Updates Around Here + Friday Favorites!

Good morning everyone!  Before we get to my favorite things this week, I thought I would go ahead and post 58 pictures of Beck;)

My niece (Curly, the one that now shares birthdays with Beck) made this beautiful blanket for him.  My sister told me that she started working on it the day I told her I was pregnant.

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Skye is getting more adjusted to having Beck around all of the time.

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And on Thursday we had a big milestone—> Andrew had to be at a training all day long so it was just me and 4 kids.  We somehow made it to school on time which I was pretty proud about.  Skye was not thrilled about me waking her up to take them.

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While the big kids were at school we (Skye. Beck and me) just hung out at home.

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And then when they were done with school I made the decision to take them on a walk along with Beretta… let’s just say I probably won’t do that alone again for a little while;)

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We finished off the day with the most amazing meal from Jenn and Josse (I miss running with them both)!   This meal tasted too good.

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PS Brooke finished these 6 chapter books in 8 days… she has become quite the reader recently!

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I have a few Friday Favorites to share today!

*For years I have wanted this Madewell bag and when I saw my friend with it using it as a diaper bag, I had to do it.  So I justified the purchase by saying it is my diaper bag ha and I’m also calling it my ‘push present’ (<— I just learned what that is haha) and I’m in love with it.

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*I bought this toy for the girls and it is a HUGE success.  They have spent hours and hours with it.  I love it when I find something that entertains a 2 year old and an 8 year old at the same time.  They can color the little animals and then they wash off in the bathtub so you can color them all over again.  I am buying a few extras to have on hand to give as gifts.

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*Not only do beanies mean I don’t have to wash my hair as often but they also make it so I have a sleep mask in an instant when I need a nap.  I need a nap a lot right now because Beck thinks that eating every hour at night is the best way of life…. I would too if someone was ready to give me food every hour ha.  PS my favorite beanies are here.

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*This is actually my favorite item of the year or maybe decade?!  I was given this Owlet when Skye was born and loved it with all of my heart and now feel that same love with it for Beck.  Each night we put the little sock on him and it tracks his heart rate and oxygen levels throughout the night.  The alarm goes off if those numbers drop to dangerous levels and it gives me so much peace at night.  With Brooke I did not have this and woke up a million times each night to check and see if she was breathing.

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*My friend Bethany sent us this Uno Flip game the other day and it is SO much fun.  We are all big fans and it takes Uno to the next level and it’s way more fun.

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*Okay, last time I mention Scott Fauble’s book for a bit but I have LOVED seeing his detailed training plan from his training for the NYC Marathon.  It’s been a good reminder that these elites don’t just glide through their training and it just all comes together naturally for them.. I’ve loved seeing the real side of his training.

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What are your plans this weekend?

Favorite card game??

Can you knit, crochet or sew?

What is your run today?  I’m living through your runs for a while!

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Hi Janea! What kind of vehicle do you guys have? We are about to welcome baby #3 and we are trying to find something with a third row??


Hey Megan! Congrats on baby #3 arriving soon, you’ll have to keep me updated on it all! We have a Toyota Highlander and I absolutely love it. BUT as Brooke and knox are getting bigger, that third row is getting much smaller. I think if I could remake that decision I would go for a Tahoe! Good luck!


I love that your niece made a blanket for Beck! I’m a knitter and when I work on a project for a new little person, I try to put all my hope for them into every stitch.

Gin Rummy because it’s the only one I’m decent at!


Thank you so much!


Curly making a blanket when she found out you were pregnant is honestly so cute. What an amazing gift!

This weekend is big since I move!! I feel like it’s been a loooooong time coming and I’m so excited. Have an amazing weekend!


Curly really is such a sweetheart! I am sooooooo thrilled this weekend has arrived for you! So many big changes and fresh starts! Good luck Maureen and let me know how it goes.


When first read it, I thought “Jenn and Josse” was a new restaurant lol.
Favorite card game is Cruise Rummy – it’s a twist on normal rummy – you have to have certain hands ex: 1 run, 2 sets, and you get to buy cards. Takes 2 decks of cards.


Hahah they sure need to open a restaurant! Off to get Cruise Rummy… thanks Amanda and I hope you have a really great weekend!


I knit and crochet. I can sew if pressed but my machine isn’t the best so it is frustrating. My mom quilts and has worked a lot with my girls. Both can quilt, make pillow cases, etc. I taught a crochet class to a small group from a professional organization that I belong to a couple of weeks ago. Crocheting is very zen and these type A women need some zen during this time!


I would LOVE to come to one of your classes. That is so great Jackie and I love that your girls can now quilt too! I think I need some of that zen from crocheting too. Have a beautiful weekend.


Oh my gosh, that part from Scott Fauble’s book is exactly how I felt with my stress fracture! Before I went to the doctor and kept running on it (yeah, learned from that one), it was so painful but I couldn’t even explain how it hurt. Yay for connecting with the elites, ha!

