Jealous + Fixing Posture!

8.24 miles @ 8:36 average pace!  The miles were boring but I came home in a great mood.

These girls are loving baking and cooking lately, which I am thrilled about because it meant they made me pancakes while I stretched post-run.

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We hung outside for a bit.

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And then hit up the library.

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We had the best watermelon we’ve ever had.

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Skye came with me to get a pedicure, my feet really needed it.

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It was another chick-fil-a at home day (Sam’s Club has nuggets and fries in the freezer section that are really good when you cook them in the air-fryer).    This sauce from Walmart is amazing!  I added some roasted brussels on the side too.

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Beck was teething yesterday so he wasn’t feeling his best.  Luckily, when he is outside he seems to do a bit better.

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My nieces brought over homemade pico and saved the day.

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Brooke has never been so jealous of a pair of shoes in her life, she loves animal print.  She has asked me if I can not wear them very much and save them for her to wear when her feet are big enough.

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This picture of Allyson Felix with her daughter after qualifying for her 5th Olympics gives me goosebumps every single time I see it.

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I had a few questions about posture and what I am doing to work on mine so let’s chat about that here.  When I was a kid I was always way taller than my friends and I think that is when I started slouching.  Twenty-fiveish years later and here we go with trying to reverse this because my body is taking a toll from poor posture that has gotten worse with babies/not strength training etc.  I’d love to hear from anyone reading about what they have done to help their posture!

First, I am starting with the absolute basics with strength training for my upper body.  I’ll be doing what my PT tells me to do, and he said we are starting with my back and then he will help give me routines for everything else once I build up some strength.  I need to be careful with my neck but I have started doing yoga too and that is feeling like strength training for me.  Here is a video of the basics of what I am doing for my upper body, and he told me I could post this.  I’m excited because he said that these changes will help me to get faster and faster!   PS he has worked with Jared Ward!

*This is an excellent video on things to do for your posture too!

*Mariah let me know about this posture corrector brace that she is using to help her posture so I bought one too and it gets here soon.

*I’ve been trying to be very aware throughout the day of how I am standing, how I am holding Beck and how I am sitting at the computer.  Our muscles are very adaptable, so while it is hard now to constantly be working on this and focusing on the changes, with time it will become natural (<— at least that is what I am telling myself ha).


How do you maintain good posture?  Made any changes to your running form, posture or 

Would you rather have a personal chef that makes you every meal or someone that cleans your house daily?

-Personal chef… that would be amazing!

Best fruit you have had recently?

Paper or electronic books?  What are you reading right now?

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I hope you like the posture corrector!!

A personal chef would be amazing! I like cleaning, but I don’t always love cooking (especially after a long day working and doing school haha).

I’ve been reading paper books, especially now that the library is open to go into! For a while, ours was pick up only, but now you can go in and look around.


Thank you for sharing it with me and I love that it was on sale! I’m so happy you are able to go in your library again. Someday we will have personal chefs!


I just got those Adrenalines and they are so cute! I haven’t worn them yet because the horizon blue were on top and they are really pretty, too. I sized up a half size and boy do my feet feel so much better. Sometimes I can’t tell until I start having problems (and it’s too late to return the shoes) that they are too small. I’ve purchased a few pairs recently that are sitting in my closet going to waste because of that. Sometimes I forget that I need to make sure that they fit my left foot and are big on my right.
I would rather have someone clean my house. I enjoy cooking and baking. I can keep up with that but I can’t keep up with the cleaning. My house is a mess. Some help in that department would be great.
Keep us posted on your PT progress. I’m glad you were able to get it figured out quickly and get a recovery plan in place fast.
I hope Beck’s teeth don’t bother him too much. I remember those times. It’s not fun for anyone.


Thank you so much Lee! I’m hoping he feels so much better today! You aren’t alone in the messy house thing right now… I can’t keep up. Now I think I need the horizon blue too! I’m so glad you sized up and your feet are so much happier. Have the best day!


Thanks for sharing those videos. I try to be aware of my posture when I’m standing and sitting, but haven’t really thought about it while running. I will be paying more attention now.
Personal chef or house cleaner… Hmmm… I think having someone clean my house. I actually really enjoy cooking, and when I take the time to menu plan, it makes it even more enjoyable. But house cleaning, I have to be in the right mood. Ha ha
Poor Beck. Teething is so hard. Hopefully he’s better today.
Love the new shoes!! ?
Have a good day!


