(Tank, shorts, socks)

Andrew came out during my ride and said, ‘Ummm, I think this is a little too perfect for you.’


PS I am Janaebaron (add me and let’s be friends).

I’m a beginner with this new world, but I thought I would share five things I have LOVED right away with the bike (ps I have zero sponsorship ties with them, but I tried for a while to get them to ha;).

*I had my social workout needs met for the morning, which I 100% did not expect.  I’ve been working out alone for what feels like an eternity lately, and I have missed running with people.  With the Peloton, it is like you are hanging out with the instructor and getting that feeling of working together with the group that is doing the class at the same time.  Not going to lie, my competitive side was thriving with the leaderboard throughout the ride too.  It makes it easier to avoid quitting because everyone else is working hard too.

*The smoothness!  I’ve been on many spin bikes over the years (I taught for about five years), and nothing I have tried is as smooth as this (you get what you pay for).  My foot felt 100% normal during and after I got off too.  Such a great workout while being so easy on my plantar/joints/everything.

*I was dripping sweat by the end.  My legs were toast, the endorphins were flowing, and the time went by way too fast.  I ENJOYED it, which felt strange because cross-training usually feels like a chore.

*I don’t have to guess for one second.  The instructor and screen tell you exactly where you should be with your cadence and resistance.  My type-A personality could not be happier about that.  It is motivating to have them lead you, count down for you, prepare you for what is next, and have the best music to match the desired cadence.

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*ALL of the stats when you are done.  Stats are one of my favorite things when it comes to running. I love going over everything when I get home from a run.  I could see every detail of the ride (you can scroll down and see more) once I finished.  They also send you a message once you finish telling you ‘good job’ and I’m a big fan of words of affirmation;)

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I also did a 10-minute arms strength class and a 5-minute stretching class and loved both.  The screen on my bike doesn’t swivel (the newest version does), but I just put a mat right behind my bike and was able to see the screen perfectly.  I almost started crying because I enjoyed it all so much.

I loved having these cheerleaders at the end.

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I’ve told you before about our neighbor that is just two months younger than Skye… they are inseparable these days and go back and forth between our houses.  I am pretty sure the only times they are apart lately are for pre-school.

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Whoever thought of putting a TV above the chair at the dentist’s office is the best.

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Chicken cream cheese chili (I add an extra can of tomato soup to this recipe) for dinner.  It’s always a fan favorite at our house and cornbread on the side is a must.

Just a few things before we part…

Random house thing that nobody asked for ha—> sometimes the only way I can motivate myself to put away laundry is just to throw it all on my bed in the morning so that when I go in there at night to go to bed, I’m forced to put it away.

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Beck stood up for 7 seconds straight yesterday.  He was shocked over his accomplishment.

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Give me all things pumpkin right now.  My friend brought over a pumpkin smoothie and it was just what I needed.

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Seeing Skye’s trail of jackets, shoes, socks and her backpack (trail was longer than what I could fit in the picture) from when she walks in the door always makes me really happy… I know I will miss that someday in the future.

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It’s become a habit to just carry my foot roller from one room of the house to the other.

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Expiration dates on food, do you follow them or not so much?  Or does it depend on what type of food?

-Pantry items I am a bit more lenient (see above cornbread oops) but with fridge items I am too afraid to go past the date.

For your running coach or fitness instructors—> are you needing a tough-love type person, someone that is super complimentary (cheerleader type personality), or something in the middle?

Best pumpkin item you have had this season so far?

Laundry—> put it away right away or let it stare at you for a while until you finally put it away?

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I have a beef with peopole and expiration dates on food lol. Sell by means a store needs to get it off it’s shelf by that date, best by means the flavor/texture/nutrition is best by that date and expired by means you shouldn’t eat it after and if you get sick or something the company has no responsibility. They’re all there for different reasons and legal departments are involved after product development and packaging engineers study it all. Clearly I have feelings on this matter lol. But in reality it’s something I learned in school but in this one cooking facebook group I’m in people will ask about eating things after the sell by date thinking it’s bad and it irks me.

Anyways…. here’s something much more lighthearted so you can laugh at me (I’m laughing at myself too). I ordered this cute Philadelphia shirt from a small business online and was super excited when I saw it shipped Monday morning. Until I realized I mistyped my address at 526 not 525. So now I will be stalking the mail person all day to try and catch them and explain what happened instead of “stealing” my own package off the neighbors doorstep while they’re at work.

