It will always take you back…

Another morning where my sister texted me saying her daughter would watch Skye if we wanted to run later in the morning rather than running early and in the dark like we had planned on doing…

Yes and yes.

The sunshine was very needed.  5 miles @ 9:28 with plenty of walking breaks thrown in there too (I pause my Garmin for the walking breaks).

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We came back to my sister’s house and my niece was helping Skye get ready to be a big sister with the books they were reading together…

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And then I took my niece to her favorite restaurant.  She could eat at Zupas every day of her life and I’m grateful that it is her favorite because it hit the spot yesterday.

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Skye got hurt which made Brooke cry which then made Skye ask Brooke if she needed a hug… There were all of the emotions from all three of us yesterday.

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Later on we went to pick up some bday presents for friends…

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General Mills sent over cereal in perfect timing because my 2 a.m. cereal stash was getting low…

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And the hospital bag packing has begun.  Packing for both a girl and a boy is making it a little bit more difficult ha.

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And with each day that I get closer to the due date, the earlier I get in bed and turn on The Office with a random treat.

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The other day my sister asked me to go on a hike with her to the top of the Y mountain (something that she did through her pregnancies).  I looked at her and started laughing, the answer was no.  I currently am winded when I walk up the stairs or up small hills and the idea of hiking a trail like the Y made me want to take a nap on the floor at that moment.

Thinking about that hike reminded me of how last year at this exact time of year, Emilee and I RAN up that trail the day after a speed workout… and then a few days later had a 24 mile run with 18 miles in the middle at a 6:29 average pace.

PS does this picture make anyone else want to drink hot chocolate?

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Exactly one year ago, I was definitely in the best running shape of my entire life and obviously things have changed a lot in one year (I CANNOT WAIT TO MEET THIS BABY).  I was trying to figure out why it hasn’t been hard to lose all of the fitness I built up last year and one of the many reasons why is…

Because I know that RUNNING WILL ALWAYS TAKE US BACK.  I’ve learned this lesson over and over again throughout the years.  Whether it be taking breaks from running because of injury, because of heartache, because of pregnancy/recovery or because of burnout… Each time that my body and brain are ready to come back to running, it is there for me again.  The fitness always comes back.  It waits patiently for us to be ready and as soon as we are ready to work hard again, it welcomes us back with sweaty arms;)  I can make a comeback next year or if next year doesn’t work then the year after that or the year after that (remember how Sara Hall just set a marathon PR at 37 years old wahoo and I love this picture of her so much because you can see her husband cheering for her).

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If you are feeling frustrated because you feel like your running (or fitness in any area) has gone backwards or you’ve been forced to take a break this year or you’ve lost your motivation because of the lack of races or you are going to be too busy during the holidays or the emotional stress of 2020 has held you back from doing workouts you used to do easily… Remember, that running is there for you whenever YOU are ready.  You don’t have to force it and you don’t have to come back before you are ready.

Be calm and it will come (when YOU are ready).


Has running always taken you back when you were ready… give me examples please!

Have a restaurant that you could eat at every day if you could?!

What was the last treat you had?  Do you have a sweet tooth or are you more about the salty?

Last tv show that you watched?

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Thank you! I really needed to hear your advice about waiting patiently and being able to come back to running when I’m ready. I am currently in the middle of a running break due to minor injury and burnout following my first marathon experience and I’m not sure how long it will last. But it’s so comforting to hear that it will be there for me when I’m ready.


You are so welcome Heather and I’m glad it helped. CONGRATS on your first marathon and keep being patient, you’ll come back stronger and more in love with it than ever when your body/brain are ready for it. Keep me updated and have a really great day.


I have a huge sweet tooth and we watched a lot of baseball last night. I have to say thank you for the Roasted Cauliflower chowder recipe you linked the other day. I was bored with my usual food and decided to make that, huge huge hit!! Everyone loved it!! So, that’s a win!! Thank yo!!


