(Shirt, leggings, shoes)

9.24 miles @ 8:37 average for my Monday, and one of those miles was with Brooke.

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For Valentine’s Day, Andrew checked Brooke out of school during her lunch and took her to her favorite, Panda Express.  This is one of their traditions.

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After he brought home Skye some Panda and we went on a walk together.

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We decided to go play pickleball and tennis with my sister and brother-in-law for our date.

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And finished with rice bowls from Zao’s.

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Let’s chat about some tangents!

*I was made many jewelry pieces for my birthday by the girls!

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*Still just standing there and staring at us, wondering when we will stop begging him to walk.

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*My first time on a hoverboard, and I didn’t fall on my face like I expected to.

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*How did big little feelings know this is just the reminder I needed!

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*Started this book, and I’m reading it every second the kids let me open it up.

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*LIFE is a very intense game at our house.

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*While I am beyond excited about spring approaching, winter here is sure pretty.

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*I love that Victoria calls Valentine’s Day ‘day before cheap chocolate’…. Off to the grocery store to fill up my cart with the good stuff.

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*I need to hear thoughts from anyone that has tried the Hoka Ritcon 3… I can’t believe how light they are!

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Have any tangents for me today?  

Have a favorite board game or not your thing?

Ready for winter to be over?

Do you buy your running shoes online or in a store?

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Confession: I reread that book immediately after finishing it. And nearly a third time. I had to force myself to return it to the library on my kindle to break the cycle. haaa

Did it take you an adjustment period with the Hoka brand?


Bahahaha I can see me reading this book again too! For me I did a ton of walking in hokas before running in them (because I had to take time off from running for plantar) and I think that was just what I needed to adjust. I can’t get enough of them and my foot feels soooooo good now. Have the best day, Molly!


Hahahaha yesssssssssss now it’s day of cheap chocolate! It is finally here!!! Gotta go load up on Reeces.


Best day of the year hahaha! I hope more candy during meetings happens again today!


Hope you had a great birthday Janae! And thanks for the reading suggestion-I’m going to put that one on my list! I love board games-we played Skyjo constantly throughout the pandemic (it’s actually a card game). Pretty easy for my younger kids to catch on but still fun for adults!
I’m curious to try Hokas. I’ve worn Ghosts for forever but now I’m having pain in the ball of my foot just under my toe when I push off. I wonder if Hokas would help but they feel so different than all of my other running shoes.


You’ll have to let me know what you think, I am loving it so far. After reading your comment I purchased Skyjo on Amazon because my kids will love it and I feel like it is named after my Skye Jo;). BOOOOO to the pain in the ball of your foot. I seriously cannot believe the change that Hokas did for my feet… they feel so good now after not being able to walk because of pain! Have a great day, Renee!


Hi Janae, happy post birthday! I have the Hoka Rincon 3 and I really like them! I haven’t worn them that much because I got them at the beginning of winter but they are very light weight and never bother me on a run. I like my Hoka Arahi best for speed work (those shoes just fit my feet perfect). I switched to Hokas last year and love how my foot sits in them, they have less drop than other shoes so it really feels like my heel is snug and now I notice other shoes with a bigger drop. I try to always buy my shoes in the store, support my local running store and they always provide great service and let my 2 yo run around like a fool while I try on shoes, ha! Have a great day!


Thank you so much for sharing! I just got the Arahi (wearing them as I type) and I am loving them so much. Hahaha I had to laugh when you said your two-year-old runs around the store like a fool when you are there… I RELATE. Hope your day is a wonderful one, thanks Emily!


I just got a pair of these this weekend and so far so good! Though I’ve only got 2 short runs on them. These are my first Hokas and they are way more cushy than the Adidas and Brookes I have always worn. I did have to put arch supports in but even with that these are so light. Curious to see if they hold up on a longer run


I am reading a lot right now, so will have to check out that book. I love it when a book is so good that it’s hard to put down.
I almost always buy my running shoes online. Holabird Sports and Running Warehouse are my go-to’s. But if I want to try something new, new, then I’ll go into a running store. I haven’t done that in a long time, but I am curious about Hokas….
We’ve had summer like weather out here for over a week, and today it’s supposed to be 20° colder with rain, weird!
Sounds like you all had a good Valentine’s day. I love that Andrew takes Brooke to lunch! Sweet
Have a good day Janae ?


It really is so good so far! I love Running Warehouse too. You’ll have to let me know what you think of Hokas if you try them. Your weather is all over the place but I’m seriously so jealous of those summer like days. Thanks friend, you too!


Hi Janae! I am definitely ready for winter to be over. We are driving home today and going through Utah and keep checking the weather just in case!
Have an awesome day!


This makes me so happy! Safe travels and I hope you make some stops for yummy food!


You stood on a hover board by yourself!! My nieces have to hold my hands and guide me around when they want me to use theirs lol.

I usually buy running shoes online. Those Hokas are so pretty!


Hahaha I was pretty shocked I didn’t need that help too… it is such a weird feeling. I agree, those shoes were so pretty I just wanted to buy them on looks alone. Hope your day is going great so far!


