Our Weekend Getaway!

When I woke up Saturday morning and saw the weather I thought there was NO way that my sister was going to want to go running with me ha.  She texted me that she must love me a lot because there are very few people she would run with in the dark, cold and rain.  It was raining for all 11 miles but I’m that weirdo that actually really enjoyed running in the rain (***if there was any wind, the story would be quite different).

11 miles @ 8:39 average… My longest run in quite some time.  I weirdly felt better than normal during the whole run but I’m guessing that is because I fueled with Dots (<— Andrew thinks I’m crazy for how much I love this candy) and because I was excited for the rest of the day.

When I got home the girls came out with the birthday hats that they made.

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And then we did presents and treats:)  Well, first a very long hot shower occurred after being frozen to the bone during my run.  Oh and I also had to get out all of the snarls from my hair that occurred during the run because I forgot to braid my hair.

PS Andrew rocked the decorating.

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Andrew planned a little getaway for us and that was next on the bday agenda.  My in-laws came over to be with the girls and I’m pretty sure the girls didn’t even notice we were gone because they were so excited ha.

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For dinner we went to a place called Caffe Molise in Salt Lake City and it was phenomenal.

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My pasta was so creamy and I wish I would have had leftovers to bring home.

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Beck was definitely invited on our getaway too.  He is still in that stage where he is so easy to bring everywhere because he sleeps so much or just wants to sit there and be cuddled.

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We stayed in a hotel in Salt Lake and it was the first time I’ve been in a hotel in SO so long.  Beck woke up at 4 but other than that we all slept so good (and I slept in past 8 a.m.)!  We were lazy and watched a movie in the morning before heading off to brunch.

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The Dodo.  It was so so good.  As I was eating I had a random memory pop in about how brunch used to scare me with all of my food rules tenish years ago… If I ever did go out for brunch I would just order egg whites.  As I was eating this gorgeous meal below I was so happy to have zero food rules because eating what your body needs and feels like makes me so much happier.

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If you ever eat at the Dodo then you simply must get some of their pie too.  We brought some home for my in-laws and now I must find a recipe to recreate the blueberry and cream pie that we bought.

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The girls were busy crafting most of the time we were gone… aka their heaven.

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And Beck was sad that he didn’t get a lot of time with his grandma and grandpa ha.

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The rest of the day was spent at home with the crew celebrating Valentine’s Day.

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What was the best part of the weekend?

Running in the rain—> What are your feelings about doing that?

How old are you?

-I’m really liking 35 so far.  

Favorite brunch dish?

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Sounds like your year of being 35 is off to a great start! I do like running in the rain because here in Florida there’s SO MUCH SUN, it’s nice to have something different sometimes. I don’t know if I could take cold and rain though.
I love Beck’s sad face, hee hee!


Thank you so much Jenny! I am liking this year of life a lot already:). Can we come visit and run together in the sunshine? I bet you are loving running this time of year! Hahah he sure knows how to pout already. Have a wonderful week Jenny!


Beck’s sad lip is so sweet!


I agree!! I hope you are having a beautiful day Samantha!


That sounds like the perfect birthday!! And wow does all that food look amazing. Especially brunch!
Mm favorite brunch food is weirdly a very specific local salad that my favorite brunch place makes. It’s a “salad” filled with like everything you can imagine. Roasted veggies, farro, goat cheese, hard boiled eggs, sourdough croutons….it’s incredible. I never go there thinking that’s what I’ll get but I always end up ordering it and never regret it haha.
Best part of the weekend was we took our kids ice skating for the first time!
I like that gray sweater with the dark cuffs you have on in your dinner picture. That’s really cute.
Welcome to 35!!!!


Okay, that brunch salad sounds AMAZING. I must have that someday:) I hope you get it again soon. HOW FUN that you all went ice skating, I bet your kids will always remember that memory. Thank you so much Mollie, I love oversized sweaters so much. I hope your week is off to a perfect start.


Happy Birthday! Many blessings now and always! Love that you got away, good for you!
Hate running in the rain but in the spring/summer, I don’t mind it so much because it’s warmer that part of the year. I don’t like it but it beats the treadmill, which by the way, I’m still running on for 3 weeks straight now due the snowstorm a few weeks ago. Parks and some roads are clearer but with so much snow out there, I’m still scared of black ice especially since I have to run by 5 am…and there’s less space on the roads for runners and cars…so it’s safer this way! And I can’t say that I miss running in 27 degree weather so another positive of being in the gym LOL


Hey Damarys! Thank you so much! 3 weeks straight… your mental game is SO strong and you are being so smart by doing that to avoid getting hurt. Spring running is going to feel like heaven for you… I can’t wait. Have a beautiful day friend!


