What kind is it? Me… Control Issues?

Beck was pretty attached to me yesterday for all of his waking hours (he wasn’t feeling great), so I’ll just share a bunch of random pictures from the last few days that will hopefully bring some entertainment.  Here’s to hoping Beck is feeling better today:).

A 20-minute TABATA (<— 20 seconds hard, 10 seconds recovery = heck) ride happened at lunchtime, along with an upper-body strength workout.

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Followed by eating walnuts from our tree while Skye scootered around in front of the house.

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My mom brought over 24 of the most beautiful rolls from Kneaders.

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A few days ago, Skye joined me with her weights for some strength training too.

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The greenest grass with snowy mountains, just the most confusing time of year.

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Of course, we had to visit Cornelia St because we both love Taylor Swift.

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Pure joy.

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I haven’t been as into candy as much as I normally am (first beets, and now this!!) because I’d rather have cookies for a treat, but I saw these in the gas station the other day and needed them.  I just sat alone in the gas station parking lot eating sour gummies while listening to Regina Spektor, and it was a pretty exciting event in my life.

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Andrew told me that he was going to do this for Beck while I was gone in NYC.

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It’s almost been three weeks since my last run?!  My foot is feeling a lot better, but I’m just not sure I even dare try to run on it because I’m not interested in running with any pain (aka doing that thing where I go out, and it hurts for the first few miles until it is warmed up).

My good friend said something kind of like this about her running injury—> This is a lump in life, but there is a difference between a lump in your breast and a lump in your oatmeal, this is a lump in my oatmeal. Yep, my plantar is definitely a lump in my oatmeal!  I would just like to know how long the lump in my oatmeal will be there… I’m fine taking breaks, but I just like knowing for how long if that makes sense.  Tell me six months, and I’m totally okay with that, but I don’t like guessing for six months;). If you are wondering, yes I have control issues, ha.

Until then, I’ll just keep loving the Peloton, sleeping in way more, and some walks!

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(Sweatshirt, shorts, socks and shoes)


Sour candy… Terrible gas station choice or the only appropriate choice?

Have any trees that bring you delicious things?

-A walnut, cherry and apple tree

TELL ME YOUR RUN TODAY because reading your runs fills my love for running!

What is something making you smile today?

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When I had my heel stress fracture I was so relieved it wasn’t PF and my family did not understand. The podiatrist did! I knew that it would be 6 weeks in boot, 2 weeks out with limited activity, and then ease into exercise. It was a solid plan!! Of course I am now at high risk for PF but so far so good!!


I totally understand why you were so happy about that ha! I need a solid plan:). I didn’t know you were at high risk for PF now because of your heel stress fracture, how do you prevent it? Hope your day is a great one, Carrie!


We have a peach tree. it’s only a few years old so it’s small and the peaches are small. i used them in a pie (with some from the farmers’ market). it was delicious! we also have black walnut trees but we haven’t figured out how to open them so that we can eat them. We use them for soccer balls. I need to figure out how to open them so we can eat them. they’re expensive to buy in the store.
I did six miles on the treadmill and then a quick leg workout.
I hope you’re back to running soon. I know what you mean about not liking the wait and see. hopefully you won’t be waiting too long.


Lee, I love that you guys have a peach tree! I would be so beyond happy to have one, peaches are the absolute best. You’ll have to let me know if you find a way to open them. Way to go on your workout today! Time for me to just learn some more patience. Thank you friend, you too!


I ran this morning at 5 am I have to go early because I teach kindergarten (26th year!) It was peaceful and the moonlight lit the street. I treasure this time to just breathe and be grateful and yes sometimes plan lessons…I am sorry that you are injured but I feel like injuries are kind of like the seasons they just come and go. You will be stronger mentally and physically. I hope Beck feels better soon..I miss the baby stage my baby boy is a junior in college!!


It is your 26th year teaching kindergarten?! You are incredible and all of the students you have had over the years are the luckiest to have you. Way to get in your run so early and loved reading about your morning, it made me feel peaceful too! Thank you and you are so right, it just makes us stronger. Junior in college… I bet it feels like it flew by! Thanks Amy, have a beautiful day with your students.


