The scariest ending of a run in my life.

(Tank, shorts, shoes)

Things started perfectly. We had a babysitter, a great night of sleep, fantastic weather and many new trails to explore in Payson Canyon.

My body was feeling pretty tired from doing two weekends in a row of racing, so I thought the dirt with Andrew was exactly what I needed.

We stopped for candy breaks and water whenever we wanted, and the wildflowers everywhere were unreal.
Just looking at the map makes me want to try it again; it was so fun until it wasn’t.

Towards the end, we went through some tall grass that released clouds of pollen when we went by them, and I got a little nervous. I have always had seasonal allergies, but they have just been annoying, not scary, so I assumed I would be sneezing the rest of the day and forced into washing my hair a few days early.

We got closer to the car, and things started getting worse. I was having difficulty seeing the ground because my eyes were swelling up, and I was worried I would fall.

Once I got in the car again, I felt like I was having difficulty breathing. Thank goodness I was with Andrew! He drove straight to the closest thing to us (CVS) and got me Benedryl. My breathing felt better, but my eyes kept swelling up like crazy.
I had hives all over my body too. All I wanted to do was to pull over and jump into the river and get rid of everything on me.
Taking a shower helped, and my brother, that is an er doctor, told me what medicine I needed to take once I got home.

I’m off to see an allergist this week and won’t be on the trails without Benadryl ever again. It was truly one of the scariest experiences of my life.

My mom has had similar scary episodes like this and has to get shots weekly… I might be doing the same now.
Remember Brooke’s allergic reaction to a mosquito in Grand Cayman a few summers ago? This stuff is so scary to me.
I’ve always been worried about an animal on trails getting me, not an allergic reaction!

PS My niece was babysitting during this whole ordeal and before we left, I found my contact info on her phone. Running is getting expensive…

On Sunday, I woke up crying because my face was in so much pain, but Andrew quickly got the medicine that I needed, which helped. We were still able to have a somewhat fun Father’s Day at home together!

The plan today was trails, but you couldn’t pay me to get near a plant today, so roads it is if I wake up feeling up to it.

Have you ever had an allergic reaction to anything?

-I feel like as I get older, things are getting worse! I had a pretty crazy reaction a few months ago to shellfish.

Tell me about your weekend run(s)!?

Did anyone run Grandma’s?

Any scary runs that you’ve had?

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Omg I am so sorry. Allergic reactions are so scary. I never had any allergies in my life and a few months ago I ate a fish dish and out of nowhere my body started to itch and I had big swollen hives all over my body. Like not a mosquito sting sized hive but like Palm sized or bigger. Was so random. Allergy testing showed I am not allergic to any fish involved but it was histamine poisoning which can happen with fish that was not stored properly. Crazy how our bodies sometimes overreact. Not being able to breathe right is a whole other level of scary though.


NO WAY! Oh Karina, I am so so sorry that happened to you this year. I had a very similar reaction to shellfish earlier this year. What is going on with us?! I hope that never happens again. Have a beautiful day!


That is so scary!! Good thing you had so many resources to get you meds & info!
The only thing that really made me react was deet in bugspray. I didn’t get itchy but everywhere it touched turned bright pink & I had to shower and rinse it all off me. Never using deet bugspray ever again.


Seriously, I felt so lucky to have Andrew with me! That is nuts about the bugspray, I won’t ever grab that one either. Have a beautiful day, Loribeth! PS my kids were just talking about when you sent them their penguin art:)


What a memorable run. Hope you are feeling much better today!
Also-what the heck are these pollen clouds??
Your story makes me extra grateful that the majority of my running partners are in the medical field.
I had mystery allergies when I was 17. I would spend hours at the allergist’s office but they could never pinpoint the allergen. Things finally just resolved a few years later.


Those pollen clouds were out to kill us… even andrew had hives from them and he never reacts to anything! I felt so lucky to have Andrew there and that is awesome your running partners would know what to do too. So interesting that you grew out of those allergies! This stuff is nuts! Have a great day, Molly!


That is such a shame your allergic reaction ruined that perfect trail run! It looks so beautiful (until the pollen attacked you.) I’m glad you’re okay, and good thing it happened when Andrew was with you. From now on you’ll be prepared.
Hope you were able to run today!


How scary! So glad you are okay. Dang pollen. The last few years I’ve started getting allergies after races, mainly half and full marathons but also some shorter ones. Likely bc I’m pushing it harder than normal/breathing in more. About five minutes after I stop running, I start sneezing constantly, nose is gushing, eyes get super puffy, etc. And it last for days! It is miserable. I’m in the process of trying to fix it with my doctor. So far I have a prescribed nose spray and then combine it with zertec allergy cold and congestion. It helps but doesn’t cure it. If not for this, I’d have no clue I have allergies. Haha Curious if anyone else has experienced something similar.


Thank you, April! Oh gosh that is horrible for you! I really hope you are able to find the reason for this. Anyone that can help?


