The difference between my goals in the morning and my goals at night…

Just thought I would see if anyone can relate with me or if I’m the only one that feels this way….

In the morning (starting at about 2 miles into my run when I’m feeling warmed up and awake) my running goals are HUGE!  I start brainstorming what my race plans are for the future, how I’m going to go about my plans, the workouts I need to nail and the times I want to hit.  I am so excited in the mornings about my running future…

And then once 8ish hits at night, the idea of training hard again sounds way too difficult to me and I can’t even imagine running the races I wanted to run 12 hours previously during my morning run.  My goals at night are to just make it to my bed let alone ever running a marathon again ha.  I think it is so funny how different my goals vary each day.  Good thing I understand this about myself and climb into bed asap so I can get back to my big plans again in the morning.

*The above difference in goals applies to every goal I have in my life… in the morning I am ready to dive head first into things and at night I just want to hibernate for the next 4 months.

**Andrew and I are the exact opposite in this ha… for example he did all of his marathon training at night and not in the morning this last fall.

7 miles @ 8:37 pace and very warm hands thanks to my mittens that I’ve had for a few years now.  About 2 miles into my run I was staring into the clear sky and saw a shooting star.  It reminded me about how grateful I am that running helps me to see things that I wouldn’t see without it (because I would have still been in bed:).

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I’m pretty sure this is my favorite moment of the day lately… When Beck first wakes up and he smiles so big and stretches like crazy after being unswaddled.

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We beat all odds and somehow the kids were on time to school for their first day back.  PS on the way to school we saw a little boy rollerblading to school on a sidewalk covered with snow.

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And then the three of us hung out for a bit on the couch.  Beck is figuring out his nighttime sleeping well but wants to take all of his naps with me holding him.   It’s the best excuse for me to just sit there and cuddle with him for a while every day.

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Skye and I (and Beck but he slept the whole time) went on a date to get our favorite rice bowls from Zao (free kid’s meals on Monday… it’s the best).

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Followed a bit later by a wonderful afternoon snack…

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And then we decided it was a great day to go sledding after Brooke was done with school.

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Skye screamed AGAIN each and every time they reached the bottom of the hill.

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And Brooke enjoyed the half snow and half grass sledding a lot.

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And a few minutes after this picture Beck spit up and it all went down my shirt ha… every now and then I just have to share these types of moments too;)

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Have any 2021 running goals you want to share?  I would love to hear them!

Are schools meeting in person or are they doing distance learning where you are at after the holiday break?

What is something that running allows you to see that you wouldn’t see without it?

What is going to be the best part of your Tuesday?

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In 2021 I want to run more days than not, run with a friend sometimes, and *hopefully* do a race again. This COVID-19 stuff is getting ooooooollllllllddddd.

Online schooling here, at least through MLKJ Day. Next week they will tell us about loci forward. I think it will still be online may least until our cases are better (4 of our 8 metrics are in the red, 2 yellow, only 2 green). School starts back Thursday (though remote).

Running allows me to see dozens of deer every morning! And ice flowers.

The best part of today will be from 4:30 to 6 when we have a family dinner before my Council Meeting :). Love having hubby home!


I LOVE these goals Tonya and I can’t wait to see them happen! Did they just start online again… for some reason I thought Baxton was going to school again! Ice flowers… I want to see those:). Enjoy family dinner and I am so happy he is home!


Baxton’s grade was put on a 2-week quarantine November 18, but then all elementary schools returned to online learning after Thanksgiving, through at least MLKJ Day. They should announce next week what we’ll do for Jan 18 and beyond. But I think it will be virtual until at least spring break :(

They really thrive on kid to kid contact so I think the sooner the better!

I’ll have to take a pic of ice flowers next time and send them to you :)

Have a wonderful week!


I really hope that he is able to get back to school soon! Keep me posted and I would love to see a pic of the flowers, thank you and you too!


