Beck’s Birth Story

I’m writing this in the middle of the night so I’m just going to warn you about that in the first place.  There is something about writing down every bit of my experience on a computer screen that is really special to me which made me eager to get out of bed and type when everybody else was asleep.   November 4th was one of those days that I never want to forget one minute of.  It was so extremely spiritual experiencing his birth.  When they first put Beck in my arms I felt like I had already known him for a lifetime.  And when I looked over at Andrew looking at Beck for the very first time, it is an image in my head I never want to forget.  So let’s go ahead and dive into the whole story.  I can’t thank you enough for doing this with me.

On Tuesday evening I fell asleep at around 10:45.  I normally fell asleep much earlier than that but thought it was so weird that I was forcing myself to go to sleep because I just wasn’t tired mentally (physically… I was always tired though ha).  At 11:50 I got up to use the restroom.  Andrew was still up and he was getting ready to go for a short run.  I went to the bathroom and then as I was standing up my in my bathroom my water broke.  There was zero questioning whether or not it was my water breaking, it was so so much liquid.  Andrew came running in and said we had to go to the hospital.  It was such a weird feeling because I felt so confused and dazed.  I kind of just started walking around my bathroom opening drawers and not really knowing what to do, ha.  Thank goodness Andrew was on top of things.  I put on some random clothes (I’ve never taken so long to decide what pajamas to put on) and some Christmas socks and in the same amount of time Andrew had already put all of our bags in the car and arranged for my sister to come and sleep at our house with Brooke and Skye.  Brooke had asked me to wake her up if I went to the hospital in the middle of the night so I went in and she gave me the biggest hug and then we left.  PS I had been experiencing contractions that evening but none of them were very painful or intense, but they were definitely tiring because for the previous week or so that same thing had been happening every day for hours.

We were off to the hospital and some pretty intense nausea hit hard along with stronger contractions in the car.  We parked and a guy on a golf cart came to our door and asked to give us a ride to the front door.  He was so nice and I was more than happy to jump in and avoid any walking that I could.

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We were admitted right away because my water had broken and taken straight to my room.  They gave me an uncrustable (hadn’t had one of those in a while) because I was already so hungry.  I was used to eating a full meal in the middle of the night every night ha.  Once I was in my hospital gown and sitting in my bed with everything set up around me, it started to feel real and the dazed feelings left.   They quickly gave me a Covid test (not going to lie, that was more uncomfortable than the actual birth of Beck ha) and at about 2:45 am I had my epidural.  About a half hour later my blood pressure dropped and I vomitted (tmi but sharing the whole story:) and felt really terrible until I fell asleep for about 2 hours.  I do not sleep well at hospitals so I was actually really happy about those 2 hours of sleep!

They came and checked me right before 7 am and I was at a 6.  It made me so happy to be that far and so excited thinking that I would have a baby at around lunch time.  They gave me a peanut ball to use between my legs and left the room.  With Skye that peanut ball brought her quickly so I should have guessed the same was going to happen with Beck.  At 7:10 I FaceTimed my sister and the girls and then at 7:15 I FaceTimed my niece (Curly) to wish her a happy birthday.  Curly had been telling me for weeks to NOT have this baby on her birthday (she was joking around but said it multiple times) so we were laughing about how it was looking like she was going to be sharing a birthday with her cousin.  The doctor came in to check me and I was feeling a lot of pressure at 7:25.  She  said I was at a TEN and it was time to start pushing very soon.  At 7:30 I started pushing and with two contractions of pushing, Beck was here.  I was very lucky to not tear (the same thing happened with Skye) and just couldn’t believe how I went from laughing with my niece on the phone to having a baby so quickly.  When they are ready to come, they are ready to come!

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During the pushing portion I just could not stop thinking about whether we were going to meet a boy or a girl.  I think that was my biggest motivation to push him out so quickly.  Andrew said, “It’s a BOY’ with the biggest smile on his face and it was the best surprise I’ll ever have.  I highly recommend trying the ‘surprise’ route if you ever want to, and even Andrew agrees that for that experience it was so worth the patience it took for 39 weeks to get to that moment.

