Friday Favorites + Out of Order.

Yesterday was a bit out of order…. This happened during lunch time.

The day started out with getting kids out the door…

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I went on a walk with my sis, Skye and Beck.  There is just something about watching kids run that makes me so happy.

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And then once Beck went down for a nap, I had my niece come over and I hit the trails.  I wanted to do a challenge run (trails with a lot of elevation gain the day after a speed workout) and it was a gorgeous day to do it.   My legs had to work for the climbing… 8 miles @ 9:05 average with about 1100 ft of up.  This trail is awesome because you can see someone else running/hiking basically the entire time.

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We’ve reached the time of year where coming home for a popsicle after a run is just the best.  It was only 66 degrees for my run but it felt like 96 degrees.  Time to acclimate.

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And then we just had a normal day with all of the normal things:)

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And we finished off the day with soccer!

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Let’s chat about some favorite things from this week!

*If you are looking for an awesome tumbler this spring/summer, you have to try the Simple Modern ones.  THEY ARE THE BEST and for $23, they are an awesome deal.  I also have their cruiser tumbler (32 ounces) and their insulated travel tumbler!  They come in so many fun colors and options and they keep your drink the temperature you want them to stay.

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*Have I ever told you one of my financial goals?  It’s to be able to buy one of those fancy massage chairs ha.  I’ll put it right next to my bed and every single day of my life I will use it because I just think they are pure heaven (I’m guessing I’ll need another 20 years to reach this goal ha).  Until then… I saw a bunch of people talking about this eye massager with heat and compression and I had to try it (happy early Mother’s Day to me!).  I’m. In. Love.  It instantly relaxes my entire body as soon as I put it on and calms down my anxiety.  I use it before bed each night and it gives me time to just sit there and think in a completely relaxed state with no distractions and I love using this before bed instead of being on a screen. A lot of people say it helps them with migraines too but I haven’t experienced migraines for a while. I crave it during the day, it massages my temple and around my eyes so perfectly.

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*BETH (ps she was one of the first blogs I ever read and she is just the BEST) shared this with me on Monday and it made me so happy.

*The only two store bought salsas I will ever need for the rest of my life.  Island Salsa from TJ’s and Avocado Salsa (at Costco and Sam’s Club).  I could swim in both of them.

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*One can never have enough t-shirts this time of year especially when this one is only $8.  This one is a boxy fit and they are as soft as can be.  I ordered a medium but for the next one I get I will order a small.

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Have a water bottle that you love?  Tell me about it!  And how much water do you drink on average each day?

Ever run at lunch time?  Do you like running at that time?

Parents reading—> what sports do your kids enjoy?

Tell me something you are looking forward to this weekend!

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Wait I just bought a new tumbler last week and I’m in love! It’s the 32 oz (I think) Zak which is a Yeti type tumbler but cheaper from Target. Definitely bought it because I loved the color since it’s a pretty light but brightish blue and it keeps my water cold which is a big must since water must be ice cold for me to drink it.

This weekend I’m looking forward to nice weather! I plan on sitting on my patio as much as possible and turning on the firepit at night. Have a great Friday Janae!


HALLELUJAH for good weather! A firepit= perfection. I hope you will be making s’mores too. Okay, people keep talking about those and I’m with you, if water isn’t basically frozen… I don’t want it. Have a great one, Maureen.


I love those tumblers…thanks to you:) My daughter loved mine so much I had to buy her a water bottle for school. They are better than Yeti’s in my opinion.
My daughter is starting soccer in June and hopefully volleyball in September (you have to be 8 to start).

I’d love to know where your jeans are from in the pic with the target T-shirt? That eye massager looks amazing, I’ll have to show my husband and for a possible Mother’s Day gift ;)
Have a great weekend


That makes me so happy… they are the best. I am so excited for her to start soccer soon and then volleyball (I think I should have Brooke try volleyball)! I hope you get the eye massager, it is so relaxing and here is the link to the jeans but sadly they are out of most sizes… I’ll keep an eye on them for when they get restocked and post them.

Happy weekend Ashlea!


I have a couple different water bottles I love and I switch between them! One is a hydroflask, another holds 60 oz which is good for days I need to drink a lot, another is a glass bottle which just feels fancier haha.

This weekend feels busy and it’s stressing me out a bit. But all good things- running with friends, study groups for my accounting class (final is next week!), virtual book club, dinner with my guy. Need to learn how to have plans again!


60 oz… I need one of those! I love using a variety of them too, it keeps life interesting ha. It definitely is an adjustment to have so many different things going on again… I hope it is all a blast for you and not too stressful this weekend. Thanks Mariah!