I can do embroidery but would love to learn to sew clothing! One day when I have space . . . I need a sewing machine.

Water jogged for 30 minutes today! That’s a new record for me so we’re just going to say it was the same as running a 5k. :-)


Oh no! That sounds absolutely miserable… I wonder what was happening with Scott’s body! Knowing how to sew clothing would be incredible… I want to join you in that. I would say your water jogging was the same as a 10k because I think it is twice as hard. Way to go and have the best weekend.


I can sew, knit and crochet. Love sewing the most. I love to see the pictures of your family. We like plain Uno, Uno flip will be in our house soon. We’ve taken up playing board games again since the beginning of this week because our social rules have been tightened. We play Settlers of Catan. My oldest sons miss their fieldhockey practice and think running without teammates or ball is boring. I was going on a weekend away with a group of women to sew all weekend, but that’s postponed to January. So I’ll be sewing by myself this weekend. Our middle son turns 21 on Monday, we’ll celebrate a bit on Sunday. I’m off for a run now, I think about 8 km. Have a great weekend!


Evalaoh, that is awesome that you can do all three! I am so sorry that you are all missing out on things right now that you love. It is such a hard year. Our rules are tightening up here too! Happy bday to your son and I hope your 8km was a great one!


Thank you. My run went well! I’m grateful I have stay at home hobbies and we are allowed to take walks, run or ride our bikes. Take care!


Um okay, LOVE THIS!!! He is so so cute. And little Skye’s hair braided so perfectly!! Does it get easier mentally each time around knowing the “feeding every hour” phase will pass…? We are the same in that we LOVE our sleep and there is nothing better than 9-10 hours a night, the thought of going back to being sleep deprived is soooo hard!!


Hey Andrea! It really does and honestly… being so sick during pregnancy makes this exhaustion feel easier just because I’d much rather be tired than sick and now I have Beck here hanging out with me which is way more fun❤️ BUT yes, what I would give for my normal nights of sleep again hahah… I hope you are doing well friend and that you have the best weekend!


What are you dressing Beck in? I am about to have a winter baby myself and I am loving his little outfits with hand coverings you have been dressing him in.


Yay for winter babies!!! I bought a few things from here:


And here and here:



But the rest is all from my sister in law! She mailed up a box of things the day I had him! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait for you to have your little one!


It’s so nice to get your little updates on how things are going. I love seeing all the kids together and loving on Beck…. So sweet!
That blanket your niece made is fabulous! What a special gift! And awesome job on handling 4 kids for the 1st time!! That deserves something special, ha ha.
I had such a great run yesterday. A smidge over 8 miles on my favorite trail, beautiful crisp, clear morning (48° at 7am, thank you!), and everything just felt so fun and good. But I have been feeling like I’m fighting a cold the last few days, so this morning will be short and easy!
Oh, you probably know, but Lindsey Hein has started a new podcast called Why is Everyone Yelling, and it’s really good. She talks all about parenting, life with kids, etc. I think you would love it. Her newest episode was so so good! When you get to a point where you can listen to podcasts, I highly recommend it.
Love seeing all the family and Beck pics!! Have a great Friday!


Thank you so much Wendy and I definitely felt accomplished after yesterday. Okay, your run yesterday sounds absolutely perfect. I’m so glad you had those 8 miles. I hope you aren’t coming down with anything! Thank you so much for that recommendation, I 100% need to listen to her new podcast. Thanks Wendy and you too!


Skye has the best facial expressions!


I fully agree and she doesn’t hide them hahah! Have an awesome weekend!


I bought that animal coloring/bathing toy for my nieces last Christmas and they LOVE it! Plus it’s nice because if they both want to color the same animal (which of course they do), it’s pretty quick to color, wash, and then trade haha.

4 mile run this morning. Tomorrow I’m going to an outdoor workout class, excited and nervous. Have not done a cardio/strength class since gyms closed in March, so this should be fun.


Bahahah of course they want to color the same one.. same thing happens over here too! Let me know how the class goes tomorrow, sounds like a blast and I hope the weather is perfect. Happy Friday Mariah!


I turn 40 this weekend! Because of Covid, we are doing absolutely nothing, but I will be eating plenty of cake :)
That Crayola toy looks amazing. I might have to add it to my little guy’s Christmas list. Thank you for the suggestion!
Skye looks so grown up with those little braids. My older son still struggles with not being the baby anymore, and my baby is 7 mos old. But, the love between siblings is undeniable. My pediatrician told me that giving my older son a younger sibling was the “best gift I could ever give him,” and I agree. Skye will be a great big sister!
Have a great weekend, Janae! I hope you get plenty of naps and baby snuggles. Beck is beautiful!