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7 lbs 8 ounces (my biggest baby yet) and 19 inches long with extra long fingers and feet!

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They handed Beck to me after Andrew cut the cord and it felt so so so so good.  You’d think with my normal tendencies to take a picture of every little item of my life we would have taken a million pictures but the only ones we had at this point were from when the nurse told us to take pictures which I’m glad she did!  Andrew and I were just so there in the moment that nothing else mattered and that first hour felt like everything else in the world had stopped and it was just Andrew and me getting to know our newest addition.

Then we FaceTimed with my sister to show the girls their new brother.  Skye was too busy playing with her cousins to care, ha and Brooke was so excited to see him!

We were taken to the floor we would stay for the next 24ish hours and met our nurses there who were all so incredible.  At the hospital we were at you are allowed 2 guests max throughout your stay (and those two people can’t be there at the same time or switch with other people).  My mom came to meet Beck and I loved every second of having her there cuddling him.  I felt so lucky to be able to have her there and it was actually really nice to have a quiet and simple stay while we were there.

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While my mom was with me, Andrew went to pick up Knox at school. They FaceTimed us and I showed him Beck while the nurses were checking on him and told him he had a new baby brother.  He just stood there for a second shocked and then the tears started flowing.  He has wanted a baby brother for about 8 years now and seeing his sweet face crying tears of joy (that started after I took this screenshot) was a really special experience.

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The rest of our stay went well and Andrew and I were so excited to get back home and for Brooke, Skye and Knox to meet him.  Beck’s birthday was the perfect day and we all cannot wait to experience life with Beck.

A few more random things to note:

*They gave me a turkey sandwich quickly after I had Beck that will go down in history as the best sandwich I have ever had… there is something so crazy good to me about the first meal after having a baby.  Food tastes SO much better to me after pregnancy.

*We had Beck at the hospital that Andrew works at which I loved because he has so many fun connections there now!

*Who does he look like?!

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*Beck evened things out in our family and on my parents’ side of the family—> They now have 13 granddaughters and 13 grandsons!

*I think we are going to have a thumb sucker… he did when he was in the womb (we saw on ultrasounds) and he keeps going for that hand.

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*The cramping going on after having Beck has by far been the worst I’ve experienced postpartum so far… the nurses warned me they get worse with each one.  Luckily some heating pads have helped and they’ve gotten better with each day.

*Where did we get the name?  The Sunday before he was born we were at a family dinner talking and I had this weird feeling all of the sudden about the name we had picked out if we were having a boy.  I randomly said something to Andrew which then turned into a full discussion with my parents and sister’s family about names.  I think about 100 different one syllable names were said as we were trying to think of something new and Andrew said he loved the name, “Beck” and boom… I instantly fell in love with it.  It finally felt like how I felt about Brooke and Skye’s names… just SO right.  Truman is Andrew and Knox’s middle name and I loved the idea of having them all connected with that middle name too.

*I’m sure I’ll write an entire post on HRG about how breastfeeding is going but so far so good.  I’ve gone into this time around with absolutely zero pressure and a few things of formula already purchased just in case we need it.  The zero stress/pressure on my self + Beck’s latching like a champion (and he came HUNGRY) has made it my easiest start to breastfeeding so far and we are both doing great with it!  My milk came in 48 hours after having him and the whole thing has felt so much easier than ever.  I’ll continue the zero pressure thing and we’ll just take it a day at a time!

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Those of you with kids, how much did they weigh at birth?  Do you know how much you weighed at birth?

I feel like I havent heard about what is new with you in too long!  How was your weekend?  What have you been up to?  Any great runs lately?

How did your parents choose your name?   

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Congratulations!! So happy for you and Andrew! And for Brooke, Knox and Skye to have a new brother!

Weekend was great! I had amazing tacos and chips and queso/guacamole with a friend on Friday night. Good talks and good food make for the best nights :) Plus it was in the 70’s here in Maryland, so soaked up the weather and sun before winter!


