Too Late + Tuesday Tangents!

(Shorts, shoes, socks, tank, I won’t link bra because it chaffed me, headphones)

Do you ever pay attention to what your hands are doing while you are running?  Yesterday I realized that as I was running, I had one hand pretty much out and ready to give anyone I passed a high-five, and with my other hand, I had my thumb tucked in between my fingers and clenched.  Random, I know but it’s been 11 years of randomness on this website, it’s too late to change that now.

10 miles @ 8:23 pace.

We took Brooke to school, and then we went straight to TJ’s.

While we were there, I dropped a glass jar and it broke all over the floor.  I kept telling the employees that I would pay for it and clean up, but they would not let me.  They went and got me a new jar to put in the cart and told me to stop worrying because it happens all of the time.   I love going there for the products but also because they are always over the top nice to my kids and me.

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I love seeing what things people get at TJ’s, so I thought I would include what I bought yesterday (boring things not included in the pic like milk, produce etc).

Those chocolate croissants are actually too good and make sure to get the autumnal harvest pasta sauce.

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We went to Skye’s sports conditioning class and it is held during the time that Beck usually naps.  It’s always a gamble with how things go, but yesterday he was a bit more snuggly than usual, and he mostly just sat on my lap.

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At what age do stamps stop being the most motivating thing ever?

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Another recipe from Fatima.  It was a 10/10.  Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas!

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A few tangents to talk about…

*The other day, I was running up a hill with Brooke, and I said out loud (I love to share little mantras along the way), “I think I can, I think I can,” and Brooke suggested that we say, “I know I can” instead.  I loved it.  I’ll be thinking about that during my next race.

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*We tried something I’ve seen all over the place online.  Pop-it toy + blueberry + yogurt + the freezer = the kids loved it, and it just pops right out.

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*The time she ran around the driveway so that she could end on the mile… I have no idea who she learned this from;)  This marathon in a month has motivated her!

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*My current favorite post-run meal.   TJ’s roasted potatoes w/ peppers & onions, eggs, tomatoes, avocado, cheese, and peaches.

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*I’m rarely in Andrew’s truck because we usually take my car when we are together, but he always keeps one of my lip glosses in the cupholder so that I will not suffer from dry lips when we take his car.

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*Beck has been working on his calf raises each day.

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* Chocolate-covered cinnamon bears while waiting in the school pick-up line =  a good afternoon.

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Favorite lip balm, lip gloss, or lipstick?!  Or would you prefer nothing?

What’s something small that someone has done for you (or you have done for others) that has let you know that they care?

What stores/companies do you love because of their awesome customer service?

Do you ever run back and forth in front of your house to hit the mile or do you stop right when you get back home?

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Brooke dropped a good one with changing ‘think’ to ‘know’. Definitely going to use that too!

I usually just have chapstick on me. The blue moisturizing tube though! Mostly because I can buy a 3 or 4 pack and then it stocks all of the places I need it: bathroom, purse, work bag and car.


Right? I was thinking my mantra was good but then she made it so much better. I need to try the blue moisturizing tube… that sounds heavenly. I hope your day is off to a great start, Maureen!


I love TJ’s and their customer service. I always buy their frozen Artichoke and Spinach Dip- you can use it as dip or you can use it with pasta and it makes a nice creamy sauce. It’s my go-to 10 minute meal. I start the pasta – microwave the dip to slightly soften – if I have pre-cooked chicken – I heat that for a minute. Drain pasta – dump chicken, pasta and dip in the pot and stir it all up- I but it back on the stove to heat it all together for a minute or 2. Sometimes I add extra spinach or diced cherry tomatoes . SO GOOD.


I LOVE their artichoke and spinach dip and now I am regretting not getting it yesterday. I have never tried it as a pasta sauce, trying that next time. THANK YOU for sharing that with me, drooling. Hope your day is a beautiful one. Thanks Bethany!


Oh my heart – “I know I can” – gonna try to put that on repeat during the workout I have scheduled today (it looks like a terrible one). Tell Brooke thanks for that phrase!


GO MELISSA GO! I hope you had an amazing workout and I am so happy the phrase can help. Have a great day and soak in those post-workout endorphins:)


I’ve never had chocolate covered cinnamon bears, and now I’m sitting here wondering if I’ve been missing out! lol And, I had to laugh at Brooke finishing that perfect mile in your driveway! I’ve def been “guilty” of this!

I never used to like lip gloss b/c it left my lips too sticky, but I started using the NYX Butter Gloss, and I love it! My fav color is the creme brulee!

I have to give kudos to Nordstrom for being a great company. They just have such good customer service, speedy shipping, and free/EASY returns!!! It’s so annoying when companies make you fill out a form online and print out your own shipping label. Nordstrom includes a shipping/return label, and you don’t have to fill out anything online!

