Sorry to show you this…

It sure feels a lot better to run without another human connected to me ha;). I loved being able to run throughout pregnancy with Beck but now that I’m running without Beck, it feels a whole lot easier.

I was really looking forward to wearing these holiday themed shoes from Brooks a few years ago.  They put me in a good mood just putting them on.

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The girls and I hung out when they woke up.

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And then we had our favorite breakfast together.

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Brooke was off for her week with her dad and we are really going to miss her…

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Beck gave me the best early Christmas gift.  He went to bed at 8:30 and only woke up ONCE the entire night.  I am very grateful and hoping this is a sign that he will love sleep like I do for the rest of his life (the only trait I hope my children don’t get from Andrew is his hatred for sleeping haha).

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Skye was pretty excited about the outfit that she chose.

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Beck is growing up WAY too fast.

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This week is going to be filled with many walks…

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Many outfit changes (Skye’s current favorite hobby is tiptoeing into her room, pulling all of her clothes out of the drawers and changing outfits 7 times a day in her crib).

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Many cups of hot chocolate.

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And many cookies (yes I did share the below box without complaining ha).

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PS I’m sorry to show you this but did you ever notice this?  I don’t know why I didn’t see it until I saw this:

Screenshot 2020 12 18 at 8 35 21 PM


Do you use Spotify for your music?  How often do you use Spotify and did you notice the logo is tilted a little bit to the right?

Wrap your presents early or stay up late Christmas Eve wrapping?

What are your feelings about sleep?  Anyone like Andrew and not enjoy it?

Indoor or outdoor run today?  Solo or with someone?  Easy pace or workout?

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As I read this I have Spotify going in the background haha. And may hate you a tiny bit for telling me about the logo…but I can forgive you. I actually wrapped all of my present yesterday! Well almost all of them, still need to get some fun cookies for my dog but those will just get thrown into a bag once I buy them!

Janae you and I can be BFFs just based on sleep. I LOVE sleep! Like would rather go to bed at 9 pm than at 11 pm. But I naturally wake up early so maybe that’s why? Wait does that mean we can’t be sleep BFFs?! Haha. Have a wonderful day!


Thank you for forgiving me haha! How have we not noticed it until that meme though??! I love that you got some cookies for your pup (and thanks for the reminder… I need to get something for Beretta). Of course we can… I naturally wake up early too but that doesn’t take away from my love of sleep ha:) Have a beautiful day, Maureen!


Oh I hate sleep! Always have. Since being young, I’ve always woken naturally around 5am and have never napped. My husband has to persuade me to take a nap when I’m really tired and occasionally I will oblige grumpily like a little kid ha.

I thought this would be my superpower as a new mom but it turns out my little guy is a lot like me and my inability to sleep easily has made new parenthood quite challenging. My son is now 11 months and has only slept through the night once (I don’t even count if he wakes after 4am as I usually get up by then anyway as I go to bed when he does in the evening). Anyway, we are surviving!! No wonder babies are so lovable and adorable, so we can get through it all!

So glad you are back to running and loving it!! Yay!! Must feel so good


Hey Tara! You and Andrew sound so alike… I try to tell Andrew to take a nap too sometimes and he gets grumpy hahah:) I am so sorry your little guy doesn’t want to sleep… how are you functioning? It is so true, God made them so so cute and snuggly because they can be so hard ha. Thank you friend and I Hope you have a great day!


Awe thank your for asking! Much better recently as he falls back asleep quickly and we started co sleeping to get through it, which works for us! The sleep is good enough these days that I’ve started running again which feels amazing. It’s taken a lot longer than I expected to feel ready.

I hope your good sleeping streak continues!!!


I am so glad that it is going better now and that you are RUNNING! I totally understand that feeling… a few weeks ago when I wasn’t sleeping I thought there was no way I would run ever again but once the sleep started getting better I started. Keep me updated on how your running is going and thank you so much Tara. PS you are almost to his first birthday, that is so exciting.


You look fantastic! Great job on running!
Only use Spotify for podcasts and never noticed that until now!
I ran outside in the park today for first time since it snowed on Wed/Thurs—it was all about mileage and not pace, hence the 11 minute mile for my 9.43 miles. 90-95% of the road was clear of snow (they still didn’t clean the paths inside park) but I wasn’t trying not to slip so I ran carefully…I didn’t like seeing the pace result but then thought, at least I was able to get out there and run which is what matters!
Love sleep and need it!


Thank you so much Damarys! I just realized that I love using Spotify for podcasts more than the podcast app on my phone. WAY to go on your run today… so glad you didn’t fall and I totally agree with you! I hope you get plenty of sleep this week, it just feels so good! Have a great day!