Thank you so much Mariah! Oh your taco night sounds like it was perfect.. I am so glad you were able to do that! And 70’s… it’s snowing here ha. Have a beautiful day!


Ahhh!! Congrats! What a lovely family!

We have two boys and didn’t find out the sex with either, which I would highly recommend (although I have nothing to compare it to).

Our first was 8lbs and second was 9lbs (big babies come from my husband’s side of the family).

Enjoy this time!


Congratulations! And I definitely see some Knox in there. :)


Thank you so much Marilyn! I do too… it’s so fun and Knox is so proud:). Have a beautiful day!


Oh I love that you did that with both! It really was the best surprise. 9 lbs… WOW! I bet he came extra hungry ha. Thank you Kelly and I hope you are having a great day.


What a great birth story :)

Both my kids were over 9 pounds, but I was only 7 lb something. Both of my kids had huge heads like me so my first ended up being a c-section – I tried pushing for 2+ hours but I think mentally I was scared of her getting stuck and of having ongoing issues.

I hear you about that first meal! With my first, she was born at 10 pm after 22 hours of labor and pushing and waiting for surgery. Like you my water broke around midnight. So I was so starving by the time she was born but by the time we got back to my room the cafeteria was closed so they just brought me some crackers and jello. I think I had like 3 breakfasts the next morning. My second was a planned c-section and he was born around noon. I had been dreaming about the hospital’s mac and cheese (since she was born at 10 pm and a csection I was in the hospital for 5 nights so had plenty of experience with their mac and cheese). I know they gave me something in recovery, but again, like jello and crackers. And then they tried telling me I could only have broth for dinner but because the dinner was paid for my husband could order anything he wanted. Heck no! I still had that mac and cheese and it was as good as I remembered!

Congratulations again!


Two hours of pushing… WOW! You are tough. I can see why you were so incredibly hungry. I am so glad you were able to get the mac and cheese with your second too… There is just something so magical about that first meal. Have a beautiful day Jessey and thank you so so much!


Congratulations and thank you for sharing the story!
My baby was 9.8 pounds! He was huge haha
Breastfeeding was the actual worst for me and if I have another baby I am going the zero pressure route. It’s so so not worth the stress!


Congratulations!! Beck is beautiful and I’m so glad you had a positive birth experience. My second son was born 3.5 weeks ago and both my boys were 10+lbs. We waited to find out if we were having a boy or girl this time and I agree it was totally worth the wait!


Congratulations! And, Welcome Beck! That is so special to hear how the name Beck came to you. I had a similar experience in the bookstore when I was pregnant with my 3rd. We also waited until the baby was born to find out the sex, but we had our “boy” and “girl” names already picked. I looking through a baby name book for fun and the name “Hazel” jumped out at me and I couldn’t get it out of my head! Hazel is 7 now, and I can’t imagine her as having any other name! Enjoy this special time!


My girls were 6lbs 13 oz, and 5lbs and something oz lol I always forget that part.
I’m named after the Waylon Jennings song, Amanda.
We waited to find out what we were having with both of them, and it was amazing. I’m always so happy when someone tells me they are waiting too.


I love him so much!!!!! Huge congrats and thanks for sharing your story!!
I was 8 lbs 15 oz and my moms smallest baby out of three! my daughter was born 4 weeks early and was already 7 lbs 6 oz. we don’t make small babies in my family, hah!! There is also no guessing if we are pregnant or not cause our bellies get BIG!


Congratulations! What a blessing!


The boys all sharing a middle name is adorable. I think Beck looks like Knox!

I have no idea what time I was born or how much I weighed. Apparently my two closet siblings and I were all around the same weight and within an hour so my parents never remember who was who lol.

What’s new with me – I leave on Sunday to MOVE!!Closing is on Monday and I can not wait Janae!


My boys were 8’12, 8’15 and 9’10, and our daughter was 7’5. We waited to find out for the first 2 then found out for the last 2. I love the surprise element. I see Skye and Knox in Beck. OMGosh the light hair. So precious. Blessings to your family!!


