(Top, shorts, shoes, glasses)

I am glad that is over!  I just wasn’t really there mentally for this race and that is okay… I’m going to think of it as a workout at half-marathon pace (which sounds scary because I was working really hard to hit this pace yesterday for a 5k that I want to run for my next half-marathon).  I had a blast with my friends which makes me so happy I went through the 18:54 of pain!  I don’t understand myself but I would so much rather line up for a half-marathon or marathon than a 5k but we’ve gotta keep getting ourselves out of our comfort zones and strengthen our weaknesses.

I woke up at 5:45 and ate some toast first thing.  I met up with some friends and we did a 3.1 mile w/u and I took a caffeine Maurten gel 15 minutes before the race started at 7.

The first mile is a bit downhill, the second mile is flat and the third mile is uphill (the course is net uphill ((it ends higher than where it starts)).  The course included 7 turns but the majority of it is along the parade route which means there were so many people out cheering which makes it fun and so does seeing everyone’s festive outfits.  They handed out water half-way through and I should have grabbed some but I didn’t… I mean, if Keira D’Amato can grab water running her crazy fast speed during a 10k… maybe we all should?!


Brooke and I watched McFarland on Sunday together and the coach on the movie said, “When we see a hill, we smile.” I decided I was going to use that for the last mile of the 5k because it scares me.  I smiled a few times for a second or two and it definitely helped get me up.

Always happy to see that finish line!

PS did anyone else see that Shalane Flanagan ran up Timpanogos yesterday, we did the same thing on Friday… I wish we would have done it the same day!

Me trying to point to where we were:

Oh, and I tried this stuff before the race.  I didn’t PR but it helped me think I was cool and had a chance at a PR before I started so maybe that is what makes it magical?

We like to wear the same shoes.

After the race we went straight to the parade!  Beck clapped non-stop for the first 30 minutes.

And then I turned into everyone’s pillow.

The rest of the day was spent up north and with my in-laws! Special K Bars… so so good.

Agree or disagree with this?

What did you do yesterday?

Any tricks to help you with hills?  Send them my way!  

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I saw Shalane’s post about running Mt. Timp and thought of you. How crazy would that have been to see her while running it!!?? How awesome that you have so many good running friends to race with. I am more of a 7am or 7pm runner, maybe 9am, but 3 pm??!, no. Have a good day!


To see Shalane and mountain goats on the same day… that would be too good to be true. Haha I am with you, 9 am and 3 pm both sound really hard. Thanks Nancy, you too!


I need to write a reminder about smiling at hills. It’s just not a natural reaction.
I am so surprised you ran a 5K after running up a mountain! Wow. Congrats on getting good training in.
Yesterday I ran a local 8K and baked pies.
Today: back to Tour de France coverage!


YES, the smiles on the uphill are very unnatural. Thank you Molly, I definitely still felt some timp in there. Sounds like a great day of running and good food. Enjoy watching and you’ll have to let me know who you are rooting for!


I saw that post from Shalane about Timp & I had to check timestamps to see how close you were to crossing paths :)
My coach and training group like to say that each workout is “another brick in the wall” on the fitness journey…just building!


We should have just gone two days later! “Another brick in the wall” oh how I love that so much. Thank you so much, that perspective is everything. Have a great day, Corey!


My favorite time of day to run is their #6…3pm lol. I love getting out there after I’ve had a good lunch & let it settle for a while, then I go run and know when I get back I have a fantastic supper to look forward to. My runs are based around food :D
I am amazed you warmed up for your 5K by running…a 5K lol. Props to you because I never run that far before a race, but you are more of a super-human runner than myself.
Finally, I’ve been meaning to ask you this for some time and keep forgetting…you love your Peloton, but do you think you’d even have one had you never met Andrew? Obviously he loves to bike, so I was just curious if that has rubbed off on you to an extent, or if you feel like it’s something you would’ve discovered on your own? It’s interesting the way couples influence each other.


Teach me how to love running at 3 pm! I’ll have to go out and try that with you if you are ever in Utah! Basing your run around food is the best way to do it. Haha I was laughing at myself about that too in the morning. Great question! I taught spin classes for about 6ish years and so I’ve always love spin type workouts but I absolutely would have never bought the Peloton without Andrew! He brought my love for it out of me again and I am so happy he did. I totally agree, it’s so fun to see how couples influence each other… I eat 100x more pizza than I did before I met Andrew and he eats way more candy now that he has me;). Hope your day is a gorgeous one, Amanda!


Haha I do not agree with the time ranking! 6am running for the win (unless it’s dark out, then I’d prefer 9am) and everything in the afternoon is just painful (too much time to think about how tired my legs are during the day -> that makes running that much harder if I make it out the door at all ;) )
Yesterday I recovered from my HM on Sunday. It was so hot on race day but I absolutely crushed it (so proud!!!!). Racing in the heat was not good for me though, I had a major headache the rest of the day and still felt off yesterday… Ooops! Have you experienced headaches after races? I’ve done two races (Triathalon and HM) so far and I had bad headaches after both of them (no amount of water, electrolytes or ibuprofen helped).


