Sentence Per Picture!

(shorts, tank)

Everyone woke up excited for a day of partying.

45 min pop ride with Kendall Toole on my bike and for a bit of time, she had us use weights… I used Skye’s weights and my arms wanted to fall off.

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She opened one present in the morning and waited to open the rest for the big kids to get home.

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By some miracle, Andrew was put on call (and never had to go in) for the first time basically since pre-covid… he was able to be with Skye on her entire bday too.

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She changed her mind about her lunch plans and decided to get rice bowls with her cousin (the sweet potato taco was heavenly).

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Build-a-bear for a Chase (from Paw Patrol) stuffed animal.

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He is already following in his father’s footsteps.

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A night out on the town.

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Shorts and a t-shirt year-round.

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Found some gorgeous new-to-us lights.

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No such thing as too many sprinkles.

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And we are so glad we bought presents because this balloon was the most played with item yesterday.

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You know you have a slight obsession with a pair shoes that make your plantar so happy when you have a pair for running and a pair to wear for the rest of the day.

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We are supposed to get dumped on by snow today… I CANNOT WAIT!


Give me your sentence of the day!

What shoes are you wearing most often these days?

Have you thought about what races you want to do next year or not so much yet?

-I have no idea which feels so weird for me!

Tell me what your workout is today!

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My go to shoe right now is my pair of All Birds! Don’t workout in them but I wear them to walk my dog, run errands, take the garbage out. So comfy and you don’t need to wear socks so if I need to quick run out for something then I can just throw them on. Big bonus is there’s made with natural materials so they’re good for the environment too.

Today’s workout was upper body and my shoulders were on fire at the end!


Hey Maureen! I have never tried all birds but I’ve heard the BEST things about them. I will have to try them… and no socks + good for the environment, yes please! WAY TO GET IN THE STRENGTH! Burns so good;). Happy Thursday!


Glad Skye had such a great birthday and Andrew had the day off!

This morning my workout was walking on the treadmill. I just got back from an exhausting work trip and wanted some movement, but was not up for anything intense! Thinking some yoga later will be good too.

I have the Harpers Ferry Half in May with friends, then thinking about doing the Baltimore Half in October again!


Thank you so much Mariah, I was SO happy he was able to be there too. I think you made the perfect decision with your workout today. I hope you are able to get in some rest and relaxation over the next few days! You already have two amazing races to look forward to, I’m so excited for you! Keep me in the loop of all of the training. Happy Thursday!


Looks like Skye had the best birthday!
I’d love the get my sister the Cliftons for Xmas…she is a nurse so she wears mostly black pants. I can’t decide on a color. I’m thinking the white may get dirty easily. But if she’s wearing them indoors maybe not. Do you like the navy or the orange? Or maybe black. Can you help me decide since you have have all:)


YAY!! You are giving the best gift yet! I personally like the white ones the most and when I don’t run in them, they stay perfectly clean. I’ve also washed them before and they then really clean up! I also LOVE the navy and the orange though ha. But if someone was buying them for me, I would ask for the white:). Let me know what she thinks of them! Have a great day and you are such a good sis. Thanks Jane!


Glad Skye had a great birthday. What’s the temps there? Can’t believe Andrew is wearing shorts…I feel like that will be my daughter when she’s older, she is always hot hah

I have been eyeing the Madewell jeans you shared a few times… The Petite Perfect Vintage Jean in Arland Wash. The reviews say they run a bit big. What size/length did you get? I ordered the same size as a pair you previously shared and they fit perfect.

Have a great day!


Ashlea! HELLO! Yesterday is was like 30 when he was wearing shorts, he is crazy! Oh how I wish we could go to Madewell together and lunch afterward. These ones definitely run a bit big but that is what I wanted personally… I have them in a 26 with normal length. The 25 would just fit a bit tighter but it would still fit great! Let me know what you think of them. Thanks friend, you too!


That cake!! Looks like a fun bday!!

Races I’m planning to do are Boston and Chicago BUT my hamstring tendinitis/tendinopathy has been horrible :( . If anyone here has experience recovering from this injury, PLEASE let me know!! Been by far the most frustrating running injury I’ve ever had.


Hey Arthi,
I went through a hamstring strain twice while training for my one and only half marathon in 2020. The only way for it to heal is take a FULL 6-8 weeks off of running. 8 weeks is better. You can still do cross training – I did cycling and elliptical. And when you start back in take it real easy – like Janae did when she came back from he plantar issue.

I also suggest seeing a PT to start a hamstring healing and strengthening regimen and maybe have somebody look at your running gait if possible. And then when you start back in implement a good strength routine like the one outlined in Running Rewired by Jay Dicharry. I highly recommend that book to every runner.

Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions.


Ughhh that was my fear!! Appreciate this advice and the book recc!! Thank you, John!!


Funny story from my first visit to the sports ortho doctor when I told him I had “tested” the hamstring by running a mile or so on it a few times. After he told me I needed to take 6-8 weeks off I asked him if it for sure would heal after that time period – he replied “If you would quit aggravating it, it will!”.

Lol, so what we call “testing” the docs call “aggravating”.


Lol runners are a stubborn bunch. We can’t help it. Was yours a sharp pain/an actual tear? I’ve had two docs say I don’t need to stop running but I’m kind of thinking a break would be good for me.