What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing Beck’s day with us! Congratulations!!! So very happy for you all ❤️


I’m so glad you felt up to writing out Beck’s birth story–I love reading those, and it really sounds like it all went great for you! I see Skye’s face in Beck so far :) I also love his names!
My kids were 8 lb 2 oz (this one gave us a scare with her shoulder getting stuck, and she needed PT for months to recover, but is fine), 9 lb 14 oz (c-section after the first had delivery trouble), and 7 lb 15 oz (another c-section on 7/15/08). I was 8 lb 9 oz at birth.
My name (Corey) came from a character in a movie that my mom saw shortly before I was born, and she just loved how it sounded. We went with similarly neutral names for our daughters (Riley and Kendal), and all 3 of us have middle names that sound similar (Joyce, Bryce, and Grace); my husband just loved the name Grady for our son, and he has 2 middle names–one he shares with his cousin and grandad, and the other is after his uncles on both sides of the family.
Hope you’re having a wonderful day!


Congratulations!!! I LOVE HIS NAME! I was 7 lbs 4 oz but my brother was over 10 lbs (and my mom was only 100 lbs prior to having him.. she gained 50 lbs during that pregnancy!)

My mom loved the Kennedy family and got my name from Caroline Kennedy!


I was my mother’s biggest (of six kids) – she told me 8 something – she couldn’t remember exactly! My husband was his mother’s biggest too – at 10lbs 4oz! So I was a little nervous when I was pregnant with my first. She came out 10lbs 3oz! And her brother two years later was 10lbs 6ozs! She was six days late and he was about 10 days early (induced because they thought that would keep his size down – hah!). I stopped after two because I was afraid they would just keep getting bigger!


Congratulations on sweet Beck! I think I was 7 lb 13 oz at birth. My two girls were very different in weight even though both were born at 39 weeks. First was 6 lb 12 oz and her sister was 8 lb 5 oz! We didn’t find out the sex of either before they were born and it was amazing. With my first I just knew she was a girl the whole pregnancy and was right. We were more surprised by the second because it was such a different pregnancy I was convinced I was having a boy, but nope, another girl!


Congratulations! He is just perfect. So glad the experience went as smoothly as possible for you. Enjoy the next few days and weeks while he’s tiny!


I’m reading this a wiping away the tears at my desk….as my 5th graders are coming in this monday morning:-0 Such a beautiful story! Just so happy for you all!

My parents were expecting me to be a boy (they already had a girl and this felt different?)…and my dad’s best friend had just died of cancer in his early twenties….so they were going to name me Stephen after him…surprise…a they decided on Stephani.. They finally got their son a few years later;-)

I have four daughters….Lily, Libby, Lucy, and Landry….Lily was 10lbs. 4 oz and 23 inches long!! I had all 4 by c-section (thanks to LIly)….but they each got smaller and smaller…8lbs and then 2 in the 7’s.

Enjoy your time with your lovely family. What a gift to take these last two months of the year just slow!


Congratulations! He’s adorable :) My daughter (now 3) was 8lbs 10 oz and 22 inches, and my son (now 9 months) was 8lbs 2 oz and 21.5 inches. I was a lot smaller than that at birth, but my kids got their size from my 6’4 husband.

I love hearing birth stories, so your post this morning made for a great Monday morning!


Love reading this! Makes me want another baby!

My daughter (2) weight 6lbs 8oz and my son (11 mo) weighed 7lbs 4oz. My husband and I both weight 7lbs 2oz. My son was almost 3 weeks early and weighed more than his sister who was born at 39+4!


Congratulations and welcome to Beck! Thank you for sharing the journey with all of us!


I was 8 lb 9oz my oldest was 7lb 15oz (12 days early) and my youngest was 8lb 10oz (7 days early) I had gestational diabetes, so I grew them big!


Even though you mention the late running often, I seriously can’t believe Andrew was getting ready for a run near midnight! :)

I’m 22 weeks now and going the surprise route. This story definitely helps solidly my position. I couldn’t help but cry at sweet Knox’s response to a brother. A brother bond already beginning!

Congrats on a lovely family!


