I’ll never learn + the joy of…

(bra, shorts, shoes)

It doesn’t matter how many summers I run through… I’ll never learn that it is ALWAYS worth it to wake up early before the sun is blasting on us.  Less sleep > baking in the sun.


The joy of running with Andrew on the bike next to me–> ice water that turned to just water within 3 minutes of being outside.

Kaydee sent this to me, and it made me laugh so hard. I’ve been a Runhole at different times over the years, ha.

We went to get Knox’s passport renewed, and these two were pretty happy to have matching colors on.

And then haircuts… we have family pictures tomorrow!

She starts kindergarten in less than a month 😭

We watched an episode of Is It Cake on Netflix during Beck’s nap.

And then I got to meet up with Sarah. We met in the 9th grade, and now she lives in Switzerland, so I don’t get to see her nearly as much as I would like. Andrew and I want to be able to take our kids to visit her in Switzerland someday.

You can never go wrong with acai bowls.

And we will finish with a video I took at my nephew’s party where my brother-in-law does something that hurts my back just watching 🤣.  He is amazing.


What time was your alarm clock set for this morning?

How do you carry water on the run?

Have you kept in touch with any high school friends?

Have you ever been able to do a flip (on the ground or the tramp)?

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I’ve been carrying a handheld water bottle on my runs, but finding it’s not enough water this summer! Been having to stop and refill at my car.

When I was younger I could do a flip on the trampoline! No more though, I’m too scared. Your brother in law is brave.


Might need a handheld for each hand! Seriously brutal without enough water! Seriously, my BIL does not age and has no fear. Hope your morning has been great so far, Mariah!


I was very silly this weekend and didn’t start my long run until 10:00 a.m. (in a humid part of Texas)… I ended up consuming 7 bottles during a 16 miler (with speed work) it was NUTS!
(Carried one, two in vest, one refill at home and then my husband brought me 3 more lol)


I forgot to set my alarm this morning! I never do that! I still woke up naturally about 20 minutes after the alarm would have gone off, but I’m still puzzling over how that happened.


That is SO weird! Sometimes I will accidentally set it for PM instead of AM! Glad you still woke up naturally! Have a wonderful day, Allison!


I have known one of my friends since I was 13. Lol. We met in high school. Will probably run at 6:30 am. Definitely to try and beat the heat

I took a couple of days off running because we had a big weekend in Whistler this past weekend lol. My girl friend and I hiked up blackcomb mountain did a loop at the top and back down again haha. Day 2 I did a solo run up whistler..I took a trail called singing pass and made it to just about the lake turn off and turned around. I did about 32 miles over 2 days and we hit just shy of 10 000 feet of climbing. I was sore for a day. And River Jason and I did get in some good lake swims as well. It was a full weekend!

Have a fantastic day Janae can’t wait to see some of the family photos!


I love that you have had that friend for so long… to see each other through so many different stages of life is so special. Ummm your Whistler weekend sounds like heaven. Kristine, be my tour guide on trails in Canada, PLEASE!


Oh goodness, summer running is BRUTAL! Here in southern Louisiana, if I’m not up by 5:30, an outdoor run is NOT happening, not just due to heat but also humidity! Luckily, we have a treadmill for days that I sleep in, but I am trying to get in more outdoor runs as part of my training for my next half. It’ll be in New Orleans in late October, and temps then will likely be in the 70s or 80s with he humidity in the 70s (which is actually low for us). Either way, I know the outdoor heat/humidity training will benefit me. I have two middle school (we called it junior high back then, lol)/high school friends that I am still super close to and we love getting together and catching up. Happy Wednesday, Janae!


I seriously do not know how you do what you do. Do they even have races during this time of year in your area? That sounds so hard and thank goodness for your treadmill on the days you need more sleep! I’ll think of what you are doing training for your half next time I’m complaining about our dry heat haha. Have a great day, Emily!


6am wake up today. It wasn’t sunny but it was still warm for that hour of the day.

I usually keep a small water bottle in my side pocket but it gets warm fairly quickly, even with ice. I used to freeze a bottle overnight but it’s hard to hold a freezing bottle!

