Silentish Saturday!

(Long-sleeve, leggings)

5 miles @ 8:19 with Lauren.

Forgot my ear warmer and my ears paid the price for that for a few hours.

Winter salad by the fire.

Trying to find hints of summer in Utah.

The freezer (along with some fruit and veggies) provided dinner and dessert.

Excited to try these out.

This seems closer than I thought ha…


Tell me 3 things you have going on today!

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Freezing cold ears are the worst!! Hope you get some sunshine this weekend :)

I am packing this weekend (moving soon!) and finishing The Swimmers tonight. What an incredible story — thank you so much for the recommendation!

Have a great weekend Janae!


You’ll have to let me know what you think when you finish it. Such inspiring women (and nations of people). Good luck with your packing, that is so exciting! I hope you have a great weekend too, ML!


That picture of the path you were running on is pretty! And Skye hugging Beck… Adorable!
Heading out for some miles this morning, then birthday shopping for my oldest so I can get the box sent to him in time for his birthday on the 4th. Then back to decluttering and cleaning before all this motivation goes away, ha ha.
Oooo… Can’t wait to hear what you think about the Asics. And yes, it does seem like Boston is coming up quickly!
Have a wonderful weekend Janae 😊


Happy birthday to your oldest on the 4th! You are the best mom to make a package for him. So far I’m so in love with the shoes but I’ll give a full report soon! Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hi Janae! I hate when I forget the ear warmers! I feel like the wind gets in my head and then I get a headache. So hopefully that didn’t happen to you! I stayed up way too late chatting with friends last night so I’m probably going to take a nap! But now I’m going on a group walk and maybe I’ll visit a sick friend after.
Have an awesome weekend!!


Ugggg the headache came for me too. We need to keep those ears covered. Good for you to stay up late talking with your friends and I might need to copy you with a nap!


I *get* to go run for an hour or so, clean the fish tank, spend good time with my family!!


I LOVE the get to… we are so lucky to do this. Enjoy the family time and good luck with the tank!


Happy weekend, Janae! That dinner looks delicious. Are those Asics carbon plated? Can’t wait to hear what you think.
Long walk, bubble bath, episode 5 of season 2 of white lotus! One episode a day to savor :)


Hey Amanda! They aren’t carbon plated but holy cow I loved them. I’ll write a full review soon on them, they were so great. Hahaha we understand that savoring so well. Now I want to take a bubble bath! Have a beautiful day, Amanda!


taught my half marathon virtual clinic…we talked race prep, and during and after… myself pumped up…
managed a short 5K run (-29C with the wind chill….do they have wind chill in Colorado?)….and now for dinner, and tomorrow morning, the long 15K..maybe, it’s supposed to be even colder……am just thinking, one of my grandfathers past away when he was 65, I’m 64….make one think…


I’m excited to hear your thoughts on the shoes! I’ve been looking at the Novablasts. I always appreciate your opinions on shoes :)


The lesson I’ve learned about running or working out that has served me the best over the years is that the LITTLE things can make a BIG difference. Sure, tempos, long runs, interval sessions, hill training, all of those big things factor into fitness. However, without the little things like proper sleep, consistent stretching and mobility work, recovery activities like massage and compression, etc., all of the big training goes to waste because the body can’t handle it. It truly is all of the ancillary work that creates the best athlete I can be!

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