Thank you. A pregnancy announcement (not me;). Biggest winter pet peeve.

(bra, shorts, shoes ((inside)), jacket, leggings, shoes ((outside))

Thank you for your comments yesterday. They meant a lot. I was lucky enough to be able to go to therapy and work with my therapist on what happened, and something that a reader said is helping Brooke and me.–> “I remember something my therapist told me years ago, whenever I would get ‘stuck’ replaying a stressful or scary situation. She said it’s normal to replay the tape, but make sure you play it all the way through. To the part where everything is ok, the part where everyone is safe. Don’t get stuck in the bad part.”  Brooke also read your sweet comments yesterday too; thank you.

It felt good to be overheating again at the indoor track and run out my feelings. It also felt good not to be cautious about each and every step and to focus on pushing off the ground and my form.

We had a ladder workout and decided to do it inside to avoid the craziness outside.

We did do a 5-mile w/u outside first that involved some obstacles.

Stay away from trees in Utah right now. We had to climb under/over 7 of them to get through our path.

I’ve been dying to tell you this, and it is finally time. My training partner is pregnant! Lauren is already in her second trimester and still paced me for yesterday’s workout.  She is incredible.

The workout–> 400, 800, 1600, 1200, 800, 400 (with half recovery jogs after each one ((i.e. 800m jog after the 1600m interval)). This track is five times around for a mile, and my Garmin doesn’t get correct readings inside here, so I just used it to lap at each lap to keep track of distance… not sure about paces, but I put in a solid effort trying to keep up with Lauren. The track/short intervals are my weakness, and I was so thankful to have people to chase after.

Twelve miles total for the day.

Two huge benefits of the BYU indoor track (besides no ice)= being able to spy on the BYU teams and see what stretches and activation moves they do.
And the drinking fountains every ten steps.

I should have used this indoor track for heat training before St. George… it is so hot and dry there, but the water at the drinking fountains is perfectly cold.
I decided to check Brooke out during lunch to go to lunch. We split the grilled cheese waffle and dessert waffle from Waffle Love. She chose the spot, and I loved her choice.
Skye’s ear infection is getting better, but she still wasn’t feeling great yesterday. She requested Tara’s blueberry muffins, so I made those.
And Beck ‘helped’ with dinner while Andrew was working on school.
I love that they are at the age that they like to play cards with us.

Short or long intervals? What do you prefer?

Any winter pet peeves?

-I have to put this out there… When people just scrape off a tiny bit of their car’s front window and not every window entirely when there is snow and ice on them. 

Do you have an indoor track near you?

Cards, board game or puzzle (or none)?  What do you prefer?

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Congrats to Lauren, pregnant with abs. Meanwhile I just have a spare tire full of Christmas cookies over here

I totally get the replaying thing! My son broke his leg skiing last year and it was hard not to blame myself even though it wasn’t my fault


Oh I am so sorry he broke his leg and I keep blaming myself too… like I should have been there to jump on top of her and keep her safe. Thanks for sharing this with me, it makes me feel less alone!


Love to read that you went to therapy for the Brooke incident. The waffle grilled cheese looks amazing and healing. 😉
Same for the window ice but also for not brushing snow off the roof of the car.
I love board games, cards and puzzles. We have doing a puzzle in the evenings after dinner. Perfect winter activity!


My therapist is the best. I told her she can never retire haha! You need a waffle grilled cheese in your life. Dipped in tomato soup… so dang good. Yes, to the snow on top! It’s so scary for runners to see that… we need to be seen and can’t be if snow is in the way. Puzzles and games truly are meant for winter. Enjoy your post dinner puzzle tonight! Have a happy day,


Lol about your winter pet peeve. I agree. I’m like “there’s NO WAY you can see enough out that dinky little spot you cleared!”

I don’t have anything unusual. I love snow… but strongly dislike the gray/ black slush that comes with it on the side of the road. I don’t like when we slog in a bunch of wet stuff in the car and then it smells a few days later. I swear my car smells like feet all winter. yuck.


Hahah right?! Your boss/family/friends/teacher will understand if you are a few minutes late so you could properly scrape your car and get there safely! I totally agree, the initial snow is so gorgeous but then it all goes downhill from there! Have the best day, Hilary!


Many, many congrats to Lauren and her little family. That is super exciting, and very impressive that she’s still able to do hard workouts!!
I was so sorry to hear of your super scary experience with Brooke the other day. You’ve said this before a couple of times, and I always love it so much–“trust your gut!!” Brooke has great instincts and those will serve her well.


Thank you, Clare! I’m so grateful she is still running haha.

Yes! So true… and brooke proved how important that is. I hope you have a beautiful day!


scrape off, how about just use their windshield wipers to do the job.


!!!!!! YES! Happy Thursday, Erica!


Love games with the family. We got yahtzee and clue this year for Christmas. We have 7 and 9 year old boys. Such classic games that last forever for many ages to play.


We love Yahtzee too! I’ll have to grab Clue, my kids will love that game. Have a beautiful day, Mary!


Hi Janae! That’s really good advice about the replaying all the way, I’ll have to remember that! My winter pet peeve is people not turning on their lights when there’s no visibility or not brushing the snow off the top of the car so that it flies everywhere.
Short intervals are harder for me too! I do well in the beginning and then struggle by the end.
Have an awesome cozy day!


Ohhhhhh yes to the lights and snow on top! It’s so scary as a runner to see that because you wonder if they are going to see you. I get that too… I was gassed at the end! I hope you have the best day, Amy!


I’m so glad you and Brooke are ok! My parents trees did the same thing a few years ago, but landed on their house directly over the room they were sleeping in! Luckily the roof kept them safe, but it can be so scary. This is so random, but I met the (BYU) women’s head coach (XC) the other day and I completely nerded out. She was super kind to this bubbling idiot. ;)


That is so scary! I’m so glad your parents were okay and the roof kept them safe. Hahaha I was the exact same way when I met her, you aren’t alone. One time I ran by her and she said “good job ladies” and I almost fainted! She is too cool.


Good news, I’m happy to read it

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