My sister and I were in the same home room in HS. A girl, who became one of our closest friends, sat right behind us (our last names both began with C). Still close friends even though she now lives 4 hours away :)

Happy hump day


Way to get up early and out on a run in the heat (already!). I used to freeze my bottles too! I love that you guys are still close and I hope you see each other soon. Thanks Deidre, you too!


Wow this post is for me! My husband was going to the gym this morning so I could have woken up at 5 to run before he left, or at 6 to just do the bike at home. I slept through BOTH alarms / opportunities to work out. Then I thought i’ll do a 20 min strength and I still did not get out of bed!! I am very cranky today haha. I did do a 10 minute core class though and I feel like even that short time helped my mood a bit. I need to start the day with activity.

I’m going to try to fit in a run tonight but its not the same (and I’ll be wondering about it all day and if something will come up to interfere)


Oh Jenny, those types of mornings are seriously the worst. I am SO sorry. I hope you are able to get in that run tonight and then get back to normal tomorrow!


NO. Skye is starting KINDERGARTEN??? How in the world is time passing so quickly? i remember when she was born and it was like yesterday! I’m a little sad that she’s growing up so fast- but I’m sure she’s thrilled : )


I know. Beck and I are really going to struggle with this change next month. She cannot wait to get out of the house on her own ha so at least I won’t have to worry about her being sad to leave me haha. Have a wonderful day, Jenny!


I was up at 4:20 to get a run in before my kids got up at 6. Sounds painful, but I’m so used to it that it typically doesn’t bother me. I like starting my day before the rest of the world :)
I am a bit of a camel and rarely need water during runs. If I do, though, I plant a bottle or two along my course, and then either run or drive back to pick them up after.
Flipping seems like such a cool party trick, but I can barely do a somersault. I’m stiff and get off-balance easily. Not a good combo for gymnastics!
Skye is going to do great in kindergarten. My little (big) guy starts first grade in September!! How is that possible?!
Have a wonderful day, Janae.


Next time I am complaining to myself about an early alarm, I’ll think of you. That is awesome and you are right, it does feel so good to get up and out before the rest of the world is awake. Hahaha I would be worried to try a somersault these days:). First grade! How did that happen? I swear we just had these kids. Thanks Stacey, you too!


Hi Janae:

May I ask what brand top you are wearing in this post? Looks so good on you!


Hey Donna! Thank you so much:). Here is the top but I can’t find the same color anymore. I hope you have a beautiful day!



I have been trying hard to wake and go to sleep at the same time lately. It’s helpful when I’m off from work to not run at 11 am in mid July.
Me: back flip? No.
But you know who just posted on Instagram doing backflips into the pool on his rest day? Yep. Tadej (yes my TdF obsession is concerning)
Hope family photos go well!!


Hahaha I keep finding TdF reels that I need to send you… the content this year is truly the best. Thank you so much, I’m hoping by some miracle everyone is happy! Hope your day is a great one, Molly!


“Runhole”… Ha ha ha. That is hilarious and dead on!
I do have a hand held water bottle I take for runs occasionally. But I usually plan my runs around the water fountains in the park and on the trails so I don’t have to carry anything. I really don’t like to have anything in my hands. I should try the bottles that fit in the pockets of shorts.
We have been having high humidity (89%) early in the morning. So, get up early and run in that? Or wait a bit and run in the sun? It’s not a fun choice, ha.
Yay, family pictures. Can’t wait to see them.
Have a great Wednesday!


That is NOT a fun choice haha… lose lose. We are coming to Southern California soon and now I’m nervous haha. Hope you have a beautiful day, Wendy!


Ooooo… You’re coming out here! When? Hopefully we won’t be having humidity then.


I met my best friend in 2nd grade and we are still best friends and talk every day. We grew up down the road from each other and spent many miles on our bikes going back and forth to each other’s house. Now we live just over an hour apart but with us each having families and whatnot it is harder to actually see each other though we still manage to a few times a year. And we are having our 25th year class reunion this summer. She’s the only one I still keep in touch with from all my school years.


can’t flip…though I have the urge at 65 to try to freestyle snow board?
always have hydration with me, even for short runs….I’ve had horrible experiences when I haven’t….throwing on a belt or a hydration pack is never an iisue
oddly enough, I now call high school friends that I wasn;t reall friends with then now, are friends…the friends I had, not so much
and yes, alarm for 6:30, then 7, then finally up at 7:30….

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