Congratulations on your baby boy Janae! This birth story was absolutely beautiful. I’m so happy for you <3


Thanks for sharing Beck’s birth story! Always enjoy reading those. Amazing how different they can be, and proof that more of then than not the body knows just what to do.

My sons were nearly the same at birth – 7 lb 12 oz and 7 lb 14 oz (born at 39w6d and 39w3d respectively) and both 19″ long. I think I was around the same as a baby. The funny thing is, their growth patterns since then have been very different!


Congrats hes adorable! Thanks for sharing the story. I got a Covid test and I thought I was just being a baby, I’m glad you validated my thoughts by saying it was worse than giving birth LOL

I was 5 lbs 13 oz I think!


My first son was 8 lbs and my second was 9.2 pounds. They are now 19 & 21. Still the lights of my life. ??. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!


He looks just like Knox to me! Congratulations!!!


Congratulations! I really teared up when you talked about Knox. So special. Welcome to the world little Beck!


Congrats! He’s a cutie for sure!


And my name was suggested to my parents by a nurse at the hospital! Somewhere out there in Louisiana is a nurse who named me! They only had a boy name chosen bc they were told I was a boy early on. Loribeth was the name of Richie’s wife on Happy Days. (Ron Howard’s character) I have met Mary Beths and Laura Beths, but no other Loribeth!


Congratulations! I was 6lb 9oz, my kids were 6lbs 4oz and 6lbs 6oz. I don’t think my body can handle anyone bigger than that. They were both taller than I was by an inch which makes a big difference at that size. I cried when I saw the picture of Knox’s excitement, that is so precious.


Congratulations!! So happy for your beautiful family.

I’m the youngest of 4 and my mom somehow found the time to fill my baby book! Here’s my favorite: “Kathy is the fulfillment of our fondest dreams, a family of two girls and two boys.” She was 24 years old, the mother of four. My sister is the oldest and she turned 5 just 4 days before I was born! It was a busy home and I often wonder how she did it. She’s my hero!

It was in the 30s here this morning. Cold, breezy, but sunny. I had a wonderful run! My gloves lasted for the first mile, then they went to my pocket. I saw a guy running with a long sleeve shirt, gloves, and shorts – that made me shiver!


Oh my gosh he is so precious. I love reading birth stories! I’m so excited for you and honestly kind of jealous you get to have a newborn at Christmas time. Ha! Nash was born in October so he was tiny new at Christmas and I loooooved it. I don’t know why there’s something so special about it! Anyway. So happy for you! Keep soaking him up!


Thank you so much for sharing Beck’s story. I love his name. IMO he is a carbon copy of Knox. My sons were 10 lb and 10.2 lb. They didn’t look newborn at anytime. My boys both have the same middle name, Thomas, which is my husband’s first name. I am the 5th child out of 6 in my family and my mom went with all B names.

You are about the sweetest family out here on the internet and I just love following your story.

Enjoy your days with all the babies Janae. These are the best days of your life.


Congratulations! Your story made me cry…I, too, prayed for my brother. I was so happy when he was born, which wax short-lived once I realized how much work having a newborn baby around was! LOL
So our family tends to have big babies. My son was 9 lbs 14 oz…and I believe I was 9 lbs 4 or 8 oz. My niece beat my son’s record at 10 pds.
Enjoy and take care of yourself, you are so blessed to have such a beautiful family!


So many heartfelt congratulations! What a sweetie.


Congratulations sweet friend and family!!! He is gorgeous! I think he looks a bit more like you, but is a perfect blend! Love reading your birth stories, they are the best!


Hooray! Congratulations!!!

I think I was 7 lb 14 oz and my name came from a romance novel my mom read while she was pregnant with me. She loved the main character- I have a copy of the book but haven’t read it


My first boy was 6lb 1oz. And my second was 7lb 6oz. Both were very hungry born too and fed like champs. ESP the first one, he acted as if he’d been starved for the previous 9 months! Fed every hour for the first three days and every 1.5 hours for the next week. But he never lost weight so I guess he did something right there.

