Tangents + You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks.

(pants, shirt, shoes)

And this is where we gave up and turned around to finish up on hills on the road.

But it sure was fun, feeling like we were on a StairMaster going up the trail;). Running in this much fresh snow forces you into doing high knees.

As peaceful as it gets.
My friend, Hilary (in the white top), has a brother that runs for BYU. He just broke the record for the fastest mile ever run at their indoor track… a 4:01, which is a 3:56 adjusted to the elevation. UNREAL. Speedy family!

I have some tangents today:

*I have a few Chatbooks from when it was just Brooke and me, and Brooke wanted to go through them the other night together. It was such a hard time in life but also incredibly special, and I am so grateful for those years.

*Such a great reminder… We can’t have it all.

*This is one of my favorite charts that I share a few times a year.

*The ice finally won last week. I’m sure it wouldn’t have looked so bad if I had a long -sleeve shirt on like most people do when running on snow, but I was in just a sports bra when I fell… I wasn’t wearing trail shoes like I usually do in the snow, so I learned my lesson.
*We met with Hawk the other day for some additional Boston tips. He ran a 2:27 at Boston back in the day, and he knows that course so well.
*You can teach an old dog new tricks;). After decades of using my thick Victoria Secret lip gloss on my lips before every run, I switched to Aquaphor, which keeps my lips even happier on the run.
*I’m trying something… I’m going to jump on the bike for 15-20ish minutes when I get home from a run a few times a week. The bike builds strength and trains me to have a quick cadence. My peloton helped me so much last year at Boston (and it was by far the strongest I have ever felt during a race) that I want to keep it in my training this year too.


Have any tangents for me?

Who else is using the Peloton with their race training? (or who has in the past)

What do you put on your face and lips before a run?

Supergoop and Aquaphor now.

Has anyone else fallen this winter?

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I’ve been trying to figure out how to incorporate the Peloton bike into my running training! I am not nearly on your level of running but I’ve gotten back into long distances after 5 years of being super lazy. I think I may try hopping on after I run like you said! I’m experiencing a lot of hip pain at long distances so I’m trying to do more strength training and barre on the Peloton app too. I am going to try the Aquaphor, I normally use vaseline but it dries my lips out!


HEY SARAH! Thank you for sharing your story with us and we are all cheering you on. I hope that hip starts feeling 100% soon. Let’s do this Peloton after the run thing together. You’ll have to let me know what classes you take and love etc. Thank goodness for that Peloton app… I need to try out the barre classes. Happy Tuesday!


Ouch! Hope your arm feels better soon! I love using my Peloton during this training cycle for my half- I do 3-4 days of running a week and on my non-run days, I do a Peloton ride. I do Peloton strength 6 days a week and one complete rest day that is nothing but yoga or foam rolling and an easy walk. I’m loving this routine! I usually put Aquaphor on my lips at night and then Sun Bum lip balm during a run because it has SPF. Those Chatbooks seems like they capture such a special season for you. Isn’t it funny how a phase of life can feel so hard and when you look back on it, you see the good with the bad in a way that you can’t when you’re “in” it? Happy Tuesday Janae!


Thank you, Emily! I LOVE that you are using the Peloton (ride and strength) in your training for your half. It seriously makes us so so strong. Your schedule looks perfect to me and I can’t wait for your race. Yes yes yes…. you explained it perfectly. It truly was so special but I couldn’t see that then like I do now. Thanks friend, you too. Keep me updated on what classes you are loving!


I’m using the peloton app! The bike, strength, and yoga workouts are really motivating to me- when I normally want to do none of those things haha.

Oh no, sorry about your fall! I haven’t fallen yet, but it also hasn’t been as snowy as previous winters.


Hahaha SAME! I never get excited for those things besides on the Peloton app. They have figured out how to make us love those things ha. I hope you don’t fall this winter! Have a beautiful day, Mariah!


The marathon story reminds me of Terry Fox. After losing his leg to cancer, he planned his Marathon of Hope, a run across Canada in 1980 to raise awareness. He ran the equivalent of a marathon a day for 143 days, a total of 5,373 km ( 3,339 miles) before having to stop. Unfortunately he passed away during his run…but since his passing, Terry Fox runs are held every year and have raised more than $850 million CDN (about $620 million USD at today’s exchange rate) for cancer research. It’s and incredible story: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Fox


Wow. I cannot thank you enough for sharing his story with me. What an inspiration.
Have a beautiful day, Krissie!