I started this in the past year when I “overexerted” myself at the gym! It’s been with cardio workouts that stack rowing, airbiking, running, etc. and it only happened in the gym when I pushed very hard. Usually about 15 min after the hard part, as I’m exiting the gym, I have an attack where I cannot stop sneezing, nose running uncontrollably, coughing and it lasts about a day. Its soooo crazy!! I have never had it outside (knock on wood) so it made me wonder if there were certain allergens at the gym that I was gasping in? If you figure anything out, I’d love to know what to do!!!!


Seriously, it was almost the perfect morning:). Thanks Jenny! I hope your Monday is a beautiful one!


That is so scary! I am really allergic to black fly bites and keep Benadryl and Pepcid on hand all summer for it. Sorry this happened to you! Although when I first read your title, I definitely thought it would’ve been a wild animal!


Oh man! That is scary for you, I’m glad you are always prepared. I always thought it would be a wild animal too but this almost felt scarier?! Hope your Monday is a great one, Stacey!


Oh Janae I am sooo so sorry! That is terrifying and painful. I hope you are doing better. I’ve had allergic reactions similar and it’s so traumatic. I’ve had to get an epinephrine shot a couple of times, so now I carry an epipen. I even tried getting allergy shots for two years and it didn’t work for me. So be careful and maybe carry an epipen!


Thank you so much, Tess! Oh I am so sorry you understand this… it really is so scary. I feel traumatized from going in the mountains again. I will only go up there if I have the right stuff with me. Thanks for sharing, hope your day is off to a great start!


Did your brother say to take a steroid pill? My son needed 3 days of steroid pills when he had a really bad reaction once. Plus Zyrtec daily because we never found out exactly what he was allergic to. Scary indeed. My dog even just developed bad allergies and now needs monthly shots.


Your poor son! That is so so scary. Has he had a reaction since? Oh and your dog! Uggg so hard. I didn’t do the steroid pill but benedryl, flonase, pepcid and zyrtec have been my best friends the last few days. Have a beautiful day, Christina!


That’s so scary!!! I’m glad you’re ok, and I hope you’re feeling better now. All of my allergies have gotten much worse as I’ve gotten older. I get mosquito bites like Brooke–often the bites are 6″ or more in diameter. I wear lots of bug spray :-)


Thank you, Isla! What is it with these things getting worse with age?! I swear our bodies should be getting better at handling these things. 6″ or more?! Oh I bet you have bug spray with you at all times.


I’m glad you’re feeling better, but please take some time off from running to let your system recover! This seems like a good time to remember the importance of rest.


Thank you Jane!! I woke up and mentally needed some miles with friends but going to rest all day! These reactions are something else. Hope your day is off to a great start!


Oh my gosh, this is so scary! I am happy you are ok. My oldest daughter has horrible allergies (we carry Benadryl everywhere!) and we are in the process of allergy testing for the 2nd time. Also, we learned that they now have drops you can put under your tongue at home vs going for shots every week. They don’t do it everywhere, but something to look into, especially if you hate needles or have a far drive to get the allergy shots.

I ran the half marathon at Grandma’s and got a PR by 1 second! My old half marathon PR was from 15 years ago (I was 26, single and no kids!) I ran it for fun and had no intention of getting a PR. (I also raced the 5k the night before with my 13 year old daughter.) My sister ran the half and also got a PR (at age 42), my friend ran the full and also had a PR. It was an amazing weekend! You need to come up for Grandma’s some year–the course is beautiful and your kids and Andrew would love Duluth!

Have a wonderful Monday Janae! Rest up, allergic reactions take a lot out of a person.


Oh Becky, that is so so hard. Oh my goodness, I will have to ask about the drops. Thank you for sharing! CONGRATS on your PR at the half. I didn’t know you were running it this year… it must feel so good to hit that time after 15 years! I swear we do our best at the races we run for fun. Tell your sister and your friend congrats for me too. I truly must do that race, it is on my list. Thanks Becky, I’m finding that too… it doesn’t just vanish! Hope your oldest is doing well with her allergies this year!


I’m so sorry that happened to you and grateful that you were with someone who knew what do do. Only to-do list for today is to pick up some allergy meds for my hiking first aid kit (planned this before reading your post but now will do for sure!).

If you don’t mind sharing, what is the medicine that your brother recommended?


Hey Jackie! You are SO smart to put that in your hiking first aid kit… I’ll be doing the same! Yes, my brother had me using benedryl, flonase, pepcid and zyrtec. I’ll have to ask Andrew when I was taking each (he is currently on a flight) because I’m not sure which ones I was able to mix or not but those are the four things I was using along with allergy eye drops. I hope that helps! Have a beautiful day, Jackie!


This is so so so scary! I’m so glad you had Andrew with you too. Hugs!


Thank you, Karen! I was so grateful he was with me too. Hope your Monday is off to a beautiful start!


I recently discovered that I’m allergic to the SUN. I develop rashes every spring when my skin is newly exposed while running, like first time in a tank top. It looks like poison ivy where sun hits (not a burn but an allergic reaction). It’s the worst. Sharing because I hope it can help others as diagnosing this took years.


Oh my goodness, I didn’t know this was possible. I am so sorry you have been going through this and you will definitely help others by sharing!


