Friday Favorites!

Absolutely every single muscle on my entire body was sore when I woke up yesterday.  Those 400s the day before worked me and even my elbow was feeling it afterwards.

Luckily, I had a friend to meet up with for my run that also did the workout the day before… misery loves company.  8.14 miles @ 8:25 average.

Beck gets attention alllll day long.

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After Brooke and Knox went to school, I took Beck and Skye on a walk.  Gone are the days of needing a double stroller because she has no interest being in a stroller anymore.

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Skye has been spending a lot of quality time with Beretta lately.

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And Beck has the most perfect posture.

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Getting in some quality time before Brooke’s dad comes to Utah to be with her.

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For dinner we had our favorite pasta from Costco, roasted broccoli and garlic knots from Sam’s Club.  Please try this pasta!

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Weekend plans… terraces and terraces of weeds.

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Let’s talk about some of my favorite things this week!

*I showed you this hoodie from Runner’s Corner the other day that they gave me for being on the racing team but I forgot to link it.  It is from Senita here (I’ve always loved their shorts but now I love their tops) and it is awesome.  I’ve been loving the shorts/leggings that go up higher to go with a shorter tank/hoodie trend which is a fun change from what I’ve always worn for years!  PS a few people asked about the tank I was wearing during my speed workout and that one is from here!

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*The toddler/kids sandals from Target HERE are the best and so so cheap.  They come in so many fun colors (not the best picture but it’s hard to get Skye to stop moving ha) too.  Another reminder that if you want Birk type shoes without the big price tag, these ones are AMAZING.

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*My obsession with how good Chick-fil-A tastes was getting expensive (I dream about their sandwiches) but my sis-in-law helped me with these recommendations.  Sam’s club has waffle fries and chicken bites that taste SO good (and similar) when you put them in the air-fryer and you can get the sauce here on Amazon.  I now can get my fix at any time day or night.

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*I hate packing (such a silly thing to hate but I just dread it).  I decided to buy one fo these travel bags and just leave everything I need for a trip in it so whenever we do go, all I have to do is pack clothes/shoes and this thing.  It has so much storage space!

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*My sister shared with me a great parenting tip;). She has 5 kids so when she buys her favorite ice cream sandwiches she doesn’t want them to be gone in 2 seconds so she throws away the box and just puts the ice cream sandwiches in an empty bag of frozen broccoli, her kids never think to check in there haha.


Yard work… is that something you enjoy or not so much?

Have a long run this weekend?  A race?  

Who has a dog… how are they doing these days?  What kind of dog?

When are you most productive each day?

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Okay, your sister is a genius. That is too funny!!


She really is! I need to have her make a post of all of her parenting hacks. Have a great day, Clare!


I really enjoy my’s a new job I took on in the last 3 months.

River is 1! We just had her spayed last week and she is recovering but already back her energetic mischief making self lol. She is a mini aussie doodle who loves attention. She is currently sleeping on my pillow lol.

Your sister is a genius! lol. I should hide my favorite chocolate from Jason :)

Have a fantastic day Janae!


Costco has frozen lightly breaded chicken nuggets from the company Just BARE and they are Chick fil A dupes! So now you can get CFA style chicken from either store. I honestly eat these 4 days a week to make a big salad at lunch.


Thank you for telling me this! I will pick them up next time I am there. I hope your Friday is a great one. Thanks Maureen!


I am most productive in the morning, but I think waking up early makes me feel more productive! By the time I start work at 8, I’ve already worked out, showered, read the news, etc.

Love senita! They have the best clothes and I like supporting local, women-owned businesses.


Not sure if you still have your chickens but they would probably love to weed for you lol. You could turn them into dedicated chick forage areas & never weed again!?


BRILLIANT!!!! Letting them out right now to do their magic! Thank you and have a great weekend.


We have River! a one year old mischief making sweet mini aussie doodle. She keeps us busy lol!

Your sister is a genius with the ice cream sandwiches! I need to do that with chocolate.