I read that book recently and loved it! I’m trying to go through all of the books that won categories on Good Reads best books of 2021 and that was the best romance. I’m not a huge board game player (too many rules!) but I love card games! I could play those for hours and am always asking to start a new hand even when we should all be getting to bed :)


I am going to join you on that goal, what a great list to go off of! Card games really are the best… I can’t wait for my kids to get into them a bit more. I hope you are having a beautiful day and that training is going well!


I love most of Hoka’s shoes. The Rincon give me support where I need it but my favorite is the Gavoita- unfortunately they are out of stock, I got the Arahi 5 and they are so far amazing. My other favorite is the Clifton. I do however not like the Bondi at all, I found it way to plush and it actually hurt my feet and my hips. Aside from that I don’t think you can go wrong with a Hoka!


I just got the Arahi too and I’m obsessed! Good to know about the Bondi, I was considering those, thanks for helping. Have a great day, Gabby!


Good morning, Janae!! So great that Brooke and Andrew have a Valentine’s Day date tradition – hope they keep it up for many, many years :o) Thanks for the book recommendation – I need one I can just get lost in. Though, that often means I skimp on sleep to stay up reading!
We play Farkle a LOT – actually a dice game and very kid friendly. My sister-in-law is a teacher and uses it in her classroom. Favorite actual board game is Trivial Pursuit. I still have the original edition from back in the 80s LOL!
I am ready for winter to be over, but not ski & snowshoe season if that makes sense. I will actually be skiing out west for the very first time in early March…wait for it…in Utah! Park City specifically and I can’t wait!!
If I am in the market for a new brand of shoe (you have me Hoka curious), I go to a running store. If I know what I want, I’ll order online.
Hope you have a terrific day today :o)


I hope that they do it forever too (bc it would also mean that we always live close to each other;). You are going to love this book. I will have to grab Farkle. Thanks for sharing. AHHH PARK CITY! You will be so so close, you’ll have to let me know what you think of it!! Thanks Janine, you too!


The girls made you beautiful bracelets for your birthday!
Oh my word, I remember the days of getting my middle child to walk. My mom would come over and have “bootcamp walking lessons” haha.

I am so happy to finally be (mostly) over my stomach bug! I was out for 3 days! My short run this morning, wasn’t the best, it felt great to get in some movement. However, I need another weekend so I can get some things done.
I am back to subbing this week after unintentionally being out for almost 2 months–not sure where the time went or what I was doing to be gone for so long!

Have a fabulous Tuesday Janae!


Hahaha tell your mom we need her to come over for some bootcamp for Beck!! SO happy that you are almost through this sickness. I am so sorry you have been dealing with this. I hope things go so great when you get back to subbing again this weeks. Thanks Becky, you too!


Happy belated birthday, Janae! Hope you had a great day!
I am SO ready for winter to be over – we have had a sprinkling of nice days here and there and it’s such a tease! Winter is a struggle for me. Between the cold, dark, dry, icy-ness… I hate it! But I like all the other seasons of the Midwest so I stay here and suffer through it (being a little dramatic there LOL). I’m sure we have another month of ick to get through.


Thank you so much Rhiannon! You just reminded me that the nice few days we are having is probably a tease too haha. I hope that the rest of the winter just zooms by for you!


I spent the weekend in Park City, Utah and got back last night. We had dinner at La Casa Del Tamal in Salt Lake City last night and it was amazing! I had never been to Utah before and those mountains that surround everything are incredible.

I also loved that book!


Alicia! I am so so happy you came to Utah and loved it! Next time I’ll meet you for trails in Park City. We must try La Casa Del Tamal! Thanks for telling me and come back again soon!


Hey! I’ve had 2 pairs of the Rincons and while they are nice and light for sure they seem to not last as long as other models (Clifton, Bondi) in my experience with them. Love the new colors on the 3’s though!


Thank you so much for telling me this because that is a big deal for me… I need them to handle a lot of mileage. The colors really are so cute. Hope your day is a fabulous one!


You should get bingo because you have a big family and it’s fun with an big group. A real bingo game and it’s has a little spinner with balls that come out to call the letter and number. It’s fun.


I buy my running shoes anywhere I can find them! I have big feet so running shoes are hard to find. I normally end up just hoping to find something that feels ok when I run. Do you or anyone you know have recommendations for running shoes in bigger sizes… ideally women’s size 11.5 ?

Thank you!!


My 5yo has been loving the board game Aggravation recently. Grandma left it at our house this weekend and, welp, now I am too. I recommend it for everyone.

Also, many kudos on he hover board!


I love the Rincons comfortable from the first step. Light weight yet you have some cushion and lots of spring. The only complaint I have is that they wear down so fast. My new favorite Hoka is the Machine 4. Love this shoe. Trying out the Novablast. Not sure yet. Comfortable but the last couple runs my feet felt like bricks. Not what I was expecting with this shoe.
Brooks running form is amazing!!!


That book is so awesome! I devoured it within two days and went on reading all of Emily Henry’s other books as well. Definitely worth a read! Also, if you are looking for another amazing book: Firefly lane by Kristin Hannah… Enjoy your chocolates :D

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