I hope you have a great Tuesday!!! I”m off running today, and I’m glad. I’ve had some pretty low-energy runs lately, so I need to try to figure that out. Today is yoga day for me :) :) :)


You have absolutely been missing out… you must get some chocolate covered cinnamon bears asap. I’m going to branch out and try that butter gloss… that sounds amazing. I totally agree with you about Nordstrom, one reason I love them. I hope yoga goes perfectly and I’m right there with you on those low-energy runs?! Have a great day, Jen!


Hi Janae, I hope you’re having a great week so far. I love Brooke’s “I know I can.”
My local TJs (Alexandria, VA) has incredible employees. Several years ago, I used to walk my dog to the store when I was only shopping for a few things and leave her tied at the store’s “doggie dock” (they have a water bowl there and staff sometimes bring out treats for the waiting dogs). One day, she got spooked by something, slipped out of her harness, and ran away from TJs. Two staff members walked the neighborhood and another drove me around in his car until we found my dog, probably an hour later and quite a long way away from the store. I was crying the whole time and I’m sure the employee driving me was more than a bit uncomfortable with the hysterical dog mom he was stuck in a car with. The story had a happy ending and my dog opts out of grocery store trips now :)


Sweet Brooke; what a great mantra (that I will promptly be stealing)! :) I love Thayer’s Natural lip balms, I have multiple sticks at home, in my purse, at work, and in various pockets that I usually find before tossing things in the washer. And you are 100% right about TJ’s chocolate croissants, although my favorites are the almond ones; such a yummy treat! I am a horrible route planner, so I usually have to go a little bit past my house and double back at the end of my run. My husband says he can tell I’m almost done with a run when my dog starts barking like crazy because she saw me go past the house and not come in. :)


Multiple sticks is the way to go… it needs to be within 10 ft of us at all times. Now I need to get the almond croissants, thanks for letting me know. OH MY GOODNESS you had me laughing about what your husband said because Baretta will do the same thing haha. Have the best day, Emily!


I love the customer service at Knix – also the most comfortable bras ever!! The padded v neck is awesome. They have a virtual fitting assistant and a 30 day wash and wear return policy!!
Brooke, you’re so wise! Way to go with your running, I am so impressed!
We’re getting into a groove this week with the first full back to school week. Thank goodness Allie takes the bus and gets picked up / dropped off right from our house! Still trying to get a handle on this 2 kid thing, lol and not having to put them both in the car makes it 100x easier.
Zach is doing well! He had a fussy day Sunday but overall he is pretty calm! Of course he wants to be held 24/7 but I don’t hate that ;)


I have never heard of Knix but I must try them now if they are the most comfortable bra (COMFORT is #1 for me)! Happy first full week back to school. You are doing amazing with two kids and figuring it all out. Enjoy that 24/7 thing for me because it feels rare that Beck wants to be held anymore ha. Have the best day, Andrea and I loved hearing the update!


Brooke is so smart! I love that, going to use that mantra for my next long run.

We bought a lot of the same fun items at TJs haha! Very excited for all the fall stuff. Did you try the butternut squash Mac and cheese from the frozen section?


DO IT and let me know how it helps so I can tell Brooke:). I did NOT get the butternut squash mac and cheese and now I am questioning my life choices. Looks like I need to go back today. Have a great one, Mariah.


I see from your pic that TJ’s has the pumpkin bread back in stock. My daughter who is away at college made me promise to watch for it and stock up when I saw it ? so I guess I better head to TJ’s this week!

I always do laps in front of my house, car etc if I haven’t made it to an even mileage number…my neighbors probably think I’m crazy…LOL

Have a great Tuesday!


Isn’t that pumpkin bread just the best? I’m going to make it into cupcakes for my kids. Your daughter is going to be so happy… enjoy stocking up on goodies this week. At least all of our neighbors think we are crazy. Thanks Louisa, you too!


I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever, ha ha. Yesterday was early and busy!
I love that Brooke changed think to know! I will be thinking of that the next time I’m running up a long hill.
Trader Joe’s employees are really the best! My TJ’s has a security guy ( not totally sure why), but he is so great at directing the parking lot traffic on busy days. Stopping cars so you can back out, returning shopping carts for older customers, just so kind.
Our Costco also has really great employees, which is impressive since that place is crazy!
I often run back and forth in front of our house to hit a certain mileage. And I feel so connected to the random person that I see doing the same thing. Ha! We runners, can be silly!
Have a great day Janae ?


It really feels like it has been so so long! Loved being able to catchup today:) Okay, that security guy sounds awesome. Our Costco does too. YES, that kind of stuff is what connects us all (and tricks us into thinking we are normal;). Thank you friend, you too!