Stacey!!!! Happy 40th this weekend! I hope the weekend is perfect and that you can also get in a wonderful nap in between slices of cake. I’ll eat a slice of cake too in your honor❤️ I love what your pediatrician said and I totally agree! Have a beautiful day friend.


Maybe you could do a post on how you handle multiple kids at once? I have a 4 week old and a 19 month old and even when I have help it’s tough with both home. Major kudos to you for having 4 solo!


4 week old and 19 month old.. now that is a challenge! Luckily for me Brooke and Knox are great helpers but I will definitely write a post about this! I hope you are getting some sleep friend and I’m cheering for you!


Your family is honestly so adorable! I can’t currently sew, knit, etc but would love to get into it. Does Curly have a pattern or website she can pass along for the blanket she made, it’s so beautiful but I have no idea where I’d even start!


You know, that same Madewell tote–in that brown leather–has been on my wishlist for SO long. MAYBE I will be offered a job soon and with my first paycheck I can treat myself to a new work bag?!?!?!?! (You’ve already declared for me that the offer will happen…I’mma just sit here with a constant state of “fingers crossed emoji” and soak in ALL the love and support and hope that my ENTIRE support system and face to face and extended virtual community has offered me…)

That dinner your friends brought looks amazing! I like their style–rolls AND ice cream AND cookie dough bites? PERFECTION.

I love seeing Skye get used to having a little brother around–and I hope that makes it so much easier for her to embrace being “your baby girl” but not THE BABY!

<3 to all of the Barons! Hope your day is a good one :)


Hi Janae! Thanks for sharing an update! I’ve just been doing easy runs and I will continue to do that because it feels good. I’m surprised to learn that pros have days where they feel like their body is falling apart, but that makes sense because they are training so hard. Have a wonderful day!


I feel slightly robbed. You said you were posting 58 pictures of Beck haha he’s so sweet! I love all the baby pics and I’m happy the kids are adjusting well!

My run will be probably 20 minutes with my dog, Cupcake (my 4 year old daughter named her haha). Finally getting back into running after taking years off after college! Had to take some time to remember my love for running.

I hope your recovery is going well!


Congratulations!!! Beck is absolutely lovely! Enjoy your bigger family :)


Congratulations Janae! I am so happy for you and you are doing a wonderful job :) I am currently 29 weeks pregnant with my first baby so have loved reading along. Love seeing the updates and have a great weekend! Hope you get some sleep soon :)


Someday Beck won’t want to be called this, but he is beautiful!

This weekend our church is celebrating the 39th anniversary of our pastor and his wife as the pastor of our church. It won’t be celebrated like we normally do, but we’ll definitely be honoring them. They’re great people, so loving and giving, they deserve it.

Les and I hiked a new trail this morning – a little over 4 miles. We leave for Flagstaff a week from Sunday with the Grand Canyon on our Thanksgiving week agenda. I just got new hiking boots – Ecco Exohike and I love them!


Beck is absolutely precious!! I’m so excited for you and your family! Not nearly as rough as newborn sleep, but my 4.5 month old son has entered some kind of sleep regression/leap madness and is waking up at 2 am to party this week. He’s been sleeping 10ish hours with one wake up (but like 5/6 am), so this new time is tiring after we’ve been getting some real sleep for a while!

6 treadmill miles this morning! Have a great, cuddly weekend!


It looks like everyone is getting used to Beck’s arrival. He’s precious!

I get to run in an ACTUAL race this weekend! I am sooo excited! They have a rolling start and we’ll wear masks at the start and finish lines so it’ll be interesting to see how it actually plays out.

We love playing Spicy Uno with our kids. It’s the regular Uno deck but with extra rules and it makes it much more intense ;)


Hi Janae,

Completely random question, but how many people in your family share the same birthday? The only ones who share in our family out of 35 people are my two uncles, my grandmother loves to brag that anyone can have twins, but it takes special planning to have two babies born on the same day. Ha, nana, TMI (love her, she’s 90 and still has all her whit)!!


Beck is just the cutest little thing ever !!!!!! Such a handsome little man.


Love following all your pregnancy posts and seeing that sweet little baby boy!! What stroller do you have by the way? I’m due with #3 in February and am in the market for something that works for both the baby and an almost 3 year old, similar to what it looks like you’ve got. Thanks :)


Janae, I’m so impressed you got out the door with all 4 kids this morning!! You definitely deserve that gorgeous diaper bag ;) Hope you get a few minutes of rest some time today!


Way to go rockin the mom of 4 life! Hoping you are getting some rest and soaking in the baby cuddles.


I knit and crochet. I think I made Brooke a baby blanket and sweater when she was born. LOL. It is so sweet that Curly made the baby a blanket. What a sweet thing to do. I know he will cherish it forever. Take care.



My sweet friend, Sue. I still have the blanket and sweater that you made for Brooke. I was so thankful for that and I still am. You were so sweet to me and it means the world to me! I hope you are having a beautiful Monday morning!

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