Our Weekend in Pictures!

Happy Sunday!  I thought I would share a bunch of pictures from our last two days with a few words.  I hope you are having a beautiful weekend so far.

I left Beck for the first time Friday morning and went on a little walk in the sunshine (but it was too cold for Beck to come).

Never too cold in their opinion for the tramp.

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We did school at home.

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Andrew and I had a romantic date at the kitchen table for lunch;)

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We are both going to have tired eyes for a while.

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Lots of Uno playing.

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I’m getting good at eating with one hand.. warm chocolate chip cookie + ice cream.

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We started watching Christmas movies.

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Another walk on Saturday… FRESH AIR!

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His thinking face.

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My sister is the QUEEN of sales… she got each lotion for $2.60!

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Beck’s first Vans from a friend of mine.

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And the rest of the weekend will include all of the laziness.

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Tell me three things that you are doing today!

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Three things today: a run once this monsoon of an rainstorm passes, making dough for bread (just fed my starter) and watching Frozen 2. We started watching Christmas movies too! We watched Prep and Landing 1 and 2, Muppets Christmas Carol, and Frozen (does that count?).

I am so proud of you for already being brave enough to leave Beck for a few minutes. He looks like he is so chill! Love the Knox-Beck matching PJs. Is your car all set for a family of 6 (car seats arranged, seating assignments made)?

Enjoy this wonderful (albeit exhausting) time.
Much love to you and your family!


Your precious Beck and family ❤️ So sweet! I love the matching pajamas with Knox and Beck.

On Saturday we went on a hike in Concord, MA and it was lovely to get out in the cold air and feel a bit sweaty. I love being on the Minute Men trails with all the revolutionary history right in front of us. Concord is a must visit with your family (maybe in the next Boston Marathon you run:))!

We watched two Christmas movies: Home Alone (oldie but goodie) and a new one on Netflix called Jingle Jangle that we thought was fantastic!

Finally, we cleaned out our basement boiler room and Leila is so excited to look at all the Christmas ornaments. We may do a tree early this year to pep us all up in what will likely be a long winter in Boston for us. It just feels like we need some of that sparkle and hope!


So adorable love his teeny tiny vans


Beck does look like Knox- how fun!!! What a precious time for your family- the excitement of your new little guy and also the holidays coming up. Enjoy!


I went on a long run yesterday and came home and made seafood gumbo! It had been a long time since I made it and perfect for the cold weather. I love both your vests in the pictures! Beck is so adorable and the picture with Knox in matching jammies is so sweet. Have a good weekend.


I can not even handle how absolutely perfect he is!! I need you to send me pictures all throughout the day please until I can be there to hold him! I hope you guys are all doing well and enjoy your lazy weekend.


Aww Beck and Knox are so cute together!! This morning I finished reading the new Jodi Picoult book and then went on a long walk. Now time for some homework and hot chocolate. Relaxing Sunday!


I came here for a soup recipe, and there was a new post. Made my day to see those cuite kids of yours!!


Beck is breaking the cuteness meter. And I’m so glad you got out in the sunshine for a bit! These are beautiful precious days, but hard days too and you are doing great!


Yay, a sunday post with loads of Baby Beck pics! So, so happy for your sweet little family. Three things I am doing (did) today…breakfast with husband at Cracker Barrel (do they have those in Utah?), virtual church and Gilmore Girls. I have never watched this before but I saw on a post that you were watching again, so I thought, why not?!


Your kids are so adorable! It made me happy to see this post today. Today I ran errands with my youngest daughter and my grandson, took a nice and long leisurely walk and roasted some broccoli. Broccoli and I have had a thing lately lol. I hope the rest of your Sunday is great, Janae.


Sharing your pictures they are so sweet.
Very uneventful here. My three top things for the day
1)recovering from covid-19( okay this one will be on my list for several weeks I’m sure). Not Fun.

2). Making chicken soup.
3) sitting outside majority of the day enjoying our beautiful (finally) Arizona weather.
I’ll pray you and Andrew get some sleep this week to feel somewhat normal.


Beck is just so gorgeous!!! The newborn stage is for sure my favourite, tired eyes and all. There is just nothing like newborn snuggles. ?


I’m with you on that… it already feels like it is going by way too fast! Have a great day Leigh!


Oh my goodness! Those pictures!!! So so cute. Um, and you’re right, your sister IS the Queen of sales, that’s amazing !

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