It is so hard not knowing! But your right to not push it with your planter. Hopefully it will be back to normal soon!
And poor Beck. Hopefully he’s feeling better today too! If not, enjoy so good snuggle time.
Off for my early morning run with friends! We are loving the coolness these last several days.
Somethings that are bringing me joy…. The weather right now is awesome, and a clean house. Simple things, ha ha.
Have a good day Janae ?


Thanks so much Wendy! He is still asleep right now and I cannot wait for him to wake up to see if he is doing better today! Hopefully either way I get some snuggles:). Oh I hope your run with friends this morning was just perfect and yay for some cool days there (finally)! ENJOY that clean house, that feels like heaven! Thanks friend, you too!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m smiling because of, “(first beets, and now this!!” + your refusal to run with pain. When did you get so big? I know, I saw it when you took that pic the morning of the kids school race.

The pic of the husband feeding the baby is pretty good, too.

Your happiness with Peloton brings me joy. I see what you’re saying about wanting to know how long something will take to improve. Before I attempt to say something good here, isn’t it interesting how the Peloton came along? Was your plantar a big factor, because I see your plantar as a big plus then. Here’s what I want to say about how long it will take: sometimes it takes 2 to 3 times the amount of time to improve a loss. Also, everyone and every case is different. Like every pregnancy is different, right? So, do you know how long it took to lose/ create your fasciitis? It’s ok if you don’t. If you don’t, keep feeling the improvements. Using sensation and intuition can bring control to you. So, how’s that for you? I’m not sitting here smiling at you and your control issue. I’m into the real deal. Also, a watched pot never boils. Give it a rest, ha!


Also, I think from your faith + actions you believe your plantar will improve. This is big. A lot of people in the world don’t have this. You are taking action. You don’t have to take too much action, just be Goldilocks. : )


Hey Lee! That’s a great question… it definitely started pretty strong after that track workout and just got worse over time! Thanks so much and I hope your day is a great one!


Yesss beets! I love beets and I think they have magic running powers. If we were neighbors I would be your friend JUST for your cherry tree. :)
I have an easy 5 today! This is the first time I’ve come back from a marathon ready to go again. I feel totally refreshed. I’ve picked apart my training and my race to see what I can learn from it and I feel really confident I was in way better shape than my time AND I know where to improve. So I’m excited! I’m also super happy that you have the peloton to get you through the running break. You’re going to come back so strong!!
So, I used to NOT like sour candy. I have no sour tolerance at all (spicy tolerance is through the roof though, weirdly). But then this summer sour candy would be the only thing that motivated me to get through my long HOT lunch runs. I would just snack on it the whole time. And get weird looks from people when I pulled out my ziplock bag of candy while running. haha.


HEY MOLLIE! I just need to mail you a bunch of our cherries! I am so so happy to hear that you are feeling fresh and ready to get going again for Shamrock. I’m STOKED FOR YOU! And it is so fun to look over the previous cycles/races and see what we can do next to do even better, I love that way of going about things! Oh that is so interesting that the sour candy helped you rock those summer runs… hahaha people must have been so confused. That reminds me of the looks I would get when I would be eating a sandwich while training for an ultra. I hope your day is off to the best start!


Sour candy anytime, anywhere :-)

Waiting for storms to pass before doing the marathon race prep run. I’m currently following the 26.2 marathon training program on the Peloton app. I don’t have a race planned but i’m more motivated to run when following a plan!


I hope you have sour candy asap! It just hits the spot sometimes. I have to look up this 26.2 marathon training program, it sounds awesome! I am just like you, a plan is what motivates me and I hope you find the perfect race at the end! Keep me updated, Mary!


Hi Janae! Hope Beck feel better soon!
I think sour candy is always a good choice. I’m visiting my parents in California and seeing pomegranates and citrus fruits on trees in the neighborhood! It just looks so festive. Also since I’m in California now I can run any time of day and it’s good weather! I don’t have to see when it’s least rainy/cold so that’s pretty sweet.
Have a great day!


