Halloween Half Recap!

(Shoes, shirt, shorts, tanksocks, headband, stickers for our face)

I dressed up as a party animal for my costume…. Or a cheetah with a party hat on.  My kids thought it was funny, but I’m not sure it made sense to anyone else (most people called me a unicorn;), and I’m grateful Lauren agreed to do dress up with me!

I woke up at 5:40 am and ate oatmeal.  I cannot believe the noticeable difference I am experiencing using oatmeal before a run vs. any other pre-run fuel I have ever tried.  I feel like my energy is sustained evenly for so much longer.  I hope and pray I never tire of oatmeal.

I got ready and drove over to meet my friends at the busses at 6:30.  We got to the starting line area at around 7:05 and hung out there until about 7:20.  We got in 3.5 miles for a warm-up (kept my sweats on and fun fact, Vaporflys do not keep your feet warm in the slightest).

They had free hot chocolate and coffee from this food truck before the race, music, and prizes for the costume concert.  There were about 4k people between the 1/2 and 5k, so it felt like a big party the whole way.  I was pretty shocked by how many spectators were cheering for everyone too!

The race was supposed to start at 8, but I guess there was a fender bender with the busses, so it began at 8:30 instead.  We hung out in the ‘elite’ tent that had a porta potty, drinks, gels, and a beautiful rug;). I took a caffeine Maurten at 8 and I have to tell you something I have tried… I’ve QUIT caffeine in the rest of my life.  I’m not just using it for workouts and races and now I can really feel a noticeable difference. I’ll talk more about this in another post.

8:30 came, and they were ready to start!

The first 4 miles are a steep downhill followed by flat, ups, downs, and more flat for the rest of the race.  My coach wanted me to do 10 miles at marathon effort, a 1-mile float (slower but not a jog), and a 2-mile pick-up, so I followed his plan.  He had me set for 1:22:00, and I ran a 1:21:00, but my efforts were right on with the plan, but I just felt so good on Saturday that I went a little faster.

The problem with races starting late is that it messes up your nutrition.  I started taking my gels at mile 3 because I felt a need for them earlier than usual in a race.

The first few miles, I was with Lauren and a few other girls back and forth, and then I held 2nd for the last 7ish miles.

At each mile marker there was a skeleton, huge flag and a funny sign.  This course was perfectly marked and left no room for confusion.  There was also the 5k happening at the same time which usually results in congestion but somehow they timed it perfectly and everyone had a great race.

I saw Andrew and the kids four times along the way; he is a racing route genius.  I don’t know how he shuttles the kids around the way he does.  Skye said I looked much happier on Saturday than I did during my last race, and she was so right.

I also saw many friends along the way and Jo ran with me for a bit too!

You know you are crazy about temperatures when you wish you are in a sports bra when it is in the 20s/30s… Seriously though, the temperatures felt like a complete dream.  I was so grateful for this after many hot races over the summer.  The difference in the way I felt was insane.  I need to figure out how to do better in hotter temperatures or do the Antarctica Marathon.

I’m not sure how I feel about running through a long dark tunnel with streamers ha… definitely should have gone on the side of it.  I was very concerned I was going to trip in there, but luckily I didn’t.

Such a fun addition to the race, though.

I’ve done this race 5 or 6 times, and each time the course changes.  It is always a fun surprise to see where we will go.

He is the best.

And so are they.  They enjoyed the later race start time;)

Their favorite part about races is all of the dogs they see at the finish line.

And the food… these donuts were so good afterward, along with my Core Power.

I went out and did another 3.5 for a total of 20 miles for the day and 70 miles for the week.  I have a marathon I’m going to do, but I am thinking of keeping it a secret until the day of… is that fun?

Happy Halloween, I hope your day is a great one!


What are your Halloween plans? 

Give me your top 2 Halloween candy.

-This year, I will be stealing Milky Ways and Baby Ruths from my kid’s baskets.

Did anyone else have a Halloween race?