Afternoon running (or standing at some points;) is too much for me too! CONGRATULATIONS on your half marathon two days ago. You are incredible and I am SO happy for you. I can’t remember experiencing a headache after a race but I am going to ask this question in tomorrow’s post so maybe you can get some answers! Is that okay? I am so happy for you and happy recovering. Have a beautiful day, Moni!


I’d love to hear if any of your followers have experienced this! Thank you for asking <3


That would have been so cool if you ran into Shalane!! Yesterday I celebrated with a cookout at a friend’s house and watching fireworks from their yard.

I think the chart of best running times depends on time of year. In winter 9 am is good! But in summer, 6 am is best.


Right?! That would have been a dream to see her up there. That cookout sounds like it was a blast! Fully agree with you on the times changing based on the weather, AMEN! Hope you are having a beautiful day, Mariah!


My ranking of the best times of day to go running:
1. 6 am
2. 6 am
3. 6.00 am
4. 6.30 am
10. 8 am
No running past 9 am for me, although I go to spinning class at 8 pm :-)
Have a great day!


BAHAHA I love your ranking! Running past 9 is pretty torturous for me too! I’m usually eating second breakfast by then ha. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Annelies! PS an 8 pm spin class, I would need a whole lot of caffeine for that.


I saw Shalane’s post and thought of you. I think you guys were faster- haha!
5ks are the worst, and the best. I love that you can race them often, and don’t need much recovery time. But they hurt!


I’m not going to lie… my friend might have looked it up and we were faster;). It really is so true, the recovery is really nice and quick but the pain is real;). Hope you are having a great morning so far, Ida!


How fun to do a race on the 4th, on the parade route! I know it wasn’t a PR, but awesome job! You are so fast.
I love to run anytime before 8am. I love to run when it’s quiet, before the world wakes up. Then it also gives me time to do some sort of workout and still get on with my day.
Quiet day for us here yesterday. We did got out with all the neighbors to do fireworks last night, which is always fun.
Have a good day Janae 😊


Thank you so much Wendy! I’m with you, before 8 am is the best time to run! Glad you were out with your neighbors, it’s so fun to see communities getting together for these types of things. I hope you have a great day too, Wendy!


I LOVE McFarland! It’s my pre-race movie! “THAT’S NOT DANNY DIAZ!” always makes me cry


It really is so motivating and makes me excited to run fast. Yep, that part makes me cry too. Hope you are having a beautiful morning, Annie!


Way to go on your 5k!!! And yes, always take the water;-)

Well, 5 a.m. isn’t listed, but I would say the earlier the better. I frequently run with my kids or shorter distances around 3 p.m. andI like it. Lunch has settled and you aren’t hungry yet for supper. Plus, it is a perfect ‘pick me up after a short nap’ or after a day of teaching.

My sister, oldest daughter and I ran a 4 mile race yesterday up at the cabin–it was a blast and my daughters farthest run yet. We also went to the parade and drove home from the cabin.

What I do for hills: use your arms, smile and repeat “I am strong” and/or “power UP!”

Have a fabulous Tuesday Janae!


The water is gold, we can’t pass by it! 5 a.m. you are a champ! I love that you do that with your kids and I think that is the only thing that would get me out the door. SO happy you did that race and congrats to your daughter. Thank you for those tips, I am trying them. Thanks Becky, you too!


We’ve been making Scotcheroos for decades but we make ours with Rice Krispies. My oldest brother always requested those instead of cake for his birthday!

McFarland was such a fun movie for me to watch – I grew up about 80 miles north of there and everything about it was authentic. They now have a freeway overpass (over CA-99) that has silhouettes of runners.

They didn’t list my favorite time of day to run – 5:30 am, but 6:00 is close enough. No way would I run at 5:00 p.m.

We did a 4.5 mile hike/trail run yesterday (followed by this yoga video that I am really loving right now – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fq1vKQ0fo0&list=PLl1ez6nETC59_GflnCTBIn7LWz75GkGDw&index=2&t=3s), then relaxed the rest of the day. Finished off the day with homemade ice cream!


I also ran a 5K yesterday! I wasn’t QUITE as fast as you (ha ha) but I think I was in the same amount of pain- why are 5Ks so hard??? At least mine didn’t have an uphill last mile- that would have been the crowning blow.
Maybe Shalane got the idea to run Timpanogos from your blog : ) She’s copying you!


Awesome job on the 5k!

I developed a trick for hills when I was at summer camp like 30 years ago and there was one called “Heart attack hill” that we had to hike each day. I know it sacrifices your form a bit, but I find that if you look down at the road right in front of your feet you can trick your mind into thinking it’s flat. Works for me anyway!


5K…OMG Give me 26.2 any day


racing with friends is always great. A picture of me finishing a half ironman 6 years ago popped up on my facebook feed…the best thing about doing a race like that, was cheering friends along as well as racing (the good part of have some out and backs)….
am rediscovering how painful spin classes can be…did something called spin and strength….1 hour was hard but fun, and once I get certified at the end of this summer hopefully I can lead a spin class of my own….
tonight…run club in the rain…and those pix have inspired me to buy some fast shoes!

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