Thank you for sharing that post from Ryan Hall! So true, and always helpful to be reminded of that reality. I’m not a runner, but I’m 20 weeks pregnant (first kid) and the changes in my fitness and my body are hard for me mentally when I look back at how much fitter/smaller/leaner I was before pregnancy. This post helped me remember that my body is working towards a different goal right now and I can’t have both – and that’s not just ok, it’s good! My non-pregnant fitness/body looks and feels different from my pregnant body, because right now I have a different goal and purpose in carrying this much-loved little peanut…just like my body looked different when I was a runner compared to when I put my fitness focus on strength. And I’m so thankful to be able to pursue this goal of growing a baby right now, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. All the rambling to say thank you for helping me shift my perspective today 💚


TWENTY WEEKS PREGNANT… congratulations, I am thrilled for you! I understand how hard those body changes can be but I love that you are focusing on the most important goal! Your season for fitness will come again but the goal of your little girl is #1…. oh I love this. Thank you for sharing with me. You are amazing.


The snowy mountains are so pretty!! But running in that deep of snow?!! You amaze me!
It is so fun to follow your training. You are inspiring and I can’t wait to see how Boston goes for you!
Oh, did you see that Des and Kara have a new podcast? I think it’s called No one asked us. I love both of them, and can’t wait to listen!
And holy moly, a marathon a day for 150 days! Incredible!!
Have a good day Janae!


You should share your Boston tips! I am running Boston this year for my first time. I just really need to incorporate Weights into my weekly training.


Ahhhhh I am thrilled for you and I hope to see you there! I’m writing a post right now with all of my tips, so so excited. YES to the strength training… Boston’s course requires it! Have a great day, Natalie!


Hi Janae! I never thought of putting aquaphor on the lips! I usually put sunscreen on my face and just use plain old chapstick. When I saw your post title I wondered what you taught Beretta! How did her birthday party go?
Have an awesome day!


Are your shoes water proof to run in snow like that?


YES YES YES! I require water proof shoes on runs like that!


I’ve been trying to figure out how to get more time on the peloton bike – I like the idea of jumping on for a quick 15min after a run! I have the peloton tread, right next to the bike – so no excuses especially after a tread run! Thanks for the idea! I did a yoga for runners class on the app this weekend, it’s 20 min with Kirra – highly recommend!

I haven’t fallen, knock on wood, this year – my friend ran by herself Saturday morning because of the snow and ice and we both decided I would have fallen and hurt myself so I stuck to the tread. I’m just not steady on my feet in slippery conditions!

Have a great day, Janae!


I love your little happiness chemical chart. A few of those items are on my personal list of daily ‘must do’s, and I bet the brain-chemical-boosts is why they help me so much!
I am also obsessed with both aquaphor and VS lipgloss. I do not think I have tried aquaphor on my lips.. I must try! I love using aquaphor on my feet & dry winter hands.
Haven’t fallen this winter, and usually it’s on my cross country skis when I do fall. BUT I have also been a little extra cautious whenever I am running/ skiing this month, since I am 15 wks pregnant right now.:) That wound of yours looks painful – and I have to imagine was a little cold too, if you fell on snow/ice! Hope it heals up quickly so it doesn’t bother you during your runs.


I push this on everyone who runs haha but I can’t recommend PowerZone classes on the Peloton enough for cross-training. Take your FTP test and do a 30 min PowerZone endurance ride after your run! You can work on increasing your cadence within your endurance zone, so you’re getting that benefit without pushing yourself so hard that it takes away from your running.


Not a peloton, but I bike inside on my days off from running. The peloton app looks great because I have to admit, I find biking so incredibly boring. Anything over 30 minutes (that’s a stretch) kills my soul a little. My husband thinks I’m insane because I’d rather be on the treadmill for any amount of time over the bike! But I like that it keeps my legs turning over.

Bath and Body Works mint lip gloss all the way! Probably similar to your typical VS stuff. But Burt’s Bees chapstick every day.


Tangent: Just an FYI, do not listen to a creepy audiobook while out for a run in the dark by yourself ;)

I use the Peloton bike at least 1-2x’s per week. It’s great for x-training!

I’m doing good rinsing off my face before I run, but I also run before the sun is up. I do use Carmex though.

I’m so sorry you feel! I fell at the beginning of December because it had rained the night before and there were a ton of leaves on the sidewalk. My foot his the leaves on the very edge of the sidewalk. I fell so fast I didn’t even have time to put my hands out in front of me. I broke my front tooth. But the crazy thing is, other than that and a bruised knee, I didn’t hurt anything else. I ran home and immediately put my 1/2 of a tooth in milk, finished my run (adrenaline is wild), and then saw an emergency dentist. Mind you, this all happened at about 6:20am. He was able to cement my tooth back on, thankfully it didn’t destroy the root or anything, and it’s been okay ever since. So crazy. I thought I was being so careful too!


Yes I fell in winter many times one time got a shattered arm and concussion. I despise ice and snow.It has gotten so bad that if I knew my husband was going to mov us t a coldclimate I would never had married him all those years ago.

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