(shorts, tank, bra, shoes)

Morning! Wasn’t Sarah’s post amazing? I wanted to jump into those pictures with her. We are definitely planning on visiting her in Switzerland. Between the trail running and mountain biking, Andrew and I will be in heaven.

Let’s go ahead and catch up on the last few days.

*Tuesday= 14 miles @ 7:32 pace w/ 2 miles at half-marathon goal pace (around 5:50) + 4 x 30 second strides. The HMP miles felt pretty controlled which gives me a good feeling about Saturday.

Random tangents–> I was reminded during this speed workout that I can only wear spandex-type bottoms when I want to do speed. My shorts were driving me crazy, I love them on the trails and for easy runs, but not for speed.

We were all very thankful for the water that Brooke hid for us at the end of out 2 mile interval.

*On Wednesday we did 8 miles @ 8:02 average in my favorite canyon.

*The carb-loading is going well as usual. Every race distance benefits from a carb-load in my opinion.

*Brooke had her doctor’s appointment for her TENTH birthday coming up. How did this happen?
*We went out to Yogurtland because it was 100° outside and we were hot.

*Get excited for my sister’s next house project!
*Beck tried to run away from me 50 times while we were at the waterpark.

*Beck’s face when I told him we were going to the park.

*My mom and Brooke cruised around the mall on these electronic animals.

*Two more days until my race, and I am having a very good feeling about it. I used to be super stressed/anxious leading up to races, and I thankfully don’t feel that way anymore. All it took was failing dozens of times at my running goals to realize that nothing changes in my life when I don’t hit my goals. There is nothing to worry about if I fail, I’ll just keep going after the goals until I get them:)

From the last time I did this race (the 10k and I’m going to do the 1/2 on Saturday)… I had to close my eyes to get through the pain, ha.

Who has been my internet friend since Brooke was born?

For those of you with a race on your calendar, how much longer until race day?

When you are doing a speed workout, what shoes do you put on?

Do you carb-load for your races? Is it helpful for you?

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I have been following since before Brooke was born!! She shares a birthday with my daughter who will be 22 on August 15th!!!


No way! Oh, I love this so much. Time is sure going by quickly and tell your daughter happy birthday from us next month:). Thanks for being my friend over the years and I hope you have a fabulous day, Katie!


I’ve been reading since before Brooke was born!! 🤗🤗


We’ve been friends for so long! This makes me so happy. Have the best day, Samantha!


Okay I’m going to need a soft pretzel of some sort stat because those pretzel sticks look delicious!

I’m with you on only wanting to wear certain types of shorts for certain workouts. When I go on a hike I have to swear biker shorts from the brand Shop Ambitionist because they’re a little longer than others which I like but they also don’t move at all so there’s no adjusting needed. My favorite for hikes because otherwise I just get annoyed having to adjust 1974869 times while out.


Yes, yes you do. Carbohydrates are the best… especially when they are large and topped with seasoning. The annoyance is so real… It was all I could think about. So glad you found the perfect hiking shorts! Have a great day, Maureen!


I’ve been a follower since before Brooke was born! And I can’t believe it either! Yours is the only blog I read consistently.
Switzerland is beautiful!
I’d commented a few weeks ago when you mentioned Zyrtec, and how you couldn’t function, and in turn how that was a revelation for me-how I was in the same boat but never put the two together. It was so bad, I could barely stay awake at work. Well, I’m happy to report that as soon as I stopped taking it, I felt like my old self again. There were a couple of other comments that day suggesting to take it at bedtime which theoretically makes sense-except, as tired as it was making me I don’t know if that would have made a difference. I believe I would still have been groggy during the day, because the effects were so lasting. But, our bodies are all different so I know what works for one person may not work for another. Any which way thanks! I think you saved my life…lol.


This makes me so happy, thank you so much for being my friend over the years. It means a lot. HALLELUJAH for figuring out the problem. I relate so much, I thought something was seriously wrong with me. SO happy you are back to yourself again. I’ll take allergies any day over feeling like I cannot stay awake. Hope your day is a great one, Karla!


I have been reading since before Brooke was born! It’s been so neat watching her grow up, but TEN?!!!! She is one precious little girl!


We have been friends for so long. I fully agree. She is something else. Have a great day, Laina!


Meeeeeeeeeee I have been your internet friend since way before Brooke was born. Coming up on 12 years!

I want to go to the water park with all of you. Especially with how hot it is these days haha.


