Kids help me let go of my control freak issues & BECK’S PHOTOSHOOT PICTURES!

I think the best way to start off this Wednesday morning is to share pics from Beck’s photoshoot.  Andrew’s cousin is an amazing photographer in case you are in the area and need somebody!  He is taking our family pictures tomorrow wahoo.


Somehow he is already 2 months and 2 days old!


Brooke was so excited because she was the one to get him to smile in this picture below:)


Now to just convince Andrew we need a few more of him;). Yes, I already forgot how ridiculously hard pregnancy is ha.


Let’s chat now about Tuesday for a bit.  Monday night/Tuesday morning were crazy with the kids so an early morning run like I had planned just wasn’t possible.  Kids have REALLY helped me to let go of control (not sure if you have noticed but I have a strong addiction to routine) and to be more flexible and go with the flow.  The run ended up happening a few hours later than I had planned and it turned out to be one of my favorite runs in a long time.

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I stopped twice to skate across some ice and another time to talk to two running friends that I used to train with that I ran into along the trail.

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The sun was out, the trail was as flat as possible and a change of scenery really made it a great run.

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There was a strong headwind on the way out and an even stronger tailwind on the way back which helped my legs to really turnover again on the flat!

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THANKS MOM FOR THE RUN!  When we were packing up to go Skye told me she was just going to stay with my mom for the rest of the day.

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Beck warmed me up when I got back because he sleeps hot!

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We played some hide and seek and Skye is positive that if she can’t see us then we can’t see her.

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And a huge highlight of the day was picking up shakes to eat in the hot tub once the kids all went to sleep.  A very successful way to end the day.

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Are you good at going with the flow of things and being flexible or are you working on it like me?

Would you rather always have to run a flat route or always have to run a hilly route? 

Would you rather have a baked good for a treat or some sort of frozen treat like the above shake?

Question from Andrew—> do you like surprises or not so much?

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Beck’s pictures are adorable!! He looks like such a happy baby :) and your hair looks amazing, it’s so long!

I am working on being flexible. Especially when I’m not in a time crunch! Like I’ll get really annoyed being in traffic, even if I don’t need to be anywhere by a certain time. Learning to calm down and go with the flow a little more haha.


Thank you so much Mariah! He really is a happy baby! I’m going to go ahead and work on that with you… I get so annoyed in traffic too. 2021 we will learn to go with the flow more:) Have a beautiful day!


I am VERY much a routine person and get anxious when it gets knocked out of whack . . . I have to remind myself that it is OKAY and can even be a good thing when it happens. I thought about that a lot yesterday with some return-to-school plans coming out. So much change!

That’s a very hard question between frozen treats and baked goods. I guess a homemade baked good would always win . . . but I love ice cream.

LOVE those photos! Baby photos are so special!


Hey Kristin! Routines just feel so nice… but you are right, it can be a good thing when things get juggled around. I guess the combo of a baked good and ice cream on top is the absolute best ha. Thanks friend and I hope you have a beautiful day!


I live in the flattest part of Illinois so I have to drive about an hour to find hills or do them on the treadmill. I do wish I could do hills more often as I think it helps your running more. Maybe we just always want what we don’t have.

What adorable baby pictures. He is such a doll. And my 3-year old likes to play hide and seek the way your daughter does. He’s so funny.


Thank you so much Michele and I wish we could get our 3 year olds together to play hide and seek! Have a beautiful day:)


Aaaawwww…. Beck’s pictures are precious! I love the baby feet one!
I’m really pretty flexible, and can roll with whatever comes up. But, I do love the comfort of routine. I think growing up the youngest of 6 just inheritantly helps make you more flexible.
You may think I’m weird, but I am just not a big ice cream/frozen treat person. A good gooey chocolate chip cookie or brownie has my dressert heart.
Have a good Wednesday.


Thank you Wendy, I am just obsessed with his little feet. Youngest of 6!! I didn’t know that about you… how fun! There is nothing in the world like a fresh out of the oven cookie or brownie and I hope you get those soon. Thanks friend, you too!


Beck is such a cutie pie!!
I’m not great at controlling things (or maybe I give in to detours that always seem to crop up?) but I’m trying to stay consistent, which involves flexibility. Does that even make sense? haha
Running hills is a necessary evil, so I’ll say always run hills **except, I always want to race on flat courses.
Cookies. I’ll always pick cookies. But I could be persuaded to make it an ice cream sandwich or dip it in a shake!
I LOVE surprises. One of the hardest things for me is giving gifts (which I also love to do) to one of my kids, who always wants to choose them in advance, track the shipping, “test” that they’re right before the gift day, get them early, etc. LOL!


Thank you so much Corey and I agree with you:) That makes sense and consistency is everything… as long as it happens we are all good:). I hope you get some cookies and a flat race soon:) Oh that must be torture for you… Andrew is like you and loves surprises so he can relate! Have a fabulous day.


I definitely am a routine addict. I have gotten SO much better being a mom. The situation I am still working on is when all parties agree to the unfolding of events and then someone goes rogue like the conversation never took place.


Kids definitely help us break out of routines! I’ll work on that event too… that is hard! I hope you are having a great morning, Erica!


