Thursday THINGS x a Track Workout

Your comments yesterday… We are all in this together, and I’m always here if anyone needs to talk about things because I’m sure I will too.

Thank goodness we have running- it sure helps us process the hard stuff in life. Crying and running simultaneously have always been something that helps me.

(bra, shorts, shoes, socks)

I went into yesterday’s workout very cautiously. I’ve had plantar fasciitis and calf problems because of this workout, and I did not want to risk an injury by doing it again. I think the two main issues for me and this workout in the past have been that I did it wearing racing flats (I need some support!), and I’ve always pushed it too hard.

So, yesterday I wore my Vaporflys (that carbon plate takes on some of the stress for me) and decided to hold back a bit because my body isn’t used to the track or short bursts of speed. I’d rather complete the workout injury free because I was cautious than get hurt trying to go faster than I should for my current fitness levels. I’m happy to report that everything felt great afterward.

20 x 400m with equal standing recoveries. We started with 85-second 400s and worked down to a 75-second 400. Between the w/u, workout, c/d, and miles I did with Andrew and Beck later–> 18 miles for the day.

Luckily, my friend kept track of the intervals like this… It is too hard to try and remember as you are doing them!

These two got in some play time before the big day.

PRESCHOOL. She loved it. Beck did not.

Just a few random things to talk about.

*You know you are in marathon training when you find gels everywhere. I have eaten so many of these lately.

*My coworker.

*Andrew has made his standing desk.

*I’ve added Vital Proteins into my morning ritual with LIQUID I.V. (code HUNGRY-RUNNER-GIRL for 25% off). The Vital Proteins is unflavored, so you don’t even know it is there when you drink this combo. I’m hoping it will help with recovery and protect my joints.

*Guru’s thai peanut rice bowl and sweet potatoes was needed yesterday.
*Two games at two different places at the same time resulted in dividing and conquering. Beck facetimed me.
*He now has the projector set up, so Halloween images are being played on our windows. We keep finding people outside looking at his decorations, and the joy it brings Andrew is equivalent to the joy I feel after a good run;)

*I’m ready for all of the pumpkin things.

*When the kids bring the eggs in from the chickens, they love to set them as close to the counter’s edge as possible. Our house has so much counter space, but they have found this spot to be the most fun.

Pumpkin treats… what are your favorites. Do chocolate and pumpkin belong together, or no way?!

-I believe pumpkin and chocolate belong together, and Andrew feels the other way strongly.

Do you sit or stand more throughout the day?

How often are you on a track? Any workouts that you find to put too much stress on your body?

Any supplements that you take every day? Any that you have taken in the past that you didn’t feel like they helped you?

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I love everything pumpkin EXCEPT pumpkin spice lattes (go figure, because I love coffee). Pumpkin chili, pumpkin blondies, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are all on rotation for us in the fall. And yes, pumpkin + chocolate is amazing! My husband gets Andrew-level excited for putting up our Christmas decorations. Every year he says we have the perfect combo of decor outside and then the following year, he always adds something new! ;)


I think I need to make pumpkin chili this year, that sounds really good right now! Hahaha always adds something new… story of our lives. We just got more decorations yesterday ha. I want to come see your house when it is all decorated. Thanks, Emily and I hope you have a great day!


Good morning! That photo of Beck FaceTiming you is EPIC! Such joy in seeing his mama! I have two standing desks and have started doing peloton 5-10 minute workouts every hour. Gets me away from my screens and makes me move. Highly recommend them!
While I really focus on Whole Foods and minimal processed, I have been using Cymbiotika and cannot say enough about their quality. I also really appreciate their co founders commitment to health and making premium products.
I am running Honolulu this fall but the idea of some track time sounds appealing.
I may be the only one but no pumpkin anything. Ever. 😂
We need to see a video of Andrew’s creation!


Amanda, that is such a great idea to get in peloton workouts throughout the day. I need to try that!I’ll have to look at Cymbiotika! Sounds awesome! HONOLULU MARATHON… maybe I need to come run that one too! I totally will put it on my stories, great idea. Thanks friend, have a beautiful day!


I love pumpkin waffles and the Trader Joe’s pumpkin bagels. And, chocolate goes with everything!!!
There’s a house in our neighborhood that’s always decorated to the max for Halloween and Christmas. When my kids were little it was one of our fun things to do after dinner, go for a walk to look at the “amazing house.” I’m sure Andrew is providing a lot of pleasure to your neighborhood!
Great job on that workout- glad everything feels good!


TJ’s pumpkin bagels are ridiculously good. I need to head over there today to get some. That makes me really happy… now to get Andrew on board for decorating like crazy for Christmas. Thanks Jenny, have a great day!


Andrew is wrong about chocolate and pumpkin. He has obviously not had my pumpkin cheesecake swirl brownies. Poor, misled man.


The problem is that I haven’t had your pumpkin cheesecake swirl brownies. I’m drooling reading about them. Poor BOTH OF US!


Andrew’s standing desk reminds me of a little kid who is in timeout and they’re just standing staring at a wall for some reason ha!

My favorite pumpkin treat is one you introduced me too actually. The cinnamon chip pumpkin cookies. They scream fall to me!

Hope you have a fabulous day Janae


Hahah that is what I thought he was doing at first when I looked over at him. Thank you for reminding me of those cookies, I have to make them for my kids asap. Thanks Maureen, you also!


Cutest little coworker ever! I’m sure it was a tough day for Beck, but he’s going to love one on one time with you. So glad Skye loves school. And her boots… The best! Ha ha
I love all the pumpkin things too! It’s definitely time to start making pumpkin chocolate chip bread, and pumpkin snicker doodles!
Ooo… Track work is so hard! The track I usually have used in the past is closed again (they’re redoing the football field), so I haven’t done 400’s in so long. Great job on that workout!!
Crunning… Crying while running. Sometimes the best way to process feelings! I did a lot of that when my dad passed away. It honestly helped so much!
I hope your Thursday is a good one!