Mine was a sharp pain while running – it was pretty obvious to me it was not good as the pain would increase as I ran. It was not really classified as a tear, more a strain or probably pre or micro tear, not sure exactly what the term is.

With tendonitis it usually feels better after it warms up during the run and then feels worse the morning after.

What I have found over the years is that these things should not be ignored or it could eventually end up costing you being able to run at all later in life. Use the opportunity to study up on the injuries, kinetic chain, gait analysis, the importance of cross training and strength training, etc… The Running Rewired exercises are kind of fun, it adds in things like bear crawls, burpees, box jumps, squats, dead-lifts, and all sorts of stuff. It also gives you a good excuse to build up your home gym equipment, which I have really enjoyed.


Super helpful!! Thank you so much, John!!


OH MY GOODNESS!! Arthi, I didn’t know you were struggling with this!!! I can ask it as a blog question one day if that would help? I am SO so sorry!


I would appreciate that so much!! I’ve been binge listening to running podcasts and reading articles and it’s apparently one of the most stubborn running injuries. I saw a PT before the marathon in mid October and he cleared me to run it and then I saw a chiro/sports doc last week and he checked it out and said it doesn’t seem like a tear or anything too severe but it’s been an issue for just over 2 months! I haven’t run in a week and being really diligent about doing my glute/hip strengthening exercises but it is FRUSTRATING!


I am SO so sorry that you are going through this. This sounds incredibly frustrating. PLEASE keep me updated and I’ll include your question in tomorrow’s post!


You are the best, Janae. THANK YOU!!


What a fun day for Skye (and all of you) ?
We’re supposed to get rain today and then more on Monday and Tuesday! Yay! Glad to hear you’ll be getting snow finally (Colorado too!)
My go to shoes right now are Altras. I’m on my 2nd pair, and just love them. They definitely keep my feet happy. And I think it’s so cool that you know the guy who created Altras. But for speed, I still like my Brooks
Today’s workout is an easy 3 miles, followed by strength.
Have a great day Janae ?


Hey Wendy! Hahah it’s so true… the birthdays are really just fun for all of us. I hope you get to enjoy the rainy days! So far it is just raining but it says in a few hours it will turn to snow (I HOPE!!). I am so happy Altras keep your feet happy! I wonder if you see people around California in Altras because they are EVERYWHERE here and I wonder if that is because the creator is from here? Enjoy those miles and the strength. Thanks friend, you too!


Good morning, Janae! Looks like Skye had the BEST birthday – as it should be when you turn 4!!
Sentence of the day: “There is always something, but we’ll make it through.”
Most of the time at work, I wear ankle boots of one sort or another. It’s reached a point where I have to wear shoes in the house nearly all the time to avoid minor (for now) PF flairs. I’ve been using a pair of Tevas, which look quite “fashionable” when worn with socks for some extra warmth LOL!
2022 will see an 8 mile race, a 10k race and I’m not sure what else yet. Haven’t raced in a while – skipped one in the fall when they made masks mandatory. Oh well…new year, new race.
Today is a lot of yoga and stretching for some nagging problems that are aggravated by all of the desk time my job requires – ugh. Have the best Thursday, Janae!


HEY JANINE! She really did have the best day. Oh I love that sentence and there is so so much truth to that! SOCKS MUST be worn with the Tevas because cold feet are the worst. I am so so sorry that you have to deal with the PF flairs, it is such an annoying injury. Both of those races sound great!! Yeah, I don’t think I could wear a mask while running either. Good luck with the stretching, I hope it helps. Have a beautiful day and thank you!


I love the picture of Beck and the mountain bike, looks like he is ready to roll! And it looks like a great birthday day for Skye, so much fun.
Currently wearing my Hoka Gaviota’s at work and Hoka Clifton’s for running. I have not signed up for any races for next year but I have my last 5K of the year coming up this Sunday.
My workout today will be a 12 mile bike ride and probably some Yoga with Adriene for lower back pain (unfortunately), lol.


I have a feeling, he is really going to love riding with Andrew!! I need to try the Gaviota’s! Love hearing you love Hokas too! I can’t believe how much they helped my foot (and my friend that is also dealing with plantar). BUMMER about the back pain but that sounds like an awesome workout! Have a great day!


Happy birthday Skye!
Show us the presents! I love toys and I also have a 6 year old and a 2 year old, so I m desperate for new ideas :)


HEY GARI!! We didn’t do anything super creative ha but she loves everything so I’ll send you the links if that is okay! Good luck with the shopping and I hope your day is off to a great start!
Her big present–>.
Paw Patrol coloring books, socks and underwear

Have the best day!


Beck’s face in all the photos is so stinkin’ cute. He looks like such a happy dude. I love that you are loving the Hoka Clifton’s! They’ve been my go-to shoe for a couple of years now and I just love them so much. I need to buy a pair just for walking around too…


Happy birthday Skye!!! Hope you get lots of snow to play with!
The white shoes look so classic! I love my old brooks ghosts for walking around.
Have a great day!


We woke up to 100% ice covered roads and are supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow. Winter is here!

So do you think you’ll go back to wearing Brooks for running? I currently wear Brooks but have heard lots of good things about Hoka and ON shoes so I might try one of those next.

I haven’t been sleeping well lately so this morning I opted to stay in bed instead of working out. At the time it seemed like a good idea and it probably was the right thing but I still get mad at myself for ‘skipping’ it.

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