Tuesday Tangents!

(shorts, tank, shoes ((code FMTIB50 for 50% off))

10.17 miles at 8:24 average. I was expecting to be sore but I felt great!

We were busy celebrating Brooke all day, so I have a bunch of tangents for today’s post:

*We went to the Riverwoods with my parents and Andrew’s parents over the weekend for Brooke’s birthday.

*Is there anyone out there that doesn’t like caramel apples?

*I’m not exaggerating (for once)–> This summer was the best of my life, and I’m not okay that it’s over.  I love the ages my kids are at currently and it has been so nice to not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

*He loves smelling candles with me.

*If you ever have leftover fries, put them in your breakfast burrito. So good.

*One of my and Andrew’s favorite games is seeing who can go the longest keeping up with drinking water as it is being filled up at the same time… My competitive side helps me with my hydration.

*I made a reel the other day that included these… anyone else remember running with a walkman or discman back in the day?

*I bought a CD at Target for the reel, and this was the only one I could find.  Now 83;). This whole experience brought so many memories back.  Flipping my cassette tape to the other side when one side finished mid-run, trying to keep my discman flat while running around so it wouldn’t skip songs, sharing one pair of headphones with my sister while we ran… Running is just the best, and I am so happy with how much technology with it all has changed.

*My kids love the end of races the most because of how many cute dogs they get to pet in the finish line area.

*Somebody camped where the busses picked us up on Saturday, and I thought that was a brilliant idea.

*The post-race donut the size of my face after my protein drink hit the spot perfectly.

*Vaporfly vs Alphaflys! I wore the alphaflys at my recent half and so I have a total of 24 miles in them. I have come to the conclusion I like the alphaflys more (but not by much) than the vaporflys…. But what I will do from here on out is just buy whichever one is on sale because I love both. The alphaflys do feel a bit more supportive and a tiny bit bouncier but other than that… they both make you fly. I will wear the alpha for my marathon and I’m going to save my current pair for that race.  You can’t go wrong with either and I don’t know how I used to race in flats before these.  *EDITED TO ADD… after wearing both a bit more, I changed my mind and like the Vaporflys more:)

The alpha are a bit sharp… I hit my ankle once with them while running and it did this:

*It’s crazy that I could be exhausted at the end of a race and still remember to stop my Garmin.  It’s just an involuntary action at this point.

Who used a discman or walkman back in the day with their running?

Do you remember the first CD you ever bought?


Do you always remember to stop your Garmin?

Would you say you are a competitive person?  In running?  In board games?  Other ways?

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Yes, I remember running with my Walkman and later my Discman. I’m pretty sure the first CD I ever bought was Blues Travelers CD (dating myself as a mid-80s baby lol). I always remember to stop my Fitbit after a run, I keep forgetting to stop it after I do a ride on the Peloton. I guess because it’s new to me and the habit hasn’t set in yet. I’m not very competitive with other people but I get competitive with myself, always wanting to beat my last running times, etc. But when I’m up against other people, I couldn’t care less about where I place. Happy Tuesday, Janae!


Hahaha I’m mid-80s baby too and had that CD too… I still love listening to them. Oh that is interesting, I don’t think I would remember to stop it on the Peloton either! I hope you are loving your Peloton, it is the best. Love being competitive with ourselves and going for faster and faster times. Hope you have a pr coming up soon. Thanks Emily, you too!


Now 83??!! My kids are 28 and 30 – and I am pretty sure we had Now 1 – and then a whole bunch after that! Man, I am old!


Hahah seeing the 83 shocked me too… time is going by so fast. Adult children… you’ll have to mentor me through that someday! Hope your day is a wonderful one!


Yellow and black Walkman with the case. Elton John, I can’t hear his music without my heart rate going up and remembering running to it and hitting FF to move it forward after the last song so it would flip to other side. OMG, holy flashback batman!


Hahaha those were the good ol’ days and I had that same walkman. I might have to listen to Elton for my next solo run:). Have a happy Tuesday, Nancy!


Aww looks like Brooke had a lot of fun celebrating!!

I don’t remember my first CD but a friend growing up used to get free NOW cds from her aunt who worked for a record company, so I had every NOW cd. Makes me feel old the numbers are so high now hahah.


FREE NOW CDS… Oh that would have been such a big deal. I just keep telling myself they are putting out like 20 new ones a year;). Have the best day, Mariah! Thanks!


Hi Janae! I think my first few CDs were mix tapes my friends made! That drinking water game looks fun, I’m super competitive with my husband but not as much in general.
Happy Tuesday!


We tell ourselves that our competitiveness with each other is flirting;). OH I LOVED getting and making mix tapes/cds for friends. Those were the good ol’ days. Thanks Amy, have a beautiful day!


Mine was NSYNC too!! And then Britney Spears. ;) I might need to make a new running playlist with only 90’s hits now…Random, but did you and your sister differ on your opinions of NSYNC vs. Backstreet Boys? I’d love to see what other say because my sister and I are split.


Stop it, Britney Spears was next for me too! Hahaha that is hilarious. I am team NSYNC but my sister was 7 years older than me so she was more into Collective Soul/U2 kind of music than the pop boy bands. Hope your day is a beautiful one and that someday your sister comes around to the truth;). Thanks Tess!