He is a great coworker, he just wants to chat the whole time though ha. You are so right, he is going to soak in the one on one time with us! PUMPKIN SNICKER DOODLES? How have I never tried those. That sounds amazing! Crunning… I love that you combined the words. I am so glad you had running to help you get through that. So so hard.
Thanks Wendy, you too (ps this week flew by)!


I love Skye’s shoe choice! Heheh.
Killer workout in the track! Glad your fuel was dietitian approved!
I did my 800s on the road yesterday. I have never programmed my workout into my Garmin so I have to keep track of intervals on my own. I find counting in French helps me remember. You’ll catch me muttering “huit huit huit” on the run.


Rain boots on the sunniest day! Thank you ha, I was so happy to see her munching on candy between reps. Ummm you know French?! That is so cool! Way to go getting in the 800s, I prefer 800s on the roads over the track too. Have a great one, Molly!


I had a pumpkin ceremony last week after I found my favourite squash in the store for the first time this year… I am a little crazy about them! I love all things pumpkin but I prefer it simply roasted in the oven with some salt and olive oil…
The workout sounds super hard, good job! I remember when I read about you doing the workout last year. 20×400 absolutely blew my mind. Since then lots has changed in my own training (I started following a plan) and now it still sounds hard but not as undoable as last year if that makes sense. It’s interesting how my perception of what I can do changes… Running 10 miles or going hard for 30 minutes if the plan asks me to is also not as daunting anymore… Yay to becoming fitter :D


YUM!!! I am so happy for you and I bet it tasted so good. I am so excited about your plan that you have been doing. Isn’t it amazing how our perception changes with training. What once seemed unthinkable, becomes a reality. I love it and way to go getting fitter. Hope you are having an amazing day, Moni.


Ya know, I am usually not a Halloween person AT ALL, but this year it seems sort of exciting for me…maybe because it signals the heat finally ending. Maybe Andrew’s excitement is contagious. But Pumpkin everything for me! I could sit and eat a kneaders loaf of pumpkin bread on my own!!!


Andrew is going to be so happy when I tell him this ha. It is contagious for sure because with each year I am with him, I get more excited about Halloween and care less about the price tag of the decorations. Off to get a kneaders loaf ha, the best! Have a great day, Tess!


Hi Janae! All the pics you post of the kids are so amazing. They always look so happy. I love it! I just started taking Vital Proteins as I am having thinning hair issues/nail issues. Hope it helps! I see your link for it is with Amazon, is there a place on Amazon that allows for your code to be entered? I was not aware you could do that on Amazon!

Have a great day!


Oh no! I didn’t explain that well… The code I have is for Liquid IV. I wish I had a code for Vital Proteins! Sorry about that and I hope you have a beautiful day. Thanks Donna.


The Vital Protein Collagen powder is on sale at Costco right now! Grab a few! For some reason I can’t stomach Whey Protein but I can stomach this collagen protein. I put it in my smoothies every morning.


I’m usually on my feet….I always have to remind myself after 6 hours on my feet selling shoes that I should feel a bit tired when I start an evening run….
had a lady training for a marathon in victoria in october (where I’m doing a half) and a mess…of course, after almost 16 weeks of training, she made a radical change in shoes, and now, injured and was wondering what to do?….RECOVER!….SHE’S GOT THE WORK AND DISTANCES DONE, yikes…she thought th new shoes would make her faster, it’s her first marathon…I’ve been thinking about her ever since…..wish she’d ask me before she made the change…racing flats aren’t for everyone


That is a lot of standing! I would be tired for those evening runs too. Oh bummer! I hope she gets back to her normal shoes asap. Have a great day, Warren!


Hi Janae! I’m sitting a lot! Or I’m lying down too.. the standing desk is a good reminder I should use mine more! Sometimes I start standing and end up kneeling on my chair too.
We haven’t gotten a treadmill yet! But someone near us is selling a used Nordic track for really cheap (I think they just need it gone) so we are going to take a look.
Great job on that workout! Another one in the bag. Have a great day!


I’m lying down a lot too… It just happens anytime I sit on my couch. I hope that it works out perfect for you to get that treadmill, keep me updated. Thank you, I’m so excited for the taper ha. Hope your day has been a great one so far!


I love pumpkin and I’ll eat pumpkin and chocolate together but I’d prefer them not to be together.

I used to sit a lot more, but now that I’m retired I think I might actually be on my feet more? I’m not sure. I’m definitely not on the computer as much.

During the winter and spring I take vitamin D. My numbers were pretty low a couple of years ago and I started it then. I figure I get enough sunshine exposure in June-September that I don’t take it.

Have a great day!


I am so excited about your retirement and I hope you do so many fun adventures:) I’m the same way… Vitamin D during the winter and it helps so much. Have a beautiful day, Jen!


Hey Janae,

I’m wondering do you machine wash your Saucony shoes like you do your Hokas? Just wondering, because I’ve managed to get mud all over mine.

Have a great day!



Hey Mary! I haven’t washed mine yet but my coach does and it works great. Thanks friend, you too!


Good move getting the collagen peptides. It helps with many things including running performance. The chocolate is really good in smoothies. I hope you buy the Liquid IV and the peptides at Costco. They always put them both on sale (every other month). The price is amazing at Costco even when it is not on sale.


Any favorite toy storage solutions you have? Your house always looks so tasteful and tidy! I’d love to hear or have you include them in a future post. Thanks!


Your co-worker. THe cutest!
Pumpkin, equally happy with or without.

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