That makes me so happy. There is just something so so good about that soup. Yay for baseball being on and hopefully you are a Dodger’s fan;)


Random question regarding that soup!! I made it for my husband and he LOVED it, but I’m actually allergic to cauliflower! Have you or anyone else tried it with broccoli instead?


I haven’t made that exact soup but I’ve made a simple broccoli cheddar soup that’s really delicious.


Your girls are so sweet to each other :)
Yep–I’ve made the “return to running” many times…after pregnancies, eye surgery (when I had to ease back into fitness slowly), and winters (LOL). Being patient and thoughtful about the return to avoid injury, it’s still amazing how quickly the body remembers and builds back up again. Love it!
My latest treat was 5 minutes ago (even though it’s only 8:40 a.m.): candy corn and peanuts! Confession time–my first purchase of candy corn this season resulted in me eating the entire bag in <24 hours, so I bought the small bag this time.
I started watching Haunting of Bly Manor on Netflix, but I'm trying to get my kids to watch Hubie Halloween with me this week :)


I’m just going to reply to you twice today too:). Hahah our candy corn eating styles sound very similar. You are so right, the body remembers and builds back even stronger. I need to check out both of those this week… I have a feeling Andrew will be a fan.


Last treat…lindt chocolates. My partner oves them so I should hide them if I want more than a couple lol.

I have run my best times after a layoff due to injury or sometimes due to circumstances beyond my control. The first time I BQd was when I wasn’t able to race due to mitigating circumstances and I had an extra 4 months of training when I could run again lol.

I have to admit I have almost 0 motivation these days and 2020 has had so much going on that my heart isn’t in it these days. Thanks for the reminder. It is much needed. I know I will return to it on a more structured basis at some point because I always do.

The Halloween cereal looks amazing! I might have to go find some. So excited for you that baby is so close.

Have a wonderful day Janae!


I LOVE Lindt chocolates! You are welcome Kristine, this year has been so trying and I can fully see why your heart isn’t in it right now. As soon as it is again, running will be there. Thank you friend, you too!


I’ve came back to running after babies, but on a smaller scale, coming back from random things like colds, strep throat, etc. frustrates me most. I feel like whenever I get into a great running grove/streak, I pick up whatever bug is going around and then I can’t run for a week! Combine that with the year we’ve had and I feel like I’m struggling for consistency.
I would eat at our local Mexican place, La Charraeda, everyday if I could.
Last treat I had was a fun size 100 Grand but I am usually more about the salty.
My husband and I are currently loving Schitt’s Creek! With the episodes being only about 20 min each, it’s the perfect thing to watch before bedtime.


This year really has been a crazy one and I know that it has effected so many people’s running.. that is for sure. I agree, those hiccups along the way with smaller breaks are quite frustrating too. I hope you get to go to La Charraeda soon. That show is HILARIOUS!! I love each character so so much. I hope your Wednesday is off to a great start, Amanda.


Thanks for the reminder that the fitness comes back. I’ve dealt with posterior tibial tendonitis this year and had to go easy and slow for most of my runs. I’m just toeing back into speed (striders) and it hurts. And I’m slow. And my legs feel like cement. And I swear my glutes feel like jello. It’s weird thinking that a year ago I ran a minute and a half faster per mile on easy runs. Oh well. Patience and effort.

Also, I keep thinking the reason I’m slow is because of age (37). So thank you for reminding me that Sara Hall is my age. My excuses are invalidated.


Kathy!! I am so sorry that you dealt with that tendonitis this year but I am thrilled to hear you are coming back now! You are doing awesome and those glutes and legs will feel good again. Sara Hall really is such a good example to us all and I can’t wait to see what she does next. Have a beautiful day, friend.


The girls hugging is just too cute (give me all the babies!!!!) How fun that you can run with your sister, seems like an ideal way to start the day =)

I am so impressed that you have waited to find out the sex of your baby, I don’t think I could ever do that. What an amazing surprise.

I totally agree that running will always be there, less than a year after my first I came back to run further than I ever have by running my first ultra. The break just made me love it more and work harder for it.


