Currently loving my Peloton to do an easy spin to help out the soreness…. my coach’s recommendation (and Brooke dressed up as a 100-year-old yesterday for school).

Currently loving this stage of Beck.

Currently wearing this blazer (40% off!) any chance I have to dress up a bit…

Currently reading this book.

IMG 8358

Currently watching this.

Currently excited that I have a code for 20% off select Core Power products until 12/31/33—> HERE!  Code: 20HRGIRL

Currently loving to snack on these.

Currently proud of how my tables turned out because this is not my area of specialty (Brooke was shocked when she walked in, haha).

IMG 8412

Currently very obsessed with Damn Delicious recipes after last night’s cookbook club (we made the Thai Peanut Chicken Noodle +  Creamy Tortellini Soup and everything that was brought was amazing).

Currently in love with all pumpkin flavored items (but I can’t wait for the chocolate/peppermint treats to roll in too).

Currently listening to this podcast episode

Currently wondering how I could be as exhausted as I was at the end of this marathon and still remember to stop my watch when I could barely remember my name at this point.

I would love to hear a currently from you!

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Hahaha I love how Brooke as a 100-year-old just looks like me every day as a 30-year-old toddler mom. I’m feeling attacked. XD
Have a wonderful day Janae!


Hahaha same… especially when I first wake up and at night time. Thanks friend, you too!


currently working my way through peloton strength programs. at this stage of my life this is more important than ever


WAY TO GO THERESE!! I’m finding it more and more important with each stage of life too! Have a beautiful day.


Enjoy love is blind!! This season was so chaotic and dramatic. I’m currently watching the crown and reading The Wilderwomen.


I seriously cannot believe how crazy it is. Did you watch the second season? We didn’t and now we are wondering if we should watch that one too. I’ll have to check out The Wilderwomen and I loved the crown. Happy Wednesday, Mariah!


Yes, watch season 2!! That one is very dramatic too.


I am currently reading the same book :)
And I am currently obsessed with the sowh sex education :D makes me laugh so so hard!!


We should have a book club together. Ummmm I need to add that to our list. Thanks, Moni. Have a beautiful day!


Hello! Thank you for the Core Power Code! Just ordered some off Amazon. Just started training for my first marathon at age 42 with a busy career and 4 kids through a Missouri winter, will need all the recovery help I can get! I have really enjoyed discovering your blog in the last year and following along with your running and family and career accomplishments. You have a great attitude and thank you for all the running advice and encouragement. Keep up the good work! Gina


YAY!! The code will work until the end of the year. Enjoy! I am SO happy to hear that you are training for your first marathon. You have so much on your plate and I cannot wait to follow along with YOU! Thanks Gina, that truly means a lot to me. When I am cold outside, I will think about your rocking your marathon training this winter in the Missouri winter. Keep in touch and I hope your day of work is going well!



I grew up in Kansas. You are BRAVE to train in Missouri during the winter. I used to not run in summers when it was above 105 and in winter below 20 degrees on the thermometer or below 0 wind chill. Do you have any similar limits? The Midwest is so much fun, we get all the weather, lol.


Hi John! Yep, similar limits on the weather for me. The summer, I’m even lower with 90 degrees about the max, depending on the humidity. Luckily I have a treadmill and I’ve nicely asked my husband for an indoor bike for Christmas for cross training. When the snow or sleet is blowing sideways outside, my yak traks won’t help haha. Nice to hear from a fellow midwesterner! Have a great Friday!


Dying– I definitely initially thought Brooke was imitating you the day after your marathon hahahaha!!!
CURRENTLY– ready for a couple days off next week! Have been feeling overwhelmed and really just want cozy, cuddly fam time over Thanksgiving break. Oh, and currently WAY ready to devour stuffing :)
Have a great day, Janae!


Bahaha maybe she was imitating me haha. I am SO happy you get some time off. You deserve it. And stuffing is my favorite Thanksgiving food too. Thanks friend, you too!


I am loving the Peloton app too! We just have a cheapy spin bike but I still love the classes and strength!

I can’t believe you hosted a dinner party a few days after a giant marathon PR, you are a next level human ;)

Have a wonderful day!!!


The classes are seriously the best! So glad you love it too. Hahah Andrew said he is excited for me to run again because I have too much energy (and I’m coming up with too many projects haha). I hope your day is a great one, Beth!


I had to lol at your race picture. After many years of race pics of me stopping my watch, I started running through the timing strips and then stopping my watch. Make for a better action shot, lol!
Also wanted to thank you and your readers for the post yesterday – I plan to help my wife out more by giving better ideas on what to make for dinner!


You are the best and your wife is going to really appreciate that. I’m going to copy you and wait until after to stop my watch! Have a wonderful day, John!


Your almonds remind me of some maple roasted cashews I got up in Maine last month. Should have gotten more. It was basically candy.


Now I need some of those. That sounds so so good. Have a great one, Victoria!


am desperatley trying to kick all the Tucker Carlson ads on my blog… does that happen?……I’m guessing tomorrow it’ll be all about Alex Jones……not sure how Adsense picks this stuff, but could this stuff be more offnesive…I’m going to complain…otherwise, a great run with friends last noght, am getting Christmas stuff organized today, ’cause, because I did it once, last year, it’s now my job?


Hmmmm that is really strange! I hope they fix it for you. So glad you had a great run with friends, that is just the best. Hahah good luck!


Hi Janae! I just realized yesterday that Thanksgiving is next week?? Time goes by so fast. We are going on vacation so I need to prepare and research for that! We have to make arrangements for our cat at home! What do you do with Beretta when you travel?
Ps I think that stopping the watch is just muscle memory at this point. Have an awesome day!


Hey Amy! Isn’t that crazy how fast Thanksgiving popped up this year. I am so happy you guys are going somewhere fun, keep me updated on it all! We either take Beretta with us (she always comes to St. George with us) or my nieces take care of her and we pay them:). We are very lucky to have that option! Hahah so true, we don’t have to even think about it… it’s just like breathing. Have a beautiful day!


Currently – printing out the recipe to the creamy tortellini soup! Mentally prepping for my speed interval this afternoon!
Reading “There’s no such thing as bad weather” recommended by YOU! And of course also hoping to win that Core Power giveaway!


Let me know what you think of the soup AND the book! BOTH so good. You are going to rock that interval and I’m crossing my fingers for you. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Jacquie!


I loooooove the book! with two littles, the youngest is turning ONE (insert crying emoji) in 2 weeks, I just bought her a little snow suit so she can be warm and cozy while we explore our local trails as the temps dip low! I am so excited!! The soup – I will catch up with you on that and let you know! :)


Kendall climb ride is an easy spin??? Runners really are nuts.


Hahah we are! I just meant that I took it way easier than I normally do… way under my normal outputs. I love Kendall and I’ve missed her too much. Have a great one, Jenn!


I love her books. Verity is very good!

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