AMY! I am so so happy to hear that you are spending time with your parents right now! I bet it feels like heaven to be in California right now and seeing all of those fruit trees! Enjoy every sunny run and I bet your parents are just so happy right now to be with you. Enjoy!


Hope your little guy feels better soon!!

Not sure about my run today but on our one sunny day here I got in 14km after work and it was glorious. Now back to rain.

Sour candy is the best!

I decided we needed flowers in the house so I bought a dozen roses and last night we lit candles and had supper with candles and indoor Christmas lights because it brightened up the place on a dark rainy night . And then River smelled our supper and woke up ?.

Have a great day Janae!


Hey Kristine! Thank you so much and I am so glad you were able to get in that 14km run in the sun this week! Okay, picturing that scene made me smile, I love that you did that! Thanks friend, you too!


We have a peach tree that brings such deliciousness! It was my son’s first birthday gift from his name sake great grandfather. The gift that keeps on giving!
Have you ever tried to make the Superhero muffins with an egg replacer so your dad could eat them? Curious!


This is incredibly sweet. I love that your son’s great grandfather gave that to your son for his first bday gift. I bet each time that you all eat a peach it makes you think of him!

Thank you so much for that idea. I am 100% going to make them for my dad, I have never thought of doing that! He will love them so so much. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


I completelyyyy understand the need to know how long you’ve got till you can run. I haven’t been running since May, had surgery in August, and at my follow up yesterday I demanded my surgeon tell me exactly when (i.e down to the date) I can start running again. Because “4 months from surgery” was just too vague for me HAH!! So now I have an official countdown going and it’s helped my mood tremendously. Suddenly all my walks and knee exercises have a better purpose now?! So… I get it:) Let’s both just embrace our walks now because sometimes mid-runs I just want to lay down lol.

I didn’t realize gas stations have anything else besides sour candy?


HEY MOLLY. SINCE MAY?! Oh friend, I am so so sorry. I am so so happy you now have an official countdown. What day is it? You have been so patient and you deserve the best first run back. Wish we could go on a walk together. Hahaha I like the way you think and I hope you get some gas station sour candy soon! Thanks friend!


Wow, I admire your attitude towards your injury! I was a grumpy mess when I was injured and hated anyone who I saw running or cycling (I couldn’t do either). Maybe next time I try to be a bit more like you and see the bright side of it :)
Sour Candy is always a good choice, my mouth is watering right now, I might need to find a gas station…


We don’t have any fruit trees, but our re-landscaping project definitely brings me joy now that it’s finished! It’s been a little over 3 months since we finished and not a day goes by that I don’t stop to enjoy the beauty around us. The fruit of our labor is pretty amazing!

Cross training today – 12 miles on the bike – outside and it was 48 degrees! Then came home and did about 30 minutes of strength training. This was my 70th strength training session of the year! I haven’t done strength training 70 times in the past decade.

What is something making you smile today – see the above ;)


Oh I hope Beck feels better today!

Ooooo tabata rides are my favorite on the bike! I have an Echelon, but it is similar to the Peloton. It’s amazing the great workout you can get in 20 minutes…especially since I never push myself on my runs;-).

I am so jealous of your walnut tree! We have a black walnut tree and the shells (which look like a small tennis ball) turn your hands black! Plus, black walnuts “taste like feet” (that Friends episode runs through my head every time the kids eat one). We also have 3 or 4 apple trees.

I did an 8.5 mile run today. It is finally fall weather in MN and I am loving it! We are on fall break so we have no where to be this morning so I could take my time.

What is making me smile: 2 days off from school/work and we got a new washing machine, haha.

Happy Thursday, Janae!


The only sour candy I can really handle is Lemon Heads. Gosh, I don’t even remember the last time I had those!

We pick apples fresh of the tree every year and make applesauce. It’s the best! We’ll have a year-supply of applesauce and I like to use it baking things and just plain ol’ eating, topped with cinnamon :)

Well, I have a not-smiling moment for the day — I locked my keys in the car and had to pay $25 for the police to come get it unlocked. Arg! A smiling moment though would be that my daughter did not fight me this morning when she had to get up and dressed for school!!

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