Beck is gorgeous Janae and I just love hearing birthing stories. It went so fast for you! So amazing. Xx


Thanks so much for sharing this, what a great birth story. Curly seems to be your good luck angel! And how sweet that Brooke wanted you to wake her and for Knox’s reaction. And it sounds like Andrew was the perfect partner. It’s hard to believe how teeny tiny Beck is and so handsome already. Great job, Mom and enjoy all the snuggles!

I was either going to be Michael Christian, or Michelle Christine, named after my Dad. He’s Michael now, but was born in a French speaking country so he was Michel (pronounced Michelle) growing up.


congrats!!!!! thanks for sharing such a special moment!! enjoy your family of SIX!!!


So happy for your family! ?????????????????

My husband guessed the baby name! He’s laughing at me now for not including it in my 20 guesses ? very cute name!

I can’t remember how my parents came up with my name but I’m going to ask ? how did your parents come up with your name?

Take care! Get as much rest as possible and hug your sweet baby ?


Congratulations! We also just had our third and was surprised with our first baby boy. Reading through your birth story just brings back so many great memories – it’s always a day I never ever want to forget every last detail of. I’m so glad that you and he are doing well! I’m a longtime follower and reader and was so happy to hear that he was finally here. Enjoy those baby snuggles – they’re the absolute best!


I am so happy for you guys!! Beck is so precious!! I think he looks a lot like Andrew! I love how excited Brooke and Knox are, I hope you are all enjoying this super special time together <3

My daughter (now 5) was 6 pounds, 7 ounces, born at 37.5 weeks and my son (now 2) was 7 pounds, 10 ounces, born at 39 weeks. Both my husband and I were 8 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.

Thank you for sharing this birth story!! Congrats again :-)


So exciting, congratulations!!! I teared up reading Andrews post about how excited Knox got when he found out he had a baby brother and I teared up again reading it just now (although I’m pregnant right now so I’m blaming everything on pregnancy hormones lol). Totally know what you mean on the name thing. I *think* we picked out our full name for if this baby its a girl. We had a first name that we were strongly leaning towards but randomly came up with a middle name last week to go with it and we both LOVE the combination. We won’t find out until December though if we are having a boy or girl so we still need to work on some boy names in the meantime! But its so fun when you finally do land on a name and it just feels like “the one.” Can’t wait to hear more about life as a family of 6!


Congratulations, Janae! Beck is beautiful! I think he looks like Knox. Thanks for sharing his birth story! I live reading these, and it sounds like his went so smoothly!

My son was 7-7 and 21.5” and my daughter was 7-11 and 19.5”…so almost the same weight but that extra 2” of length on my son made all the difference! He looked like he had chicken legs and she looked so chubby! I was just over 8 pounds (the biggest of 6 kids), but my husband was over 10 pounds!
Soak up all those sweet newborn snuggles and noises! There’s nothing like it! Congrats again and thanks for sharing your sweet story with all of us!


Congratulations! I didn’t even put it together he was born on 11/4. So funny, my youngest was born 12/8/17, same day as Skye, and my oldest was born on 11/4 (different year, but still cool)! Enjoy those baby snuggles!


Thank you so much for sharing your birth story. It means a lot that you indulge us!
My third baby was the hardest pregnancy but the smoothest birth ever. Oh, and those postpartum cramps are the worst, aren’t they?! I am glad they are getting better each day. Whew-they’re a doozy!

My 1st and 4th babies were the same size, then #2 was the biggest (8#13oz after a big poop so we say 9# ha) and 22.5″long with giant shoulders. He was an easy birth though. and #3 was my smallest, she was 6#120z and 18″ long. She was so short but was sooo cute and round!

Beck looks like Knox. I love that he has a big brother-I foresee pictures of Brooke carrying Beck around, setting him down, then Knox sliding in and reading and teaching Beck all sorts of things. Skye will show him all the wild fun things because her big siblings won’t ;)

Congratulations again. You have such a sweet family.


I love reading birth stories. Thanks for sharing!!


Congratulations sweet friend!! He is beautiful and I’m so glad you had a good experience. I think he definitely looks like Knox right now. It will be fun to see how that develops since babies change so much so fast, especially at the beginning. Definitely teared up at Knox crying. What a sweetheart!

