NYC Recap + She KNEW.

(new tank that I’m in love with and ribbed leggings)

Let’s chat about days #2 and #3 of NYC.

I didn’t run while we were in NYC (which was quite sad because I love running with Jessie and in Central Park very much), but it was also kind of nice to sleep in (10 a.m. one morning!).  We did do a little yoga and a 10-minute bodyweight strength workout two mornings while we were there.

On Saturday, we met up with our friend Ellen.  Ellen and Jessie grew up together in New Jersey, and I met Ellen through Jessie.

Ellen waited in line at  Supermoon Bakehouse for us and brought the best of the best.  I’m a huge fan of Cruffins now.

Random fact about Jessie—> I visited her in California 5.5 years ago, and she asked me about my dating life.  I told her I had a blind date (with Andrew) and was really excited about it.  I showed her a picture of him, and she KNEW HIM well.  She told me all about him and then told me I had to marry him.  She knew before I had even met him that we were perfect for each other!

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After pastries, we hung out at Central Park for hours.  I thought that we were only there for an hour but the time just zoomed by.

Our friend Amanda (I met her in college) met us there too.

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We went to Jacobs’ Pickles and had Amanda order for us because she is excellent with food recommendations—> The pumpkin biscuits, macaroni, wedge salad, and dill pickles (not pictured) were heavenly.

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It started to rain a bit later, and so we grabbed a Daily Provisions cookie and hung out there for a while.

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More shopping, wandering and exploring and then we decided to put Jessie’s little one to sleep (he is five months old and the easiest baby to travel with!  PS I pumped while we were gone to keep my milk, and Beck had bottles while I was gone) and we ordered in food from Vic’s to eat while watching Netflix.  The fried onions are something that everyone needs in their life.

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The following day our friend Amanda met up with us again, and we went to a flea market, a bookstore (Strand) and out to eat at Dig (Utah needs this place) for a salmon/Brussels/cauliflower bowl.

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We finished off with a few more cookies at Levain to eat and bring home.   I need someone to ship me cookies from Levain every week, or I need to figure out how to make them asap.

The chocolate peanut butter chip > any other cookie on the planet.  We also got bagels to go for the airport from Zuckers Bagels.

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The weather we had while we were there made us want to be outside as much as possible…

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PS One day we were walking along and all of a sudden I saw a few paparazzi… I got out my phone so fast to take a picture, and later on, we saw photos of Gigi Hadid walking around with me being a creep in the background;)

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We stayed at one of Jessie’s friend’s apartments.  They were in the Bay Area staying at Jessie’s house while we were there.  These friends live on the fifth floor without an elevator, and each time we went up, I had to stop for breaks.  It reminded me of when Brooke and I lived on the fourth floor of an apartment building without an elevator, and all of the times I had groceries and a sleeping baby to carry up:)  It also reminded me I need to take the stairs more ha.

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Last tangent—> One night as we were walking to dinner, there was a mouse on the ground which scared me to death and I jumped so high and then landed weird on my foot and it hurt again!  My foot had been perfect all day until then so who knows, I might be taking off more time from running than expected.  It’s all good… because my best training cycles come after taking a nice and long running break.

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Have a favorite pastry?  Bakery?  Ever tried a cruffin?

Do you use stairs often?  I think I need to start because those were rough!

Ever seen a celebrity out and about?

Where you live—>  do people walk a lot, drive a lot, take public transportation, or a combo?

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Someone needs to post a copycat recipe for that because even though it’s only 8:11 am here I am drooling over it. Also a cruffin sounds delicious. This little cafe by me has the most amazing pastries and the cronut is to die for.

By me, it’s a good mix of people walking, taking public transit and driving. Within 12 hours, I took all 3 this weekend :)

I’m dying at how perfectly placed your head is in between Gigi and the guy she’s walking with.


I hope you get one of those cronuts ASAP… and ship me one too?. All three in twelve hours… boom! Haha I was pretty excited about it but then saw the picture and felt creepy?. I hope your day is off to a great start, Maureen!


Levain cookies are now in the frozen foods section at Whole Foods! I haven’t tried them yet, but I hear they are legit!!!


This is the absolute best news. Every time I am in Salt Lake City I will now be stopping for one. Have a wonderful day, Kayce!


Hahahahahaha the paparazzi pic…. that is just the best. You are too awesome. I am so glad you had a great trip to NYC filled with seeing so many friends and so much fun!


Thank you so so much Clare! I hope you are having a wonderful morning. Next paparazzi pic I am going to try to be a bit more chill?


That sounds like the best week ever! Sometimes we just need a good girls trip…I’m going on a trip in a few weeks with some friends from back in Pittsburgh to go to Colorado and I’m so excited!! I feel like my soul needs that time with them with all the changes from the past year!

The closest I’ve come to a celebrity encounter (besides planned things like when John Stewart was the race starter for a race I did in Central Park) was sitting at at an airport bar next to Christine Baranski! I love her in Mamma Mia, The Grinch, and The Good Wife so I was really excited but played it cool :)


I am SO happy you have a girls trip coming up soon, it’s so good for the us! Enjoy every second of Colorado. Oh I bet that was sooooo cool to see Christine Baranski. I love her in those too. Also, so cool about John Stewart starting your race!


I’m so glad you enjoyed the city! Your friends have great taste in baked goods?

Come back soon please!


I really need to come back asap! Missing it already. Thanks Ellyn and I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Ok, what is a Cruffin?? They look amazing.
It looked like you had a fantastic time! We love NYC, and want to go back again. Running in Central Park was such a dream. Next time we’re there, I definitely will be going to Levain bakery.
I love taking the stairs as much as possible. But having to walk up 5 flights daily? Ha ha
Glad you had a great time, and I’m sure your family is happy to have you home.
Have a great Monday!