SUB 3 SUB 3 SUB 3 SUB 3–the more I say it the more likely it is to happen right??
I love that observation about seeing things you wouldn’t have seen. It’s so true. Sometimes it’s nice to just have that time to slow down life a little. My favorite runs aren’t even the workouts I nail sometimes, but the ones where I look down and realize I’ve run too far because I was just enjoying the run or the podcast so much.
Have a great Tuesday! It’s a running rest day/strength day for me. I love strength days now that the gym is open again haha. :)


That sub 3 IS YOURS and I cannot wait to see it happen! Oh those runs are the best too… where you just feel like you could go forever and you don’t even realize it. Thank you so much Mollie and enjoy that strength training!


Gradually getting back to some running after a foot injury. But getting there!! Schools are remote until MLK to account for possible surge in cases after the holidays. I only have a HS student, and she hates remote. This is not the senior year she wanted, ugh. Best part of my day will be my alone workout time, because then I can make the rest of the day great because I am energized and focused and have had my time. May get snow on Friday!!! It’s rare here, NC, so I am hoping!!


Hey Nancy! FOOT SURGERY… wow! I am so happy you are coming back to running now. I feel so bad for your daughter, I can’t imagine having your senior year online. I hope things change soon and she can enjoy the last month or two of school in person! I hope your alone time was perfect and enjoy your SNOW on Friday! I hope you get a lot:).


You’re doing so well, keep up the good work! And yes like you, I’m so revved up in the morning but by nighttime, I want to crawl under a rock. Last night I had scheduled grocery order for curbside pickup at 7:30 pm and trying to leave the house, you would have thought I had to drive hours, mind you the supermarket is only 10 minutes or less away. But glad I got that done and out of the way.
Right now, just trying to maintain–not thinking about how I have to adjust my running every time it snows. Want to get through winter quickly! Love Spring and Summer!
Running at 5 am, I guess I do appreciate seeing how the neighborhood looks like in the dark and I’m deeply appreciative when people keep their lawns or sidewalks clear since it is dark when I’m running.


Thank you so much! Could you imagine the things we could do if we had that same energy/enthusiasm all day long haha. Way to go getting out to the pickup and you aren’t alone in that… doing things at night feel like the biggest chore ever. We will be at spring before we know it and way to go running at 5 am… you are incredible! Have a beautiful day, Damarys!


When I read the title of your post I was like “YES” and then realized I’m opposite from you. I’m the evening I have big running plans. When I wake up I’m like, “what was I thinking?” :)


Hahaha that is Andrew 100%! I hope you have the best day Jennifer!


I’m with Tonya… Running more days than not, strength training more, and definitely continuing on with Pilates and yoga to keep my body happy. I am really loving this pilates challenge (I know it’s only day 5), it just is such a great companion to running.
I LOVE watching the sunrise on my runs! That is something I would/ do miss when I’m not running early. And, I love seeing all the rabbits in the park early in the morning too.
Today I am happy to be back to volunteering at one of the food pantries run by my favorite non-profit. We took a holiday break, but we’re back this week.
Beck’s smile totally warmed my heart ?
Have a great Tuesday.


Love love love your 2021 goals! I REALLY need to try out pilates and I’m so glad you are loving this new challenge. Those sunrise runs are the absolute best and my kids would love to see those rabbits. YAY for being back to volunteering. Thank you Wendy, you too!


Hi Janae,
Good work getting out there half sleep deprived! I (like you) come up with my best ideas in the morning and want to do nothing after 8 pm!
2021 goals: 110 miles per month, sub 7 minute mile, an ultra mountain run with my running pals (so we aren’t disappointed if there is a cancellation!)
I have been doing remote learning all year for my 4th and 8th graders-I need to make sure I can still see my parents and keep doing my work. The kids are being troopers, but of course it is hard! Southern Idaho has been hammered with numbers!
Hubby and I ran Sunday and saw a rainbow-wouldn’t of seen it from our couch! It was so clear this morning I thought for sure I would see a shooting star, but no go.
Best part of Tuesday? No running around after work. I love to be able to come home and just catch up with my family.
Have a wonderful day!


Hey Jenny! Good to know I’m not alone with this morning vs night thing. Your goals made me excited! I want to come with you guys on the mountain run too:) You and your kids are amazing…that is so hard but I’m sure your parents are so grateful that they can still see you all. Enjoy every second with your family after work and thank you so so much.


