How much longer can I use this excuse + a special story.

Eight miles @ 8:10 average with Emilee and Jo to start the week.

I’m not sure how much longer I can use the excuse that I’m ‘recovering from our trip,’ but I’m still going to try and use it because this run was very hard.

I went straight from running to tennis lessons for the kids!  Brooke’s eye was still very swollen but she said that it didn’t hurt and she still wanted to play.

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They had some great cheerleaders.

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Skye is counting down the days until she is old enough to take lessons.

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After tennis, we went to swim lessons and then partied there for a bit afterward.

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One of my sister’s best friends was there so we got to catch up.

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And we finished up at the play place and I stretched while Beck worked on his crawling.  I felt like I had a completed an Ironman by the time I got back home.

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And just a few more random pictures from my phone…

*I saw the most massive spider crawl across my floor and go into the vent.  I ran and grabbed things to put onto the vent to trap the spider and I have a feeling that these will stay right here for a very long time.

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*Beck now tries to plug my nose while I feed him.

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*Not sure how Beck feels about me trying to match him…

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Just in case you want smores at home without a firepit, they turn out great in the oven too (I put the chocolate and top graham cracker on after they come out of the oven.

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I love this picture of my grandpa running.  I heard a new running story about him for the first time the other day, so I asked my mom if she would write it up to share in a blog post.


From my mom:

“My dad was a very fast runner.  He would work out wearing old sneakers or just ran barefoot.  His high school track team consisted of my dad who ran most of the races and a pole vaulter.  His high school graduating class had nine people in it.  This was in Colorado during World War II so everyone was working hard to just get by and didn’t have much extra of anything.  His track ‘team’ qualified to run in the State Track Meet in Denver. My grandfather drove him to Denver for the meet.  When they got there they found out that the officials required every runner to wear track shoes.  My dad didn’t have any track shoes so he was disappointed of course.  My grandfather immediately drove to a pawn shop and sold his special pocket watch and bought track shoes for my dad.  My dad went on to win most of the races for his team and had a great meet.  I am amazed that he did so well wearing new shoes and also a kind of shoe that he had never run in before but he was really fast.  My grandfather was a very kind and caring person.  I miss both of them a lot.”


I LOVE the TJ’s meal ideas for busy moms page on Facebook and had to ask the question they shared here too:

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-Fry Sauce, funeral potatoes and jello.

Anyone in your life that has sacrificed anything to help you and your running?

Do you ever run barefoot?

S’mores—> delicious or not your thing?  Have any fun variations of them that you like?

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Toasted Ravioli, Frozen Custard, Gooey Butter Cake.


St. Louis!! ❤️


I want to come eat all of those things right this second. We love St. Louis! Have a great day, Jen!


That story is amazing! I think it just goes to show you don’t need all these fancy gadgets to have a good run.

I LOVE barefoot strides. Honestly just walking around in the grass barefoot makes me happy. Don’t think I could run on pavement barefoot but never say never I guess


Thank you so much Maureen! I totally agree, it just feels good to be on the grass barefoot! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


S’mores are one of my top 5 favorite things and I never thought to make them this way so thank you!

Let’s see… Cuban sandwiches, fried grouper, orange soft serve.


Let me know what you think of them:)

I need to come visit for the Cuban sandwiches and that soft serve yummmmmm! Are you in Florida?


I love that story about your grandfather and his father. Thanks for sharing it with us. I would have to say my husband has sacrificed his sleep to get me to a race on time. :-) I’ve never run barefoot, and I always think a s’more is going to taste better than it does. The chocolate usually doesn’t melt enough for my liking. I think I just haven’t find the right technique yet. I’ll keep trying!


Thank you so much Christie! Your husband sounds awesome and I am sure you do so much for him to chase his passions! Try the oven method because it almost melts the chocolate too much haha. Have a beautiful day!


Your grandpa’s story is much like my dad’s. Except for the shoes. He and another kid from his high school won the state track meet. Each participated in 3 events (the max allowed) and won all of them. The other kid was a high jumper and long jumper and ran a race and my dad was a hurdler and also ran another race. Crazy.


Jackie, thank you for sharing this with me. Your dad sounds awesome… those two had quite the team!


Wow, that’s such a amazing story! We take so much for granted now, it’s amazing that just a few generations ago our grandparents and great grandparents were living through such hard times.
I have to say, you and your grandfather have the same stride. :)

I love that food game! I don’t think I’m an expert on the local foods here since I’m not a native, but I’m going to go with: crab cakes, oysters and strawberries. From my hometown: fish tacos, California burrito and In ‘n Out. :)


Oh that makes me so happy to hear that we have the same stride. It really is amazing what they all went through during those times!
The time I read your comment and decided I needed to have a California burrito (or as close as possible with our ingredients here right this second hahah)!
I’ve only had oysters once in my life and I think that is the last time I’ll have them too;)
Hope your day is a great one, Mollie!


Old bay and crab (really crab anything! Crabs, crab cakes, crab dip, crab pretzels).

Love s’mores! Try with Reese’s instead of Hershey’s.

I don’t run barefoot anymore, but in high school we would beg our coach to do speed work in the grass so we could run barefoot haha.


Can I come visit you and eat all of the crab together?! I’ve never heard of crab pretzels! I love that you begged your coach to do that, it just feels so so good!


Love that story about your granddad! We can all do hard things, but someone else investing in our aspirations can sure help. My dad sometimes biked to meet up with me if I was doing a long run, and both of my parents used to bring my kiddos to cheer for me with “Go Mama!” signs.
Where I live: steamed blue crabs spiced with Old Bay seasoning
I like s’mores, especially with the thin peanut butter cups in place of plain chocolate. We used to have a restaurant nearby that did s’mores at the table with huge oreos instead of graham crackers. Mmm!


