Silentish Saturday!

Nine miles @ 8:53 average (most with Emilee and some with the below cool kids).

It always turns into a race at the end with these two.

A walk later on and she was really concentrating on her wish…

We stop for every role poly.

Andrew got his run on in the garage and Beck cheered him on for a bit.

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Stopped by my sister’s and Beck loves pulling my hair.

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And got to see my grandma (Mer)!

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Beck was laughing at Mer’s dogs (ps that dimple on his knee)!

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Tried a new shrimp curry recipe and it was okay… It made us realize that this recipe is in fact the best coconut shrimp curry recipe.

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And stuck to my favorite banana bread recipe (used a pie pan because I was too lazy to reach back and get bread pans;)—> from @imhungrywhatsfordinner.

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Off to go hit a trail that I haven’t done in YEARS (below was the last time I did it:) and my legs are already hurting just thinking about this one…



Tell me three things that you are doing today!

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You figured out my trick- I always make brownies in a pie pan so each piece has an edge and a middle bit!

Today is a walk before it gets too hot, some errands, and a movie on the couch. (We get wild on the kid free weekends ?)


It’s the way I do it… less edges:). I hope your walk, errands and movie are just perfection and I am positive we would do the same thing haha. Have a beautiful rest of your weekend Kristen!


We also stop for EVERY Rollie pollie.
Today was just an easy recovery run after a tough workout yesterday, so I did some on the treadmill and pushed my kids to Dunkin’ Donuts in the double stroller for the rest. They’re heavy. ? Definitely enjoyed a donut reward after that. Lol.
We have strawberry picking with friends and my dogs first birthday party at a dog ice cream place later ??. He’s meeting his two best dog friends from the park. ??
Have a nice weekend!!!!!


Mollie! Way to go on that tough workout yesterday and a stroller run to get donuts, sounds like my kind of weekend:) I want to come strawberry picking with you guys, that sounds so fun and I love the dog bday party/ice cream idea. SO FUN! Thanks friend, you too!


Trying to mend myself. Have you ever had your calf pop? This past week my calf felt a little strained… but it didn’t pop until I was galloping down the hall with my cat. Also, today I’ll get my second vaccine.


NOOOOOO to your calf! I absolutely had that happen to me in 2019 after a track workout and I took 3-4 days off and that fixed it. Please keep me updated with how yours is doing, rest is everything! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Went on a walk this morning with my running friends! None of us were feeling great but wanted to get together, so decided on a walk instead of skipping.

At the end we got coffee and sat in a park to drink. Now going to run some errands and relax a bit.


You guys made a fabulous decision and I’m glad you had each other! Sounds like the perfect start to the day. Enjoy the relaxing now. Thanks Mariah!


3 things for my day: I ran for the first time in 6 months (no reason for stopping aside from I just didn’t feel like running and focused on strength instead), I’m going to Home Depot to get a grill later today and then tonight I have a date. Have a great day!


Maureen yay for your first run in a bit! I love that you have been focusing on strength instead. YAY for the grill and a date, have the best time and let me know how it goes friend.


Hi Janae! Today I’m joining my running club for a new to me trail! Then tomorrow my friend will make homemade ramen. My other friend is having a baby and due in a week so we will hang out and do some baby stuff.
Happy weekend!!


Hey Amy! I am seriously so happy that you got to run with your club on a new trail! Homemade ramen = that sounds delicious! I hope your friend is feeling well and everything goes so well. Thanks Amy, you too!


Beck’s knee dimple ?
It’s so good to see your Mer! I’ve been wondering how she was. She looks good!
I did a long-ish run, with lots of hills yesterday, with hopes of running my favorite lake trail (8-9 miles) this morning… Then yesterday after my run, remembered I have a conference this morning. Darn! So hopefully I’ll get something in later today. And the conference is in person!! That should feel really good! (It’s part of the CA state PTA convention weekend)
Enjoy your trail run today! I’m sure it will be beautiful and fun! And, have a wonderful restful Sunday ?


Right?! Isn’t it the cutest! Thank you so much for thinking about Mer, she is just the best. Way to go on that run yesterday and I hope that you were able to get in a run after your IN PERSON CONFERENCE (wow, that is exciting). Thank you friend, you too!



I just finished my first ten miler in months! It felt so good, and my final three miles were the fastest. Next up: lounging on the couch with the kiddos, then strength training later (I’ve FINALLY gotten the message that strength training 2-3x/week= I can run stronger and faster.)


Margie, I am THRILLED for you. Huge huge huge congrats on that ten miler and the fact that you finished so strong… you are FIT! I hope that the couch time has been great and can you send me that message a few more times, I need to follow your lead. Happy weekend!


I had to switch my long run to tomorrow and do the shorter today so I could get to work on time. So I did my ab workout, 6.34 mile run, and now taxes, taxes, and more taxes. But we should be in good shape on Monday when everything is due.
My son had lots of dimples when he was a baby. I loved it. he’s almost nine, he has none of them left and his baby feet have been replaced by big boy feet. I love little baby feet!
I’m glad you got to see your Mer! I’m hoping to make the trip to see my parents and grandmother next weekend or the week after.
have a great weekend! Enjoy your trail run!


Hey Lee! I hope your long run tomorrow goes fabulous and I bet you are SO looking forward to everything being turned in on Monday. I agree, baby feet are just the best. I hope you have the best time seeing your parents and grandmother soon… it feels so good to be around people more now! Thanks Lee!


18 mile bike and 3 mile run – training for that Olympic distance Tri in July! 48* wind drizzle and fog with 660’ of climb on the bike. Think I’ll go soak in the hot tub and nap for the rest of the day. Enjoy the trail!


YOU ARE ON FIRE… I was tired just reading what you did for your workout today. I’m totally going to copy you on the hot tub and nap! Thanks friend, happy weekend.


I did my 20 mile run!! (I actually searched 20 mile run on your blog yesterday to give me some inspiration. So fun to re-read, and Andrew’s back to back 18 mile runs on the TM was also one of the posts that came up for that.)
Planting a few flowers.
A 40th b-day for a friend. I hope there is cake!


YOU DID IT! Erica, way to go friend and how I wish I could have joined you for part of it. Oh that does bring back some (painful) memories for us haha. Enjoy those new flowers and happiest bday to your friend… if there isn’t cake you better get some afterwards:).


1. I bought 6 different types of tomatoes for making sauce this Fall
2. I played on the floor with my son for an hour.
3. Next… Hopefully I’ll have a fruit smoothie for dessert :)

Love Beck’s dimples, too cute!


Ummmm can I come over for some of your sauce, I bet it is amazing! You are such a good mama for getting down on the floor to play, I love that. Enjoy that smoothie and now I need one! Thanks Caitlin and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Hello! My husband has taken our 4 year old to see his mum for the weekend. I had been so looking forward to a couple of days on my own, but it hasn’t been as relaxing and rejuvenating as I had hoped, but I guess it never is. I went for a trail run this morning – a bit late as I slept terribly due to a noisy party that kept me awake. I then took myself out for sushi for lunch which was such a treat – I’m pleased I did that rather than making lunch at home. Now I’m procrastinating – time to do the housework!

Have a lovely weekend Janae :)

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