Happy belated birthday, Janae! You always have the most delicious-looking food pics! Clearly, I need to come to Utah! :)
The best part of my weekend would have to be the fact that I GOT ENGAGED!! I think somewhere around 2 years ago, you posted something about how you accepted yourself as a single person and that made you a lot happier and ready when you met Andrew – I think I was in the same boat with my now-fiancé (OMG that is fun to say!). I’m so so happy and lucky and just all around grateful for how my life is going!
Now I really have some motivation to get back into the running grind! Time to shape up a little before a wedding! :)


RHIANNON!! I AM DYING!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Oh my goodness, I am just so happy for you! I NEED MORE DETAILS!!!!!!


Thank you!! I suspected it might happen soon (we looked at rings in early January) but it was still a surprise! We’re hoping to get married this fall but we have a lot of planning to do. We’re so so so happy! We planned a staycation at a fancy hotel in town for Valentine’s Day, but after dinner, he immediately changed into comfy clothes so I kinda assumed it wasn’t happening… but he fooled me! It made sense though – we spend a lot of time in loungewear, so why not do it when we’re in our natural habitat?! LOL.


I am so beyond happy for you. Thank you for sharing this with me. What a beautiful story and keep me updated on all of the details. PS Natural habitat hahaha I like you guys a lot!


I LOVE running in the rain!!! I think it’s because I grew up running in Portland and it is always raining there, now when I get to run in the rain in Colorado (rare) it feels like home.

The girls are so cute with your birthday set up. Your getaway looks amazing, I don’t think I have seen the inside of a hotel or restaurant since 2019!

The girls look like they had so much fun and Beck’s lip is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

What an amazing weekend, I am so glad you got to celebrate.


That totally makes sense… I love that the rain reminds you of home:). Are restaurants not doing indoor dining in your area? I really hope that you get to see inside of a restaurant soon! Thank you friend and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Our restaurants opened back up for indoor dining recently but we are just more on the cautious side of things and aren’t eating inside yet. LOTS of take-out :D


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANAE!!!! I am so happy you had such a wonderful weekend and a well deserved get away. I have been reading your blog for YEARS AND YEARS and my heart is always so happy when I see you happy with your beautiful family. Have a great week!


Thank you so much Donna! That means a lot to me. PLEASE keep in touch! I hope your week is a great one too:)


Happy belated birthday!! Looks like you had an amazing time, which you so deserve!!

Such a good point about brunch! Listening to our bodies makes eating experiences way better! I love getting things at brunch that I wouldn’t make or don’t know how to cook, like eggs benedict or stuff french toast.

I like running in the rain in the summer, but not so much in the winter. Cold + wind + rain is not my jam.


Thank you so much Mariah! Now I need some stuffed french toast YUM! I hope that you get some fun rainy runs this summer:). Have a beautiful week friend!


I had sort of the same random thought last night. We had the most delicious V-day dinner and we got a piece of red velvet cake that was huge. In the past I feel like I would have had a fork full of cake, and called it good. This cake was lick the plate good, and I was like all IN!
I feel like that is not an overnight place we have gotten to though. It’s time retraining the brain from its own thoughts. And then all the sudden, it kind of hits you how far you’ve come.
And now I need some Rolos.
Have a great Monday.


I LOVE that you had that experience yesterday and you are so right, it took so much time and work to retrain the brain but it does kind of just hit you one day how different things are now! PS I need some red velvet cake! Sounds delicious.
Thanks Erica, you too (and I’ll ship you some Rolos:)


Happy Birthday Janae! Looks like a wonderful celebration and getaway ! 11 miles in the rain..good for you! All that candy looks so good.

I will run in the rain if I have to but I prefer
snow lol. We got snow this weekend in the city and it was awesome. On Friday I went up to our local mountain to do a solo little hike in the snow and on Sunday I joined a girl friend for 14 magical trail miles in which it snowed the whole time . She wanted to run 50km so I shared some of her miles. My partner dropped me off to meet her and River got to play in the snow. It was my longest run in quite awhile so definitely my legs are feeling it lol. The rest of our weekend was spent relaxing together and we have one more day off because it is Family Day in BC

My fsvourite brunch item.involves waffles and whipped cream or bacon and sausages. And copious amounts of coffee!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Hey Kristine! Thank you so much! I agree, I prefer the snow too. I am SO glad that you had such an amazing weekend and 14 miles with your friend = heaven. I bet River LOVED the snow so much. Enjoy Family Day today and I hope you get some waffles with whipped cream and coffee asap. Thanks friend!