It is a croissant and a muffin and you must have one asap. I really hope you are going to go back to NYC soon and I’ll meet you at Central Park for a run (wouldn’t that be heaven?!?). Thank you friend and I hope your day is a great one!


You and all your friends are just beauties. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. The pictures make me want to take a girls trip real bad.
I am so sorry about the foot. Weights and the peloton will be your friends for a while while you have some time apart from your bff.


When I come to Chicago, I need you to show me around! YES YES YES… so grateful for the weights and peloton. Go run some happy miles for me and have a beautiful day, Erica!


Did you go to Michael Scott’s favorite NYC pizza place-Sbarros?

Hope your foot gets to feeling better ASAP!


Hahaha so one year I went with a college friend and we did that… and then that episode came out a few months later and we laughed so hard at ourselves. Thanks Molly, have a beautiful day!


Ahahahah!! You were really ahead of you time!!


Hi Janae! Looks like an awesome trip! Hope the foot stops being cranky soon.. do you have special inserts or shoes for walking around?
My favorite pastry is a quiche!


YES!! My podiatrist gave me inserts and they really help so much. I haven’t had quiche in so long, I need that ASAP! I hope your day is a beautiful one, Amy!


Sadly the frozen ones at Whole Foods aren’t nearly as good, but Levain does offer shipping on its website!


Oh bummer! That’s good to know though, might need to order some for my bday! I hope you have a beautiful day, Julie!


I’m so glad you went to Levains!! My favorite. The Strand is my favorite place too, happy you got to go!

You are famous now! So cool you were close to Gigi, she seems really sweet and down to earth.

I am at home this week visiting family. This weekend i went to the pumpkin patch with my nieces, went hiking, ate my mom’s cooking, and overall had a great weekend!


She definitely had a good feeling about her:). I am SO happy that you are visiting your family this weekend and doing all of the best things this time of year. Keep enjoying!


My husband used to live in the City so I love get to go back every year. We are going for my birthday the week of Christmas. I can’t wait to do all the Christmas windows and lights again with my little who’s now 8. I’m not sure she remembers them the last time we were there for the holidays. We plan on eating our way through NYC too and catching the Lion King. Zuckers , Magnolia Bakery, Patsy’s, and a street cart pretzels are a must for me! I can’t wait to go after seeing your post. Though winter weather won’t be as nice as the fall weekend you had there. I’m glad you got to meet your girls for a fun trip in the city.

Have a great week and I hope your foot feels better!


Sounds like a great trip! Those babies are adorable.

Favorite pastry = malasada.

We have a 2 story house so I use the stairs all the time. I still get winded from time to time.

We live close to LA so we’ve seen lots of celebrities. We were flying home from Nashville once and were on the same flight at Dolly Parton – she was so sweet to everyone who talked to her. When we landed, Lily Tomlin was at the gate! Not sure if she was waiting on Dolly for a 9 to 5 reunion or what. We’ve seen Tom Selleck, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Mathers, and Tommy LaSorda and others I’m sure I’m forgetting.

People in LA drive everywhere! Part of that is we have horrible public transportation, but it’s also part of our culture.


I live in, and grew up in, Western NY, but people are amazed that I have only been to NYC once in my life. NY is a wide state, and it’s like a 9 hour drive down there! I may have to make another trip for some of those cookies, though :)


As I’m reading today from home, I’m having my cookies: almond butter and chocolate chips. I found some chips I like and they only have 4g sugar/ serving!!! Additionally, there are 3 ingredients!!! Thank you, good food people. A family member is coming back at me anytime they see me having something with sugar. It’s great accountability over here.

When I watch the baking shows and see what is involved with rolling the layers for croissants, and by extension every cr_____ item out there, I say to myself, “Remember the gluten and how your mother knew this when you were 2 yo.” No doubt they are flaky like nothing else. I have a croissant every once in a great while as a treat. Followed by heaps of steamed kale in something the same day. Hearting you rocking the good food!!! Traveling is a treat/ treat time!!!

Here’s my question, “Why didn’t you post the papp pic you took?” C’mon, we want the 360 experience out here. I’m readin’ here!

So, I imagine Jessie’s friends didn’t buy the place sight unseen, right? Somewhere in the shopping/ buying experience, or the paperwork, it said 5th floor walkup right? But do they have central air, or any air? Is it a nice building? These things are v. important. Such an authentic NY experience you would not get in a hotel. Wait, no MUSEUMS? Next time. I agree, the weather made the outdoors THE PLACE TO BE!!!

OK, so Jessie KNEW about Andrew. So why did the other guy have to be the one to set you up? Don’t you wonder what our friends are doing sometimes??? REALLY.

Finally, this calling yourself a creeper thing. It’s got to go. Your level of chill was perfectly fine, there is a pic proving it. How cool the papp and editor saw fit to put the pic out with you in it – perfectly situated btw Gigi and the dude??? So, if the creep term is coming from your head, you can reevaluate it. If the term is coming from someone outside your head, you can reevaluate it too. Give it the, “what for?” I already know you reevaluate me and my comments, I expect it.


YAY!!!! So glad you had such a fun time in NYC! It’s a magical place. I am shocked you only saw a mouse and not multiple rats while visiting! hehehe. Anytime I passed a known NYC foodie joint, I peeked in for a “celebrity Janae” sighting!


They sell Levain cookies in the freezer section of our grocery store! I live in the Virginia/DC area, but maybe they do that for you!

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