Hey Wendy! Yes, it’s so interesting to pay attention to posture now while running… hopefully it makes us all even faster:). I need to come over for your cooking. Thank you so much, so far he is already feeling better. I hope you do too!


Thank you for sharing the posture video. I have rounded shoulders from 20 years of computer work and I really need to work on this.
I would pick chef! I’d definitely eat better if someone was cooking for me!


Let’s do it together Samantha. It is so hard to work at a computer and not have problems with posture. Seriously, having a chef would be awesome. Have a great day friend!


I would love a review after a week or two of your posture corrector. I’ve been debating the “Upright” which hangs down your back and vibrates to remind you not to slouch. I sit at a desk most of the day, so my posture is fairly awful… but it’s such a hard thing to be cognizant of all the time. My aunt used to joke that she was going to tape a wooden ruler to my shoulder blades to help keep them back.

I would rather have someone clean the house! Especially if that means they’d do the dishes. I don’t mind cooking and my kids enjoy helping with that much more than cleaning :)


Hey Alyssa, I will absolutely do a review of it! It is so hard to have good posture at a desk, I feel your pain. I mean, I might need the wooden ruler too! I hope you get someone to help with the cleaning soon! Have the best day friend and keep me updated with everything.


I will only read paper books. Even with a bluelight filter, I still don’t like reading an e-book. And I have to read every night to fall asleep, so I do a lot of reading. Paper all the way!

I would die happy with a personal chef to cook for me. Speaking of food – I make that chik-fil-a sauce for our family and it’s pretty easy. I don’t measure anything, but it’s basically 2 big globs of mayo, 1 big glob of bbq sauce, a small glob of honey, and a squirt of mustard. If I had to guess, I’d say a glob is about a 1/4 cup? I’ll always taste and add more of whatever to adjust, but this works for us!


I have that posture brace too… but I don’t use it that often my chiro also said to not use it for more than 15 mins per hour. Similar to a corset you want your muscles to be strong enough hold you up rather than rely on the brace. But I realize I’ve been looking down at my phone a lot, reading since I’m Mat leave, and just started nursing again so a lot of looking down… I’m trying to be mindful to lift up my phone and kindle so I’m not looking down so much. Which leads me to kindle… mostly bc it’s easy to have multiple books loaded on it rather than having a stack on my sudo night stand (it’s a box).

I’d much rather have someone clean my house!!

Best fruit lately would probably be pineapple and grapes!


Ooo a house cleaner daily! I love to cook but I feel like I am constantly picking up my house and cleaning my kitchen counters!

We have been picking up strawberries from our farmers market and they have been so so red and delicious!

Paper all the way! I just started Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica… so far so good!

Enjoy the day!


Fortunately, my posture is pretty good from years of voice lessons and singing in choirs. We’re in strawberry season here and I love ripe strawberries so much! I’m a big fan of physical books. Right now I’m rereading In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson, about his travels around Australia. He’s one of my favorite contemporary authors. His book A Walk in the Woods, an account of hiking the Appalachian Trail, was made into a movie starring Robert Redford a few years ago.


What a great silver lining that these changes will also make you faster =)

I would definitely choose to have someone clean my house everyday, that would be amazing!

Paper books are my favorite because I am very tactile, but digital books are good for trips.


Love those shoes I might have to check those out for my next purchase. I like both paper and ebooks. I like electronic for the convenience of always having it and being able to read in the dark. But there’s something wonderful about reading an actual book and turning the pages.
Fight latest grapefruit that I’ve eaten is my favorite melon the casaba melon it is so flavorful and sweet. I would most definitely choose somebody to come clean my house every single day. I love a very clean Ace and it would just be wonderful to not have to do it. And the bonus would be I get to cook to my heart’s content and have somebody help me clean up afterwards. Critical race Theory and fans on covid-19


2021 has been my year to focus on my health again and that includes my poor posture as well. All the time at the computer for work and school the last 3 years really took a toll on my body. Additionally, for over 10 years, I have had issues with my right shoulder. I finally got all the approvals and did a MRI in April. Basically nothing came out of it other than seeing some fluid in the spot that usually hurts which means there is inflammation there. I did a few sessions of PT but then I found a personal trainer who is certified in the McGill Method which focuses on the back. My trainer is helping me to do more unilateral exercises at the gym. I had to step back from heavy weights, re focus on core strength and working to stabilize my shoulder. Another thing that has helped me is doing exercises for rounded shoulders. I love @docjenfit on Instagram. She does a lot of great reels about correcting posture and different aches and pains people may have.

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