Hey Corey! I really agree with you, having someone else that invests in our dreams means a whole lot. Your dad sounds amazing and I love that both of them bring your kids to cheer.
I need some of that steamed blue crab yum! I have to try the thin pb cups and I MUST go to that restaurant someday! Hope you are having a beautiful day!


Original Runza sandwich and Dorothy Lynch salad dressing.


Now I need you to tell me!!!!


Nebraska!! :)


That story is amazing! Made me tear up thinking how many people have sacrificed things for those they love.

Couple top foods from where I am are: sweet corn, tenderloins, snicker salad.


What a special story about your grandfather. Family memories can be so incredible. We need to make sure we’re always writing them down and have them to pass on for years to come.

HUGE s’mores fan–and as a vegan, I’m always looking at ways to recreate them. I love to do Simple Mills cookies with HU chocolate in the middle. I’m not a big marshmallow person so I just skip that all together and don’t try to find an alternate. :)
Chocolate is always my go to for anything.


All of the tears! What a wonderful father to do that for his son.


Wow, what a sweet touching story!

3 things – fiddleheads, lobster and hodgepodge

I need to know where those pjs are from:) they looked amazingly comfy

Have a great day!!!


Hi Janae:

This story about your grandfather and great-grandfather touched my heart. Such a beautiful story. The love and compassion and JOY FOR RUNNING runs deep in your family history.

My Mother was a professional ballerina, her Mother sacrificed weekly putting away what was to be their grocery money for lessons from professional ballerina’s to train my Mother for many years and she drove her hours each way to get there. So selfless and full of love my grandmother was.

I miss them both as well.


I’m not crying, you are. ? what a beautiful story about your grandfather and great grandfather!
Skye’s facial expressions never cease to crack me up.
Have a great day!


That picture and story about your grandpa is so awesome!


I love that story about your grandfather!! Now we know where you get your speed from :)

For food- all I have to say is adding fries to EVERYTHING :) and Heinz ketchup!


What a great story!! The love for a child is so strong ?
So, I know we’ve “talked” about having the same maiden name, and now knowing your grandfather lived in Colorado…. I’m curious where he lived! My dad was born and raised in Colorado, as was I…. Could be very interesting ?.
Brooke’s poor eye! At least it’s not keeping her down. It looked like you had a super fun Monday.
Have a great day Janae.


HEY YOU!! My grandad lived in Eagle! Where was your dad born and raised? HOW FUN if we are connected, I would love that! Thank you Wendy, I hope you do too!


Hi Janae! What a beautiful story!! Thanks for sharing!
Hope your runs get easier and that spider stays trapped!


– I’m curious about your Grandpa’s Colorado connection, too. I wasn’t born here but have lived here most of my life (30 yrs and counting)…it’s a great place.
– Maybe Wendy can help me out with Colorado foods…maybe burritos w/ green chile and produce (Palisade peaches, Rocky Ford melons, Olathe sweet corn, etc)?
– Unsolicited random thought: Good grapes are very, very good…bad grapes are very, very bad. (I got a surprise bad one in my cottage cheese this morning – blech!!)


My grandpa was born in Eagle and lived there until he was 23! That is so awesome that you have lived there for 30 years, what part? I need to come out and eat and hike there… It sounds amazing. My sister lived in Fort Collins and I visited her there. I 100% agree with you on your grapes FACT! Sorry you had a bad one in your cc… hopefully that doesn’t happen for a while!


What a beautiful story about your grandfather and great grandfather!

California is so diverse I couldn’t think of something that is just ours, we embrace all food! The other place I live: pineapple, shave ice, poi, kalua pork.

There’s a guy in my neighborhood who regularly runs barefoot – that’s a no way for me!

I haven’t had s’mores in a long time. When my parents were still alive we had an annual summer camping trip on the central coast and s’mores were always a part of that.


Ghirardelli chocolate ?
And that story about your Grandfather and his dad, LOVE!!


I’m so glad Brooke’s eye doesn’t hurt; it sure looks like it would!
That’s an amazing story about your grandpa and it reminds me of the posts of your dad driving along beside you during long, dark morning runs. :) Runner support seems to “run” in your family. Ha.
Chili Red is a food that I’m just learning is special to our new state.


This is a fun game!

Fish and chips, hokey pokey ice cream, L&P. Maybe meat pies too?

My husband has sacrificed the most for my running, just watching the kids at random times and working from home etc. we make it work ?


There is nothing like real talent! Your grandfather had it for running, and now you have it, too. What a wonderful true story!! Your great grandfather invested in his son – he saw the raw talent. Lovely!

Wow, what a day! Not surprised it felt like an Ironman. If it was a good exercise, great. Otherwise it is a commentary on time management for U.S. moms.


Such a great story!! Pure talent combined with so much love and sacrifice to get his son where he needed to be. I hope my children develop a passion for something some day because I would do anything to help them! My oldest is 8 and is not super excited about anything except pokemon so far haha. Makes me cringe a little bit!

I just wanted to say how LUCKY and BLESSED you are to live near so many amazing runners to train with. I am 33 weeks pregnant and had to stop running a few weeks ago. I am so excited to get back out there after I have this baby boy!


Chicken Wings


Fish tacos, guacamole, artichokes ?
I LOVE the top you are wearing in the first pic, what brand is it?


Poke a hole in the marshmallow and stick the chocolate inside before roasting. It’s a game changer!


BRILLIANT! I have to try this! Thanks Joan!


Please tell me about your matching PJs! They are so cute.


Thank you!! Mine are from here:
They are sold out right now but she restocks them often. They are the softest things you will ever wear!!!

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