I have 13 -14 miles planned..I am doing a virtual race series.

Have a fantastic day Janae!


Kristine, I am so happy that you love your job! How is River already one?! I feel like you just got her as a little puppy. I love hearing that she is into mischief haha, puppies.. dogs are the best! Try my sister’s tip on Jason. Thanks friend, you too!


I do enjoy doing yard work, but pulling weeds is not my favorite. It’s such a pain… Ha ha
Our dog, Gizmo (a jack Russell/dauschan mix) is 14 years old. He has slowed way down, is hard of hearing, can’t see clearly, can be grumpy, but still loves to go for his walks. We don’t go very far, and we walk very slowly, but that’s when he’s happiest. He’s sweet.
No plans this weekend, really. Hoping to get a longer run in today and maybe tomorrow too. We’ll see.
Have a great Friday!


GIZMO… I love that name and he is fourteen, wow! I love that he still loves being outside and walking. I am so glad you have a low key weekend, those are the best. Thank you friend, you too!


I like to hide candy in tampon boxes. Guys won’t go near it.
I have 11.5 miles planned for tomorrow and a bunch of weeding. My gardens is getting out of hand between the upcoming deadline and all the rain we had last weekend. I enjoy yard work. I would rather be outside than inside. As a result, it’s a lot nicer outside than inside my house. The bare minimum of cleaning gets done so I can plant flowers and vegetables and do the weeding and raking. I just bought an electric lawnmower so I can mow the patch on the “beach” next to our stream. I’m excited about it. I can push it down and up the hill. The week wacker is too long and heavy. I’m only 5’3′. I can’t be lugging around a 5′ weed wacker.
I have two dogs. The girl is a shih-tzu mix (she is the perfect dog!!) and the boy is a shih-tzu (he’s 2 and makes me hold him like he’s a baby). I’m allergic to most dogs so I need the breeds that don’t shed. I love dogs. I wish I weren’t allergic. It would make it a lot easier for me to have more. I would like to have all the dogs.
Have a great weekend! I hope your chickens do a good job on your weeds.


Tampon box… BRILLIANT! Your yard sounds amazing! Teach me your ways on gardening please:). Hahaha your boy pup makes you hold him like a baby.. that is hilarious! My kids would LOVE to play with your dogs and I really wish you weren’t allergic to most dogs, that is really hard.
Good luck with your upcoming deadline and thank you, I feel like they are going to really help me out with this:). Happy Weekend Lee!


I have two dogs – a 12 yo GSP and a 6 yo Vizsla. I’ve been away at training all week and miss them. Is it bad when you miss your dogs more than you miss your teens?


HAHAH not at all! I bet they all miss you! Do you run with your Vizsla? I hope you have a great reunion with everyone soon:). Have a great day! PS I am scared for the teen phase…


We run with both. Rosie is slowing down but is OK for 3 miles when it is below 70.


You can totally buy the Chik Fil A sauce in the bottles directly at the restaurant…and it’s like $2.50 – $3 a bottle! We STOCK UP when we’re there!!! Have a beautiful day!


WHAT??????? This is life changing information. Our dining rooms are still not open at Chic fil a so I’ll have to ask in the drive thru…. today;). Thank you and you too, Amy!


Hi Janae! I love waffle fries and that packing idea is genius. My running club is getting together tomorrow for the first time since last March! I’m so excited!!! Happy Friday!!


Amy, that is the best news. ENJOY every second running with your running club, so happy to hear this.


Trying for 20 miles tomorrow.
Did you get a S or XS on that top?


Twenty miles ahhhhh wahoo! Please let me know how it goes! Cheering for you! I got it in a small❤️


We have an old family story (probably more a myth) about a great aunt who hid her chocolates in her washing machine. Her kids found them, ate them all, then replaced them with mud balls, which my aunt didn’t realize until she bit into one. I was probably Brooke’s age the first time I heard it and while the story itself is funny, hearing my grandmother tell it, then watching in shock as her false teeth felt out took it to a whole new level of hilarity!