It is definitely getting harder right now to not find out the sex but we can’t wait for the surprise. I loved reading that about you Beth! I totally agree with you… we can come back even stronger and faster after those times away. I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday!


Yes, running always takes me back! After my first marathon, I got injured pretty badly and took a long time off (probably a year+). The break made me appreciate running more, plus work on strength and other types of cardio, which got me back in shape for running.

I’m watching Great British Bake-Off right now. Just the positive, funny and food-focused content I need haha.


Oh I love hearing that Mariah! It just always takes us back. Oh I love that show so much and I’m with you… I just need to watch positive things right now. Have a great day.


Have to comment again to say that over the past few months, I’ve seen a woman sprint up the (dreadful) hill in front of my house a few times a week. The other day, I happened to be outside as she finished and turned to go back down the hill, and I waved and told her I’ve been so impressed with her crushing that hill sprint regularly. She got a huge smile on her face, and she said last year she was sidelined from running because of herniated discs in her back, and this is her victory–she might walk during her run, but she attacks this hill every time :)


Hey Corey! Thank you SO much for sharing this story with us. It gave me goosebumps and I love hearing about runners comebacks and their victories after hard things. I hope you are having a beautiful morning, friend.


Ha, I was feeling a bit bummed about my knee this morning so this was great timing! Thanks so much Janae.

I definitely have a sweet tooth but I am still actively trying to cut back on unnecessary sugar in my diet again. The chocolate chip cookies I had last night were definitely necessary though.

Last TV show i watched… Jeopardy I guess last night. It was the first time I can remember when only one contestant made it to final Jeopardy last night, lol. Too much guessing by the other 2.


I really hope that your knee is back to normal in no time but whenever that happens, running is there for you. CC cookies are always necessary! YAY for Jeopardy and I’ve never seen that happen. PS the guy that paced me for my ultra was on Jeopardy 2-3 times!! Have a great day John.


Needed to hear this. I’ve been feeling so slow lately (I have been slow- it’s been crazy hot here in SD) and with two kids and work and a bunch of life stuff (trying to find a new house, selling our old house, etc) I am lucky to get out for a 30 minute run. It’s frustrating because I really wanted to an ultra before I turn 40 (June next year) and in addition to just not having the time to run everything is cancelled! Ugh. But I have to remind myself that even 30 minutes of running makes me feel good because I LOVE running’s day my kids will get older and ill have more time… it’s just a certain season in my life so trying to enjoy it and know it won’t always be like this… also amazing race from Sara Hall! Did you read about her strategy and pacing? Spectacular.


You have SO much on your plate right now. I am so sorry that the ultra was cancelled too. You are so right, those 30 minutes are exactly what you need at this point and whenever you are ready for that ultra (and the world is ready for it too), running is there for you. You are rocking it with all that you have going on. YES YES YES.. I just listened to her on her husband’s podcast too and it was amazing. She is so inspiring. Have a fabulous day Arianna and keep me updated on your house hunt.


Awwww the sister love is strong in your house! I was convinced my first child was a boy (we didn’t find out the gender) and I only brought blue clothes to the hospital…and it was a girl. I have no idea why I was so convinced it was a boy!

I looooove sweets and rarely eat salty foods. My family always jokes that I am the healthiest eater until the dessert comes out;-). Yesterday I had a bite of pudding dessert (my daughter had the last piece but she was nice of enough to share a bite). And I also had 2 small chocolate chip cookies. We always have dessert in our house!

I am currently watching Man with a Plan. It’s cute and easy to watch before bed.


Hahaha because mother’s intuition is usually right, that’s why:). I need some of that pudding dessert and I think you and I would have a lot of fun eating desserts together. I will have to find that show, thanks for sharing Becky and have a great day.


Thank You Janae! I needed this post more than you know. Running is a fickle thing, sometimes we are so in love with one another and smitten and other times it seems like I wish for the days when I was swooning over a successful workout. I am so excited for you to meet your little mister or miss! xoxo – Danielle


I am SO happy this was able to help you Danielle. You are just where you need to be right now and whenever you are ready for it… you’ll be back to swooning (love that word) over a successful workout. Thank you friend and I hope you have a beautiful day.


