Silentish Saturday!

(Tank, shorts)

We had high hopes for a run/scooter adventure but we made it .2 miles before going back home because of the pain in my heel.

We snuggled instead.

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My calves do not like the track and cause all sorts of problems there but I am confident I’ll get it figured out soon!

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Erik at Total Muscle Therapy is an awesome sports massage therapist and he is helping me out.

First time cupping:

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Normal day at home.

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Pizza picnic at the park.

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She’ll be taking over this blog any day now.

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We stayed at the park way past everyone’s bed time…

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Katie shared this with me and I am committing to doing this multiple times a day now…

You’ll find me stretching up against every random wall I come across.

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Tell me three things that you have going on today!

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Thank you for this video!!! i have had plantar fasciitis for over a year now (grr) and it just flared up horribly on my run yesterday. I’m taking a page from your book and not running for a couple days, and I will start doing these stretches!!! Fingers crossed- it sounds promising.
Have a great day and I hope you’re able to run SOON!


Over a year??? Jenny. I am so sorry it flared up yesterday. I did the stretches five time yesterday and two times already today… I am feeling so much better (and it hurt to walk yesterday so so bad after I tried to run and before I started the stretches and the massage. I really hope they help you… it takes 8 minutes each time but the more I do them the better I feel! Please keep me updated ❤️


Gahhhhhhhhhhh plantar fasciitis is SUCH A JERK. I had it for like the entire 2019 triathlon season, it was weird in that it hurt the most the first 10 min of every run. I did so much heating and rolling and I don’t even know what else, and eventually just booted myself at the end of the season to get it to heal. UGH. I hope yours is more cooperative.


An entire triathlon season?! That is so long! What has your most serious injury been over the years?


Hi Janae! Today in going on girls trip!! We are getting a cabin and just hanging out for the weekend (we had more planned but then a massive rain storm came in).
Rest up and get well soon!!!


Girls trip!! Have the best time at the cabin, I am so happy for you❤️


Great stretches! Hopefully the sports massage and cupping helped.
I need to take my son shopping for a suit coat, shirt, and tie for the homecoming dance tonight, yay. Then we’ll watch our older son’s game, make pumpkin chocolate chip bread, and hopefully squeeze in a run or walk and some strength work.
Tomorrow we’re going to a football game with some cousins… Super excited about that!
Have a really great weekend Janae ?


YES… I feel so lucky because things are doing so much better. I hope your son has the best time at homecoming and that your older son’s game goes great (and they win:). Enjoy the bread and some movement. Have a blast tomorrow. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Sending you healing thoughts for your Plantar Fasciitis! I deal with tight calves too, it’s frustrating. Usually I link it to wearing different shoes or something little like that. Those are fancy cups for cupping! Did it help? Have you tried dry needling? I hate it (I have a fear of needles and I think it hurts), but love it at the same time, especially when my calves are super tight. It’s not something I request very often;-).

1. shorter long run, I have a half marathon next weekend. Most likely my last! I have found I feel a spark of competitiveness in triathlons that I do not get in running. I still love to run, but at my own slow pace. I figure it makes more sense to put my money towards 5k’s and triathlons and see if I can improve on those.

2. college football game with my parents and my 2 youngest kids.

3. finish watching Legally Blonde with my oldest. It is fun to watch something besides littler kid movies!

Have a fabulous weekend Janae! Rest up that foot!


Thank you so much Becky! These calves of ours sure like to cause issues. The cupping/massage/art really helped a lot and they told me that maybe dry needling should happen too. It is already feeling so much better now. I love that you have found your love for triathlon. You are amazing at them too and I hope you really enjoy your last half next weekend. I feel like we are entering that stage too, Brooke and Knox enjoy more fun for us movies now too. Thank you and have the best time with your parents and kids at the game.


I thought I had plantar fasciitis in June 2020 with pain in my heel. It ended up being a stress fracture, sort of glad it wasn’t PF because I know it can be chronic. My heel fracture was pain just in the heel.