Enjoy your Wednesday :)


I am so with you! That is a great summary of what the dates mean. It makes me sad to see people waste perfectly good food (and money). Except for meat and milk, which are good several days past the dates on the packaging, I don’t pay much attention to the dates, and our family has been fine. If something smells or tastes off, or there’s mold, I throw it out.


Welcome to the peloton club!! I could not shell out the cost for the new version of the bike but I found a cheap after market piece that can be added to your version of the bike to allow the screen to swivel from Top Form Design. Highly recommend, makes the strength and stretching sessions easier, and gives you more flexibility of how to position your bike in your space. Hope you continue to enjoy!!


Glad you are liking the peloton! I’ve heard only good things!

I need something in the middle for coaches- someone who will push me, but also isn’t too harsh. I can get down on myself so some good cheerleading definitely helps!


Peloton is just the best! So glad you’re enjoying it. The tread boot camps are my favorite!


I love my Peleton! I didn’t like a regular spin bike at the gym but have loved this. I like the convenience and the classes are great. I am with you on loving having someone telling me what to do. I don’t like guessing! And I love the workouts too!


My mom always was a stickler for expiration dates. We used to joke that she thought things suddenly went bad at midnight on the date stamped on the label. You’re right about missing things. I went to her house after she passed away and tossed so many expired items. She had been so sick and had not been checking :(


So glad you are loving the Peloton! I followed you. My name is AlligatorSmores. ;)


I just got a peloton a few weeks ago & I love it so far! I added you :) rockymtnmiles !


I’m so glad you had a good first Peloton experience!! I’ll definitely have to add you :) I completely get what you mean about the social aspect- I joined last March because I missed my group fitness classes and running with friends and it really does feel like you’re working out with people. I even do virtual classes with my friends or my mom so we’re doing the same class at the same time! My husband always makes fun of me because when the instructors ask questions I always respond which also makes it feel like we’re together. Hey- whatever helps :)


I LOVE the Peloton app. I don’t have the bike but I have the app and I actually enjoy running on the treadmill now with all the classes they offer. Not sure if you can get the app for free if you have a Peloton membership?? But I highly recommend it. So glad you found something you love while you are recovering!!


I don’t like spinning… but i LOVE our peloton.

see ya on the leaderboard!! @alibub88


Ha! I dump laundry on my bed, too. I don’t mind folding towels and sheets (I like it, actually), but matching socks and putting away clothes is the worst. I won’t do it unless I have to.


Oh the Peleton looks so cool!

Favorite pumpkin spice..pumpkin spice latte. And then home made pumpkin pie..one time I added peanut butter to the pie.

I have to throw laundry on the bed or it doesn’t happen. Sometimes my partner has to remind me to put my laundry away lol.

Have a great day Janae! Ps I love Skyes trail of shoes pack etc lol.


OK PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT… haha. I have the first Peloton too and this is a game changer! TFD The Pivot . Just google it. I ordered it from their site and for $60 I can now piviot my screen just like the new bikes. Seriously just turn my screen and get my workouts on. It’s easy to install with two people… one to tighten and one to hold the screen.

Also with the bike you have unlimited access to the app. I prop my phone up on the tread and take the tread classes. SO FUN! (good for Andrew right now ;) ).
I’ve had my Peloton for over 3 years and STILL have a blast on it. Best investment I have ever made. I will follow you… I;m doctwinkletoes lol.


OK READ THIS!! Look up the TFD The Pivot . It’s an accessory that you use to piviot the screen like the new bikes. I put it on my 3 year old Peloton and it is a game changer!! And it’ s like $60.
Have fun!


Where did you find your peloton ?


I love my peloton so much!!! All the aspects you pointed out are so, so true. I’m glad you love it! I am about to train for my FIRST marathon ever, and I think having the bike to cross train with will help me a lot with injury prevention, etc.


Yay welcome to peleton, I’m so happy for you!!! I use the app and an old spin bike and just love all the classes! My favorites are bike bootcamps, yoga, stretching, audio only outdoor runs & walks, and all the strength (weights, pilates, core). Can’t wait to follow you!! (Swan_thong_song ?)


So glad you’re enjoying the Peloton! I also wondered why I waited so long to get it haha. My husband encouraged me to get one forever, but I wasn’t sure I’d like it enough to invest the money. Now he just rolls his eyes and tells me he told me so whenever I rave about it. I’m sure you saw this, but their pre run warmups and post run stretches (both found under the stretching section of the app) are really great too for when you return to running and to prevent injury. I used to skip or do some really minimal warm ups and stretches, but those keep me focused for 5-10 minutes, and I don’t have to think about what stretches or drills to do. For now, enjoy the rides!!