I am continuing working on being more flexible. I am a very “routine” person.
I would go with hilly since that gives me more variety and a better workout.
If it’s in the morning or even afternoon definitely baked goods – after dinner it would be frozen treats.
I can’t say I would “like” bad surprises, but surprises are the spice of life so I would say I generally like them – it’s nice to get forced out of the daily routine sometimes. Being uncomfortable is how we grow.


2021 is the year for us all to get better at being flexible. I am going to have to fully agree with how you choose your treat based on the time of day… you are on to something! I hope you are doing well and you had a great break and some amazing bike rides! Happy Wednesday John!


Ok, Beck’s pictures are just the cutest!
Oh, I am definitely working on going with the flow! It’s a struggle on work/school nights to keep my cool (which rarely happens!) but on weekends and over breaks, I can flow with the best of them! I really do love a routine though and even if I struggle to keep my kids on routine, I try to keep mine.
I would prefer hilly routes over flat routes but I don’t really have a choice! My neighborhood is super hilly. Even without trying I get in an average of 300-400 ft gain. I’ve learned to embrace the temporary pain!
Oh man, either or?!!! Depends on the day! Ha! In the past I would have said baked treat all the way but now I think I would much rather prefer a cold one!
I like certain surprises, if that makes sense! I don’t care to be the center of attention so I have a hard time with like surprise parties/get togethers. The last one I had was a surprise baby shower after my youngest was born and I bawled like a baby when I realized what was happening (and I don’t like crying in public!)!!!!
Have a great day!


Thank you so much Jenny! It sounds like you have a perfect balance of keeping routine and going with the flow. Wow, your neighborhood has a ton of hills… all of that climbing each run is making you so strong. I hope you get a baked good and frozen treat soon along with the right type of surprise:). Thanks friend, you too! PS that is so sweet that they threw your a surprise baby shower!


Squeeeee!! Baby Beck is so cute and clearly a content and happy baby! My Beck was the same.

I love good surprises. I’m not one to go nuts when there are presents under the tree. Love not knowing until I open it. If I have an idea of how the day is going and then “surprise! we doing this instead!” it’s a bit trickier, but only takes a few minutes of adjustment.

Kids totally help with letting go and going with the flow. I’ve also really learned a lot by taking “challenge” breaks from running. What is that? well, sometimes when not injured or sick I’ll take a rest day from running to remind myself that it IS POSSIBLE. Knowing that I can run at a different time, or different distance that I had *set* on makes it far easier to go with the flow (in this aspect). It really makes things far more enjoyable to be flexible and roll with the punches. Having a plan is great because that’s the outline/framework. You can still achieve things, it just might take a detour. Kids are amazing, too because they have ideas that we may not think of and are actually more fun or better! (like on vacation-they see things so differently and it’s amazing!)

I live where it’s hilly and it takes effort to do a flat route. The one thing about flat is you can do a nice even pace, but hills are your friend (thank you HS cross country coach for that) and will give you variety and strength.

I am a cookie monster so gravitate to bakery items…..ironic question because I just got back from taking my kiddo to get a milkshake after virtual school.


Hey Kelly! Thank you, and Beck is just the best name:). I love what you said about taking challenge breaks. I need to try that (BUT ROUTINE haha;)! What a good idea. I hope you have some amazing cookies soon (enjoy the milkshakes today too) and surprises up ahead. Have a beautiful day!


Hi Janae! What lovely pictures! Beck looks so sweet! I love flat runs but yesterday I ran some hills. Boy was it hard. I just had to tell myself it was good for getting stronger. I love me a routine as well and I think it does help me make positive changes in my life. Happy Wednesday! Halfway to weekend!


Becks pictures turned out so good! Skye and your Mom’s relationship is so cute, I hope things are going well for your parents. Your question about hilly or flat really hurt my brain so I guess I’m glad I don’t have to stick to just one! And let’s just say I’m working on being more flexible ;)


Love routine. I am not flexible. And usually don’t like surprises. My husband is like this too. We are more the same than you and Andrew seem to be more opposites.
I want a baked dessert a la mode! My favorite is brownies and ice cream!


I love the pictures of Beck – I can’t believe it’s been 2 months!

I like a routine but I am also laid back in the fact that not everything is planned – My husband is borderline OCD and I’ll find him asking the kids what they want for dinner 4 nights from now or going over every minute of a trip that is months away (back when we could travel). While I can jump in the car in a moments notice and drive hours up in Maine.

I am all about speed, so I love flat! I am not fast, but that’s when I get the runner’s high

If I had to choose between baked and frozen, I would probably pick frozen – I love ice cream! Though my homemade chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorite foods as well!

I do like surprises, but I don’t get many of them. My husband is horrible about surprises – I knew he had bought my engagement ring, it was easy to figure out when he was going to propose. He tells us pretty much what he’s bought us for Christmas. I miss surprises! Though he did throw me a surprise 40th birthday party and I didn’t love walking into a room of people – I knew something was up, I just didn’t know so many people would be involved.


hi! I was catching up on posts and wanted to see if you ever did a post from Andrew on balancing fatherhood and work? let me know, i thought that was an interesting topic!


Hey Erika! He hasn’t yet but I totally will ask him to:). I hope you are having a beautiful day!


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