really been looking forward to-> New York Cafe.

The prettiest cafe in the world!

The hot chocolate was so thick and rich. How will I go back to our watery kind at home?!

We had goulash soup, fries and a tower of a mixture small sweets.

From there we were walking around shops when we saw a Thai massage place… yep, 60 minute massage and for only $35!

We then walked to the top of Gellert Hill to watch the sunset. We walked a total of 22,000 steps on Wednesday.

It’s always a good idea before a marathon to walk as much as possible the week leading up to it🤣

We grabbed Italian for dinner and then went on the Ferris Wheel and enjoyed the walking streets nearby.

We can officially say we love this place. Now today we will probably take a few more taxis to save our legs because 26.2 is coming up!

Ever done a destination race? Which one?

Anyone live in a city where you get in a lot of walking?

What’s your run today?

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Honestly if I was doing a marathon in a place outside of the US then I’d also be walking a lot and exploring. Would not be able to waste time not seeing everything I can while there!


Looks like SO much fun! Excited for you to run! Do you happen to have a link for the sweater you’re wearing in the photo in front of the Eiffel Tower? Super cute!


You are living a dream!!! Covering your gorgeous green Coach bag if you wouldn’t mind sharing! 😍


Budapest looks amazing!! I have been to a few places in Europe and never considered Budapest but reading your posts and following along on Instagram is making me what to add this to my places to travel list. I’ve been to Paris twice and you definitely need at least a week there next trip.
Good luck with the marathon!!


Coach made it a rest day which works out well since I am starting work early so I can make it to the T Swift film on time!
Explain to me how French bread in Paris is so much better than any other bread??
Paris was life changing for me. I want to explore more of Europe but I also just want to go back to Paris.
Enjoy every minute of your trip!!


You did a lot on your first day!! I’ve never done a destination race but it looks really fun.

Rest day for me, tomorrow is the Baltimore running festival. I will be running around the city to cheer on my boyfriend in the full and some friends in the half!


Your trip looks amazing so far! I would love to do a destination race that includes a lot of site seeing.
I’m not running today. Between sleeping horribly and having 2 meetings this morning, I decided to not go out. I may squeeze something in later.
Keep enjoying the sites!


I felt the same way about hot chocolate in Ireland. It was like drinking creamy hot fudge! I really need to learn how to make it.

So glad you’re having such an amazing time. Looking forward to more pics and recaps.


This sounds so amazing! FWIW, I am very much a “leave the airport during a layover” kind of person. I had a 9 hour layover in London on my way to Berlin, and no way was I going to miss walking all over the city just to sit in one place for 9 freaking hours. They don’t make it easy to leave, but it was worth it.


BEST decision to leave the airport! I’ve never understood people who say that’s “not worth it” – as if strolling under the Eiffel Tower with pastries isn’t worth it!! It’s so much better to go through life with an attitude of “it’s always worth it.” Have a fantastic trip!!


Sorry to ask such a stupid question while you’re posting pictures of gorgeous European spots, but where did you get the black mock turtleneck you’re wearing in a few pics? It looks very cute and warm!


I love love love that you are enjoying Budapest!!!! Those baths are the best, aren’t they?! It makes me happy to see you taking in all the sights and enjoying the delicacies. Super excited for you. Smart move on getting a massage. Brilliant!

I’ve done a destination marathon-NYC was a destination marathon because I live in Germany so it was a complete novelty to be in NYC. LOVED IT. I also did Berlin, but that was sort of like you doing St. George. Amazing, but local-ish haha. I still loved Berlin and it was such an amazing crowd and finish. Germany is super family friendly so consider doing it!

You are so incredible keeping up the blog and IG right now. I suspect you will sleep on the flight home after this crazy, fun, packed week. Also, look for the ice cream that they shape into a flower. It’s so cute and the flavors incredible.


We LOVE destination marathons! It’s now a thing we do every year! Headed to Greece Nov. 1st to do the Athens Marathon that runs the original course! Can hardly wait! Enjoy your trip!


What a fabulous recap. I felt like I was there too!


Your trip looks like it was so amazing!! I’m kind of obsessed with your sunglasses and have been going through old posts trying to figure out where they’re from but can’t find anything. Halp! :)


My favorite is the picture of you two together at the Eiffel Tower. What’s impressive is that I always see a bright smile on your face in every scene. That makes me really admire the love between you two. I believe you two had a wonderful trip there.


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