3 things: kids are at grandparents so walk into town, relaxing, and some home projects


CARRIE.. stress fractures are not fun but you are right, it’s nice with those that you know it will heel with rest! With some of these other issues you have no idea how long it will take or what to do with them. Sounds like a beautiful day and I love that your kids are able to spend some time with their grandparents.


Can I ask how you healed\ got better from your stress fracture? I have that pain in my heel…started the stretches in the video jania posted yesterday…but reading your comment I realize mine could easily be what you had…. so please share the fix \timeline etc to heal!


If you suspect a heel stress fracture, I would try to get in with a podiatrist. You would want someone with experience with sports med/running. My initial diagnosis was from an exam and negative X-ray. 4 weeks after, my X-ray showed the fracture which is typical of a stress fracture. I was in a walking boot for 6 weeks, no running for 2 weeks after it and then eased back into running. I have had no issues after recovery. Pain in the heel alone is not typically plantar fasciitis, usually you have other spots that hurt too with PF. My heel pain was so severe I was having trouble walking. It was slightly better in the morning and then was worse at night. But the stretches for PF can make a stress fracture worse so if you are unsure I would see a podiatrist.


I’m a PT and also a runner. Make sure you switch directions on the track, 20 reps in a circle is a lot of repeat stress. Did you wear different shoes? Also, you need to find the source , not just treat the pain. The symptom is the PF, but why does it keep happening? If you don’t address it, it will continue. Be careful with a lot of static stretching to an inflamed muscle, same with rolling. You probably have another issue -limited ROM or weakness more proximally and it’s putting stress on your foot. Not to say your PT or MT isn’t looking at that, but your hips could be rotated from the way you hold the baby on a hip. Good luck!


Hearting AS!


I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to help me. I actually did switch on the track this time (8 one way and 12 the other) and I changed into my old hyperions that I used to run marathons in but I think my body is aging and just can’t do what it used to in those?! You are so right about my hips… He told me yesterday that and he worked on my hips too. The stretches have already helped me so much so I am wondering if this was mostly in my calves? Time to figure out how to strengthen my feet and calves? I really appreciate you sharing this with me and I hope you are having a great weekend.


Thank you for sharing that video. I think I had peroneal tendinitis (self diagnosed) but it was similar to what I think plantar faciitis is. I went to a podiatrist who ahreed said there’s nothing you can do about and just stop running when it hurts. According to the little bit I could find on the internet, there are some stretches that help. I did them several times a day, in sets of 3, for 30 seconds each. After a few weeks, it was pretty much gone. I think this guy is on to something.
Three things: slow run so that my chest muscle doesn’t hurt; farmers market; and gardening. I bought a bunch of pansies yesterday. I need to get them planted so I can sit on my swing and look at them.
Have a great weekend! I hope your foot is feeling better soon.


Lee, I am SO happy that those stretches were able to help you so much. I am kind of shocked over how much these stretches are already helping me. They are making me so hopeful. I hope your chest muscles were happy during your run and enjoy those pansies. I want some in my yard too. Thank you friend, already SO much better. Enjoy the rest of your weekend:)


Aww sorry you weren’t able to run :( I hope all the stretching and therapy helps!!

This morning I ran 9 miles (half marathon in 3 weeks!). Treated myself to Starbucks afterwards and I was definitely the sweatiest person there haha. Now time to do some homework and relax!


Thank you so much Mariah, today felt SO much better. THREE WEEKS! I am thrilled for you and that sounds like the perfect reward. I hope your homework is going well.


I’ve dealt with plantar fasciitis before and it is such a bummer. Glad you are getting it treated! I’m sure you’ll be back running soon. Three things going on for me today 1) This morning I had a 5K Color Run fundraiser for my school’s arts/athletics club and it was SO FUN! It was my first color run and students were super excited to throw stuff at me! Guess I’ll take that as a compliment? ;) 2) Cleaning the house and then Halloween decorating- yay! 3) Starting on a new running book (can’t decide between Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor or Run the Mile You’re In by Ryan Hall) Have a great weekend!