Happy New Year, Janae! It’s been a while since I commented, but I still look forward to your posts every single day :o)
My 2021 running goal is just to get back to running consistently (4 days/week would be awesome) – my efforts to return have been a struggle at best :o(
Schools are mixed between in person or remote, depending on their positivity rates. I work at a college and spring semester will be starting late. Students won’t return until we are into February and then it will be a hybrid of remote and in person learning.
I love the “real” view I get when I run in different states and countries. Much different than what a typical visitor or tourist gets – I once paused a run in Ireland to help a man set up a stand outside his store. When I was running in the mornings, I loved seeing my neighborhood waking up. The flip side of that was evening runs in the summer when the smell of families grilling in their back yards was torture!
Best part of Tuesday is it’s Day 8 of COVID quarantine, so I am almost done (10 days in my state if you are asymptomatic)!


Hey Janine! So good to hear from you and thank you so much! I am excited about your 4 days a week running goal and I know you can do it… I’m cheering for you! Thank you for sharing what is going on at the college you work at! ‘Real’ view–> I 100% agree with you. I want to go on a run in Ireland:). Oh haha I know that smell from BBQs during a run… it hurts! 3 more days… you are almost there! Enjoy the rest of your day!


I signed up for my first full marathon!! I have completed several marathons but have race walked them and that was likely 15 years ago!! It is 4/25 and I am fully prepared to do it virtually if needed. I picked a race that I have race walked the full and half. In Covid times I figured close to home and familiar with super easy parking was absolutely needed. I am excited, nervous about getting miles in during the winter as I don’t have a treadmill (thinking about making the investment though). It’s a goal I thought that I wouldn’t achieve until the fall but I have been building miles and I needed a goal!!


FIRST MARATHON! I am thrilled about this! I really hope that it doesn’t get canceled but that is awesome you will do it virtually too if you have to! I really am so excited about this. PLEASE keep me in the loop with how training is going:) Go Carrie go!


Oh man, I only slightly miss those spit up days! Ha!
I hear ya on the morning goals vs night goals! I’m ready to anything and everything come morning but as the day goes on, all I want to do is lounge in bed! I don’t know how Andrew does it!
My only running goal is to get faster. Well, and stronger. But mostly faster.
My kids are still doing remote learning. Our COVID numbers are still too high to entertain the idea of going back anytime soon. Other districts near us are talking about it but none have started yet.
I can’t even begin to name the amount of things I wouldn’t have seen if it weren’t for running! Friends is probably the main one though since we’re still under COVID restrictions in WA. I’ve seen breathtaking sunrises, volcanoes, waterfalls, a baby seal, a bear, a skunk, coyotes, a rabid raccoon, trees falling in the forest etc … a shooting star would be AMAZING to see!!!
Best part about Tuesday is it’s NOT Monday! Lol!
Have a great day!


Hahaha ‘slightly miss’… that made me laugh! Good to know that others feel the way I do at night too… lounging in bed sounds really good right now. I really hope that the numbers in your area get better soon… I’m so sorry! Okay, you have seen amazing things on your runs! Thanks Jenny, you too!


While I’m a walker rather than a runner, my daily walks are SUCH a highlight of my day. Similar to running (especially early in the morning when no one is around and everything is quiet and still), they are such, “perspective changers”. On that note, I just wanted to also thank you for your blog. It is a positive and uplifting few minutes of my day that I always look forward to. I live in Southern CA and it’s a bit (well, more than a bit!) scary right now with our numbers, so thanks for giving me a few minutes of distraction/happiness. ;)


Perspective changers… YES YES YES! I am so glad you are able to get out each day and enjoy the fresh air, it really does so much for us. Thank you for taking the time to tell me that, it means a lot. I am so sorry about what you are all going through right now and please keep me updated on how you are doing. Stay healthy Kelly!


My son, who is a High School Senior, is back to school full time today! He’s a straight A student, and still feels that he learns better in a classroom environment. Hope to finish the rest of the year strong!