We have been redoing our entire yard (front and back) and it’s been back breaking work, so not really enjoying that! I do enjoy the planting and maintenance part.

8 miles this morning, which is my longish run right now.

No pets for us (Les is allergic) but we’ve been enjoying seeing more wildlife lately. A saw a baby possum while I was out running on Monday and we had a roadrunner in our yard yesterday.

Definitely most productive in the morning.


That family story just made me smile so so big and I bet that was hilarious to hear your grandma tell the story! Way to go on your 8 miles, you are rocking it! I need to see before and after photos of your yard, you guys have been working so hard. Have a wonderful day!


Thank you for the kids sandals tip! My kids outgrew theirs from last year and I have not gotten around to buying them new ones… placing my Target order soon!

I am not a morning person, but I do tend to be most productive in the morning, especially on anything I do not want to do! The fun things I will work productively on until late into the night. That looks like a LOT of weed pulling if you’re going to tackle it all, good luck!! We are trying to make DIY vs. pay-someone-else deck/patio decisions this weekend…and probably pulling up some more dandelions because my husband hates them & I prefer pulling over spraying these days. :)

I am writing that tip from your sister down – she’s a genius!


I hope your kids love the Target sandals too! We are the same, trying to be better at doing things ourselves and figure it out! Hahah she will be so happy you love her tip and I hope you use it often! Have a wonderful weekend, Katie!


Thanks for the link for the travel bag … did you get the medium or large??


Hey! I went with the medium and it seriously fits so much! I hope you love it too. I have a great weekend, Joell!


Thank you and you too!


They also have the sandwiches at Sam’s club. We get the nuggets and waffle fries a lot and the sandwiches occasionally!


HOW DID I NOT SEE THOSE… might need to go back today! Thanks Leslie for telling me, I’m so excited. Have a fabulous weekend.


I am working on our back porch this weekend, mostly just cleaning it up to get ready for pool weather!

I have a 12-mile run this weekend and a 1/2 marathon in person next weekend! I am beyond excited and my 15-year-old son signed up with me so he gets to run his first race!

I have two mini-goldendoodles and they are just the best ever. I rescued a kitten that someone dumped from their car on Wednesday and he is itsy bitsy… I think we have a new cat.


POOL WEATHER…. that is so exciting! Can we come swim:). I am so excited that you will be running your 1/2 next weekend with your son! That sounds like a dream. That is so great that you rescued that kitten and I love that you have two mini-goldendoodles (cutest dogs ever IMO)! Have a great weekend, Mariss!


My 3 year old also has zero interest in the stroller these days! He has my endurance, though, so we can still go on pretty long walks.
Beck is SO CUTE!
Our dog, Max, passed away a few years ago, and we’re going to wait a bit before getting another one. He was a lab mix, brindle, and very goofy. He had a benign neurological condition that caused him to shake and tremor all the time. This didn’t bother him at all, but added to his sweet goofiness :)


Wow, Beck getting accustomed to a HIGH level of people paying attention to him at such a young age. It’s part of being one of the younger people in the family!

I have a favorite! I HAVE to share it. It’s Monkey Bars for the garage – garage organization. Of course, if someone wants to hang from them, the video shows they can if installed as recommended. So, it’s strong and the ability to place hooks and items where you like provides flexibility as needs adjust over time. Seriously, IMO these are EVERYTHING we need to get stuff off the floor and get cars in the garage. Also, IMO the company is on the DL – they’ve been around for YEARS!!! Ok, here’s the video (it’s only 4:21 – this company is so smart, a nice brief video):


Your sister’s tip is golden. I like the reader’s tip for stashing candy in a tampon box as well.

PS your kids are all so stinking cute! Xoxo


Love your sisters idea! I have to try that!!!!


Getting my son the Target sandals, so cute. Thanks for sharing!

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