Thank you Emily and if you’ve had PF then you know the pain! Luckily, it is doing so much better today. I am SO happy about your Color Run today. Sounds like the best time and it sounds like your students sure love you. Enjoy the decorating and you have to read Let Your Mind Run first, it’s my absolute favorite running book and I talk about it a bit on Monday’s post. Let me know what you think and I need to read Run the Mile You’re In too… et’s have a book club! Happy weekend, Emily.


Hehehe, he dehydrated for 7 days prior to the video! Heart the video and Katie!! Heart Mark’s Daily Apple!! Heart your commitment to kicking your PF!!

From yesterday: the Madewell jeans – heart + you styled it JUST RIGHT.


I hope you have a great weekend, Lee!


I had plantar fasciitis a few years ago. I went to physical therapy which included dry needling. Now before and after every run a do a few specific calf stretches from my PT to loosen everything up.
Hope you get this resolved ASAP!


They told me about dry needling yesterday, I might have to try it. SO glad you were able to get it figured out! Thank you so much Molly and it’s already feeling a lot better. Happy weekend!


I’ll try this stretching but I’m skeptical because I’ve not been able to run for over a year because pain is so bad. I’ve tried PT and was told to get orthotics. i just started dry needling and hoping that will be effective.


I hope it can help you Mary! Over a year… that breaks my heart. Keep me updated!


Try shockwave therapy!! Through a podiatrist. Five sessions worked wonders for me after having plantar fasciitis for MONTHS!


Run, soccer, and pizza.
And hoping that heal pain goes away real quick for you.


Sounds like a really great day! Thank you friend, it’s already doing better. Enjoy your Sunday!


NOO janae I am SO sorry you’re injured, but you have a wonderful attitude and you will beat this!! I feel your pain though, I got plantar fasciitis BAD in 2019, it started after a step aerobics class and never went away. after over six months I finally ended up going to a podiatrist and getting shockwave therapy to break up the scar tissue which worked WONDERS and I have been pain free since.


That is sooooo good to hear that shockwave helped you so much! It’s feeling a lot better today but if it gets bad again I’m going to have to try that❤️ Thank you for the help. It means a lot! I hope the four of you have the best Sunday.


Hi Janae! Where did you get those joggers you’re wearing in the last picture? They’re really cute. I’m trying to find some that are tighter fitting and don’t quite look like sweat pants, but are still comfortable.


These are my absolute favorites! I hope you love them too… enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Hoping your foot feels better soon!
No run today for me but lots of walking, shopping, and fall decorating


Yay! I hope it works for you, and quickly, so you can get right back at it!!!



It’s been a super long time since I’ve checked in here to see how you were doing. You’ve given birth to a whole new human since I last checked —–> THAT’S HOW LONG. ?

Don’t mess around with thiiiiiiIIIIIIIIs. I’ve had a plantar fascial TEAR before, and it took months to get back to running (after a v expensive shot in the foot [It was called “AminoFix” at that point; it’s now “EpiFix”] + Das Boot + PT + a bunch of rest). Your blog helped me get through that time — no joke, artichoke.

You’ve been through things like this before. You know what to do.:)


I had a years long bout with plantar fasciitis or insertional Achilles tendonitis. Nobody every really said, same symptoms. I tried several different things, but the most impactful were taking a supplement called Wobenzym, purchased on Amazon. It cut the pain and inflammation by 75%. I still take it although I’ve cut down my dosage. I showed improved within two or three weeks, if I remember correctly. I bought a Theragun and I massage my Achilles tendon before I run every morning. I also did shockwave therapy and I believe that was also helpful. Like I mentioned I fought this for over two years so I tried everything. I didn’t ever stop running so maybe if I had rested it wouldn’t have become chronic…


Look into getting a 3D scan of your feet to see your arch heights. If they are high and you have no support by an insole, it allows your arch to collapse during runs and it stretches the fascia. Also, HOKA running shoes are good for plantar.


Hi Janae,

This is completely random, but your nieces gave you a playlist a little bit ago and I got one of my favorite songs of the moment off of it (by Tate McCrae), but now I can’t find the post with the playlist! Do you remember what I’m talking about? Am I crazy? Lol.

Happy running!


Emailing you now!!!!

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