I received 2 CDs at the same time for Christmas. All 4 One and Mariah Carey.
Can you next make a reel of folding up those Soffee shorts and rolling t-shirt sleeves before a run to the tune of All 4 One’s She’s Got Skillz?

Also, I have been influenced. I’m trying those Saucony’s!


Oh I had that Mariah Carey one too:). Bahaha I’m dying, yes and yes. Expect it soon. Thank you for creating content for me.
Let me know what you think of them! I just can’t believe the deal so I keep screaming it from the rooftops;). Have the best day, Molly!


I know this varies person to person – but how do you size in Vaporflys/ Alphaflys compared to your normal running shoe size. I go try normal size (which is 1.5 sizes bigger than my regular shoe size….) and the Alpha flys gave me blisters on the side of my arch … and Vapor Flys gave me a blood blister and I lost SEVEN toe nails after Boston… (not gonna lie, I felt very legit at the end of the race to have blood on my shoe where the blood blister popped). None of the Vaporfly damage hurt… and both shoes fly so much I want to wear them… but I’m like… did I order too big maybe?!


HEY BAILI! Oh no to the blisters and 7 toenails lost, that is terrible. I am so sorry you dealt with this. I have the alpha and vaporfly in my normal running shoe size (10) and then I have a vaporfly in half size bigger too (10.5) and I haven’t had any blisters/problems. I wonder what you should do? Anybody else have this problem?
Thanks for sharing and I hope you are having a great Tuesday!


Oh my goodness, clipping the walkman to the folded over waistband of my Soffe shorts LOL. I am VERY glad that both the technology and the attire for running has evolved so much over the years.

Thank you for sharing about the Alphafly!! I bought them for my fall marathon, but I feel like I hear more people say the Vaporfly is better so I was getting worried I made the wrong choice (but the Alphas were prettier of what was available in my size..hehe).


Bahaha I love that you added that important memory of clipping them on to my soffe shorts! How did our entire body not chafe in those? I think you are doing the right thing with the alpha but I don’t think you can go wrong with either! Keep me updated on your training and how the race goes, PLEASE. Have a great day Lindsay!


I never ran with music until I started training for my first marathon in 2012. Thankfully all I needed was an iPod! So thankful for Bluetooth technology.

I don’t remember the first CD I bought, but if we’re going old school, let’s talk about records ;)

Stopping my watch is definitely second nature.

I was born with the non-competitive gene. Hmm… after typing that I remember a time when my brother and I were fighting over who would bring the evening paper in the house. He’s 3 years older and I would NOT give up (I think I was about 5.) We tugged so hard, my elbow was dislocated!! Maybe that’s when I gave up on competing…


Bluetooth technology changed all of our lives and I am so thankful to no longer have cords everywhere when I run;). RECORDS… that is amazing. Oh my goodness haha, you were a competitive little one! Hope your day is a wonderful one, Kathy!


First CD – Ace of Base – The Sign!!
I don’t remember running with a discman but even walking to school without my Blink 182 CD skipping was a challenge :P


And now I will have that song in my head all day… thank you for that ha. I love that song. HAHAHA I relate deeply to you on your walking to school experience. Have a great day, Allison!


haha yep, I had a purple walkman, but didnt’ run with it, then I got a CD player and remember it had the “anti-skip” technology. Then I had an armband so I could listen to the radio, then generic MP3 players before finally getting an iphone 3 haha. I got 2 CDs my first time buying one and it was the Scream soundtrack and Spice Girls!

I almost always remember to stop my Garmin… sometimes I think I should remember to do it after I cross the finish line, bc my picture is always me stopping it.

I’m competitive with myself and other things that I feel like I’m really good at and should win. For example, at a race, I know I’m not the fastest person, so I could care less where I place, but if I’m trying to run fast, I’ll compare it to my last runs. On the peloton, I will try to beat scores that are around me, but I know when some things are just out of reach, so I compete with those around me. I used to continue to try and get a PR everytime, but I know that’s not always possible anymore.


yes, had a discman, but never used it for running or biking, too bulky..the first CD ever, Fleetwood Mac, Behind the Mask….
I forget to press stop at times until I get home….my speed and distances look amazing whenever i do that


“This summer was the best of my life…” This line made me smile ear to ear. I remember after you had Brooke and moved back into your parents house…there were some rough days. I have cheered for you and hoped this would be the themes of your posts every day since then. You deserve so much happiness. It fills my cup to see you thriving and so happy.


This means a lot to me! Thank you, Michelle! You are the best!


Congrats on smashing the half and recovering so quickly. I’ve been following you for years (since your posts had multi-coloured writing haha) and it’s been so great to see your running progress over the years and watching your beautiful family grow up!

Can I please request a post or more details on your thoughts on alphaflys vs vapourflys? I’m trying to decide which to get so would love to hear more since you’ve raced successfully in both!


I think it’s sad that stores don’t really carry cds anymore. I love supporting artists and buying the actual copy of the cd, and it’s harder and harder to find!

My dad was a radio dj, and so I actually got a lot of free cds from him, but I remember buying a lot when I went to college.

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