Peloton has just the right amount of everything! Now I want a treadmill too! Do the Hamilton ride! It’s so great to be able to search by genre based on what you are looking for that day. You have to try Becs’ core classes and Matty Maggiacomo’s as well. Ali on the Run has interviewed a bunch of the instructors so it’s fun to hear their stories. While it’s not a gym it’s pretty special as you can do it whenever you want to! I want to try the barre classes next. Hope your foot is feeling better every day!


How did I miss yesterday’s post about getting the Peloton?! I’m so glad you love it! I’ve had mine since December 2019 (we finally bought a house and my husband knew it would be the perfect Christmas gift to celebrate) and I haven’t stopped using it. I’ll echo what others said on yesterday’s post about Power Zone training being amazing. You’ll hate the test for it, but it’s so good.

My favorite instructors, by far, for the bike are Bradley and Denis. Bradley is very upbeat and I love his music choices. Denis is much more chill (he’s also one of the yoga instructors). For running, I love Matty. I’m very much driven by music choices when deciding favorite instructors and classes.

I’m Desdemona924, if anyone wants to follow.


I’m following you now! Your husband sure knows you well! Okay, I did one of the Power Zone classes (and loved it) but did know about the test… oops! I’ll do that next. Super excited to try some of the runs too. Thanks for the help Linda, have a great day!


I will eat most things past their best before date, as long as they still look / smell / taste ok (ok = tastes the same as when I first opened it). except for meat/fish in the fridge, don’t want to take too many risks :p


I can’t take the risk with meat either… nothing is as bad as food poisoning! Hope your day is a beautiful one:)


Welcome to the Pelo Club!! If you love stats and the PROCESS of training, try the Discover Your Powezones in programs and follow with Build Your Powerzones. You will love the metrics and training with your specific targets.

Happy Pedaling!


Thank you. I am seriously loving this. Okay, I did a power zones class today and I wasn’t sure what my zones were so this will be perfect. I’l do the Discover Your Powerzones program tomorrow. THANK YOU for the help and have a happy day.


After you take the FTP test (don’t worry…the instructors will tell you exactly what to do and when) your zones actually appear on your screen. It makes training very specific to you and allows for varied intensities and purposes throughout the week.

Have fun!


Has anyone told you about HardCORE on the floor? It’s a group in FB, and there is also an IG page but the woman who runs it puts a stack of strength workouts together daily and it has been a game changer for me. Like you said, cross training wasn’t really my jam even though I knew I should be doing it more. I really struggled staying consistent with strength workouts, even more so since I quit the gym last year. But these classes are the best! Definitely check it out if you want to switch up strength training. Have fun!!! I love love LOVE mine. Headed out to ride now :)


I agree..love HardCORE on the floor! So nice to have a ‘schedule’ to follow!


Ummm this sounds perfect! I’m going to join the group and check it out, so awesome! Way to go finding the perfect thing to get your strength training in, that is awesome. Have a beautiful day Jenny and CCKAY!


Hi Janae! I love doing laundry! I’ll come over and fold your clothes!
I agree with you about the expiration date, especially if it’s something like milk. I had no idea peloton has strength and stretching classes, that’s pretty cool! Have a great day!


COME OVER RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOU!!!!!!!


Welcome to the Peloton family:) I bought a bike after moving to the Sacramento area from the Bay Area and not loving any local studios, which was a wise move since 5 months later COVID happened! The instructors are amazing, it’s been such a blessing to take classes during COVID, despite not being in person classes, you do still feel like part of a community. My fav instructors are Robin, Olivia, Tunde, Emma and Cody, Jess Sims is fantastic for Bike Bootcamp and Selena Samuela is my favorite strength instructor! I’m following you now, my leaderboard name is SassySweetTooth!
Food expiration dates – I’m pretty strict because I work in the food (produce) industry, and have experienced recalls due to food safety?
Best pumpkin thing I’ve had this season is pumpkin bread, Smitten Kitchen has the BEST recipe!!