Oh I love sleep, but having a hard time with it lately… Not sure why, but hoping I “fix” it soon.
Those Christmas shoes are so cute! I think for the rest of the week I will wear Christmas themed running gear ?. This week’s runs are all about being easy and on the shorter side. I want to get a lot done before Christmas Eve, so I can just enjoy the holiday.
Yay for Beck only waking up once! I bet you felt like a whole person again.
Have a good Tuesday Janae.


I really hope that you are able to start sleeping better Wendy! Maybe it’s from all of the stress from this year? I love the idea of wearing Christmas themed running gear… maybe I’ll join you! Enjoy those easy runs and I really do! Thank you, you too!


I never noticed the Spotify thing until now! I actually just upgraded our account to the Family Premium one yesterday because I was tired of my husband and I fighting over who was on Spotify, ha. I just started perusing all their playlists for running and there are some good ones in there.

Speaking of music, if anyone has the Peloton app, they have some great holiday runs on there right now! We don’t have a Peloton but do have a treadmill, and I use the app for indoor workouts.

Here is St. Louis we are set to have a beautiful, sunny day in the 50’s before rain comes and temps plummet just in time for Christmas, so will get in an outdoor run for sure!


Hahaha I’m glad the family premium will help settle some arguments;). You’ll have to tell me your favorite running playlists. Good to know about the Peloton app! Enjoy that outdoor run and I hope you are able to get in lots of time in that sun. Thanks Sara!


I love sleep but I hate that I need it – ya know? I wish I could not feel tired or want to go to bed early but I do and my bed feels wonderful.

My daughter changes her clothes multiple times a day too. Just last night she emptied all her dresser drawers looking for what she wanted to wear. If she could reach in her closet I’m sure she’d take those clothes out too.

I have everything wrapped except the Santa gifts and I’ll wait and do those Christmas Eve night. Curious – do your kids just do Santa with whoever’s house they are at or will Santa visit your house too while they are gone?

I listen to Spotify (just the free version) in the car. I never did notice that about the logo – sneaky!


Valid point… I don’t love that we need sleep either because sometimes we just can’t get the sleep our body needs. Good to know that Skye isn’t alone in this:). Great question… so santa will come here for Beck and Skye and we just did presents from me and Andrew last week for everyone. Santa will go to Brooke’s Dad’s and Knox’s mom’s house:). SO confusing ha. Have the best day Erika! Wish our girls could get together for a play date!


I know you’ve already had Beck but I was wondering did you have an Amazon baby registry for him/your girls?


Oh no, I never noticed the Spotify logo was tilted and now I will never be able to unsee! How did I not see it?! I use Spotify way too much, my year review from them said I listed to over 97,000 minutes this year… should I be embarrassed? Haha.


Awwww, sending you gobs of hugs this week with the bigs away from your home. I’m sure they are missing you gobs too. May you feel comforted by all the love your family receives from so many people. We’re here for you, too!!!!

Usually I’m a Christmas Eve wrapper, mostly because my youngest (who is 15 by the way) is so curious and can’t.stop.touching. It’s hilarious, sort of.

Sleep is amazing, I just don’t get as much of it as I’d like. I worked nights for years so sleep is much appreciated but hard. I’m also a worrier so sometimes bedtime is a source of stress. That being said, many evenings I think how nice it will be to get into bed and cozy in for the night!

Outside run today-it was balmy/rainy which is a change from the freezing we’ve had!

Enjoy your runs and walks!


Thanks for that ;) might have to cancel Spotify Premium now….haha jk.
I might be more like Andrew in that I’m a night owl and never want to go to sleep…I enjoy being awake too much! But when that alarm goes off at 5:45 on workdays…I really would rather sleep haha. My “natural” sleep cycle would be to go to bed at 1am and wake up around 8-9am. Darn society bringin me down! lol


I love using Spotify. When I was going to the gym (I miss those days!) I would use it for podcasts or workout playlists. Music has changed so much since I was in high school. Back then phones weren’t a thing and I had a lug a discman around with me.


I’m with you on Team Sleep! One of my favorite things is to be cozy in bed before 9pm. I’m sure Beck will be on board soon!

I’m almost done wrapping – I accidentally bought wrapping paper with glitter on it this year and I (mostly) tease that my marriage survived the stay at home orders and all the other chaos of 2020 right up until the glitter incident, oops!


I love Spotify. I have it playing in between classes and during worktime in my classroom. I create my own classroom playlist so I don’t have to worry about inappropriate music coming on!

I love sleep. In college I really lived in the whole “get a few hours of sleep at night and nap during the day” life but now I thoroughly enjoy being in bed by 9:00!

This morning’s run was a speed workout on the track with my brother. Tonight after it gets dark we are going to do a short run in his neighborhood to look at Christmas lights! I think this is going to be a new tradition.


Lol, but if the spotify logo wasn’t lopsided it would look like the wifi signal logo? Hahahaha
Spotify ftw, definitely, though I’ve listened less given working from home and the fact that I don’t have a commute and no need to do lunchtime treadmill runs!

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