We have been friends for SO so long. Can’t wait for all of the years ahead. You know your invite is ALWAYS open. I will have bags of swedish fish waiting for you and the best biking routes mapped out for before we go to the pool.


I’ve been keeping up since before Brooke was born! :-)


I love this so much. Thank you for being my friend over the years. Hope your day is a great one, Sara! Keep in touch!


I loved all the pictures from the post yesterday!! The environment looks so serene.

I’ve been reading your blog since before Brooke was born! Can’t believe it’s been 10 years!

Last night I had my first summer track session, and I definitely agree spandex are better than regular shorts.


Right?! I truly think we all need to go together and do the race. GREAT JOB on your summer track session (at night… teach me how!). Spandex for the win. Love that we have been friends for over a decade! Have a great day, Mariah!


Brooke seems like such a sweetheart! Found your blog when I was running, a year or so before Brooke was born! Time sure has flown when I think about that.


No way! Oh that makes me so happy:). Thanks for being my friend over the last decade + ! Have a great day, Jamisen!


Me! I remember when runner/teacher/driver’s ed instructor Janae announced that a tiny runner was aboard, and I cheered when I read about the run in the hospital parking lot to have her :) Now she’s a delightful young lady about to be double-digits old!


Now you just brought back some of my favorite memories. I’m so grateful for your friendship over the years. I feel very lucky! It really has gone by way too fast. Have a wonderful day, Corey!


I have been lurking since before Brooke was born! Back when Skinny Runner blogged and Erin blogged and now you are the only one left. Monica thankfully still blogs too but I miss the blogs. Old school I guess…


I miss all of their blogs so much too. Bring them back! Thanks for being my friend over the last 10+ years. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Jackie!


I have been reading (so I consider myself a friend :) since Brooke was born. Wow! And holy toledo, Beck looks like your nephew in his happy-pool-face pic!!!


WE ARE FRIENDS. Thanks for being here with me over the decade. Oh my goodness, I went back to look at it once you said that and yep, 100% my nephew!


I have been following since before Brooke! Crazy how time has past! I have a marathon in March but think I’ll do a half in December. I love carbo loading with tons of tortilla chips! I always run in my brooks either the launch 14 or glycerin.


We’ve been friends forever! You’ll have to keep me updated on your half training. Off to grab some tortilla chips for my carb load. Have a wonderful day, Lisa!


Inwas here before Brook was born! You’ve come a long way, so happy to see you thrive.


Thank you, Hanna! I am grateful you’ve been here over the years. Hope your day is a great one!


I want to be your sister’s intern so I can learn from her! I am so impressed by her skills and vision and guts (how many people could rip their own house apart?). Can’t wait to see the finished product!


It really is crazy how she just goes from room to room, tearing things apart and building them back together so beautifully. Come be her intern! Hope your day is a great one, Tracy!


me! I can’t believe I’ve been reading your blog (near)daily for 10 years. WOW! My own kid is turning 10 in November. Where does the time go?!?!??


A DECADE TOGETHER. I am so grateful for you. Happy double digits to your kid in November. It really is nuts how fast it goes by. Have a wonderful one, Nikki!


I started reading your blog when Brooke was just about 2. It has been so fun watching her grow up! She is such a sweet girl.
Yay for another HRG sister project! Can’t wait to see what she does.
Oh my goodness, Switzerland looks incredibly beautiful!
I was just thinking… Have you ever thought of doing some sort of HRG retreat? Maybe plan it around a favorite race? That would be so fun!
Have a good day Janae 😊


I love that we have been friends for so long! I seriously have wanted to do an HRG retreat so so bad… Ali and I want to do one together too in Park City. We need to get moving forward with those plans. Have a great day, Wendy!


Good luck with your race on Saturday! I hope it’s not crazy hot for you. We are in the 95-100 degree range in the Philadelphia suburbs through Sunday. We’re thinking of going to a museum this weekend to stay cool.

I can’t wait to see your sister’s next project. I’m so intimidated by house projects. I just want to hire them out but then that’s a lot of money lol.


Thank you so much, Alicia! Ummmm I hope you grab some ice cream after the weekend too. The museum sounds like a great idea. Seriously, hiring out is so pricey but I could never do what my sister does ha. Hope your day is off to a great start!


I’ve been reading since Brooke was 10 months old! I remember that adorable coral colored swimsuit with the ruffles she wore for her first birthday cake smash!! I can’t believe she’s going to be 10!!