I don’t have a peloton bike but I use the app with a different (cheaper) bike. I absolutely love the classes! Cody, Robin, and Tunde are my favorites for spin classes. Jess Sims is my absolute fave for bootcamps, strength, and her Flash 15 is the best! Adrian is awesome for strength and hiit! Christine (CDE) is the best if you need a low impact ride and permission to take it easier…she really makes it feel ok to take it easy as your body needs and sometimes I need somebody to remind me that it is ok! I love that there are so many different instructors that meet so many different needs. I’m jodi2208 on the app.


haha my husband said the same thing! We started renting a bike from a local studio last December, bc I was pregnant and knew I probably won’t be able to run til the end of my pregnancy. I made it 29 weeks before I stopped. The bike was also nice when it was cold and snowy. I had the peloton app and just mounted the ipad on the wall. My husband was against it, but I knew I would use it to make it worth it. We also rented bc 1. I wanted to be sure it would fit, 2. make sure I actually used it. Well after MONTHS of having it, my husband started using it late August and fell in love. Then peloton was having their big sale on their older bikes, so we got one and only had to wait a week before it was delivered and now he’s obsessed! I love it too, but he never thought he’d like it so much. I was very much thinking, I TOLD YOU SO! in my head haha I like ones that are much more like coaching you through rather than being a cheerleader for you, if that makes sense. My favorite instructors are Alex T, Ally Love, Tunde, and Bradley. PS I just started following you and you are killing it! Way to go! While I still love running, I think biking is a great way to cross train and work on the leg turnover too!

I do not go by best by dates… if it looks, smells, or tastes weird/funky, it gets thrown out, otherwise I usually will use it.

So far, I’ve only had pumpkin bread (which is really year round) and various pumpkin cream cold brews. But I do love everything pumpkin!


Hi! Just wanted to let you know there is a website called topformdesign.com that sells something called the pivot. I bought it for my peloton and it allows your screen to swivel. It’s amazing! Also have to recommend Hannah Frankson for rides and try out Jess Sims bike boot camps. They are so challenging but fun! Enjoy your bike ?


Oh my gosh YAY for peloton!!! I don’t ride but do the on demand runs. I hope you give some a try and let me know your favorite running instructors! Theres a couple Becs Gentry runs that I think you’d absolutely love! (60 minute intervals from 1/28/2021 and the NYC marathon simulation run!)


Welcome to the Peloton Family. I also invested in the bike earlier this summer (have been spinning for a few years) and am absolutely loving it. I had been using the app for 1+ years already, but the bike makes ALL the difference. It’s been a great cross training tool for me!
Hope to see you on the LB #san_rides_in_ca


Raise your handlebars and check out the Hard Core on the Floor Group. One of the instructors has bike fitting videos on her FB Page (Christine D’Ercole). Check them out.


You have probably already gotten this input but get the pivot attachment for your peloton. We got it and it works to turn the screen for yoga and other classes. It’s amazing. Welcome to the peloton fam

Here is the link: https://www.topformdesign.com/products/the-pivot


Oh my goodness, that is perfect! I need this, thank you SO much! Have a great day, Laura!


I’ve made your chicken chili for years and love it – thanks for sharing it! I’ve always been curious about the tomato soup though. You say you add an extra can of it but the recipe doesn’t call for any. So do you use 1 can or 2? I’ve always done 1 but yours looks soupier than mine and I’ve wondered if I’m missing out. Thanks!


HEY ASHLEY!! Yes, the recipe doesn’t call for it, I just like it to be a bit more soup. This last version turned out a little bit more soupy because I didn’t drain any of the cans and my chicken was super frozen (so much ice on it ha) that melted too. Not sure if that makes sense! My sister does two cans I think! Let me know if you try it:) Have a great day!


Welcome to Peloton, Janae! I agree, I think you will really enjoy the Discover/Build Your Power Zones programs. Matt Wilpers is my favorite instructor. He’s really into data, too. He’s all coach (love how he calls us “team”). Enjoy!


I love peloton. I’m LauraLynn36. Tunde is my FAVORITE instructor lately! Also check out Hannah’s foam rolling classes. Welcome to the peloton world :)


Ooh I’m liking the Q’s today!
Expiration dates on food: I’ll basically eat anything as long as it still smells good. The only thing I’m strict about is meat… Not worth taking the risk..
Running coach or fitness instructors: Tough love but with a few compliments here and there… I need to feel like the compliments are “deserved” (I don’t like it when someone cheers me on when I know I’m not actually trying that hard), but if it’s only tough love I’ll lose motivation too… Haha I never realised I was so particular until now ;)
Best pumpkin item you have had this season so far?: We’re moving to summer here in Aus so my last pumpkin item is a while ago.. I’d have to say a roast veggie salad! I love pumpkin, spinach, fetta, nuts and falafel!
Laundry: I’m like that meme where it says washing 60min, folding 30min, putting away 7-10 business days ;)


The Peloton is on my wish list!!


Welcome to the Peloton community! I know I’m a couple weeks late :-D. I just added you! #ReadnRide13

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