Silentish Saturday

A run on my own around my area.

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Said our goodbyes a bit later.

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Skye tackled her to attempt to get her to stay.

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Still pretending she is a dog a good chunk of the day.

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Grandma School is just too good to be true.

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Have you ever seen two little boys focus so intently?!

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Lite-Brite’s biggest fan.

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Sweet potatoes are back in my life again which I’m happy about (even if it looks like that is play-doh on my fork).

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My mom sent me home with a bag of apples from a friend’s orchard so I turned them into apple crisp (<— my mom’s recipe)!

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I love getting texts from Brooke while she is gone!

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I spilled 12 times on myself as I was attempting to eat dinner.

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PJs at 6 pm on a Friday night (these joggers are going to be my most worn items this fall/winter + Andrew’s shirts).

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And these four went on a walk and I took a bath:)

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Time for a Saturday long run (aka one step farther than I normally do during the week;) and then we will be spending the weekend watching General Conference <— I get so much hope and peace through these talks.


Tell me three things that you have going on today!

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Leaving for my long run now.
Taking Hope to her first hip hop dance class. (Her choice, I am hoping to gain some new moves.)
Decorating my porch for fall.


I bet you had an awesome long run and hip hop class… oh how fun! Enjoy your weekend and I think you’ll have to post your new moves. Thanks Erica.


Enjoy your conference !

Allie and I were hit with colds this week (went for covid tests even though we already had it lol —> negative) so just laying low today.

I meant to say before that Its a bummer you don’t have eggs from your chickens yet!!! Ours started laying at 19 weeks old and are egg machines, they each produce one Per day. They’re Colombian rock chickens. But All in good time I’m sure :) theyre a joy even without eggs, right?!

Your little nephew looks so old all of a sudden! What a big guy.


have a great weekend <3


I am so sorry that you two aren’t feeling your best today! I hope you guys are able to get plenty of rest this weekend. YES it really is but I am so happy you guys are getting eggs! That is fabulous… hopefully ours do the same soon. Seriously, they are growing up way too fast. Thank you sweet friend, you too!


Love the Brooks hat, so cute! Also love the Skye pretends to be a dog, she cracks me up.

Enjoy conference, I hope you have a peaceful weekend.


Today is a lot of rearranging and organizing. Something about finally having a spell of cooler weather plus the start of October has me in that mode. (It’s not even noon and my workspace and dresser have seen overhauls) Then a Costco run to top it off.
Tonight I’ll be ready to relax!


I have felt the same way with the cooler temps! I hope you were able to get a lot done and enjoy Costco and relaxing! Thanks Kristen!


Thank you SO much Beth! I hope your Saturday has been a great one so far!


Hi Janae! Brooke is such a sweetheart. I am totally going to look into that lite brite thing for my friends three year old! Whenever my fiance invites them over we have no idea what to get for her to play with. We have gotten art supplies but she won’t play with them for a long time, she likes the bouncy ball but her mom gets concerned about supervising her so she doesn’t hit people with it, and then stickers are always a hit but then they make a mess.
Today I am seeing my good friends baby for the first time since she was a newborn! She has been indoors this whole quarantine time (the baby not my friend) so we are all very excited to say hi from a distance.
Happy weekend and enjoy your conference!


YES, the lite brite is always a hit and for so many different age groups! Have the best time seeing your friend and her baby:) Thanks Amy, you too!


Lite Brite! I looked it up and Lite Brite was introduced in 1967. I used one probably in the early 70’s. I would assume the technology has improved and you don’t have to keep using new black sheets of paper each time? Don’t you just slide a lever to reset it now?

Doing my usual weekend stuff plus putting together a plyo box and setting up a Roborick S5 vacuum I bought. We’ve never used one.

Have a great weekend!


1967?! No way! So the black sheets are still part of it! Let me know what you guys think of that vacuum and I hope you have a really great weekend too. Thanks John.


Yoga in the park, coffee + breakfast with a friend and homework (grad school makes that a must every day haha).


Yoga in the park… that sounds amazing. I cannot imagine the work load that comes with grad school. I hope you are able to get in some relaxing tonight too.


Love the bump pic with your dinner propped up on it ha! I found that built in shelf very convenient when I was pregnant.

I dropped kids off with their dad this morning. Job hunting, napping and a workout are on the agenda for today. I just got back from a mini getaway and I have a lot of laundry to do as well…enjoy your weekend with the fam!


Hahaha it really does come in handy! Good luck with the job hunting and you’ll have to keep me updated with that. So glad you were able to getaway for a bit and good luck with all of the laundry. Thank you Gillian and I hope you are able to feel rejuvenated for when you get your kids back!


Packet pick up for the second live and in-person half marathon tomorrow!!! Then R&R for the rest of the afternoon.


AHHHH GOOD LUCK!! I am cheering for you and please let me know how it goes!


2:12:08 – more than 2.5 minutes faster than my Labor Day half. I’ll take it! Love fall running.


AHHHH YES!! You rocked it! Way to go and so glad you got to enjoy the cooler temps:). Thanks for letting me know!


Enjoy Conference!

We are going to be in the St George/Springdale area for several days this week. And local/regional restaurants we absolutely shouldn’t miss?


This makes me SO happy! You are going to love it and you’ll have to let me know what you think. I have a post here with my favorites, I hope it helps:


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