Hi Janae! My husband cleans the toilets cuz he knows I gate doing it. Or he will have food ready for me for when I come back from a long run. These little things make me happy!
Happy Tuesday!


THAT IS AWESOME! What a great guy… reading both of those made me so happy. You deserve it. Thanks Amy, you too!


I’m a lip balm/chapstick girl. I love glosses too but must have a chapstick (or 5) at all times, everywhere.
Oh my, I have a friend that knows exactly when to do the nicest gesture. Occasionally, the absolutely perfect most thoughtful thing will show up at my door or in the mail, just when you need it the most. She’s the best.
I’d say my Target and Aldi’s has the best customer service ever. I choose them over other stores because of it too. Although at Walmart, I once grabbed an apple and the whole batch rolled off on to the floor ! Yep, just like in the movies! I tried to stop them but it made the avalanche worse !!! I would have loved to blame my daughters but I was alone that day. Humiliated is an understatement. I suggested they don’t stack them so perfectly high ! haha
I couldn’t agree with Brooke more for running around the drive to get to a mile. I do the same. It’s a thing. It must be done. Atta girl Brookey!!


OR 5… I like the way you think:) Your friend sounds awesome, I want to be more like her. We need an Aldi’s here! I just pictured your apple scene in my head… avalanche haha. Hopefully, they stop stacking them so high now! Happy Tuesday, Michele!


A co-worker stocked our work fridge with diet mountain dew for me.
And from yesterday……..Apple fitness plus for the strength stuff. Try them out if you have it.


Stop it. That is so incredibly nice for you! Apple fitness plus, I’m going to do their free trial. That sounds awesome… muscles for 2021:)


I love Brooke’s mantra, totally going to borrow that one! I also love the DHC lip cream when I’m feeling fancy (and use regular old chapstick about 20 times a day). And favorite new find at TJ’s is their frozen fried rice packages. We add whatever veggies are in the fridge, and maybe scrambled egg, tofu, shrimp, steak, usually whatever we have leftovers of at the moment.


Borrow it and let me know how it helps so that I can tell her. DHC lip cream… I must try that! WE LOVE those fried rice packages too. They are so so good and then we put a few egg rolls in the air fryer and it’s just the best meal. Have the best day Michelle and I’m going to add scrambled egg to our next package, what a great idea.


Oh my gosh, Brooke!!!!! Completely stealing that for my final 20 miler this weekend (at 10,000 feet —send ALL THE POSITIVE VIBES) My heart truly exploded reading that. She’s a keeper, for sure.


FINAL TWENTY MILER… GO ANNIE GO! I am so so excited for you and I am pretty sure that 20 miles at 10,000 ft is actually equivalent to 30 miles at sea level. I totally agree. Let me know how your 20 go, you are so so strong.


Please report back on those Korean Pancakes from Trader Joes! I keep seeing pictures of them and want to try but no one’s said if they’re actually good or not. They are definitely my favorite place to shop because of the customer service..some day’s I’ve gone there and been really sad or having a bad day and they always cheer me up and are so kind.

I love that mantra! Reminds me of one of my favorite songs- I Can by Nas! It has the best chorus that I sing to myself in hard parts during races..
I know I can
Be what I wanna be
If I work hard at it
I’ll be where I wanna be


I totally will, we are going to have them today after school:). Everyone I have seen that has tried them loves them. I loved reading that the TJ’s people have brightened hard days for you. They have done the same for me. I want to be more like them. AHHH thank you for reminding me of that song. It really is the best, I’m going to listen to that before my race. Have the best day, Gretchen!


I got them and tried them yesterday. SO. GOOD. Definitely pick them up!


I tried getting glasses from Warby Parker but it just never worked out with getting my prescription right. They were so kind and easy to follow up with.
A few weeks ago I used your mantra: am I doing my best in this moment?


That is awesome that Warby Parker was so awesome to work with! YES to that mantra, it seriously just seems to relax me each time I use it. Have the best day, Molly!


Is the lip gloss you use sticky? I have never liked lip gloss because I have been unable to find any that is not sticky. But I love chap stick.


It is ridiculously sticky! I am weird and I love the stickiness! I hope you are having a beautiful day, Jenny!


I used to be totally addicted to lip balm just to keep my lips covered (Burt’s Bees was my favorite!), but my lips seemed irritated one day. I went cold Turkey and just stopped using lip balm that day. It was scary to stop using it! I thought my lips would just dry up terribly, but surprisingly they didn’t. I still use balm a little bit, but not obsessively every second. I never thought I would survive without it! So there you go, random stuff from me :)


I’m here to comment on your hands. I heart the attention to detail!!!

Retail therapy, baby. It’s real.

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