BARELY + this is what motivates me above everything else.

(Shorts, tank, bra)

New bike PR (by 2… I barely made it ha)!

If you are looking for a new 45-minute PR on the Peloton, try Olivia Amato HIIT & Hills from 12/13/21.  It was SO so hard.  Even her recoveries are rough.

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I am very thankful for this fan that I keep 6 inches away from my head during the ride so I don’t overheat.

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Beck is always so happy when Andrew can Facetime on his break at work really quickly.

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We did many exciting things like the carwash (Skye’s personal favorite).

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And the mall play place.

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And that wraps up our day other than the Pretzel Bites that we ate together at the mall:)

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I know I have blogged about this idea in the past, but this is truly the thing that motivates me more than anything to run (or make any good choice throughout the day).

When I first wake up I am usually grumpy/tired and my body feels creaky/stiff before I head outside to run or push the start button on my Peloton.  The thing that gets me to do it, even though staying in bed sounds so much easier—> I know with every single cell of my body that mood follows action and that is what gets me to do the action that I’m not particularly excited about.  A good mood isn’t just going to happen.  Endorphins are just going to naturally show up.  I’m not just going to magically be happy.  I have to make the actions myself to get to the mood that I want.  The behaviors just have to happen to get to the mood that I desire and there is no way around this fact for me!

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Off to do a speed workout (I am doing a short version of theirs) with my friends for the first time since September!  Chasing after people is my favorite way to get faster.

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PS  This gave me all of the feels… And it inspired me to do ‘what works, what’s fun, what just feels right’ this year with my running and I cannot wait.

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Mood follows action… true for you?  Example please!

Do you facetime often?  Who do you facetime the most with?

Peloton lovers—> Have a class you recommend to get a PR?  

Tell me what your workout is today!

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Beck and Andrew look so alike in the facetime picture! I love a good facetime but it’s so funny since one of my best friends and I will call each other and half the time we’re doing something else so we don’t actually look at the phone haha.

Today’s workout was a lower body strength and some cardio. Since it’s winter and I’m too lazy to put on extra clothes I just walk up and down my stairs for 20 minutes as cardio


I think I am just slowly learning how important action is to mood! It has been fun to experiment and see! As an example I took an impromptu rest day yesterday as my body was saying I needed it. I notice that the rest of my morning was thrown off and my mood wasn’t sure what to be haha! It all ended up being great because I listened to my body but for the first bit I could tell my mood wasn’t exactly sure haha!


Good for you to listen to your body and give your body the rest it needed but I can TOTALLY relate with you on how that impacted your mood for the day! I think all of us can relate… luckily those rest days keep us running forever:). Hope your day is a beautiful one. Thanks Mikaela!


Definitely agree mood follows action! Any type of movement does it for me, even if it’s a short walk around the neighborhood or yoga session. Also thinking of something as “I get to do this” instead of “I have to do this” sets the good mood. Trying to use that frame of mind with the Yoga with Adriene challenge, since I’m not usually a daily yoga doer.

Workout today is a 3 mile run and yoga! Have a great day!


I’ve had that Olivia ride bookmarked since it came out, but I haven’t found the motivation to tackle it yet. I don’t have any excuses left!


Tracy, you need to do it and then let me know what you think after! You are going to love it!


Mood definitely follows action! I did a virtual 10k last night and I wasn’t thrilled to do it in the cold weather. Once I completed it, the feeling of accomplishment turned into happiness as well. I agree with Mariah above – it’s I get to do this vs. I have to do this!


Sarah, a virtual 10k at NIGHT in the COLD… you are strong! Way to get out and rock that and that mood was the best reward afterward. I love that so much, we GET to do this. Hope your day is a wonderful one!


Even if I don’t feel like making a healthy meal, I always feel ALOT better than I would have if I’d had take-aways, or a easy greasy meal. So mood definitely follows action in terms of my eating :)


AMEN to this. My mood is so much better when I have meals full or veggies, proteins, carbs and fats… the whole day goes better! Thanks for sharing, I totally agree. Hope your day is a wonderful one and you have all of the ingredients for your next healthy meal.


With social outings……..always happy I went………end up staying longer than planned………cup gets filled!


Erica. YES to this. Sometimes it is so hard to convince myself to just do it but like you, I am always so much happier after! But now just to someday get to go do social outings together:)


I love that quote by Keira!
And yes! Mood definitely follows action. Just yesterday afternoon, getting outside for a few minutes made the tiredness go away. I felt like my happy, peppy self again.
Workout today is a tempo run, followed by some strength and core.
Have a good day!


Isn’t that crazy? How doing something like just going outside for a few minutes can change our entire day?! Thanks for sharing, Wendy! Oh I bet you rocked that tempo run and way to get in that strength and core too. Thanks friend, you too.


putting off my run so far today, may end up being a lunch time or a run in the dark later….I really need to get into the pool for a swim either today and tomorrow too, my 100 days of training in 100 days is about 4 days behind, so I’ve got to get a bunch of two a days done to catch up…I’ve just been reading all about the Iron Nun/ Sister Madonna Buder’s routine, she just runs as part of her daily routine to go to the bank, or to go for groceries or as part ofd her ministry, 8 miles worth, then a random 40 mile bike ride that includes a stop at the Y for a 1 mile swim…and she’s in her 80s and still racing there’s a little insiration…I’ve got to ask, I just don’t understand the attraction of peloton? I have to do stuff with people and outside, but so many have turned to Peloton and now the Mirror?


Hey Warren! I hope you have a great lunch or evening run and good luck with those two a days too. I need to learn more about Sister Madonna Buder, she sounds amazing! Wow… I needed her inspiration. Oh I totally get where you are coming from and I didn’t understand it until I had the Peloton! First, there are days that with schedules (Andrew works early in the morning and I don’t like running in the dark alone), it is the only way I can get in any exercise! Second, it really is just fun. You feel like you are part of the community and the teachers are really motivating. This is the first time I have ever stuck to strength in my entire life and that is going to help me as I age so much. But I totally see where you are coming from, there is nothing like being outside moving with your people! Hope your day is a fabulous one!


Hi Janae! Mood follows action is a good one. I have a sticker on my laptop that says action cures fear and I really like that one too.
Have a great day!


OH MY GOODNESS. Reading that gave me goosebumps. I am sharing that with my kids today. Thanks friend, you too!


Hi! Random question… I saw Liquid IV at Costco and I’m thinking about trying it. If I’m remembering right, don’t you drink Liquid IV? If so, what flavor is best? Thanks!


love this! mood follows action…need it on my wall. i LOVE olivia! she’s my go-to for a hard kick my butt did workout for sure.

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