I’m almost 5 months postpartum and just starting back on my goal of losing weight after baby #2. I’ll definitely be looking into those Simple Modern water bottles you linked to help meet my water goals :)


Oh my goodness, I am also needing to start thinking about running in summer temps again too. I went out for a longer run and it quickly hit 70+°…. It was fun, but I was not prepared (the high reached 90° yesterday ?). But the flowers right now are just so beautiful, it helps distract me from running in heat, ha.
I have a SM bottle too and love it! I love how affordable they are, and how long the ice stays.
Ok, that eye messages looks amazing! I may need to drop that hint for either mother’s day or my birthday in June ?
Heading out for an easy run, then I’ll be finishing up my post reno deep clean!
Happy Friday!


Happy Friday!!! That eye massager just went on my birthday wish list, thank you very much!!
My favorite water “bottle” right now is a stainless steel, 32 oz. tumbler I got a couple of years ago at a golf clinic. It keeps my water cool, but not cold (I may be in the minority in disliking ice water) for hours and I can get plenty of water in over the course of a day. Best part is that even as big as it is, it’s shaped so it fits in the drink holders of my car :o)
I don’t mind yoga or Pilates, or even some weight training midday, but I don’t like running in the middle of the day. Especially true when I was going into the office regularly. I just get too sweaty!! Good for you getting out there at lunchtime and challenging yourself!!
First golf tournament of the season is tomorrow :o) However, snow in the forecast overnight, so we’ll see if that has an impact. For the record…I am totally DONE with snow for this year!! Have an awesome weekend :o)


I have learned to love running any chance I can get. I did end up running my long run from 8-10pm last Saturday. The bonus part about it was the snacks and tv shows after to wind down!!

I might seriously need that eye massager in my life.


Hi Janae! Happy Friday it’s finally here! I did some of the dynamic stretches you shared yesterday before my speed workout and then I also reminded myself to engage my glutes and I had a great workout! Still scared to do squats or lunges right before running since sometimes it hurts my knees but I’ll work up to it.
Your trail looks awesome and that much elevation when it’s that warm is incredible. I know 66 F isn’t technically that warm but I always avoid running when it’s above 50s when I can.
Happy weekend!


I run at lunch time EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! It’s my favourite time of day to run. I am fully awake and my body is nice and warm and loose.
I am loving my Blender Bottle because it holds 600 mL of lovely ice water and is leak proof. For runs, I usually just bring a disposable plastic water bottle.
I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with our first child – a Boy!!!- and our crib will be delivered today, so the weekend will involve setting that up and purchasing a stroller (online, because all stores are still closed to in person shopping here in Toronto)

have a great weekend!


Hey Janae. My daughter is starting soccer soon..and is now into youth size for footwear…just wondering what cleats Brooke has? They look like Nikes I have seen. Thanks
Happy Friday :)


HEY SHELLEY! Yay for your daughter starting soccer soon! They are Addidas and we just grabbed them at our local sporting goods store. Thanks Shelley and you too!


Janae, do you know how you got rid of your migraines? Were connected with your under-fueling/amenorrhea?


Hey Alisha! I sure hope your migraines get better asap. For me, I had them during my pregnancy with both Brooke and Skye so they were hormone related. They were terrible, I’m so sorry if you experience them!


Thanks, Janae! I think hormones are always related. I am so glad they went away for you after pregnancy!


I have a 24 oz Hydro flask, a 16 oz hydro flask, and two bubba cups. I also have an assortment of cups from Starbucks. My husband thinks I have a problem. : )


I have a mason tops bottle. it’s glass with a plastic pop top lid and a neoprene sleeve. it can go in the dishwasher and the sleeve can be hand washed…….impt when you work with fish and things get smelly! I love it because I can put my cold brew in it and easily mix in the collagen peptides each am.

I run at lunch a lot. On my work days I am right on the pathway so it’s easy to get out the door. I often end my summer runs at our local popsicle place, Frios, and get a popsicle and walk the 1/2 mile back to work. it’s the perfect treat after a hot and hilly route. it’s also convenient bc I can load up the gift card and not have to carry cash or my card or wallet.

I am looking forward to my husband’s new job……he’s been at a bakery (Niedlov’s) all week (his first week on the job) and has brought home bread 3 times! I am stoked……it’s local, simple ingredients, and supplies bread to 100 stores and restaurants in the area!


Either way that baby is totally adorable, but her mama is speaking Spanish, not Italian! <3

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