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Snickers and reeses pb cups.

No halloween race but I willed myself to go out in pouring rain aka atmospheric river. I lasted 10km and couldn’t wait to get home to a hot bath lol

We still have to finish carving the jack o lantern and maybe put River in her costume. She runs now when she sees us coming lol. Pretty low key halloween and will see what good candy I can find at the drug store. We are in an apartment style building so kids don’t come to the door but we want to eat candy lol

Excited to see what you race next ! And your costume was pretty creative! Have a great day Janae!


Way to get out there in that rain and I would have needed that bath too. Have the best time tonight, that sounds so fun. Thanks friend, you too!


The tunnel would freak me out haha. This year I’m mom-taxing alllllll of the snickers!!!!!
I think your party animal costume is awesome!! I don’t see the unicorn lol. Great job on the race, and sometimes it’s fun to have a secret race haha. I hope you have a great week!!!


Enjoy all of the snickers, you deserve them all. Hahah I’m glad you got the costume too! Thanks, Mollie! You too!


I had a Halloween run last night with my local running group! They had us run through some spooky areas, made spookier by the dark haha. Luckily everyone had lights and reflectors and glow sticks since I don’t like scary stuff!

Love your costume, I got the party animal reference!

Favorite Halloween candy- Reese’s and Twix.


SO fun that you had a Halloween run last night! I love that you guys do that and I want to join next year:). Thank you and I hope you get some Reese’s and Twix!


Congratulations! This sounds really fun, and I love your costume- you were CLEARLY a “party animal” and not a unicorn!


Hahaha THANK YOU for seeing it! I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Your party hat makes it so easy to spot you! Did Andrew request you always wear one for race day?
Great work at that race! Float miles may be my least favorite type/component of a workout.
We are skipping handing out candy this year. Our street is majorly torn up and the kiddies hate climing all of our steps to get their free candy. Ha.
Have fun trick or treating tonight with your kids!
PS message me which marathon you are doing!! bahahahaha


Hahaha I totally will! Andrew now wants me to wear that hat for every race that I do! You are so right, the float makes you remember how nice it is to run slower. Thank you, Molly!


Such a fun race, and your costume was so cute!
We’re flying home today, so absolutely no plans for Halloween this year. It feels a little weird to not be hosting our neighbors and friends with our annual pre-trick-or-treat chili dinner this year, but I’m ok with that. We should be home to hand out candy, so that will be fun.
I love that you’re keeping your next marathon a secret, and I can’t wait to hear which one it is!
Have a good Monday and fun Halloween 🎃


Safe travels and your weekend with your son looked absolutely perfect! Next year will be your year to have the dinner all together. Thanks Wendy, Happy Halloween!


Why not CIM? Too fair of a course? You need another fall down a mountain course to get 244 for a big * next to a PR? I’m guessing one of those revel races.


Why does it matter to you Annie? PR’s are PERSONAL records and don’t have much to do with anyone but the person running them. If you don’t want to cheer someone on at reaching their goals, then quietly move on and focus on your own.
It’s not really necessary to post negative comments about something that has absolutely no impact on your life.


Thank you, Mindy! I hope you have a great day!


Hey Annie! I think the best thing for you would be to choose websites and things that bring you joy. I’ll ************ every race for the rest of my life if those are the races that I find joy in, work with my family’s schedule (any idea how tricky it is to be working with two other families in addition to our own when shuttling kids around?) and what my friends are doing because I love training and racing with them. If I chose my races according to what would make you happy, that would not be a fun way to live because I’m afraid anything I do with my life will not satisfy your needs. I truly hope you have a beautiful day and I’m positive if you and I went on a run together we would have a great time and be friends!


Love this response and attitude. I’d be curious to hear more about the balance with multiple families – you and Andrew seem to do a great job of getting out for your respective hobbies and I’d love to hear about any strategies that work well, especially on the planning side. How far in advance do you plan your sports/workouts? Is it pretty flexible depending on when it can work that day or do you find that it works better to “pencil in” time well in advance so it’s more formal?