I was a tiny 5 lbs, my brother was somewhere in the 6 lb range and my sister was 8 weeks early so she was only 3 lbs.


Congrats! he is precious!
For my second child, we decided to wait to find out if the baby was a girl or boy until his birth and totally agree that it was the best experience ever and think that I was able to pop him out quicker because of it.
I am currently pregnant with my third after a failed vasectomy, so just being pregnant this time around was a complete surprise.
My first born was 8lbs 2 oz and born at 38w and 5 days and my secnd son was 8lbs, 3 oz and was born at 40weeks on his due date. I was 5 lbs 4 ounces.
As for names, I was a surprise twin that happened to be born on my aunt charlottes birthday so they went with Charlotte. My twin was 3 lbs 12 ounces and I was 5lbs 4 ounces. The doctors just thought we were going to be one big baby so everyone in the delivery room was shocked to see 2 babies.


He is so beautiful, Janae! I didn’t find out the gender for either of my boys and I loved the suspense— so fun!


That was incredibly touching to read! As I am now closer to be a grandma than a new mom with 20 year old triplets, I can look fondly at the relationship that you have with your mom and think, “I cannot wait to experience that joy.” Congratulations on your newest exquisite addition. Beck is a lucky dude!!!


He is the sweetest baby boy! I love his name! Congratulations!!! My mom wanted to name me stevie (after stevie nicks I’m guessing) but my Grandma said no way and named me mindee. I’m so relieved ha. My mom had preeclampsia and toximia and almost died, as did I, and delivered me at 26 1/2 weeks, I was 1 1/2 pounds and three months early. Thankful for my life, my health, and most importantly my mom!


Congrats! Love his name! Funny enough I had a turkey sandwich about an hour after my second baby. It was the best sandwich ever! It came with lays potato chips and a chocolate milkshake and I needed it all! My son was almost 9 pounds and my daughter was (thankfully) smaller at just over 6 pounds.

We found out the sex of both our kiddos and picked our boy name right away. When I found out we were having a girl I had total analysis paralysis. We didn’t name her for 24 hours after she was born so I guess we had to get to know her ;)


Thank you for sharing Beck’s birth story with us, I loved it! My daughter was 56 cm and 3620 g, she was born on 31th Dec (I wished she’d be in January though the estimated birth date was 19th Dec, but then they induced the labour and besides everything I had a c-section. She is a healthy happy girl and we’re so happy to have her.
Regarding the name Beck it associates me with my previous Nokia phone – there was a melody integrated in the phone and the author was Beck – it was a very pleasant and relaxing sound :).
Beck is also a champion in running, he ran so many kilometres already!
Love reading your posts and seing these beautiful pictures, your family is stunning. I love it how Brooke, Knox and Skye welcomed the newborn, no jealousy or competition, just spreading of love.


Congrats to your sweet family! What a cutie!



I was 5lbs 15oz at birth, but I was born a few weeks early. My first two babies were both 7lbs 7oz and then my third baby was 8lbs 14oz. He seemed giant!

My mom read an article about a little girl, whose last wish was to go horseback riding and my parents fell in love with my name.


Congrats and glad you and baby are doing so well!!

What was the original name that you shelved? Just curious. Love the name Beck :)


Congrats! He is beautiful And I love his name! Not sure how much I weighed but my girls were 8lbs 8oz and 9lbs 9oz —big ones :)


I loved your post. Congratulations!! I’m really happy for you :)


Congratulations! So happy for you and your family! He’s a precious addition!


Beck looks so much like Skye!! Adorable!


My family has all been saying that too… it makes me so happy! Have a really great Wednesday, Yasmine!


We didn’t find out the sex either and it was such a fun surprise. She was a tiny one at 6lbs 1oz! <3


I know the one syllable names were on purpose but I have to ask…..A “K” in each name….is that an accidental pattern that you just kept going or was it planned? We had that happen accidentally with the first three and kept it going for all seven of them. Yes, seven….half homegrown and half adopted.

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