Have a great day!


This is great news Jen! I am so happy he is back at school. Thank you and you too!


I would so so love to run a marathon in 2021. My last few attempts have been derailed by freak accidents (my appendix burst 3 weeks out from race day!) and a happy event (finally got pregnant with my first child :) And for some reason, postpartum running has been going so well for me. I would love to finally accomplish this goal, but with COVID I don’t know if its going to be possible. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!! Thanks for always being a running inspiration!


Molly! Congrats on your new little one and I am so happy that running is feeling great for you postpartum! PS that is crazy about your appendix bursting right before your marathon! I really hope that your marathon happens this year… keep me updated with it all!


I laughed at you talking about morning goals vs evening goals because I am your opposite. I have ALL THE PLANS and enthusiasm at night but when my alarm goes off in the morning I’m like, “What was I THINKING?” …Somehow I think your way is a lot more productive…


Hahaha that is totally Andrew and your ‘what was I thinking’ part made me laugh so hard! I think both ways work great… Andrew accomplishes SO much at night. Have a beautiful rest of your day, Melody!


I’m definitely the opposite when it comes to goals in the morning/at night — at night, I’m always super productive/planning for big things, then the morning rolls around and I’m questioning why I ever thought I could do XY and Z ?

Big goal for 2021 is to try to do an ultra (between 50k and 50 miles) as long as races are happening; I’m also graduating from college this May, so depending on where I end up, I might try to race another marathon to work toward a BQ :) The last semester and a half have been online, which has been a bummer, but has also opened up a bit more time for work/running. Crossing my fingers that we’re able to go back in person this next semester!


Teach me how in the world to be productive and enthusiastic at night. I am THRILLED about your 2021. Please let me know what you end up choosing and I really hope you are able to get back to the classroom for school. Have a great rest of your day, Liz.


OH MY GOSH!!! It’s so funny that you posted about your running goals changing from morning to night because I was just thinking about this the other day! I feel the exact same way. I will be driving home from a great run and thinking of what marathon I want to sign up for and how I’m going to rock out a certain amount of miles this week. Then, evening rolls around and I’m trying to tell myself it’s really okay if I don’t get up to run in the morning. Or, maybe I can just go a couple of miles, etc. etc. Ha!!

I wanted to ask you where you got your white running jacket from (maybe it was in the last post??). I am always on the hunt for a really good WARM jacket that I can wear and not have to put on a million layers! ;)


I’m not alone!! Thank you so much for sharing Kristen:) I have those same evening conversations with myself haha. That jacket is from Brooks a few years ago… I really need to ask them to make it again:). All of my favorite running jackets that are warm are from Brooks in case you want to try them out. Have an awesome rest of your day!


So fascinating! I am the exact opposite, and I was expecting you to say the opposite. I have grand plans at the end of the day, to be better the next day. But then I can’t seem to do better the next day. Mostly in terms of eating less sugar.


At least you can know you are always eating less sugar than I am;). Andrew totally relates to you and your grand plans at the end of the day! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day, Katie!


My running plans are different for 2021 as I am 19 weeks pregnant so my plan to run more isn’t in my control as much as well as the necessary rest post delivery. But I’d like to run as much as I can and then after delivery work to get as strong as possible so I can come back stronger and faster!

We only have a 2 yr old in daycare, so not sure what the school situation is for school aged children.

Best part of Tuesday… haha umm it’s been hard. I took Wednesday – Monday off last week (celebrated my birthday yesterday by going up to Winter Park) so it’s been crazy coming back from the holidays and also having my toddler at home today since my husband was at home and her daycare is 2 mins away from his work which is 30 mins away from our house, so it’s hard to justify dropping her off at daycare just for him to drive all the way back home and then to do it again for pick up. But we bought a pop up camper from our neighbors a few months ago and now all the official paperwork is done so it’s officially ours. It’s nothing special, but it’ll be nice to go out and camp again and not sleep on the ground!
Also I love running because it allows you to see places that you can’t always drive up to. Like running around college campuses or super nice neighborhoods that would be creepy to slow drive through and gawk haha

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