Tuesday Tangents!

 I don’t have a run to talk about so let’s get into some tangents right away:

*Skye had her dance recital yesterday.   She beamed on that stage.

Beck wasn’t sure why he wasn’t the center of attention, ha.

 *Hoka now has running shoes for kids?! I’m in trouble.

*I’m listening to Kara Goucher’s book right now, and she talks about during her training for the NYC Marathon that she wore a weighted vest for a few miles of her long run going UPHILL. I have never heard of doing this before, has anyone else?

I*Back on the soda train again until I start training again. Utahns are weird, and we add coffee creamer to our soda. It’s heavenly. PS These glasses are just my favorite.

*One last thing from what Keira said at Ali’s show. She talked about how she has thoughts of ‘this is dumb’ during a race. I don’t know why that felt so shocking, but I assumed the pros were floating through the course with thoughts of gratitude and strength the whole time;). She said she has those thoughts and then gives herself time to regroup and return to fighting for what she wants again.

*Big Bear just sent out personalized highlight VIDEOS from the race… I had no idea they took videos along the way. I’ve only ever received pictures from races. Maybe this is next for all races.


*I can’t live without ice. I can’t drink liquids without ice. Unfortunately, our ice maker is out of commission during the remodel, so I’m picking up ice from Sonic to avoid dehydration.

*If you ever need a pep talk, listen to this song. It has helped me so many days when I feel I’m doing it all wrong.


*I am positive that for the next 16 years, I will not be able to marathon train through the end of April and May. The other day I had four different places I needed to be at the same time for the kids.

*My nephew gave Beck his old cleats, and it made his life.

*We are missing stools and our dishwasher right about now.

*I learned about the amazing Jenny Hitchings and her performance in London in the Fast Women newsletter. WOW!

*The only thing tempting me to run again is the pretty gear… so excited for these.

*Free kid’s meals on Monday’s at Zao’s… You can find us there every Monday.


Any songs that pep you up?!

Share a tangent with me!

Would you rather go without an oven or a dishwasher?

-An oven.

Feelings on ice… is it necessary, or can you go without it?  

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I had no idea they took videos at Big Bear. I’ll have to go see if they got any of me…LOL.

The live show with Ali and Kiera sounded so fun. Ali live shows are always so entertaining. :-)


Yes, check it out! So so cool that they did this. Seriously, Ali is the best. I hope you are having the best day, Hollie! What’s next for you?


We have a household of 2 so I would gladly go without a dishwasher. I have had my oven stop working so many times right before I put sourdough or a whole chicken in the oven. I’m still getting over those heartbreaks.
I don’t really like ice! I feel so at home in Europe when they give a glass of water sans ice.
Tangent: I watched the original Top Gun this weekend. It was the first time I have stayed awake during a movie since I was 17 years old. Watch out world, I’m a whole new person!


Oh that would be heartbreaking… I hope you could use your neighbor’s oven! You and my sister are so similar, I don’t understand how you do it. Hahaha that 5k pr is still energizing you and enough to stay awake for an entire movie, wow. Hope your day is off to a beautiful start, Molly!


What a cool video from Big Bear! I absolutely love ice. Gotta have it in my water!


I agree, I hope all races start to do this! I hope your ice machine never ever breaks:). Happy Tuesday, Alyssa!


I hated to go without a dishwasher. We’ve done two kitchen remodels in the last few years and those days without a dishwasher are the worst. We also didn’t have a kitchen sink with garbage disposal so I was cleaning dishes that we had to use (we used paper plates to eat off) in a utility sink or bathroom sink.

I have a playlist on Spotify I titled “today” that I’m constantly changing because I’ll get tired of songs for workouts. Right now a few of my favorites are Synchronize by Milky Way, Every Little Thing I Do – Soul for Real, What a Man Gotta Do- Jonas Brothers, Ain’t Nobody- Felix Jaehn & Jasmine Thompson.