So happy you had such a wonderful birthday, you deserve the best!!!


Thank you so much Lindsay! I hope your day is off to a great start!


Happy birthday! ??? I’m so glad you had a nice celebration weekend!

My favorite brunch is anything ? and ? . As long as the ? are fully cooked! I require some kind hashbrowns or roasted potatoes on the side!

I don’t mind a walk/run in the rain. The snow is a totally different game only because I am super paranoid about slipping on ice. ?

Have a happy Monday!


THANK YOU SYDNEY! Your emojis always make me smile so big. I agree, hashbrowns are a must at brunch. I hope your sidewalks are clear and ice free:). Thanks Sydney, you too! PS we watched a few episodes of Friends at the hotel… that just made me think of you:)


Happy belated birthday!! I’m so happy you had an amazing weekend :)
I totally agree with you on rainy running! It is magical. UNLESS it is cold/windy. I will not do that. Wind is the worst element in my opinion haha I hate it so much. So good for you getting wet in the cold! Also, I’m so happy you got pie from the Dodo. Those pictures make me miss living in Salt Lake! Have you been to the Park Cafe for brunch? I’m pretty sure they make the best hash browns in the entire universe so you should definitely try it next time you’re in Salt Lake! And then you can go for a pretty stroll around liberty park :)
Hope you have a wonderful week!


Rachel!! We tried to go to the Park Cafe but it was a 90 minute wait… I think we need to go there mid-week to avoid the wait because I must try those hash browns! COME BACK TO SLC and we can go on a trail run and then go for pie at Dodo! Thank you so much Rachel and I hope you avoid all wind on a run for a long time. Thanks!


Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a lot of fun celebrating!

The cutouts of the girls reminds me of Flat Stanley! We’ve been the host of several flat kids through the years – one even went to Hawaii with us (https://mcmomentsandmemories.blogspot.com/2014/10/flat-dustyn-says-aloha.html)

We worked our tails off this weekend! We are finally getting ready to plant in our front planters, so lots of prep work. Les also rented a sod remover and has been using that. But we spent the entire time together, so it was fun.

It rains so little here in California, that I don’t really mind running in it. I got use to running in the rain in Hawaii, but it’s so different there because it’s always a warm rain.

I’m 56.

Thinking about brunch makes me miss Hawaii so much! Absolute favorite = Guava Chiffon pancakes at Cinnamon’s.


I have been to Cinnamon’s, so so good! Okay, the buckled seat belt pic of flat stanley made me laugh so hard, thank you for that. I hope you get to go to Hawaii again soon! Hope your day is off to a beautiful start.


That pie!! Actually all the food pics are making me hungry yum!
Love the getaway idea. How fun! Happy Monday!


Thank you Gillian! I need to send you a slice of this pie, you would love it. I hope you are having a great Monday too!


35 looks great on you!! I’m so glad that you guys got to go on that getaway. Beck is a doll!! Hope you have a happy Monday.


Happy birthday!! Awesome run too.

Do you happen to know how your girls made that craft and what they used? It looks like a great rainy day activity!

Thanks, Janae. :)

PS I finished my 35th year a few months ago and I can attest it just keeps getting better!


Happy belated birthday!!! It sounds like you had a great start to 35! We are getting a strange amount of snow here in Memphis right now. Today we are supposed to get around 8 inches and then more predicted on Wednesday and Thursday. I went for a 1 mile run in the snow (and 9 degree weather!!!) and it was so fun and gorgeous. I’ve never run in anything quite like this so I was being careful. It’s almost like running on the beach haha. The hope is to go for a longer run tomorrow as long as the wind isn’t too bad.


Sounds like you had fun!! Brunch for me is always best with French toast and scrambled eggs. I’ll be 36 at the end of Feb! Less than 2 weeks!


Happy birthday!! What a fun getaway you guys had!! I follow your blogs almost on a daily basis and have forever! I love to run similar to you, but definitely not as far and amount of miles you do per month.

Can you tell me about your old food rules you referenced from ten years ago? It’s a very toxic feeling to always feel so deprived of the foods you really want. Can you cover that topic more and have you overcame those issues?

Wishing you well and congratulations on your new beautiful baby!!

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