This used to happen to me for years. I never knew what the cause was, but I had to stay out of the sun or wear very strong sunscreen. Then out of nowhere, just like it started, it stopped. I found out a few years after it stopped that it was a reaction to the sun from being on birth control pills. Perhaps this is the case for you too.


Hi Janae! I’m so sorry that happened! That is terrifying and I hope you feel better soon. Thank goodness Andrew was there!
Hope you have a good recovery day today!


Thank you, Amy! Hope your Monday is off to a great start.


That’s terrifying!! I couldn’t imagine feeling like you couldn’t breath. Thankfully Andrew was there and you were able to get meds to help.

The most terrifying thing that has happened to me on a run, is I have collapsed during two races!! Once 10 feet from the finish line at Nebo and my race pictures are two guys helping me across the finish line. I wasn’t coherent until I was at the hospital. And then I collapsed at Big Bear at mile 22. I was on course to BQ, but my body gave out before I was ready to. I think I have solved the problem, I need a lot of sodium while running in the heat. Maurten’s are not enough for me because I am such a salty sweater.


Thank you so much, Collette! Oh my goodness that is terrifying!!! I am so glad you have found the reason why but goodness, that is scary. So what gels do you use now? Salt pills?


I use HUMA and salt pills. HUMA has over 100mg of sodium per gel. Maurten only has 34mg. It’s crazy how different fuels are and what works for everyone.


That is so scary glad Andrew was able to get you to am ER and hopefully everything gets sorted. I haven’t had a reaction quite like yours.

Haha I love how your niece entered you as a contact.

We had a great weekend. An impromptu trip to Manning park and I did a trail run hike of 30 km called frosty. My girl friend had planned 50km for us but she wasn’t feeling 100 percent so we did just under 30km. We stayed in a super nice cabin ..that was pet friendly. We splurged a bit for a mini moon I call it. And Sunday Jason River and I explored some tamer trails

Hope you feel better soon Janse!


Oh Janae!! So so scary! I get 4 allergy shots monthly and have had NO issues since. Allergies are the worst and your reaction is SO SCARY!

I was supposed to be at Grandma’s this past weekend (broken foot here!) – it is truly the best course I believe! You really do have to come do it. I can’t wait to run it again next year!

I hope you are doing better today and were able to get out for a run today!


I’m so sorry this happened to you! My daughter has an anaphylactic tree nut allergy and I watched her have a reaction after eating a granola bar and she looked very similar to your photos.

In Canada we don’t generally recommend Benadryl for allergic reactions because it can mask the signs of anaphylaxis and you can have rebound reactions. Zyrtec is a great alternative for reactions but never be scared to go to emerg for epinephrine!

Another important piece I was taught by our allergist is if you are having an allergic reaction stop, lay down and put your feet up above your heart. Exercise can make a reaction much worse and can actually be a trigger for a reaction that could have been benign. Something to talk to your allergist about!

Good luck and I’m so sorry this happened to you but so glad you are feeling better.


I would avoid benedryl since it kicks in slower and lasts for a shorter time then the newer drugs ( Claritin, allergies, Zyrtec, etc). They will stay in your system much longer. They also do not carry the side effects. My allergist actually no longer recommends it at all, especially for kids given the latest studies in sleep issues associated with it. It stinks. I have allergies and I have random reactions like this! I am on an inhaler now because the leaves in the fall did this to me. I honestly don’t know if I need it all year long. Good luck with the allergist!


The pictures of your allergic reaction look almost exactly like the reaction my son had when we lived in Salt Lake City when he was three. We discovered that it was a reaction to myrtle spurge, which is a noxious weed that grows in many of the western states and causes hives and swelling if you come in contact with it. We spent a scary night in the ER before a doctor helped us solve the mystery. It was several days before the hives, swelling, and watery eyes went away. Some of the plants that are in the pictures of you running look like they could be myrtle spurge. I’m wondering if that could have been the cause rather than just general allergies. In any event, I’m glad you’re okay!


I’ve seasonal, and anything that has the words dog, cat, horse or cow attached to it…which is sad, I’ve always wanted a pet dog….(yes, Wall street, you wnat a friend, get a dog?)….mine arn’t so bad, I’ve a sister though dust, pollen…and asthmatic…when she was younger, she visited alot of hospitals…Maui, NYC, Bermuda…now in Scotsdale she’s fine…also has alopecia…so an allergy to dogs, not so bad.
when said scary I thought lost…..that I’m famous for, ask anyone that’s every run with me


That experience sounds terrifying. Several years ago I also had an allergic reaction to bug bites that took over half of my body. For over a month I was on high dose steroids. This will certainly alter the way that you see life and plan accordingly. Please take care and go easy for a bit until you are fully recovered!


I ran Grandmas this weekend – my first marathon in 6 years and after having two babies. I ran a 3:07… my previous PR was a 3:30 so I was ecstatic! Such a special weekend after a training cycle of working hard.
You have been such an inspiration that it is possible to get faster after babies!!!


wow, that is so scary!!

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