We’ve been working through some viral bug over here and I feel like my life has been just laundry and sleeping for the last four days. I usually get a head cold during the winter but this is the second time I’ve had a chest cold and fever in the last couple of months. I’m very ready for warm weather. I’m ready to sit outside in the sun!

We were on a short walk yesterday and my 5 year old said, “those people throw a lot of eggs on their driveway.” She was looking at bird poop. This girl has been living her life thinking bird poop was actually eggs that had been thrown from cars!! And I guess she thought that was normal because she has never mentioned it! Sometimes I really wish I could spend some time in my kids’ heads. :)


Two kitchen remodels… wow. How did you survive?! I am missing ours so much right now. I need to find your playlist, sounds so great. Uggg good luck feeling 100% soon. I love what your little said. I always want to be in their brains too but sometimes I’m afraid sometimes to know what they are thinking too haha. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Jenny!


Congrats on your Boston finish! Do you have post-race blues?
I used to add milk to my cream soda when I was a kid.
Love the song Everybody Dance Now by C&C Music Factory (showing my age :)


Thank you, Deirdre! I have the blues about not hitting my goal but I do not miss training in the slightest right now ha. I am thoroughly enjoying the break from all of the mileage. Hey, that will forever and always be a great song. Happy Tuesday!


I just want to say your video from Big Bear brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing that compares to watching people go after their goals and finish a race. Running is just so special!! Thank you for sharing :)


Thank you, Jenny! You are the best! Seriously, we are all so lucky to have running and the community of runners. I hope your run today was a wonderful one!


I’m still stuck on coffee creamer in pop. This Canadian is very confused (and slightly intrigued). LOL!!


I need you to try this and get back to me!


Oh my gosh, that video is so cool!! What a fun thing to get from a race.
Lately I have not been putting ice in my water (for almost a year actually) and I find I drink more water that way. So weird.
Skye looks adorable in her dance outfit, and yes she is beaming.
I think I would rather be without a dishwasher than a stove/oven. Doing dishes by hand isn’t horrible. Ha
My tangent for the day… Having a dog around is fun. Maybe it’s time to for us to get one again.
Those shoes look amazing. I’m currently running in Saucony’s and love them.
Have a great day Janae


Thank you so much, Wendy! Yessssss, ice helps me drink way more water. I am so happy that you are enjoying dogsitting and you will have to keep us updated if you get one soon. Saucony’s for the win. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Oven for sure. I haven’t used a dishwasher since 2005 and we didn’t install one in our new house. I don’t even know what life is like with one!


Come teach me how to do dishes properly! That is impressive! Hope your day is off to a beautiful start, Jackie!


Cool race video!! A race company here in NE makes similar recap videos for all of their races (not personalized, tho). They are so fun to watch! …and it’s fun to try & find yourself or people you know/saw on the course that day!
I hear you on the dishwasher, lots of kids = we run our dishwasher 1-2 times a day most of the time. My parents only run theirs once a week!?!
I’m so bummed that I missed Ali & Keira’s live show (I flew in to Boston the next day) AND now I can’t even listen to it since it didn’t get recorded!!! *sniff* *sad trumpet sound*


No way! That is so great. I hope that all races start to do this… It was so fun to look back on the race. Yep, 1-2 times a day here too. Once a week… that is impressive. WAIT, it wasn’t recorded?! OH NO!!! I have the video of Keira twerking during the truth and dare portion, I’ll ask her if I can post it. Hope your day is a great one, Mel!


Your dishwasher/oven question made me laugh because my oven has actually been broken for almost 2 years now. We have one of those little toaster/convection ovens, and for a household of two, it’s perfectly adequate for everything we need to bake. The only thing we can’t really do is roast a whole chicken, which I never do anyway.

Meanwhile, the dishwasher is starting to show its age, and cue huge panic on my part!


Off to go buy a little toaster oven, that is brilliant. I hope your dishwasher holds strong for a very long time! Happy Tuesday, Emily!