Another reason you are so incredible! I LOVE YOUR POSITIVITY! And the way you show confidence in how you lead your life (I am taking notes! :). Keep on being so special. xoxoxo



I think we all love the community Janae has created here and everybody that posts in it. But I really don’t see any point in you posting this??? Actually, I don’t see the point in anybody trolling on any community web site, but I guess that is all part of today’s online society. There is always room for friendly debate though.

Also, what is a revel race?


Hi Jenae,
I’ve noticed some negativity on your training and latest marathon choices. As someone who is a much slower runner than you, it seems that at a certain level you have to make choices that might seem extreme to others. Obviously elite or professional runners train in a way that’s way different than your average person. I think it would be a really interesting post to read about how you view yourself as a runner, and the things you do training-wise that might not be typical for runners with less lofty goals. I know I won’t ever run a 2:45 marathon, so training 70+ miles a week just doesn’t make sense. But it almost seems like you’re getting judgement for things like that because you have children and aren’t an elite, which seems silly to me – training is going to be reflective of the goals you have. I hope that makes sense!


HEY SJ!! Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it! I will absolutely put this post together! Luckily, through IP addresses that are left with comments these negative comments are just coming from one person repetitively using different names. At this point I view myself as a runner that absolutely loves the training and racing and wants to see where I can push my body too. I have no desire at this point to OTQ or be an elite but just love training with my friends and doing races all together! I will definitely write a longer post about this soon though! I hope you have the best day and thank you so much!


I’m sorry you even have to explain your training or race choices. I just want to say that I enjoy reading what you’re doing so much. It motivates me to get out there and keep trying. You are a mom and wife like me, and you have found a way to do the thing you love while also being those other things. I appreciate how open you are in sharing all aspects of your training with us. I have learned so much from you and so many great ideas. You inspire me that I can still have some great years of running ahead of me at 39. I hope the negative comments don’t detract from what you’re doing. Thank you for sharing!


Hi Janae! Congrats on the wonderful race! I love your costume that’s so creative! That’s amazing your hat and headband stayed on the whole time! I really love reading about how you learn more about your body over time and what works.
We got a big bag of candy to hand out but I might just pick out all the peanut m&Ms for myself ;)
Happy Halloween!!


Thank you so much! I was so happy my kids thought it was cool haha. ENJOY THOSE PEANUT m&ms! Happy Halloween, Amy!


We did the Haunted Half too! And yes, late starting races definitely mess with the pre-race fueling. Thankfully Runtastic is usually right on time, such a weird bus crash…
No kids bags at our house to tax, but I twix and kitkats are my go tos and only a few actually make it in to the bowl of candy we give out.

Keep the marathon secret!


CONGRATS MINDY! Such a bummer about the crash! I’ll save some twix and kitkats for you too;). Thanks friend, have a beautiful day!


Congratulations on your race, Janae! And great costume! You were probably running too fast for people to process it, but I definitely see the party animal! It’s fun you’re keeping your next marathon a secret! I ran a marathon in October and need to figure out my next running goal. Always fun and motivating to have a race on the calendar, especially as the weather gets colder!
We’re taking our kids trick or treating around the neighborhood and leaving out a bowl of candy. I’ll be sneaking the M&Ms and Twix bars.


CONGRATS on your marathon this month! You’ll have to let me know what your next marathon goal is! Enjoy those M&Ms and Twix bars! Have a beautiful day, Kelly!


It’s my husband’s birthday today! Trick or treating and dinner out. :)

I love Reece’s and fruit-flavored Tootsie rolls. My daughter doesn’t like the Tootsie rolls, so lucky me!

P.S. I agree, that tunnel at the end of the run would have freaked me out too!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR HUSBAND! I hope you guys have the best day and let him know that Andrew is very jealous of his birthday haha. Enjoy the tootsie rolls!