Yesterday I tried the new menu item to chick fil a – fudge brownie. I have always loved their cookies but now they have a brownie. It was delicious and rich. Next time I’ll have milk with it as I felt like I needed that for how rich it was.
I hope running takes me back. I’ve been dealing with planter issues since the spring and just can’t shake it. So I’ve not been able to run.


I MUST try their brownies, I didn’t even know they had them. I am SO so sorry about your plantar, it is so so painful. Running will absolutely 100% take you back when your body is ready for it. What things have you tried for the plantar so far?


I’ve been to the dr and he recommended PT which i did but wasn’t seeing much improvement. I’m scheduled to have an MRI just to make sure we aren’t missing something. I’ve been wearing a boot to sleep in as it was recommended but that’s not helped it either.


Hi Janae! I definitely believe running always takes us back. I actually was able to run faster and longer and more mileage AFTER I tore up my knee and had to learn how to walk again. Mostly because of all the PT I was doing which fixed a lot of issues.
I bought a green Keitt mango yesterday and boy am I excited! I’ve never had a green mango and I decided to splurge on it at the store and now I just have to wait for it to ripen.
Happy Wednesday!


YES YES YES! You came back stronger and faster… I love hearing that. You and your PT worked for it and what an awesome achievement to come back from that. Enjoy every bite of that mango and I might need to go hunt to find one now too. Have a beautiful day, Amy.


needed this today, thank you!!


You are so welcome friend! Have a great day.


Sweet or salty—it depends on my mood. Lately my favorite sweet treat is the dark chocolate peanut butter granola from Love Crunch. I’m a sucker for anything involving those two flavors!


I love granola so much so I am going to have to pick that up at the store. Thanks for sharing Cynthia and have a great day!


Running has taken me back more times than I can count! Through major injury – broken tib/fib, minor injuries or small niggles, or pregnancies when I was just feeling too sick to do anything much less run, after a marathon when my body/mind needed rest, or just on days when I plain didn’t feel like doing it… Running is very forgiving and although sometimes the work is hard to get back to where you were in (or to where you are right now), it’s worth it!


My son has a soft heart and whenever his sister is hurt or mad he will do whatever he can to make her feel better and often he’ll end up in tears too because he feels so bad for her – granted there are plenty of times he’s the one that makes her cry too :)

I’m currently watching Girlfriends Guide to Divorce. I’ve watched The Office so many times I think I’m finally burnt out on it.

How ’bout sweet and salty?!?! I love sea salted dark chocolate.


2020 has been a tough year for me with fitness, especially because our gyms were closed for so long. I love being back at the gym, but I am only lifting 3 days instead of 4-5 days as my school semester is stressful right now. I am slowly making progress as I started over with weights, but I also know with my current stress levels, I don’t need to push myself to injury. Right now I am just grateful my gym is able to be open even if I have to work out while wearing a mask which is a whole new challenge. Hoping that next year I can work on powerlifting again as I finish school in the spring. I also think this is my hardest semester and hopefully the last semester will not be as challenging as this one has been. Thanks for the positivity and motivation as always.


I love this. Agree, I’ve been injured on and off the past few years, this past winter and spring I couldn’t run for 6 months. Felt like I would never get back to running much; now I’m back to regular mileage and faster speeds.

Sweet tooth probably. Last treat was last night – buttermilk donuts. Notice the S (plural).


We just finished watching the first season of Virgin River on Netflix!! Highly recommend it!


Love this post and you are so right, running will always take us back! I had to take over 6 months off because of amenorrhea (caused by exercising too much/eating too little) and when I recovered I came back heavier, stronger, faster and happier!!

Have a restaurant that you could eat at every day if you could?! – I like variation! There are so many good options out there..

What was the last treat you had? Do you have a sweet tooth or are you more about the salty? – I literally just finished a cinnamon bun with my coffee this morning, soooo good!! More a sweet tooth for sure but I love salty things too ;)

Last tv show that you watched? – Documentary on the effects of social media

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