I saw a quote from the Sifan Hassan, the woman that won London about her thoughts the morning of the race, she said “This morning I was telling myself, ‘I’m so stupid. Why am I playing this kind of game? Why in the hell am I thinking that I want to run a marathon?’ I never cry, I cried this morning. Why I put this thing for myself? Why did I say I’m gonna run marathons?”
It is the most relatable thing I have ever heard an elite say. I am having ALL the same thoughts about the trail marathon I have this weekend. What in the world am I thinking???

Also, yes to ice. I can’t standing drinking water without it, unless it is a water bottle straight out of the fridge.

I would much rather go without an oven. We only use ours 1-2 times a month, if that – but the dishwasher is used multiple times a week!


Wow. That is super relatable. I think that before every marathon when I remember I’m about to run 26.2 miles ! I can’t imagine the pressure she must have felt too. TRAIL MARATHON… you are next level. I want to hear all about how it goes when you finish, please! I hope your ice machine never breaks nor your dishwasher. Happy Tuesday, Mindy! I hope your tapering is going well!


ALWAYS ICE. I got a pebble ice machine for my birthday in December last year and I love it. I don’t love cleaning it, but it’s worth it for me!!


Which one did you get?! I want to get one so bad but I’m worried of it breaking down!


The GE Profile Opal Countertop Nugget Ice Maker – I think we got it through Costco. DEFINITELY worth it! It’s annoying to use filtered water and to clean it so much, but it’s 1000% worth it if you’re an ice lover/snob like me!


Hi Janae! No dishwasher is super rough! I can go without ice though. I’ll have to check out that Alicia keys song, I really like girl on fire!
Excited to see your remodel results! Have an awesome day!


Thanks Amy! Yes, you will love this song so much. Have a beautiful day, Amy!


That video is so neat! I just love videos these days with the use of drone photography. So beautiful and it’s lovely to see the surrounding area from an aerial view!! I have a VHS of my first Ironman ;)

I have not heard of coffee creamer in soda but it makes perfect sense-I mean italian soda’s have cream in them so this is similar. Is that really a Utah thing? Do you put flavored coffee creamer in flavored soda or is there a magical formula of mixing certain creamers with certain sodas? I’d want to put vanilla in almost all sodas. Does the soda stay bubbly? When I visit the States it’s always a novelty to get ice water at restaurants and then ice in all the drinks. I live in Germany and ice is not a thing. Like, NOT AT ALL. It’s so weird but I’m so used to it that I would feel ripped off if my drink came with ice! (haha, not really).

Live without an oven, especially with family! Although I’ll say when our oven went out I felt completely put out and suddenly *needed* to bake everything.


Hi Janae!
Which sauconys are those?
Skye’s recital outfit is so cute! I love the gloves and bow.
I love the idea of creamer in the soda. It’s like a root beer float!
I do not like cold/ice beverages! I like everything room temperature or warm :-). Unless it is over 80° outside. Ha!
I wanted to thank you for all of your posts, but especially the one yesterday and ones like it. I am positive that I have read your prior marathon recaps 10 times but they are always new/fresh to me and I love the additions. You are inspiring to keep at it! Thank you and good luck with all of the kid activities!


And you can ignore my question on the shoes. I see you added a link! You are the best. Can’t wait for your review!


Not sure why but that Big Bear video made me tear up. You are amazing!!!
We had a leak 3 months ago and are finally getting it remodeled. We are also totally without a kitchen/dishwasher/sink, etc and also no laundry room!! Plus two 6 month olds. I feel ya. It will all be worth it in the end! Thanks for the Alicia Keys song, I was already singing her songs to my girls this morning haha. Have a wonderful day!!


Bam Bam….I think I’ve been listening to that tune for months and months..loud and all the time.and yes, I think we all think that…why on earth are we waking up at stupid o’clock to run in snow storms or monsoons…just to get those 5 hill repeats done…but then, well, I just had nothing better to do at 4 in the mroning…

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