First off, have to tell you that I knew you were a party animal right away just from seeing your pic. Haha, so cute! Also, I can’t handle not knowing your marathon! Please tell me!! (I’m so bad with surprises, I was the kid who opened my presents at Christmas and then taped them back up.)


HAHAHA Okay, maybe I will have to email you. I’m so glad you knew my costume right away ha. Your poor parents with Christmas haha. Hope your day is off to a great start. Thanks, Tess!


Congratulations on an awesome and fun race!! I ran a marathon 2 weeks ago and now I’m itching for some fun local 5K races.

I will be stealing every Heath Bar I can find from my kids bags :-)

Will you at least tell us the date of your marathon!? Haha, just kidding, surprises are fun!! I can’t wait to hear how it goes!!


You are the cutest! I’m so excited to see what marathon you’re doing!
Happy Halloween! I did a Halloween 5k a couple years ago and dressed up as my husband — the problem was he was unable to go last-minute, and no one there knew who my husband was! haha So I just looked like a girl with a baseball cap, fake stubble and khaki shorts.


We will drive to see the grandparents and then Main Street in our town (around the corner from our house) has loads of festivities– a parade, a screaming contest (ha!), a photo booth, trick-or-treating, etc. I will have to email you a pic of our costumes because I’m so happy with how they turned out. Enso loves Sesame Street these days (does Beck?), so he’s Elmo, I’m Cookie Monster, and my husband is Big Bird :). I think my pregnancy is making me crave Sour Patch kids. Otherwise, I’m all about Almond Joy/ Mounds! Have fun with your family today!


I did this race too and I hated the tunnel at the end! It was very congested and I couldn’t see anyone and I was trying to push to the finish… and it was just a disaster!


Halloween candy is the best! I love it (with Easter candy an almost tie)

Your costume is cute! I love costumes that are made up and turn out just right!

Hope your kiddos ( and Andrew) have a super fun Halloweeng

PS-I think frozen milky way (especially MilkyWay Mindnight) are sooooo good.


Reece’s and Snickers are my usual go to’s but recently I’ve been craving sour gummy bears so I may need to seek those out. And I love keeping a race a surprise every once in a while. Fun way to mix things up and keep something just for you for a bit. That’s awesome that you’re feeling so good right now because running this time of year is just magical!


Our town did trick-or-treating on Saturday night which was fine but now today kinda just seems like a Monday and we have enough of those so a holiday Monday would have been more fun – even if it meant scrambling after work and school and staying up a bit later on a school night.

I’ve already stolen Swedish Fish and licorice from my kids :)

No Halloween races around me but we are looking forward to the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. I’m don’t even consider myself much of a ‘runner’ anymore and mostly get in walks but I can handle a 5k and it’s fun now that my son runs (and beats me!).


Race medals for adults should be banned. Especially cheap looking ones like the one from this race.


Way to go, Janae! Love the race recap, and I’m interested in hearing about your no-caffeine-in-real-life thing now. I don’t consume caffeine in my day-to-day life, so I always noticed that when I’d take a caffeine gel during races, it was like secret jet fuel. I think a lot of people can build up caffeine tolerances so the gels wouldn’t be as effective.

I am selfishly DYING to know what marathon you’re running next haha because I’d like to know more about timelines in training for a second. In 2018 I was signed up to run a second marathon 5 weeks after Boston, but Boston 2018 was such a brutal experience and I went into hypothermic shock at the finish line that I mentally could not face another marathon just five weeks later. Would love to at least know how much time you’re facing in between the two, and how you’re approaching that mental aspect of training. Best of luck!!


I’d love to know what your oatmeal recipe is! Are you eating instant oatmeal? Cooking from scratch? Adding some stuff in? I’ve stuck with an oat-based cereal with almond milk for so long because it agrees with me. But I’m thinking oatmeal might be a much better option since I could customize it. Plus I’m picky about brands of cereal ever since that report about glyphosate levels came out, and some of the ones I like are hard to find in local stores.

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