My race is October 16! 78 days to go :-)

I carb load in general for life, lol, I love carbs so I’m always eating them. I don’t do anything special leading up to a race :-D


OKAY, I love that you remember that swimsuit… that made me smile. I loved her first birthday party. 78 days wahoo! keep me updated with all of your training. Always carb loading, I love that theory and I’m doing it with you. Have a great day, Torrie!


Hi Janae. I have been reading since right after Brooke was born. I then went all the way back to your original post’s years prior to that. So, I literally have read ALL OF YOUR POSTS. I have followed you through SO SO SO MUCH. Couldn’t be happier for the life you and Andrew have built with all of your beautiful children. Love your sweet family too, your parents, siblings, everyone!

Have a great weekend Janae.


No way! Thank you so much for being my friend over the years. Your comments always perk me up so much. Thanks Donna, I hope your day is off to a great start!


I’ve been a faithful reader since before Brooke was born! I remember your colorful fonts, driver’s ed, and spin class days! I use to love looking at your playlists! Happy almost Birthday, Brooke!

I need to try some spandex shorts for speed! I think I would enjoy my workouts much more! Trying it next week!


I have been following your blog since June 2012 when my son Ethan was born. I remember catching up on all the old posts during middle of the night breast feeding sessions. Now it has been a decade! How?!
Never stop sharing!


I have been reading since before Brooke was born and I have enjoyed watching her grow up!!! I have also enjoyed watching your journey through all of your pregnancies.

After yesterdays blog I used google to search for flights to Switzerland, I would love to go there and experience the mountains. I am seriously considering taking my children there when my oldest graduates from highschool at the end of this upcoming school year. The pictures are incredible, jumping in the lake sounds amazing. The diving boards at the lake seem like something I need to experience.


I’ve been reading since before Brooke was born! She’s exactly one month older than my youngest daughter, so I feel like we got to be pregnant together ☺️ I’m looking for a fall race, but something short, either a 5k or a 10k. It will be more of a fun run than a race for me, haha!


I have been reading since before Brooke was born! And I have always considered you my friend 🥰 My family especially wants to thank you for the Cream Cheese Chicken Chili recipe 😛 And my daughter and I love your running and snack tips 😉


I started reading your blog about a month before Brooke was born. I had just finished my first marathon, signed up for my 2nd and was reading everything I could find. I found so much more in your blog. I’m glad we’re internet friends, Janae! Brooke is such a sweetheart and I feel like a long distance aunt!


I’ve been reading your blog since before Brooke was born! I found it right when I got into running (after a bad breakup, yay endorphins). I’ve now run 5 half marathons. gotten married and have two kiddos who are around Beck and Skye’s ages. I’ve loved watching your family grow!


No way! This is so fun and I wish we could get our littles together! Please keep in touch and have a beautiful day, Mary Beth!


Long time follower here from way before Brooke was born. I think Curly was like 3 when I started following you! LOL!!!
I’m from New England and the funny thing is my son now lives in SLC. Next time I visit I need to go down and run that canyon looks awesome! Good luck in your race!


Lisa, we’ve been friends for so long! I love that your son lives here now. Let me know next time you are here! Have a great day!


I’ve been your friend since a while before Brooke was born! You’re still my favorite blog to read, and the first one I read every day. I’m not sure how Brooke is going to be 10…that seems quite impossible.

I wish you a wonderful race this weekend! You’ll do amazing!


Wow, Brooke turning 10 just made me feel old. I started following while you were still teaching and spinning (way before mommyhood). Honestly, I used you as a reference when I was pregnant and as my little girl grew up. Fun fact- she’s just shy of 6. So thank you!

Races- my big goal is a new shiny PR in the half in September in Duluth. Should be painful!

Speed shoes- I’m cheap so I typically just use my Kinvaras and trust that I will be faster in my springy shoes (Endorphins). The springy shoes come out for a few tempos before the race and the race proper. I should probably try Vaporflys at some point, but frankly, as a steady age grouper, I feel like it isn’t super important and I’m just trying to avoid blisters. I’ll be happy with a 1:34 in a half. Your pace makes it waaaay more worth it! Good luck!! You’ve worked hard!


I’ve been here since before Brooke was born! Happy Birthday to her! Wow, I feel so old! I read on Feedly, so don’t comment much, but hopped onto your actual site to say hi!

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